Central Bucks School District

Sociology | Wiley | Race Mix, D___Name:Instructions: Go to my teacher site and click on the “Race Mix” link. I suggest using Firefox as opposed to Internet Explorer. You’ll need to enter in your school username and password to access the mix. This program allows you to click through slides at your own pace. Your job is to take notes (fill in blanks) and respond to any prompts. Note: Teachers can see who is in the mix and for how long; you will lose points if you are not doing the mix properly.Defining RaceGroups of people identified as distinct from others, due to _______________________________________________________ in the groupEven today, many believe that someone’s race indicates invisible differences below the skin, but this is a mythScientists agree: there is no genetic basis for what we describe socially/historically as “race”There is as much or more genetic variation within a so-called race than between themHow do scientists explain this? take notes below as you listen to the commentary:Defining Racism“Racism is a doctrine or teaching, without scientific support, that does three things. First, it claims to find racial differences in things like character and intelligence. Second, racism asserts the superiority of one race over another or others. Finally, it seeks to maintain that dominance through a complex system of beliefs, behaviors, use of language and policies. Racism ranges from the individual to the institutional level and reflects and enforces a pervasive view, in white dominated U.S. culture, that people of color are inferior to whites. Racism can manifest itself in terms of individual behavior through hate crimes, or in __________________________________________________________. Racism might manifest in individual language through the use of slurs, or in institutional policy through a school’s selection of Eurocentric textbooks.” (Southern Poverty Law Center) “Racism can be defined simply as any policy, belief, attitude, action or inaction, that ______________________________ [treat or regard as of lesser importance than something else] individuals or groups based on their race.” Dr. Rowan Wolf (sociologist)Questions: Respond to one of the following questions:Based on these definitions, do you believe our society can be defined as “racist”? Why or why not?It was discovered that some schools in Texas used textbooks that called slaves in America “involuntary workers”? Is this racism or something else?Defining Ethnicity__________________________________, including nationality, ancestry, and languageGroups whose members identify with each other on basis of common cultural traditionsSkin ColorImportant HistoryImportant FactsEarly humans in Africa struggle to keep cool adaptation increase in sweat glands and decrease in body hair perspiration evaporates more easily and body cools BUT now exposed to strong sun! adaptation skin becomes darker through ____________________________________________ (brown pigment), to protect against too much of the sun’s damaging raysMigrations to colder geographic zones adaptation __________________________________________________________ essential vitamin D from sunSkin color is fluid/continuous; ___________________________________________________Genes involved in skin color are incredibly small in contrast to our other genesSociologists and RaceHow does race effect how we see ourselves?How does being a member of a “race” shape our ___________________________________________________ in life?How is race connected to inequality?How do ______________________________ give advantages to some racial groups and disadvantages to others?To what extent is there implicit and explicit racism in our society?How do we learn about race through the socialization process?Recent Studies on RaceSame resume, white or black name whites _____% more likely to get callbackWhite men with felony convictions > black men w/similar qualifications and ______________ record Drs. ____________ likely to recommend helpful procedures to black patients w/condition identical to whitesBlacks routinely passed over in housing marketWhite ____________________________ less likely to respond to black-sounding constituentsAll-white jury 20% ______________likely to convict black defendant than white; w/just 1 black juror equal rate of convictionBlack and white man commit same crime black men receive _____% longer prison sentencesBlack and white individuals have same __________________ score black people more likely to get _______________________ for mortgage loanWhites use drugs at much ___________________ rate than blacks, but blacks are arrested much more than whitesQuestion: If you consider yourself anything besides black (so white, Latino, Indian, etc.), consider how you would feel in light of all of these recent studies if you were black. If you consider yourself black, what are you hoping your non-black peers will take away from this information?Video—Race StatisticsPause the video as you find stats that are especially intriguing, shocking, or sad. Record a few in your notes.44113451016000Video—Race Studies with ChildrenSummarize the results of this race study and record your reactions/questions.Racism: Past in PresentRampant racism of our past plus forms of racism that persist today (see “Recent Studies” slide), carry __________________________________________ effectsHousing ExampleWealth DisparityBlacks were systematically kept out of housing market until very recently; were denied the primary means of _______________________________________; schools suffered, since the primary source of funding for schools is _______________________________________Meanwhile, 15 million __________________________________________ in the post-WWII era (white privilege)What were the results? Many whites were able to mobilize economically and socially, while many blacks were stuck in bad neighborhoods with deteriorating schools White Americans hold about _____% of the country’s wealth and make up about 64% of the populationBlack Americans hold about 2.5% of the country’s wealth and make up about 13% of the populationThis wealth gap didn’t come about by accident or because of a disparity in work ethicInstead, it’s because blacks:were kept out of the housing market were _________________________________________________ for much of US history, which severely limits economic opportunity disproportionally _________________________________________________ (K-12), which severely limits economic opportunity Video—Philadelphia School DistrictWatch this clip from some majority-black schools in the Philadelphia School District. Consider what opportunities these students are getting in contrast to the ones before you. Question: Record your reaction to this video clip. Based on your experiences in CB and what you saw in the video, how "fair" is our treatment of students across the country? Are all students being treated equal? Should they?right-444500Explicit Racism: The Ku Klux KlanAn explicitly racist white supremacist hate group in operation since the _________Has targeted blacks, Jews, Catholics, and other immigrant groups______________________ of members todayVideo—The KKK TodayRecord notes and your reaction to the video:right19000Confederate Flag Debate The recent racist massacre in a SC church has tipped the balance in a decades-old tug of war over the meaning of the Confederate flag (along with Confederate monuments)Its champions argue it’s a symbol of Southern culture, pride, and states’ rights, while critics say it’s a racist symbol that represents a ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Once the Civil War ended, the flag largely disappeared…until the middle of the 20th century, when the South _____________________________________________________ and supported segregationReasons for Secession—Primary Accounts (important context for flag debate)“Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery—the greatest material interest of the world. . . . [A] blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. . . . There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union.” (Mississippi Secession Convention, 1861)“Slavery . . . was the _______________________________ of the late rupture and present revolution.” (Vice President of the Confederacy, Alexander Stephens)Question: Considering the history, is it "racist" to fly the Confederate Flag? Explain.Racial PreferenceMajority white communities __________________________________ policies of racial preference for historically marginalized people of color But consider:From __________________________, whites received racial preference in every walk of lifeMany whites continue to benefit from wealth inherited at a time when people of color by and large could notSociologists remind us that racism is not simply about putting some at a disadvantage; its corollary aspect is _________________________________________ for others 55568852476500University of Michigan: Case Study University has a ______-point evaluation scaleAwards 20 points to black, Latino, or Native American students “______________________________”Why is our society quick to respond in ___________________ to those 20 points, but fails to see all the ways in which _____________________ are given preference in the same evaluation scale?See list of white preferences belowMichigan awards 20 points to any student from a low-income background, BUT those 20 points CANNOT be combined with the 20 points awarded for black, Latino, or Native American status. As such, this low-income 20 pointer is effectively a preference for poor whites—they are the only ones who get it. Then Michigan awards 16 points to students who hail from the Upper Peninsula of the state: a rural, largely isolated, and almost completely white area. 10 points are awarded to students who attended top-notch high schools, and another 8 points to those who took an especially demanding AP and honors curriculum. As with points for those from the Upper Peninsula, these preferences may be race-neutral in theory, but in practice they are anything but students of color rarely attend those “best schools” and on average, schools serving mostly black and Latino students offer only a third as many AP and honors courses as schools serving mostly whites. 4 more points are awarded to students who have a parent who attended U of M: this too can be seen as a racial preference, since alumni were historically white since blacks were excluded from higher education. Key idea: Yes, a black, Latino, or Native American student can get the 20 points we first spoke of, but various other combinations add up to an extra 60 points for students who will almost all be WHITE. But while the first of these is seen as racial preference for blacks, all the other awards are not, hidden behind the structure of social inequity. Question:Studies?show that students benefit, both academically and personally, from an education in a multicultural environment; that learning by dialogue across similarities and differences of belief, theory, experiences, race, ethnicity, etc., enhances one’s ability to reason, collaborate, problem-solve, and think critically and empathetically. On average, students in multicultural learning environments (from elementary to graduate and professional schools) make larger academic improvements over time and find more joy in their learning. For this reason, many colleges and universities prefer to build racially, ethnically, and religiously diverse student bodies; they recognize the educational value of diversity and view student and faculty diversity as an essential resource for optimizing teaching and learning. Should universities be permitted to continue using race as?one (of many)?considerations in the admission process? You might also think about some of the other considerations colleges make with regards to diversity—ethnicity, religion, socio-economic class, etc. Are these appropriate considerations? Mention specific points from this mix in your response.385299915272100The Crime of Indifference“The real crime of which white America is now most guilty is not racism. It is indifference.”In every generation, white people have said that racial discrimination is _______________________________________________In 1962, ______% of white people believed that black children received equal educationSociologists urge us to see discrimination and white racial preference that is ingrained in our societyStereotypes about RaceTo highlight the ways in which we absorb stereotypes about race even if we do not consciously believe them, your task is to write a short dialogue between Voice 1: a bigot/racist (they’ve picked up all the many stereotypes about different racial groups) and Voice 2: someone who believes stereotyping and bigotry is wrong. Let Voice 1 spew out all these stereotypes; you may well find them offensive or be ashamed to have them in your head, but the whole point of the exercise is to come to terms with what stereotypes we’ve been taught, directly and indirectly. Dialogue:(Dialogue continued—if need more space)Reflection: Where, or from whom, did you learn the ideas each voice articulated? Which voice was easier to give voice to, and why? How can stereotypes be unlearned?1876178318548100 ................

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