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Test 11.A sphygmomanometer is a device that measures which of the following?Grip strengthBody fat percentageIntra-abdominal pressureBlood pressureNone of the above?2.A Q-angle of >25 degrees may predispose an athlete to what postural deviation?Excessive genu varusExcessive genu valgusGenu recurvatumCoxa valgusCoxa vara?3.All of the following are factors in lower extremity overuse syndromes in runners except:Poor footwearPoor postureChange in surfaceShort stridesA and B4.All of the following questions are significant when screening a young athlete for an underlying cardiac abnormality except:Does the athlete have chest pain with activity?Does the athlete have a family history of sudden cardiac death in a family member under age 50?Does the athlete have numbness or tingling in either or both hands in cold weather?Does the athlete have a history of a “racing heart?”Does the athlete have a previous history of heart problems??5.During a preparticipation physical, the team physician comes across a basketball player with the following profile: The athlete is tall with an arm span greater than his height, pectus carinatum or excavatum, high-arched palate, and myopia. What is the probable diagnosis?Paget’s diseaseMilch diseaseAddison’s diseaseGigantismMarfan syndrome6.An athlete’s pulmonary function is tested via spirometry. Several measurements are taken during this test. What is the maximum amount of air that can be expired after a maximum inspiration called?Maximum expiratory flow rateForced expiratory volumeVital capacityTidal volumeResidual volume7.During a preparticipation physical, an athlete is diagnosed with myopia. What is this athlete’s problem?Double visionFarsightednessBlindness in one eyeNearsightednessNone of the above8.All of the following are functions of the liver except:Carbohydrate metabolismDetoxification of bloodProtein synthesisDetoxification of urineBile production9.All of the following functions contribute to the athlete’s ability to maintain a steady state during periods of increased metabolic needs while exercising except:Pulmonary diffusionVascular adaptationPhysical condition of the involved musclesA high-protein pre-event mealA and C?10.One method of estimating body fat has been through the use of skin-fold measurements at four sites. These four sites include all of the following except:BicepsTricepsSuprailiacSuprascapularNone of the above11.In hot, wet environments, the athlete’s ability to adjust to a significantly increased cardiovascular workload is limited by which factor?HypoxiaHypervolemiaDehydrationHypernatremiaInability to dissipate heat by evaporation12.When testing the physical conditioning of an athlete, the coach asks the athlete to sprint 50 yards. What does this test?Aerobic enduranceVital capacityLower extremity powerPowerAnaerobic capacity13.What is the definition of power?Power = work x forcePower = speed x distancePower = force x distancePower = work x velocityPower = work x distance??14.During prolonged, intense training and conditioning of an athlete, what cardiac change may occur over a period of time?Development of heart murmursDevelopment of premature ventricular contractions (PVCs)Increase in heart sizeDecrease in heart sizeMitral valve prolapse?15.If it was determined that a 25-year-old athlete should work at 80% of his maximal heart rate, what would be his target heart rate?170 beats per minute (BPM)156 BPM145 BPM140 BPM130 BPM?16.How long (generally) should a “warm-up” be to adequately prepare the body for athletic performance?5 to 10 minutes35 to 45 minutes60 minutes10 to 15 minutes45 to 60 minutes?17.On the average, a college athlete expends between _____ to ______ calories per day.4000 to 5000 2000 to 3000 2500 to 3000 2200 to 44001000 to 180018.An athlete’s diet should consist of approximately _____ protein, _____ fat, and _____ carbohydrate.12% to 15%, 40% to 50%, 55% to 70%10% to 20%, 30% to 40%, 50% to 70%5% to 10%, 30% to 45%, 60% to 80%25% to 35%, 55% to 65%, 70% to 90%45% to 55%, 10% to 20%, 45% to 55%?19.The pre-event meal should be planned by whom?The coachThe athleteThe athletic trainerA & BAll of the above?20.The pre-event meal should be eaten ____ to ____ hours before competition to ensure proper digestion.2 to 3 hours3 to 4 hours5 to 6 hours6 to 8 hours1 to 2 hours21.A positive Thompson’s sign is indicative of what problem?Tight hip flexorTight iliotibial bandRuptured anterior tibialis tendonRuptured posterior tibialis tendonRuptured achilles’ tendon?22.Which of the following is a simple movement to check the integrity of the radial nerve?Elbow flexionWrist extensionForearm supinationThumb-to-little finger oppositionShoulder flexion?23.A grade I ankle inversion sprain involves which structure?Tibiofibular ligamentPosterior talofibular ligamentCalcaneofibular ligamentAnterior talofibular ligamentSpring ligament24.You are covering a football game when two players collide. You notice that one player grabs his neck and shakes his arm. When you examine him, he complains of lateral neck discomfort and a feeling of “numbness” or “burning” down his arm. His arm is hanging limp by his side. In a few minutes, the symptoms subside. What do you suspect? Carpal tunnel syndromeLong thoracic nerve injuryA “burner” or pinched nerve syndromeDorsal scapular nerve injuryThoracic outlet syndrome?25.Which test, if positive, is indicative of a torn posterior cruciate ligament?Sag signAnterior drawer signMcMurray’s signOber’s signLachman’s sign26.At what point should the athletic trainer’s initial evaluation of an injury begin?At the moment the injury is witnessedOnce the athlete has been stabilized in the athletic training roomOnce the athletic trainer receives a medical referral from a doctorAfter the athlete is seen by the team doctorB and D?27.Which scale is important in assessing the severity of a head injury?Beck’s Orientation ScaleRomberg’s Cognition ScaleRanchos Los Amigos Amnesia ScaleIntracranial Pressure ScaleNone of the above?28.What quick test can be performed to check if nerve root L5 is intact?Have the athlete flex his or her hip while standingHave the athlete walk on his or her toesHave the athlete extend his or her great toeHave the athlete extend his or her hipHave the athlete flex his or her knee?29.A positive Phalen’s sign is suspect of what problem?Tarsal tunnel syndromeLong thoracic nerve injuryThoracic outlet syndromeSuprascapular entrapment syndromeCarpal tunnel syndrome30.Trendelenburg’s test is a method used to evaluate the competence of what structures?Hip flexorsPeroneal musclesHip abductors Erector spinae Abdominals?31.What evaluative test is used to examine the integrity of the lateral collateral ligament of the knee?Pivot shift testValgus stress testLachman’s testVarus stress testNone of the above?32.What does a positive drop-arm sign indicate?Posterior shoulder subluxationTorn rotator cuff muscleAxillary nerve injuryA labral tearHumeral head fracture?33.If there is inflammation at the site of the medial epicondyle of the elbow, which of the following would be positive?Tennis elbow testGolfer’s elbow testTinel’s signFinkelstein’s testAllen’s test?34.All of the following are signs of an injury except:Change in skin color or textureChange in body temperatureChange in blood pressureComplaint of headachesChange in respiratory rate?rmation gained during the palpation phase of the athletic trainer’s initial assessment might include all of the following except:Presence of crepitusSensory functionPresence of a deformityDegree of functional movementA and B36.During an upper quarter screen, checking the strength of thumb extension correlates to what nerve root?T1T3C5C4C837.A positive “clunk” test is indicative of what pathology? Unstable ankleOlecranon fractureMeniscus tear of the kneeGlenoid labrum tearAnterior cruciate ligament tear?38.A baseball player comes to see the athletic trainer and is complaining of diffuse pain, clicking, and a sensation of “slipping” of his right shoulder when throwing. What pathology might the athletic trainer suspect with this type of presentation?Torn rotator cuffThrower’s exostosisAC joint pathologyLabral pathologyBicipital tendinitis?39.Two major symptoms of a spontaneous pneumothorax include _______ and _______.Bradycardia, cyanosisSudden chest pain, dyspneaApnea with rales, rhonchiLeft shoulder pain, cyanosisDiaphoresis, bradycardia?40.The _______ pulse and _______ pulse should be palpated after an acute traumatic injury to the knee area to make sure the peripheral circulation to the involved limb is adequate.Posterior tibial, dorsalis pedisAnterior tibial, plantarSaphenous, dorsalis pedisFemoral, posterior tibialFemoral, popliteal41.All of the following drugs may be used with phonophoresis during the acute phase of treatment except:DexamethasoneHydrocortisone 1%LidocaineNaproxenHydrocortisone 10%?42.One of your athletes has been diagnosed with psoriasis. All of the following medications are appropriate for treatment of this condition except:AristocortKenalogTopicortBetadineA and B?43.Which of the following is not a medication that is delivered via a metered-dose inhaler for exercise-induced asthma (EIA)?ProventilAlupentAtroventVentolinButisol44.What medication is often used for anxiety or panic attacks?ZantacXanaxThorazineProzacNone of the above?45.What is the primary mode of action of penicillin?Increases the number of T-lymphocytes in the bloodstreamInhibits the metabolism of the bacteriaPrevents bacterial reproductionBreaks down the cell wall of the bacteriaPrevents viral reproduction?46.Which of the following is considered a medical emergency?Acute compartment syndromeNavicular fractureBulimiaMitral valve prolapseCellulitis?47.All of the following treatments would be inappropriate for an acute quadriceps contusion except:Light massagePulsed ultrasoundIce massage followed by gentle stretchIce pack with compression wrap with the knee in flexionHeat pack and massage?48.Deep frostbite is a medical emergency. What would the proper course of treatment be for this problem?Very slow, careful rewarming of the body part with warm waterFirm, sustained pressure of the hand on the affected body partRapid rewarming of the affected body part with warm waterQuick friction in order to increase local circulationNone of the above49.During which of the circumstances below should an athlete be immediately referred to a dentist?I.The tooth is knocked outII.When a tooth is displaced 2 mm or moreIII.When a crown is fractured and the tooth is still aliveIV.When a filling is knocked out or fractured and the athlete is sensitive to hot or cold foodV.When an artificial plate is broken during competitionI, II, IIII, II, III, VI, VII, III, IVI, III, IV?50.A male athlete sustains a direct blow to the genital area. How can the athletic trainer immediately decrease the pain?Use an ice pack to the area with the athlete in supine, knees in extensionUse direct pressure on the testesHave the athlete lie supine with his knees bent to his chest to decrease the strain on the scrotum and apply ice to the affected areaHave the athlete lie on his side with his knees extendedPlace a moist heat pack over the area?51.When performing two-person CPR on an adult, what is the correct compression-to-breath ratio?5:230:215:15:12:5?52.Shock after a severe injury can result from _______ or _______.Pain, increased blood pressureDecreased heart rate, infectionHemorrhage, hypothermiaHemorrhage, stagnation of bloodIncreased heart rate, pain?53.An athlete who had been diagnosed with infectious mononucleosis has just been cleared by the team doctor to return to full activity. How long should the athlete remain out of contact participation from the time of onset to the time of full recovery?2 weeksAt least 3 weeks6 monthsA maximum of 6 weeksMinimum of 2 months?54.A rugby player sustains a confirmed head injury during a game and had been removed from the game. All of the following are symptoms/signs of increasing intracerebral pressure that the athletic trainer should monitor except:Nausea and vomitingPupil irregularityIncrease in systolic blood pressure with decrease in diastolic blood pressureRomberg’s signChanges in cognition?55.If an athlete is unconscious from a blow to the head, he or she should be assumed to have a neck injury in addition to a possible head injury. If the airway appears to be impaired, all of the following would be appropriate steps in management except:Cut the face mask with an appropriate tool and move it out of the wayLeave the helmet onStabilize the head and neckDo a finger sweep of the mouth to remove any debris and clear the airwayActivate EMS?56.During the foreign body airway obstruction maneuver, the athletic trainer should grasp one fist with the other hand and place the thumb side of the fist where?On the abdomen between the xyphoid process and the umbilicusOn the manubriumOn the abdomen between the umbilicus and the symphysis pubisBetween the scapulaNone of the above57.An athlete is brought into the athletic training room with a 2.5-inch nail embedded in his foot. All of the following actions are appropriate in the treatment of this injury except:Immediately remove the nail from the footKeep the athlete calmPack the nail and foot as they are in a large dressing to help control the bleeding and stabilize the objectTransport the athlete to the hospital with the nail still embedded in the footVerify that the athlete’s tetanus shot is current?58.Which of the measures below are appropriate steps in the management of an athlete who is experiencing a seizure?I.Keep spectators out of the wayII.Protect the patient’s head and body from injuryIII.Turn the patient on his or her sideIV.If the athlete is in status epilepticus or it is a first seizure, immediately seek further medical supportV.Try to keep the athlete’s mouth open by any means to prevent airway obstructionVI.Call the athlete’s next of kin to inform him or her of the problem and of the care givenII, IV, V, VII, II, III, IVII, III, IV, VII, II, IV, VIII, IV,V,VI ?59.It is critical that CPR be administered as soon as possible during a life-threatening situation. In what amount of time is brain damage likely to occur if the brain is deprived of oxygen?2 to 4 minutes10 to 12 minutes4 to 6 minutes10 minutes After 15 minutes?60.During CPR, it is most convenient and efficient to monitor the athlete’s circulation by palpating the carotid artery. Where is the pulse located?In the groove between the larynx and the sternocleidomastoid muscleBetween the mastoid process and pharynxAt the base of the neck superior to the manubrium2 inches below the base of the earlobe on the side of the neckAntecubital fossa of the elbow61.What does “extension lag” mean?Ability to only flex the kneeInability to fully backward bend (lumbar movement)One leg drags behind the other during gaitInability to fully extend the kneeInability to fully extend the hip?62.What is the best method of determining the recovery status of the hand and forearm after a flexor injury?Use of a KT-1000 arthrometerAssessing the strength of a handshakeManual muscle testing of the wristUse of a hand dynamometerEMG Testing?63.Which of the following is the correct sequence of tissue healing?Cellular response, regeneration, remodelingRemodeling, regeneration, cellular responseRejection, regeneration, resolutionRegeneration, resolution, remodelingNone of the above?64.What amount of time may it take for complete remodeling of tissues to occur after a soft tissue injury?1 to 3 months6 to 9 months4 to 6 weeks12 to 24 monthsUp to 1 year ?65.Where is the primary location for adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production in skeletal muscle?SarcomereSarcoplasmSarcolemmaSarcoplasmic reticulumMitochondria66.Sensory receptors located at the musculotendinous junction, which monitor active tension generated by the muscle during a contraction, are called:Pacinian corpusclesRuffinian receptorsGolgi tendon organsMuscle spindlesContractile sensory receptors?67.Which of the following describes a neurapraxia?Demyelination of the axon sheath that leads to a conduction block. Usually heals in approximately 1 to 2 weeksLoss or disruption of the axon and myelin sheath. The epineurium is still intactAn injury to the endoneurium, perineurium, and epineurium with a permanent neurological deficitA crush injury to a nerve causing damage to the epineurium. The perineurium is intactNone of the above?68.Bone grows via a process of apposition and resorption on its surface. Which of the following cells are responsible for the resorption of bone during its growth or repair?OsteoblastsOsteocytesOsteophilsOsteoclastsNone of the above?69.Why is the repair response so limited in the articular cartilage of a joint after an injury in the adult athlete?Articular cartilage cells do not undergo mitosis in the mature athleteArticular cartilage has a poor venous supplyArticular cartilage has a low water contentThere are fewer mitochondria present in articular cartilage than in hyaline cartilageAll of the above?70.What are the four sensations an athlete will experience with the application of cryotherapy?Cold, burning, cramping, numbnessPain, aching, stinging, coldAching, burning, pain, numbnessCold, burning, aching, numbnessCold, burning, stinging, aching71.The effects of treating a subacute musculoskeletal injury with a warm whirlpool include all of the following except:AnalgesiaStimulation of local circulationDecreased muscle spasmIncreased deep tissue temperatureDecreased joint stiffness?72.Which cells are active after an injury to begin building collagen?OsteocytesOsteoblastsGranulocytesOsteoclastsFibroblasts?73.Heat is dissipated in the body by all of the following except:ShiveringConvectionThe lungsSweat evaporationVasodilation74.External muscular force available for useful work is the result of all of the following factors except:The velocity of muscular shorteningWhether the muscle is fast or slow twitchThe angle of the pull of the muscleThe length of the muscleC and D?75.Balance and coordination are critical for athletic performance. Feedback from the muscles as to what they are doing during a particular activity is known as _______. The area of the brain that assists in controlling movement is the _______.Proprioception, brainstemMuscle perception, medullaKinesthesia, cortexProprioception, cerebellumKinesthesia, cerebrum?76.What is a stretching exercise that consists of a “stretch and hold” position called?Static stretchPNF patternBallistic stretchWarm-upB and C77.If hyperventilation does not adequately increase the oxygen supply in the blood during aerobic exercise, what must occur to meet the gas exchange demands?Increased cardiac outputDecreased cardiac outputSupplemental iron pills must be providedThe activity must be discontinuedNone of the above?78.An injured athlete is led through a therapeutic mental process in which he pictures himself being evaluated by the athletic trainer and assured the injury is not serious. He then pictures himself moving through rehabilitation, recovering nicely, and, finally, returning to his sport fully healed. What is this therapeutic approach to the recovery process called?RegressionThought stoppingBiofeedbackMeditationVisualization?79.What must the athletic trainer establish with the athlete prior to and during the rehabilitation in order for the rehabilitation of an injured athlete to be successful?A good rapportA position of dominanceA deadline by which the athlete must return to full-time participation in his or her sportThe understanding that the coach has the final decision in his or her rehabilitation sessionsB and C?80.A basketball player who has sprained her ankle for the second time in 3 months reports to the athletic training room for her third treatment session. The athletic trainer notices she is demanding and wants to know why the athletic trainer “did not fix her ankle the right way the first time.” She becomes somewhat threatening, stating that she will find someone else to help her if she is not successfully helped this time. What would be the best response to an attention-seeking athlete?Give up and let her seek help elsewhereWork with the athlete as long as necessary to satisfy her need for attentionSet specific but reasonable time limits with the athlete per treatment session so the athletic trainer is not overtaxedEncourage the athlete to take a more positive position on her rehabilitation and use humor to divert her attention away from the injuryNone of the above81.All of the following forms are critical parts of the athlete’s permanent medical record and should be completed before the athlete is permitted to participate in the first team practice except:Permission-to-treat formPreparticipation physical examination formRelease form for athletes subjected to high riskCoach’s injury report formMedical history form?82.How would you define a policy?A specific plan for members of an organization to followA broad statement of an intended actionAn organizational plan that provides program direction for 1 or 2 yearsA mission statement of an organizationA vision statement of an organization?83.What general topics should be addressed in an athletic training education program policies and procedures manual?Who the athletic training program will serveFacility use and maintenanceRisk management plansChains of command and supervisionAll of the above?84.Maintaining up-to-date records is extremely important. How often should the athletic trainer document?MonthlyWeeklyDailyEvery 6 monthsEvery 2 weeks?85.An athletic trainer can release an athlete’s medical records to which of the following?Professional athletic team organizationsInsurance companiesThe mediaNo organization or individual without the consent of the athlete or legal guardianB and C86.A high school athlete is pitching during a baseball game and is hit in the head with a line drive. He is seriously injured. The assistant coach is also the athlete’s father. In this situation, who is legally responsible for the athlete’s immediate care?The head coachThe assistant coach/parentThe athletic trainerThe high school at which the event is taking placeAll of the above?87._______ is a form of record keeping that allows the athletic trainer to list the athlete’s injury information, the actions taken by the athletic trainer, and the response of the athlete to the athletic trainer’s treatment in column form.SOAP notesFocus chartingCharting by exceptionComputerized documentationWOTS UP?88.You have been given the opportunity to assist in hiring a new team physician. What type of agreement should be drawn up between the school and the physician?School emergency systems agreementA noncompete agreementA medical consent agreementA physician’s letter of agreementLiability contract agreement?89.Which of the following best describes an athletic trainer in a nontraditional athletic training setting?ControllerOrganizerDirectorPlannerManager??90.What guidelines does the athletic trainer have to follow regarding maintaining proper hygiene and sanitation in the athletic training room?Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)American Medical Association (AMA)Rehabilitation Accreditation Commission (CARF)Occupational Safety and Health Administra-tion (OSHA)Commission of the Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE)?91.Which of the following organizations establishes standards of quality for organizations that provide rehabilitative services?JCAHOAMAAPTAOSHACARF?92.All of the following are components of a well-written SOAP note except:It is legible, clear, and conciseIt contains many objective measurementsProgress is expressed in functional termsIt is written with the intent to mislead an insurance companyIt describes a clear plan of treatment93.Which of the following documents would be most likely subpoenaed during a civil litigation suit against an athletic trainer?Equipment inventoryTreatment logBudget reportsSporting event schedulesProof of ATC credentials and certifications?94.Fixed payments made on a monthly basis to a managed care provider are known as what type of reimbursement? Point-of-service planFee for serviceThird-party reimbursementCapitationManaged Care Option?95.Which of the following forms should the athletic trainer fill out to gain the quickest reimbursement from an insurance company?HCFA-1500 formCPT 1-A formUCR formAn incident report formNone of the above?96.The athletic trainer may use any of the following to treat an injured or ill athlete except:Prescription drugHydrotherapyCryotherapyElectrotherapyMassage?97.Maintaining accurate medical records is the responsibility of which of the following individuals in the high school setting?I.Athletic trainerII.Athletic directorIII.PrincipalIV.School nurseV.Team physicianI, II, IIIII, IV, VIII, IV, VI, IV, VAll of the above?98.What type of analysis would be considered a useful tool in the strategic planning of an existing athletic training program?The HICFA analysisThe strengths/weaknesses analysisThe WOTS-UP analysisThe Samson analysisFlow chart analysis??99.What is the primary care physician who is appointed by an insurance company to oversee the medical care given to an athlete and assigns any specialty and ancillary services called?The gatekeeperThe participating providerThe third-party administratorThe policy holderNone of the above?100.The _____ is a charge that represents the maximum amount that an insurance company will pay a provider.HCFANCRADACPTUCR All of the following are considered “Descriptive Study Designs” EXCEPT:Case Reports Case SeriesTime SeriesCross- Sectional StudiesRetrospective ReportsAll of the following are databases commonly used by healthcare professional EXCEPT:Google ScholarCochrane DatabaseCumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health CareMedlineJefflineControlled vocabulary searching utilizes which of the following? Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)KeywordsA Boolean OperatorA Mapping FeatureNone of the aboveData is classified as all of the following EXCEPT:NominalOrdinalDependentIntervalRatioA variable that is measured by an investigator is known as:An Independent VariableA Dependent Variable A Hypothesis A Null VariableNone of the AboveA statement made by an investigator indicating his/her expectations about the differences or relationships among variables being investigated in known as:A HypothesisA Null HypothesisA Research HypothesisA Differential HypothesisA Descriptive HypothesisData that are continuous and primarily cluster around a central valve, such as the mean, is known as what?SkewnessQuantitative DataBell CurveNormal Distribution Homogeneity of VarianceResearchers use a threshold valve, known as ___ to determine if the results of a study are significant.Q ValveA Beta LevelConfidence Interval Standard DeviationSignificance Level A Type I error is made during a research project when: A Researcher makes an incorrect decision to REJECT the Null Hypothesis when it is actually true.A Researcher makes an incorrect decision to ACCEPT the Null Hypothesis.A Researcher makes an incorrect decision to REJECT the Research Hypothesis is when it is actually true.A Researcher makes an incorrect decision to ACCEPT the Research Hypothesis. A Researcher makes a correct decision to ACCEPT the Research Hypothesis. 110.What type of waveform is produced when the current flow direction reverses on regular intervals?Galvanic currentPulsed currentAlternating currentFaradic currentNone of the above111.The temperature of a thermometer reading is given in degrees Celsius. What formula must be used to convert the temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit?(Temperature in Fahrenheit – 32) x 5/9(Temperature in Celsius – 32) x 5/9(Temperature in Celsius x 9/5) + 32(Temperature in Celsius + 32) x 5/9None of the above112.What is the impedance of an electrical circuit?The pathway in which a current will flowThe magnitude of the current flowThe resistance within the circuitThe direction of current flowThe frequency of current flow113.An athlete is evaluated by the athletic trainer and it is determined that he has acute supraspinatus tendinitis. Which of the following modalities is not appropriate to decrease pain and inflammation of the tendon?PhonophoresisIontophoresisIce packsIce massageMoist heat packs114.The strength of a current flow is known as what?RheobaseResistanceAmperageVoltageNone of the above115.According to Poiseuille’s law, the _______ and _______ of a blood vessel are very critical in terms of resistance to blood flow.Length, radiusMuscle type, contractilityLength, thicknessDirection, temperatureDirection, radius116.Which of the following intensities is considered medium intensity when treating an area with ultrasound?0.8 to 1.5 watts per square cm1.5 to 2.0 watts per square cmto 3.0 total watts5.0 to 8.0 total watts<?0.8 watts per square cm117.How far from the skin surface should the ultrasound transducer head be kept when utilizing the underwater technique?Between 1 and 3 inches3 inches5 inches0.5 to 1 inch from the skin surface3 to 5 inches118.At what concentrations is topical hydrocortisone available over the counter?1% and 5%0.25% and 1%1.5% and 2%10% and 15%2% and 5%119.The use of a reusable cold pack may significantly increase the possibility of frostbite because of which of the following?The chemicals in the packs are caustic to the skinWet toweling significantly drops the skin temperatureReusable cold packs cause anesthesia after 10 minutesIt decreases the cellular metabolic rateIt may lower the skin temperature below the freezing point120.Although ice bags are the most commonly used modality in the treatment of acute injuries, a drawback of this modality may be which of the following?They leak easilyThey take longer to cool the skin than reusable ice packsIce machines are expensive and their cost may be too prohibitiveIce takes a long time to make on a regular basisIce machines tend to be unreliable121.Massage can be used as an effective modality to control pain because it activates which of the following?Central nervous system and chemosensitive receptorsParasympathetic nervous system and mechanosensitive receptorsParasympathetic nervous system and the pacinian receptorsAutonomic nervous system and the pacinian receptorsAutonomic nervous system and chemosensitive receptors122.Contraindications for joint mobilization include all of the following except:Acute inflammationOsteoporosisMalignancyInfectionJoint hypomobility123.During rehabilitation, closed-chain exercises are recommended because they do all of the following except:Stimulate proprioceptorsIncrease joint stabilityIsolate a specific muscle group for strengtheningReduce shear forcesIncrease muscle co-contraction124.“Rehabilitation” includes all of the following components except:Assessment of level of function/dysfunctionOrganization and interpretation of results of the initial evaluationFormulation of patient problemsEstablishment of long- and short-term goalsDiagnosis of the patient’s condition125.High-voltage pulsed stimulation may be used as an adjunct treatment in controlling acute and chronic pain through which 2 mechanisms?Gate control and opiate release mechanismsGate control and histamine release mechanismsAnalgesia production and counterirritationEdema control and spasm reductionStimulation of both motor and sensory nerves126.When using massage to reduce edema in an extremity, the athletic trainer should begin the technique ______________ and move ______________.Medially, laterallyProximally, distallyDistally, proximallyDeeply, superficiallySuperficially, deeply127.The condition intertrigo is treated by which of the following?Application of a topical astringentApplication of a topical antibioticThere is no known treatment for intertrigoApplication of a warm compressApplication of a cold compress, cleaning the area with mild soap and water, followed by the application of a soothing ointment128.When using ultrasound under water, a rubber-type basin should be used. Which of the following is the reason this technique should not be performed in a metal basin or whirlpool?Cavitation may occurThe ultrasound transmission is significantly increasedMinerals in the water block the transmission of the ultrasound energyUltrasound energy is reflected off metal and may damage the transducer headUltrasound energy is reflected off metal, increasing the intensity in various areas near the metal129.The rules, standards, and principles that dictate proper conduct among members of a society or profession are known as which of the following?Rights of conductCode of conductMoralityProfessional demeanorEthics130.Which of the following is not one of the 5 principles of the NATA Code of Ethics?“Members shall respect the rights, welfare, and dignity of all individuals”“Members shall not engage in any form of conduct that constitutes a conflict of interest or that adversely reflects on the profession”“Members shall not release confidential information under any circumstance”“Members shall accept responsibility for the exercise of sound judgment”A and B131.All of the following are components of outcome assessment methods from the Agreement-Trust Matrix except:Patient chart documentationInternal chart auditsRandomized clinical trialsPatient review A and D132.All of the following are advantages of inspection-production supervision except:Helps ensure goal achievementsSets well-defined limits on job behaviorDocuments input and output of a sports medicine clinicEnhances common understanding of athletic rolesA and D133.What does it mean when one fails to act when there is a legal duty to do so?NegligenceMalpracticeCommissionMisdemeanorOmission134.Which word defines a person who is highly cooperative in a support plan?BedfellowOpponentPlaintiffAdversaryAlly135.Athletic directors, owners, staff, and ______ are all part of a major inside interest group.ParentsClientsCoachesProfessional groupsNone of the above136.A sports medicine program should include which of the following in order to be successful?Provide the best possible health careGood communication among members of the sports medicine teamGood communication between the athletic trainer and parentsAll of the aboveNone of the above137.One of your soccer players is requesting to play in the conference championship in 2 days. This athlete is 2 days post concussion. Who should make the final decision of an athlete’s eligibility for participation in organized athletic activity in this situation?CoachAthleteParentSchool nursePhysician138.The athletic administrator’s role includes which of the following? Establishes the chain of command for the sports medicine teamMakes certain that each member has appropriate credentials Is responsible for having appropriate personnel for the appropriate positionsAll of the aboveNone of the above139.What should the athletic trainer do when teaching a patient how to properly use crutches?Make sure the patient’s weight is fully supported on his or her hands and armpitsCaution the patient not to lean on the crutches so that his or her weight is on the crutches’ axillary padsTeach him or her how to use a cane firstTeach the patient a 4-point gaitTeach the patient a 5-point gait139.You suspect one of your soccer players is experiencing “training staleness.” Which of the following should you assess when developing a counseling approach with the patient?The level of the patient’s ability to play the sportThe relationship between the patient and his familyThe patient’s training schedule and dietThe patient’s competition scheduleThe relationship between the patient and coach140.When rehabilitating an athlete following a ligamentous wrist injury, once the ligament has healed enough where active motion can be initiated, it is important to educate the athlete to exercise only:IsometricallyIn waterWhile using a prophylactic braceFirst thing in the morningIn a pain-free range141.One of your patients has been diagnosed with Sinding-Larsen-Johansson disease. Which of the following is not appropriate when advising the patient in regard to minimizing his symptoms?To increase the strength of the vastus medialis obliquus muscle with isotonic quadriceps strengthening exercisesUse ice packs frequently to minimize pain and swellingAvoid stressful activities, such as running, for approximately 6 monthsAvoid deep squattingAll of the above142.When counseling a patient about the proper way to self-administer a medication, it is important that the athletic trainer make the patient aware of what 2 factors?Any side effects and, in detail, how the drug works on the bodyIf the drug may be addictive and how long the effects will lastIf the drug may cause depression and, in detail, how the drug works on the bodyWhen to take the medication and what foods/drugs not to mix with itB and C143.An athlete experiences a catastrophic injury in which she is permanently unable to return to playing the only sport with which she is familiar. What would be the athletic trainer’s appropriate response when discussing the injury with the athlete?Tell her it is not appropriate to deny her condition and that it is best to accept her limitationsTell her it is OK for her to feel a variety of emotions and to openly express her needs and concernsTell her to speak to her coach about her future in athleticsTell her to seek psychological counseling until she is no longer angry about her injuryTell her it happens all of the time and eventually she will get used to her situation145.When advising a patient about his year-long strength-training program, the athletic trainer should have the patient limit his heavy lifting workouts to which periods?In-season and postseasonPreseason and in-seasonPostseason and off-seasonOff-season and preseasonNone of the above146.A swimmer reports to the athletic training facility complaining of symptoms related to Scheuermann’s disease. Which type of exercises are beneficial in trying to diminish the symptoms during the early stages of the disease?Cervical range of motion exercisesExtension and postural exercisesWilliams’ flexion exercisesHughston exercisesDeep breathing exercises147.When rehabilitating an athlete following a lumbar strain, the athletic trainer should emphasize the significance of having the athlete improve the flexibility of all of the following structures except:The abdominalsThe iliopsoasThe paraspinalsThe hamstringsThe hip extensors148.One of your basketball players often complains about localized lumbar “backaches.” After performing your evaluation on this patient, it appears his primary problem is postural. All of the following are actions that the patient can take to prevent low back pain except:When standing for long periods of time, rest one foot on a stool if it is availableAvoid sleeping in side-lying position with the knees slightly bentCarry objects at waist level when possibleSit on chairs with a firm seat and straight backKeep his abdominals strong149.Which of the following individuals should the athletic trainer advise and consult with when developing a reconditioning program for a patient following a musculoskeletal injury while playing football?The team physicianThe school nurseThe head football coachThe patient’s parents if he is a minorThe team strength and conditioning coach 150._______ and _______ are important qualities that an athletic trainer must possess when counseling a patient during a time of distress.Honesty, respectSympathy, pityConfidence, logicObjectivity, decisivenessLogic, detachment151.If the patient complains of a burning sensation during an ultrasound treatment, all of the following may be the source of the problem except:The intensity is too highNot enough ultrasound medium is being usedToo much ultrasound gel is being usedThe movement of the transducer head is too slowB and D ................

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