1920’s Radio

1920’s Radio


Goal: Recreate a 1920’s radio broadcast in your group

Topic Assignments:

• 1920’s Sports/Airplane Travel

• 1920’s Entertainment/Fashion

• 1920’s Women and the 19th Amendment

• 1920’s African Americans and the Harlem Renaissance

• 1920’s Organized Crime/Prohibition and the 18th and 21st Amendments

• 1920’s Politics/Presidents-Harding and Coolidge/Isolationism /Sacco & Vanzetti

• 1920’s Economics/Industry Boom/Soaring Stock Market/ Teapot Dome Scandal/Corruption

• 1920’s Culture Clashes- Immigration/Red Scare/KKK and Racism/Scopes Trial/ Urban v. Rural


1. Each individual member of the group will be responsible for researching a different area of the main topic and producing accurate information for the group to use for a radio show. (An individual 10 Point research grade will be earned for this activity)

2. All of the specific terms or ideas for your group’s Topic Assignment must be explained, defined or addressed in your research and broadcast. (Topic Specific Lists Attached)

3. Your group’s broadcast must be at least 1-2 minutes long in its entirety

4. The broadcast must capture the audience’s attention using creativity

5. The broad cast must include an advertisement for ONE 1920’s product

6. The broadcast must use all of the members of the group in the Broadcast

7. The broadcast must include a minimum of ONE natural sound effect (not computer generated)

8. The broadcast should be videotaped and saved to a DVD or flash-drive to be shared with the class. The class will not be viewing the video, only listening as if it is a radio show. The teacher will be viewing the video to be sure all members participated and that sound effects were naturally generated.

9. The broadcast may include TIME PERIOD APPROPRIATE slang (only if it does not distract from #2 above,) Music, and Audio Recordings. This is not required, but if done creatively and appropriately may earn extra credit for your group.

All of our Entertainment is in your hands!!!!

40 Points based on creativity, group work and content (


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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