Broadcast Pick-up



World Health Day 2001, continued

Media Report

COMPILED as of 12 July 2001

▪ Copies of press clippings and editorials are available upon request from the Department of Mental Health and Substance Dependence, WHO/HQ

Broadcast Pick-up :

|Radio/TV Station |Person Interviewed |Country |

|Radio Algiers | |Algeria |

|Channel 7 TV |Roundtable with Dr Sherlene Smith and Dr Claudina |Belize |

| |Cayetano | |

|Morning Show Love FM Radio |Nurse Augustina Elijio and Dr Roy Lopez |Belize |

|CNN |Ph. Stroot INF/WEU |Belgium |

|Guand Ming Daily |Dr W. Kreisel, ExD/WEU |China |

|RTBF Radio(Eng/Fre) |Dr W. Kreisel, ExD/WEU |Belgium |

|RTBF Radio(Spa/Fre) |Ph. Stroot INF/WEU |Belgium |

|RTBF Television (Eng/Fre) |Dr W. Kreisel, ExD/WEU |Belgium |

|Et Djabal TV |Televised Round Table |Comoros |

|Radio Comoros |Broadcast of speeches |Comoros |

|Zhejiang TV |Dr Michael Philipps |China |

|Radio Television Hong Hong (RTHK) Radio 3 |Dr. Ip Yan-ming, Chairman of the RAC Sub-committee on |China–Hong Kong Special Admin|

| |Public Education and Rehabilitation |Region |

|Local radio |Aksel Bertlesen, WHO Collaborating Center |Denmark |

|Open Mic TV program |37 minute TV interview on mental illness, traditional |Eritrea |

| |ways of managing mental illness, magnitude of problem | |

| |and possible results | |

|Live Radio interview |Psychiatrist with questions from listeners |Eritrea |

|ARD Radio – |requested soundbites |Germany, Europe |

|Deutsche Welle – DW |B. Saraceno |Germany |

|Radio |Talk show series |Fiji |

|France 3 – Journal 12-14 |Interview docteur Lalaux |France |

| |le 9 avril 2001 | |

|Radio Urgence |Interview docteur Lalaux |France |

| |le 5 avril 2001 | |

|Radio Caraïbes International (RCI) |With Dr Michel Eynaud, Collaborating Centre |France DomTom-Guadeloupe |

|Radio France Outre-Mer (RFO) |With M. Max Gabriel, cadre infirmier, Collaborating |France DomTom Guadeloupe |

| |Centre | |

|Duna TV |Dr Szatmari, Liaison Officer |Hungary |

|Budapest TV |Dr Szatmari, Liaison Officer |Hungary |

|Kossuth Radio |Interview with Szekarak Adam |Hungary |

|M1 TV Arany Fust |WHD story |Hungary |

|AAJ Tak Television |Drs Vijay Chandra/ Nimesh, WPRO |India |

|TV Live (Ankhon Deki) |WHD story |India |

|ZEE Television |WHD story |India |

|LIVE video Press Conference with Minister of Health of |With B Saraceno, WHO/HQ |Italy |

|Italy | | |

|Rai TV |with B Saraceno, WHO/HQ |Italy |

|All Kenya local press were on media site visit |With B Saraceno and C. Mandlhate, WHO/HQ and WHO/AFRO |Kenya, East Africa |

|Future TV |With Dr Latiri, WR |Lebanon |

|LBC TV |With Dr Latiri, WR |Lebanon |

|Tele Lumière |With Dr Latiri, WR |Lebanon |

|Radio Im Al Nour |With Dr Latiri, WR |Lebanon |

|Radio NBN |With Dr Latiri, WR |Lebanon |

|Notimex |with JM Bertolote, WHO/HQ |Mexico, Latin America |

|Radio Mediterranean Int’l |with B Saraceno, WHO/HQ |Morocco |

|Radiobroadcast |with Hassane Balla Keita and the Association des |Niger |

| |Radio-Clubs | |

|Dziennik Polski |with B Saraceno, WHO/HQ |Poland |

|El Mundo |with B Saraceno, WHO/HQ |Spain |

|BBC Radio, Spanish |with JM Bertolote, WHO/HQ |Spain, Latin America |

|Swiss Radio |with B Saraceno, WHO/HQ |Switzerland |

|Swiss TV |with JM Bertolote, WHO/HQ |Switzerland, Europe |

|WRG – Radio Geneva | |Switzerland |

|Voice of America on adolescents |with M Belfer, WHO/HQ |USA, World wide |

|TV |Talk show with six leading psychiatrists |Viet nam |

|BBC Radio |with R Murthy, WHO/HQ |World wide |

|BBC Radio World Service |with I Levav, WHO/HQ |World wide |

|BBC Radio World Service on mental health in the old age |with B Saraceno, WHO/HQ |World wide |

|program(UK) | | |

|BBC TV in Kenya |with Dr Brundtland, WHO/HQ |World wide |

|BBC World Service on raising awareness on MH |with B Saraceno and R Murthy, WHO/HQ |World wide |

|BBC World Service Radio, The World Program |with JM Bertolote, WHO/HQ |World wide |

|CNN | |World wide |

|CNN in Kenya |with Dr Brundtland, WHO/HQ |World wide |

|Reuters |with JM Bertolote, WHO/HQ |World wide |

|UN Radio French service |with JM Bertolote, WHO/HQ |World wide |

|World Wide Watch | |World wide |

|Local radio |Dr Mihajlovic, Health Centre, Knjazevac |Yugoslavia |

Scientific Journals / Published Editorials:

|Education Santé |Benedetto Saraceno | |

|La santé mentale en 2001 – L’OMS à la recherche de solutions | | |

|Revue JAM |(information provided by LO – no copy|Algeria |

| |of article) | |

|Revue Médico-Pharmaceutique |(information provided by LO – no copy|Algeria |

| |of article) | |

|Revue santé Publique et Sciences Sociales |(information provided by LO – no copy|Algeria |

| |of article) | |

|Revue Saidal Santé |(information provided by LO – no copy|Algeria |

| |of article) | |

|Revue les Cahiers de la Santé |(information provided by LO – no copy|Algeria |

| |of article) | |

|Revue Santé Algérie |(information provided by LO – no copy|Algeria |

| |of article) | |

|ABP – Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria |José Manoel Bertolote |Brazil |

|Editorial | | |

|Der Nervenarzt |T. Messer |German |

|Weltgesundheitstag der WHO am 7.April 2001 |M. SchmauB | |

| |P. Hoff | |

|Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública |Benedetto Saraceno |Latin America |

|2001, año especial para la salud mental en el mundo |J.M. Caldas de Almeida | |

|The Journal of Association of Physicians of India |N. Wig |India |

|Bringing Mental Health in to the Mainstream | | |

|The Indian Journal of Psychiatry |N. Wig |India |

|World Health Day 2001 | | |

|L’OSPEDALE e la città |B. Saraceno |Italy |

|Verona e la Giornata mondiale della Salute mentale | | |

|Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan |Benedetto Saraceno |Pakistan |

|2001 – A Landmark Year for World Mental Health | | |

|Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan |Malik H. Mubbashar |Pakistan |

|Mental Health – the missing link in health care delivery | | |

|SAMJ |Brian Robertson |South Africa |

|World Health Day 2001 – Mental Health | | |

|Revista de la Asociación Española de Neuropsiquiatria |V. Aparicio Basauri |Spain |

|Courrier du Médecin Vaudois |Benedetto Saraceno |Switzerland |

|Pourquoi une journée de la santé mentale? | | |

|Courrier du Médecin Vaudois |C. Lima |Switzerland |

|Contre l’exclusion: une journée pour tous | | |

|Courrier du Médecin Vaudois |C. Lima |Switzerland |

|Personnes âgées avec troubles mentaux: Dévalorisées par l’âge et la peur| | |

|de la “folie” | | |

|The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease |Benedetto Saraceno |World wide |

|Ethical, Empirical, and Epidemiological Bases for Action | | |

|Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica |Benedetto Saraceno |World wide |

|World Health Day, 7 April 2001 | | |

|American Journal of Orthopsychiatry |Benedetto Saraceno |World wide |

|2001, WHO’s is year mental health | | |

|Neurology and Public Health |Aleksandar Janca |World wide |

|() |Leonid Prilipko | |

|A World Health Organization Perspective on Neurology and Neuroscience |Benedetto Saraceno | |

|The British Medical Journal |Mary Baker |World-wide |

|Time to abandon the term mental illness – |Matthew Menken | |

|Personal views | | |

|The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry |Julio Arboleda-Florez |World wide |

|Mental Health – I Humbly Submit… | | |

|The Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) ( |Julio Arboleda-Florez |World wide |

|Mental health and primary care |Benedetto Saraceno | |

|The Lancet |Editorial |World wide |

|Reducing the stigma of mental illness | | |

|JAMA |David Satcher |World wide |

|Global Mental Health: Its Time Has Come | | |

|Current Psychiatry Reports |Aleksander Janca |World wide |

|World and Mental Health in 2001 | | |

|The American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry |Myron Belfer |World wide |

|World Health Day 2001: Child and Adolescent Mental Health | | |

|American Journal of Public Health |Richard Neugebauer |World wide |

|Minding the World’s Health: World Health Day 2001 | | |

|WHO Bulletin | |World wide |

|Diary – an eventful mental health year | | |

|Winning Drawing of WHO’s mental health contest | | |

Articles in newspapers, magazines, newsletters :

|Africa News |Africa |

|Club Magazine |Africa |

|El Khabar |Algeria |

|El Moudjahid |Algeria |

|El Watan |Algeria |

|La Nouvelle République |Algeria |

|La Tribune |Algeria |

|Le Jeune Indépendant |Algeria |

|Le Matin |Algeria |

|Le Soir d’Algérie |Algeria |

|Liberté |Algeria |

|Diari d’Andorra |Andorra |

|?? unknown |Angola |

|El Clarin (article missing) |Argentina |

|La Nacion |Argentina |

|Sydney Morning Herald |Australia, Asia |

|Bahrain Tribune |Bahrain |

|Associação Brasileira de Psiquiatria Magazine |Brazil |

|InformeSaúde (Ministry of Health monthly newsletter) |Brazil |

|Borneo Bulletin |Brunei Darussalam |

|The Calgary Sun |Canada |

|The Toronto Sun |Canada |

|The Toronto Star |Canada/USA |

|Aysen Coyhaique |Chile |

|Chañarcillo Copiapo |Chile |

|Dia Serena |Chile |

|Diario Austral de Valdivia |Chile |

|Diario Austral Osorno |Chile |

|Diario Austral Temuco |Chile |

|Diario El Centro |Chile |

|Diario Le Cuarta |Chile |

|Diario le Prense |Chile |

|Domingo en Chañarcillo |Chile |

|El Centro de Talca |Chile |

|El Mercurio Antofagasta |Chile |

|El Mercurio Calama |Chile |

|El Mercurio de Santiago |Chile |

|El Mercurio Valparaiso |Chile |

|Estrella Norte |Chile |

|La Discusion de Chillan |Chile |

|La Estrella Arica |Chile |

|La Estrella del Loa |Chile |

|La Estrella Iquique |Chile |

|La Nacion |Chile |

|La Prensa Tocopilla |Chile |

|La SaludAFondo (newspaper of the Ministry of Health) |Chile |

|La Tercera |Chile |

|Llanquihue Puerto Monti |Chile |

|Prensa Austral Pta Arenas |Chile |

|Prense Curicó |Chile |

|Sur Conception |Chile |

|China Daily |China |

|Unidentified press clipping |China |

|La Nación |Costa Rica |

|La República |Costa Rica |

|Viva Revista Diaria de la Nación |Costa Rica |

|Hoy |Dominican Republic |

|21 journalists covered WHD with programmes on radio, TV and print media for 10 |Ethiopia |

|consecutive days | |

|*reported by WR/Ethiopia (no clippings submitted) | |

|Mental Health Europe |Europe |

|Rapid, Commission of the European Communities |Europe |

|Sunday Post |Fiji |

|Sunday News |Fiji |

|Sunday Times |Fiji |

|Dépêche APM le 30/03 (article to come from EPSM) |France |

|Le Voix du Nord |France |

|Liberation |France |

|Républicain Lorrain |France |

|E.R. |France (Lorraine) |

|France-Antilles |France DomTom Guadeloupe |

|Le Progrès Social |France DomTom Guadeloupe |

|Sept Magazine |France DomTom Guadeloupe |

|The Independent |Gambia |

|Bakér Mente |Hungary |

|Békés Megyei Nap |Hungary |

|Belaeb Megyen Hirlap |Hungary |

|Egészség magazine |Hungary |

|Hajdú-Bihari Napló |Hungary |

|Jasz Magykun Szolnol megye |Hungary |

|Kelet Moo |Hungary |

|Lidove noviny daily |Hungary |

|Magyar Mirlap |Hungary |

|Magyar Nemzet |Hungary |

|Megye Közepén |Hungary |

|Nepszabadsap newspaper |Hungary |

|Vasaruapi Hirek |Hungary |

|Village Journals |Hungary |

|Chandigarh Tribune |India |

|Navhind Times |India |

|The Hindu |India |

|The Hindustan Times |India |

|The Indian Express |India |

|The New Indian Express |India |

|The Times of India |India |

|The Tribune |India |

|Prajavani (article not sent in) |India |

|Vijaya Karnataka (article not sent in) |India |

|Samyukta Karnataka (article not sent in) |India |

|Udayanvani (article not sent in) |India |

|Deccan Herald (article not sent in) |India |

|Jakarta Post |Indonesia, Asia |

|The Irish Times |Ireland, UK |

|The Jerusalem Post |Israel |

|Famiglia Cristiana |Italy |

|Il Quotidiano |Italy |

|L’Ospedale e la città |Italy |

|The Japan Times |Japan |

|Kenya Times (article missing) |Kenya |

|The Nation (article missing) |Kenya |

|East African Standard |Kenya, East Africa |

|The Star |Malaysia |

|The New Straits Times |Malaysia, Asia |

|Le Sahel |Niger |

|Matinfo |Niger |

|Daily Sketch |Nigeria |

|The Guardian |Nigeria |

|The Punch |Nigeria |

|WHO Newsletter Lagos, Nigeria quarterly bulletin |Nigeria |

|Confidence Newspaper (copy not received) |Nigeria (submitted by Alzheimer’s Assoc) |

|DAWN |Pakistan |

|Mental Health Bulletin |Pakistan |

|Post-Courier |Papua New Guinea |

|The Independent |Papua New Guinea |

|The National |Papua New Guinea |

|El Universal (article missing) |Panama |

|Balita |Philippines |

|Businessworld |Philippines |

|Filipino Herald |Philippines |

|Kabayan |Philippines |

|Malaya |Philippines |

|Manila Standard |Philippines |

|Medical Observer |Philippines |

|People’s Journal |Philippines |

|Philippine Daily Inquirer |Philippines |

|Philippine Panorama Sunday |Philippines |

|The Manila Bulletin |Philippines |

|The Philippine Star |Philippines |

|The Korean Herald |Republic of Korea |

|OMS Info Rwanda |Rwanda |

|Sunday Samoan |Samoa |

|Samoa Observer |Samoa |

|Nursing Update |South Africa |

|Sunday Times |South Africa |

|ABC Cataluña Barcelona |Spain |

|Avui Barcelona |Spain |

|Diari Avui |Spain |

|Diari de Girona |Spain |

|Diari de Sabadell |Spain |

|Diari de Tarragona |Spain |

|Diari de Terrassa |Spain |

|El Mundo Catalunya |Spain |

|El Mundo Madrid |Spain |

|El Nou 9 |Spain |

|El País |Spain |

|El País Cataluña Barcelona |Spain |

|El Periódico |Spain |

|Primavera (Revista de Alzheimer España) |Spain |

|El Punt Barcelona |Spain |

|El Punt Girona |Spain |

|El Punt (edició Maresme) |Spain |

|El Punt Tarragones, Baix Penedes |Spain |

|La Mañana Lérida |Spain |

|La Marxa de Vic |Spain |

|La Vanguardia Barcelona |Spain |

|Regió7 Catalunya Central |Spain |

|El Segre de Lérida |Spain |

|The Daily News |Sri Lanka |

|Dagens Nyheter |Sweden |

|(copy of article not received from Karolinska Institute -Wasserman) | |

|24 Heures |Switzerland |

|Construire |Switzerland |

|Le Curieux (by GRAAP) |Switzerland |

|Femina (by GRAAP) |Switzerland |

|L’Agefi |Switzerland |

|Le Matin |Switzerland |

|Le Nord Vaudois |Switzerland |

|Tout Comme Vous |Switzerland |

|Tribune de Genève |Switzerland |

|Journal 022 |Switzerland, Geneva only |

|Bangkok Post |Thailand |

|The Nation |Thailand |

|Al Sabah |Tunisia |

|Arabic Language Newspaper (get translation of name) |Tunisia |

|La Presse de Tunisie |Tunisia |

|Le Renouveau |Tunisia |

|The New Vision |Uganda |

|Aberdeen Press and Journal |UK |

|Bristol Evening Post |UK |

|Daily Mail |UK |

|Penguin News |UK – Falkland Islands |

|The Evening Standard |UK |

|The Guardian |UK |

|The New Sunday Express |UK, Europe |

|Capital Times (article missing) |UK, World wide |

|Financial Times |UK, World wide |

|American Psychological Association |USA |

|The Houston Chronicle |USA |

|The Madison Newspaper, Wisconsin |USA |

|The Nation’s Health (newspaper of the American Public Health Association) |USA |

|The Sun Baltimore |USA |

|Journal of Psychosocial Nursing |USA / World wide |

|The New York Times |USA, World wide |

|Osserrvatore Romano |Vatican City, World wide |

|Business World |Western Pacific |

|Alzheimer’sDisease International |World wide |

|APA Psychiatric News |World wide |

|PAHO TODAY |World wide |

|World Psychiatric Association |World wide |

|World Federation for Mental Health newsletter |World wide |

|UN Special |World wide, UN agencies |

|Times of Zambia |Zambia |

Wire Pick-up :

|Agence France Presse |World wide |

|Associated Press |World wide |

|Canada News Wire |Canada |

|Canadian Corporate Newswire |Canada/USA |

|Central News Agency |Taiwan |

|Inter Press Service |World wide |

|Japan Economic Newswire |Japan |

|M2 Communications |UN Agencies |

|Reuters |World wide |

|SDA |Switzerland |

|UN Wire |UN Agencies |

|UPI |World wide |

|US Newswire |USA |

|Xinhua Economic News Service |China |

|Xinhua News Agency |China |

Online (internet) pick-up :

|BBC News |World wide |

| |World wide |

|eHealth Latin America |World wide |

|Excelsior- Mexico |World wide |

| |World wide |

|International Pharmaceutical Student’s Federation online newsletter |World wide |

|KwSalute Italy |World wide |

|La Nacion on Line- Argentina |World wide |

|MSNBC Online |World wide |

| Africa |World wide |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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