“I’m glad we can get our - FEBC

Thursday, December 17 – Today, lift up FEBC staff in Myanmar, who are building relationships with Christian listeners who long to grow in their relationship with Christ. They are also ministering to nonbelievers. FEBC broadcasts can be heard here 2.5 hours a day in 5 languages.Friday, December 18 – Please pray for a hedge of protection around FEBC stations in the Philippines. In addition to local broadcasts, we also broadcast internationally to China andthroughout Southeast Asia. Pray that the content would encourage believers and change the hearts of those who do not yet know Jesus.Saturday, December 19 – In Mali, broadcasts can be heard in 7 languages. Please pray for the development of these programs and the safety of the staff.Sunday, December 20 – FEBC Taiwan is one of five production centers that produce programs for mainland China. In addition to the Mandarinlanguage, programs are also broadcast in Taiwanese and Hakka. Please pray for the coordination involved in producing these programs.Monday, December 21 – In Kazakhstan, FEBC offers broadcasts on the Internet and through social media. Please pray for dedicated staff committed to reaching listeners in this Central Asian countryWednesday, December 23 – In Mozambique, most people are either Muslim or animist. Without the work of FEBC, many would otherwise never hear the Good News. Pray for these unreached people to experience transformation through a relationship with Christ.“In Jesus I realized my life is valuable and there is always light.”Listener in ThailandThursday, December 24 – A listener from Russia shared, “I was always unsure of myself, always struggled with the meaning of life, and who I am. In a short period of time, my mom died, and my husband left me. I became depressed and lostmy job as a result. One night I was looking for something interesting online and I found your broadcasts. You were answering all my questions, addressing all my issues! I listened every day, and hope and faith began filling my life.” Praise God for the transformation this listener has experienced; and pray that the Lord will continue to work in her life.Friday, December 25 – Isaiah 9:6 tells us, “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given: and the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, MightyGod, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” TodaySunday, December 27 – FEBC offers 7 FM stations in Moldova that broadcast Russian- language programs. Pray that the Lord will lead people to these broadcasts, and that through them, people will choose to follow Jesus.Monday, December 28 – In Vietnam, FEBC’s minority language programs reach 20 ethnic people groups. Praise God for the opportunities to reach those who might otherwise not hear the Good News.Tuesday, December 29 – Please pray for the distribution of speaker boxes and radios in Cambodia. These devices contain Gospel content that help to bring the Good News to unreached areas. Pray for open hearts.Wednesday, December 30 – In Thailand, Buddhism is very much a part of the Thai culture. “To be Thai is to be Buddhist” is a well-known saying there. Please pray that FEBC broadcasts will change the lives of individuals and transform the country’s outlook on faith.Thursday, December 31 – Today is New Year’s Eve. Praise God for all He has done this year. Pray that He will continue to provide many opportunities for reaching people with the Good News in 2021.with the saving message of the Gospel.6481693-370457is Christmas Day. Take a moment to praise our PRAYER TARGETDecember 2020“The Lord has done this for me,” she said. “In these days He has shown His favor and taken away my disgrace among the people” (Luke 1:25).Tuesday, December 22 – Today, lift up the needs of those living in vulnerable conditions in Pakistan. Pray that the Lord will protect them and provide for their needs. Pray, too, forFEBC staff who are working to develop relevant programs. Ask that they will be guided with wisdom and discernment.Heavenly Father for the gift of sending His son.Saturday, December 26 – FEBC has seen an increase in listeners to our broadcasts in Laos, some of which can be heard through Facebook Live. We often hear stories of suffering and hopelessness that listeners experience in this Communist country. Please pray for broadcasts to continue to provide them encouragement and hope.To make an online donation go to:giveTo learn more, visit or call (800) 523-3480. stories febcusa febcusa fareastbroadcasting“The Lord has done this for me,” she said. “In these days He has shown His favor and taken away my disgrace among the people” (Luke 1:25).We see throughout Scripture examples of God using those who were barren to display His life-giving power…Elizabeth,Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, and Hannah. God’s intervention in Elizabeth’s life came after it was no longer reasonable for her to hope.However, Elizabeth continued to hope in the Lord, and her faith was rewarded by the birth of a son who became John the Baptist. In addition, Elizabeth became an integral part of the story of Jesus’ birth when Mary came to visit her.2020 has been a year like none other in recent memory. With so many constraints and the loss of the normal routines of our lives, many of us may be approaching this Christmas season wondering where God is in the midst of the chaos. We can learn from Elizabeth’s example to wait expectantly on the Lord for what only God can do.The message of this season is Immanuel, God with us. Thank you for partnering in prayer with us to see this message of hope delivered to the world through our Savior, Jesus Christ. Merry Christmas!Until all have heard,Edward W. CannonPresident and CEOPrayer TargeTTuesday, December 1 – Pray for our listenersworldwide who have endured varying hardships due tothe COVID-19 pandemic. Pray that FEBC broadcasts will lead them to true hope found in Jesus Christ.Wednesday, December 2 – Pray for our listeners in Yemen, who tune into an FEBC broadcast called Reality Church. This program serves as a Sunday service for Yemeni believers. There are not many Christians here; only a few hundred among themillions of people who live in this country bordering Saudi Arabia.Thursday, December 3 – In Vietnam, evangelistic programs can be heard 1.5 hours per day. In addition, FEBC distributes Gospel Speaker Boxes that deliver content through cell phone memory chips. Please pray that the efforts made to reach the Vietnamese people will be guided by the Lord.Friday, December 4 – In Indonesia, Islam is woven into their way of life. Pray that listeners here would trust FEBC programs and develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. FEBC broadcasts areheard in the official Indonesian language, as well as 6 ethnic languages.Saturday, December 5 – A listener in Cambodia shares, “I am growing in faith today because of your radio programs.” Sixteen and a half hours of broadcasts are heard daily from the capital city of Phnom Penh, mostly in the Khmer language. Praise God for the ways He is changing this listener’s life,and please pray that FEBC programs will continue to reach more Cambodians for His glory!Sunday, December 6 – FEBC AM broadcasts are available 75 minutes a day to Japan, as well as daily broadcasts accessed online. The broadcasts are transmitted from South Korea, as no religious radio stations are allowed in Japan. Please pray forprotection over FEBC’s broadcasts to Japan and ask that more opportunities might come for FEBC to minister to this country.Monday, December 7 – In northeast Mozambique, most people are Muslim or animist. Pray for the unreached people in this area to be impacted by the lifesaving message of the Gospel. Pray, too, for the protection of staff who sometimes visit areas where Christianity is not welcomed.“I’m glad we can get ourspiritual bread on the radio.”Listener in UkraineTuesday, December 8 – A listener from Central Asia shared, “I always thought that Jesus was not a local god; I thought He was for people in othercountries. Hearing about Him in my language made Him my own Jesus and not someone foreign. Heis my personal Jesus and I love Him.” Praise the Lord for the opportunities that He has given FEBC to minister to people in their own language, whichhelps them develop a personal relationship with Him.Wednesday, December 9 – Praise the Lord that broadcasts are reaching 6 languages in India through radio and 18 languages through our Gospel Speaker Boxes. Please pray that God will provide opportunities for more languages to reach this prominently Hindu country.Thursday, December 10 – Please pray for the minds of children in the Middle East to be filled with the knowledge of God’s love as they listen to FEBC programs. Pray, too, for the staff as theywork to develop children’s programming. Pray that they will be inspired to create programs that will show children how loved they are by God.Friday, December 11 – For over 70 years FEBC has been broadcasting into mainland China from Hong Kong. Due to strict government oversight, FEBC uses various media to reach listeners.Please ask the Lord to direct us in the best means possible to reach the people of China, despite increased government restrictions.Saturday, December 12 – One of the more recent opportunities the Lord has provided FEBC is a ministry to Chad. Today, pray for FEBC as we wait on God to show us His plan. Please pray for future efforts in this majority Muslim country.Sunday, December 13 – Please pray for FEBC’s partner churches in various locations in Mongolia. Ask that they will be encouraged by our Gospel broadcasts and that radio will impact their communities.Monday, December 14 – A listener from Japan shared, “There must be thousands of people in agony and hardships who have been uplifted by your broadcasts. I just wanted to let you know how influential and important your ministry is to us!” Pray for this listener and their loved ones to continue to grow close to Jesus through FEBC broadcasts.Tuesday, December 15 – Thank God for the opportunity that He has given FEBC to minister to Yemen. Pray that God will continue to use FEBC broadcasts to bring light into the darkness and encourage listeners. Pray, too, for the inspiration of those who are preparing the programs.Wednesday, December 16 – FEBC has purchased offices in Kiev, Ukraine, the hub of all our ministry in this eastern European country. It will serve as an Evangelism Center to help grow the work of sharing the Gospel through7 FM stations. ................

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