Know the Rules - Geelong Jukebox Rockers - Rock n Roll ...

These Administrative guidelines are designed to assist Committee Members in understanding their roles, the procedures, expectations and responsibilities of being a member of our Club Committee. They can only be altered by an absolute majority of the Committee with all members of the Committee present. Any changes are to be advised to the Association members via the Club Website & Newsletter. TOC \o "1-3" 1.Know the Rules PAGEREF _Toc24747011 \h mittee Members General Duties PAGEREF _Toc24747012 \h mittee Meeting Procedures PAGEREF _Toc24747013 \h 53.1.Meetings PAGEREF _Toc24747014 \h 53.2.Motions PAGEREF _Toc24747015 \h 53.3.Quorum PAGEREF _Toc24747016 \h 53.4.Meeting Minutes PAGEREF _Toc24747017 \h 63.5.Correspondence PAGEREF _Toc24747018 \h 63.mittee Members Responsibilities PAGEREF _Toc24747019 \h 63.7.Duty of Care PAGEREF _Toc24747020 \h 73.8.Intention to Re-stand on the Committee PAGEREF _Toc24747021 \h mittee of Responsibility PAGEREF _Toc24747022 \h 74.1.President’s Role PAGEREF _Toc24747023 \h 74.2.Vice President’s Role PAGEREF _Toc24747024 \h 74.3.Treasurers Role PAGEREF _Toc24747025 \h 84.4.Secretary Role PAGEREF _Toc24747026 \h mittee Members Delegation of Authority PAGEREF _Toc24747027 \h 85.mittee PAGEREF _Toc24747028 \h 85.2.President PAGEREF _Toc24747029 \h 95.3.Vice President PAGEREF _Toc24747030 \h 95.4.Treasurer PAGEREF _Toc24747031 \h 95.5.Secretary PAGEREF _Toc24747032 \h 96.Other Duties undertaken by Committee Members PAGEREF _Toc24747033 \h 96.1.Memberships PAGEREF _Toc24747034 \h 96.2.Demonstrations Co-ordinator PAGEREF _Toc24747035 \h 106.3.Merchandise PAGEREF _Toc24747036 \h 106.4.Tea and Coffee / Catering PAGEREF _Toc24747037 \h 106.5.Lighting PAGEREF _Toc24747038 \h 106.6.Bands (Dance Committee) PAGEREF _Toc24747039 \h 116.7.Newsletter Editor PAGEREF _Toc24747040 \h 116.8.Photos PAGEREF _Toc24747041 \h 116.9.Decorations PAGEREF _Toc24747042 \h 116.10.Raffle prizes PAGEREF _Toc24747043 \h 116.11.Festival Representative(s) PAGEREF _Toc24747044 \h 116.12.Public Relations PAGEREF _Toc24747045 \h 126.13.Table cloths PAGEREF _Toc24747046 \h 126.14.Floor at WEH PAGEREF _Toc24747047 \h 126.15.Container and Storage room PAGEREF _Toc24747048 \h 126.16.Social Committee Representative PAGEREF _Toc24747049 \h 126.17.Clothing Stall contact person (Dance Sub Committee) PAGEREF _Toc24747050 \h 126.18.Bookings and Seating (Dance Sub Committee) PAGEREF _Toc24747051 \h 136.19.Floorshows PAGEREF _Toc24747052 \h 136.20.Charity Dance PAGEREF _Toc24747053 \h mittee Member Benefits PAGEREF _Toc24747054 \h 138.Membership PAGEREF _Toc24747055 \h 139.Available Records PAGEREF _Toc24747056 \h 1410.The Annual General Meeting PAGEREF _Toc24747057 \h 1410.1.Club Rules PAGEREF _Toc24747058 \h 1410.2.Nominations for an Executive Position PAGEREF _Toc24747059 \h 1511.General Matters PAGEREF _Toc24747060 \h 1511.1.Expressing Sympathy PAGEREF _Toc24747061 \h 1511.2.General Admission Fees PAGEREF _Toc24747062 \h 1511.3.Life Members PAGEREF _Toc24747063 \h 1611.4.Sponsors PAGEREF _Toc24747064 \h 1611.5.Birthday Dance on Mondays PAGEREF _Toc24747065 \h 1611.6.Hiring the Dance Floor PAGEREF _Toc24747066 \h 1612.Running a Dance PAGEREF _Toc24747067 \h 1712.1.Pre-Preparation PAGEREF _Toc24747068 \h 1712.2.Preparation on the day PAGEREF _Toc24747069 \h 1712.3.Running the Dance PAGEREF _Toc24747070 \h 1712.4.Members Draw PAGEREF _Toc24747071 \h 1812.5.Packing / Cleaning Up PAGEREF _Toc24747072 \h 1913.Monday Night (Club Night) PAGEREF _Toc24747073 \h 1913.1.Club Member Duties PAGEREF _Toc24747074 \h 1913.mittee Member Duties PAGEREF _Toc24747075 \h 2014.Admin Guidelines - Thursday Night Lessons PAGEREF _Toc24747076 \h 2014.mittee Duties PAGEREF _Toc24747077 \h 2014.2.Club Member Duties PAGEREF _Toc24747078 \h 2115.Guidelines Festival Sub-Committee PAGEREF _Toc24747079 \h 2116.Attachments / Forms PAGEREF _Toc24747080 \h 22Know the RulesYou will receive a copy of the Approved Club Rules and these Administrative Guidelines, which contains all the aspects of running the committee. All committee members are required to read the Club Rules and this document and if there are any queries, ask an executive member to clarify or present your query at a meeting to be discussed. If we don’t know the answer we will certainly find out.The Club Rules and these Administrative Guidelines are to be reviewed at the second meeting of the newly elected committee to ensure that all Committee members are aware of & understand the contents of these documents. The minutes of that meeting are to record each member’s acknowledgement that they have read & understand both the Club Model Rules and these Administrative guidelines and they agree to operate and manage the Club in accordance with these parameters.All committee members are to have a copy of the Club Model Rules & these Administrative Guidelines available to them whenever attending a Club mittee Members General DutiesThe following is an extract of the Club Rules, as approved by Consumer Affairs Victoria that outlines operating parameters.45General Duties(1)As soon as practicable after being elected or appointed to the Committee, each committee member must become familiar with these Rules and the Act.(2)The Committee is collectively responsible for ensuring that the Association complies with the Act and that individual members of the Committee comply with these Rules.(3)Committee members must exercise their powers and discharge their duties with reasonable care and diligence.(4)Committee members must exercise their powers and discharge their duties—(a)in good faith in the best interests of the Association; and(b)for a proper purpose.(5)Committee members and former committee members must not make improper use of—(a)their position; or(b)information acquired by virtue of holding their position—so as to gain an advantage for themselves or any other person or to cause detriment to the Association.NoteSee also Division 3 of Part 6 of the Act which sets out the general duties of the office holders of an incorporated association.(6)In addition to any duties imposed by these Rules, a committee member must perform any other duties imposed from time to time by resolution at a general mittee Meeting ProceduresMeetingsThe committee meets once a month, usually the second Tuesday after the dance. The President or Vice President is responsible to publish a Calendar of Events, which sets out the date, time & place of meetings and details of dances, & any other key events for the year by the first meeting after the AGM.At each meeting the previous meetings draft minutes must be tabled, amended as necessary and passed and accepted as a true and correct account of the last meeting. Once passed, they are the official record of the meeting and cannot be changed. The Minutes must be accurate and it is the responsibility of each committee member to read the minutes and point out any inaccuracies so the minutes can be changed before they are confirmed.Minutes, once approved, are to be locked from editing, saved in PDF format along with the Agenda and any tabled documents and pasted into an official minute book signed and dated by the Chairperson or Secretary. The approved Minutes should then be distributed in PDF format to all Committee members and marked ‘Confidential’ if they contain sensitive or personal information.Motions A motion that has been passed at a meeting becomes a resolution which is binding on all committee members whether they are present or not. Therefore it is important that motions put before a committee are worded in such a manner as to be clear on its intention. Once a motion has been moved and seconded, it is then open for debate. Once all members have had a say in the motion, a vote will be taken on the motion. Any member of the committee can move a motion. A motion should start with the word ‘That……’Committee meetings must concentrate on the issue not individuals. Every committee member has a right to have their say without interruption and should be respected by all whether they agree or not. Defamatory remarks should not be made about others.All committee members must respect that some of the matters discussed are confidential business of the Committee and not discuss these matters with non-committee members.All motions, once passed, are the decision of the Committee and all Committee members are bound to support the outcomes of the motion.QuorumFor a normal committee meeting, a Quorum is the majority of the Committee members. For a committee of 10, this requires 6 committee members to be present.Meeting MinutesThe minutes of the meeting should reflect the decisions taken by the committee along with any matters raised.Minutes are to be issued to the Committee members within 7 days of the Committee Meeting.The Treasurers Report is to be attached as a separate document to these MinutesUpon the minutes being accepted & made final at the subsequent Committee Meeting, the accepted minutes (minus the Treasurers report) are to be posted to the Club Web Site within 5 working days from this meeting.CorrespondenceNot all communications received by the club are correspondence. Correspondence is written communication that relates to the Business of the Committee. For the sake of clarity, the following guidelines are providedIs Correspondence to / from a:A Club MemberA report or Minutes from a Sub CommitteeA Government Department or AuthorityInsurance related matterBusiness related matterBills or accountsBank statements or lettersCorrespondence is not:Any advertising FlyerClub or Association Flyers or NewsletterCommittee Members ResponsibilitiesAttend monthly committee meetingsTake on role(s) of responsibility e.g. tea and coffee, memberships, public relations etc.Support and respect decisions passed by the committee.Assist with the setting up and packing up of the hall at monthly dances.Where practicable, participate and assist in demos to promote the club.Where practicable, be included in a roster to set up and pack up on a Monday social night or be included in the roster or assist with Thursday lessonsActively promote our club by distributing fliers to other rock and roll dances they may attend.Assist the Festival Committee by helping set up and pack up the Friday and Saturday night dances and the Sunday event.Duty of CareOnce you are elected to the committee you owe a ‘duty of care’ to the members. This duty of care has 5 legal requirements:A duty to act in good faith;A duty not to gain advantage by improper use of your position;A duty not to misuse information;A duty to act with diligence and care; andA duty not to trade while insolventThis duty of care applies particularly to the collection of personal information contained in our membership register. Under the current privacy laws we are obliged to collect information for our records. However as committee members we have a duty of care to only use the information collected for the purpose it was obtained. At present we use data collected to disseminate information about organized activities of the club and decisions made at committee meetings via newsletter, emails, letters and in some cases phone callsIntention to Re-stand on the CommitteeAt the July Committee meeting, those committee members that are up for re-election are to advise the committee of their intentions to stand for a position at the upcoming AGM. This is to allow the committee to canvas Association members to fill impending mittee of ResponsibilityPresident’s Role Represent the club at all official functions.Preside as chairperson over all meetingsCarry out announcements at the monthly dances and any other social events. Lead the committee in organising monthly dances, demonstrations, lessons and any other events. Liaise with committee members and ordinary members on any issues raised regarding club matters. Present to the committee any issues raised by members.Vice President’s RoleAssist the President in their role as mentioned above.Deputising for the President when they are not present.The prime role of the Vice president is to ensure the administrative activities of the club are in order.Be the expert in the Club Rules & these administrative guidelines & to ensure that both are followed by committee members undertaking club businessTreasurers RoleAppoint an Assistant from within the committee who has access to the accounts & the financial records.Be responsible for documenting all income and payments of the clubs activities. Collecting and receive all monies due and make authorised payments for the club.Keep accurate accounts and books showing the financial affairs of the club with full details of all receipts and expenditure connected with the activities of the club.Ensure two authorised members sign all Cheques.Delegate responsibility, where appropriate, for carrying out financial activities such as dance income and payments, membership fees, reimbursement of running costs.Record separately income and payments for Summer Rock Festival.Ensure the security of cash and payments in relation to the Festival.Prepare a monthly financial report to be presented at the committee meetings, which may include a separate dance report. Make recommendations regarding expenditure, budgeting & investment requirements to meet financial objectives set by the committee.Ensure moneys are banked within 5 days of receipt (apart from the Treasurers float & provision for impending cash payments)Secretary RoleCollect and record mail/correspondence in and mail out. Produce the Agenda for the Monthly meeting.Record minutes for the monthly meetings. Ensure all committee members are given a copy of the minutes to all meetings. Send out correspondence as directed by the committee. Ensure the members are notified of AGM no later than 1 month before the scheduled date of meeting.Ensure the completion and submission of the Annual Statement for Consumer Affairs together with a Cheque for payment of the appropriate fee is sent not less than one month after the AGM. Committee Members Delegation of AuthorityCommitteeAuthorise expenditure for Asset Purchases with out reference to the Association Members up to $2,500 or 20% of the clubs cash assets, whichever is the lesser.PresidentSign Cheques on behalf of the AssociationAuthorise expenditure up to $200 without prior reference to the CommitteeCast a deciding vote where the committee is deadlocked on a matter.Vice PresidentSign Cheques on behalf of the Association if nominatedAuthorise expenditure up to $100 without prior reference to the CommitteeTreasurerSign Cheques on behalf of the AssociationAuthorise expenditure up to $200 without prior reference to the CommitteeHold a Treasurers Petty Cash float up to $300SecretarySign Cheques on behalf of the Association if nominatedAuthorise expenditure up to $100 without prior reference to the CommitteeOther Duties undertaken by Committee MembersMembershipsThis position is attached to the Secretary’s role but can be delegated to one of the ordinary members.Assist in acceptance of payment for new and renewing memberships.Ensure new members nominations are presented at the next monthly meetings for approval.Ensure the Club Membership records are up to date on the Club Computer for all members at all times.Ensure the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary has an up to date membership list. Print AGM letters for all financial members to be sent out at least 1 month prior to AGM.Send “Welcome to the Club written notification” to all new members either by email or snail mail.Demonstrations Co-ordinatorTo communicate with organisations requesting GJBR’s to perform demo’s.Present demonstration requests at monthly meetings for anise a team of people to attend the demo’s.Ensure Stereo equipment and music is maintained and taken to anise the dance floor to be erected and dismantled at anise for refreshments for the demo team at each venue.Ensure shade is available for participants at outside events.MerchandiseSell and promote Club merchandise materials, including the ordering of shirts and taking orders for printing of the club logo on items at the request of members.Ensure merchandise is appropriately stored and included in a stock register for stock in and stock out. Perform a stock takePrior to and after the FestivalAt the end of the financial year 30th JuneSubmit a report of Stock on Hand to the committee for inclusion in the AGM reports. Initiate and cost any new promotional items and present to the committee for approval.Tea and Coffee / CateringEnsure tea and coffee is set up for each dance and lesson social nights.Purchase tea, coffee, milk, sugar, cups, biscuits and any other items necessary for these facilities.Purchase special items such as Christmas cake for the Christmas dance and the last Monday social night of the year. Arrange for sweets to be purchased as required for dances.LightingEnsure all decorations that incorporate lights are set up and stored correctly. Maintain lights, purchase new lights when required. Ensure the hall lights are turned on to create the appropriate ambience for the night.Check the function of the lights in the hall prior to every danceLiaise with White Eagle House to replace blown bulbs as necessary.Turn lights on when announcements and raffle is being drawn at the dance.Bands (Dance Committee)Between September & November, contact a range of bands & tentatively book them for the following years dances. Present this list to the Committee at the November meeting. After approval book bands and confirm bookings one month prior to the dance. Negotiate with bands the price and conditions and any extra requirements for e.g. accommodation for interstate bands for Festival etc. Communicate with bands the arrangements for setting up and timing of breaks for the dances.Newsletter EditorAccept and vet articles sent for inclusion in the monthly newsletter. Create a monthly newsletter to be emailed or some posted out 2 weeks before a dance.Arrange hardcopy mail out to those members who request this method.PhotosTake photos of our dances and social events to be included in the newsletter.Give a copy of photos to Committee members responsible for the Club Newsletter & Facebook PageDecorationsEnsure decoration materials are stored correctly and submit to the committee when new stock needs to be purchased. Ensure decorations for themed dances are arranged around the hall to create a special atmosphere.Make suggestions to the committee regarding the changing of decorations.Arrange for flowers to be purchased for Mother’s Day special dance.Raffle prizesBe responsible for the purchasing of raffle prizes as budgeted by the committee.Ensure raffle prizes are stored safely and select appropriate prizes to be raffled at each dance, lessons, and Social nights.Festival Representative(s)Attend all Festival meetings and report back to the general committee with the Meeting Minutes of the progress of the festival preparations.President must be a representative on the Festival Committee as they have total responsibility for the event; Public RelationsContact local radio stations and newspapers to promote any special events GJBR’s are carrying out e.g. Charity Dance, Festival, and special.Create Fliers for dances, special events to be included in the monthly newsletter.Signage to promote the club at school fetes or other special events.Send flier via email to advertisers (Vic Rock, Rock n Roll News etc.) for our monthly dances.Update the Facebook page with Club details & photos from dances / activitiesTable clothsEach Committee member attending the dance is to take home 2-3 Tablecloths to wash & iron as necessary.Ensure that tablecloths are cleaned after each dance. Old tablecloths are discarded, and new tablecloths purchased. Floor at WEHArrange for special polish of floor when needed, usually before a big dance such as festival.Liaise with White Eagle house week before the dance to request WEH wash floor for dance.Container and Storage roomBe responsible for the annual clean up & tidy of the container to keep the Storage Room & Container in an orderly state.Design a document locating items that are stored in the container especially any special decorations for festival and themed dances.Arrange for items that are not frequently used to be stored in the container rather than the storage room.Arrange a working bee to assist / rearrange as the need arises.Social Committee RepresentativeBe responsible for organising extra activities such as, bowling nights, film nights, BBQ’s etc.Follow guidelines set down by main committee for the conduct of social events.Arrange a table of GJBR’s at other clubs’ dances and organise a booking sheet, collect money and confirm booking. Welcome new people to the club and introduce to people.Clothing Stall contact person (Dance Sub Committee)Responsible for creating a roster for Clothing stalls to attend dances and festival. Ensure White Eagle House Management is contacted prior to dance and appropriate room is booked and any reasonable needs are attended to.Bookings and Seating (Dance Sub Committee)Responsible for the club phone and taking bookings over the phone.Ensure club phone is recharged and has adequate credit to be able to perform the requirements of contacting people.Create a seating list for each dance and arrange tables to accommodate attendees. Make a recommendation to open up the hall if bookings are reaching the 200 limit for the main hall.Negotiate with management of WEH to open hall up if required.Arrange for an extra door person when hall is being opened up due to large numbers of attendees.Ensure TryBooking is set up & open for bookings the Monday after a dance and closing at 6:00 pm on the Friday preceding the DanceFloorshowsOrganise special events floorshows. E.g. Christmas dance, Birthday dance, Festival etc. Initiate and present plans with Budget to committee for approval. Charity DanceBe responsible for approaching sponsors and businesses to donate goods or services to our annual charity dance. Initiate the format of the night to obtain the most benefit to the charity. Organise with the charity representative to attend the next available dance to be presented with the proceeds of the mittee Member BenefitsBenefitsCommittee members are granted free admittance to a normal mittee members are granted free admittance to the Summer Rock & Roll Festival dances.ExclusionsNo free admittance to any charity dance.No free admittance to the Cabaret dance.No free issue of Club Merchandise or shirts.No free admittance to Monday NightsMembershipA person who requests to become a member of the club must be proposed by a current financial member & be voted on at the next Committee meeting. Once they have been approved by the committee & have paid their Joining & Membership fee, their details can be entered into the Clubs records of Members. Upon the completion of this process, the member is to be provided with written confirmation of their acceptance into the Club. Advice of where to find information about the club, the Club Rules & these administrative guidelines should be included in this communicationMembers are given a grace period of one calendar month after the due date to pay their club membership. During this time they do not have the rights of a member but can receive discount entry to a dance however they cannot vote at any club meetings until the membership fee is paid in full.A member who is un-financial for one year is deemed to have resigned from the club and must pay a rejoining fee.A new member who joins the club in the last quarter of the financial year (between 1st April & the 30th June) is granted membership to the 30th June of the following year.Available RecordsIf a Club member requests access to the Club membership register, the request must be in writing with supporting reasons for the access. This request will be tabled at the next Committee meeting & considered in line with the Club Rules. The Member requesting the access it is to be advised in writing of the outcome of their requestThe following is the limit of the data made available NameEmail AddressPhone numberThe Annual General MeetingClub RulesMust be held within 5 months of the end of the financial year.The minutes of the meeting must comply with rule 41 of the Club Rules below:Minutes of general meeting(1)The Committee must ensure that minutes are taken and kept of each general meeting.(2)The minutes must record the business considered at the meeting, any resolution on which a vote is taken and the result of the vote.(3)In addition, the minutes of each annual general meeting must include—(a)the names of the members attending the meeting; and(b)proxy forms given to the Chairperson of the meeting under rule 34(6); and(c)the financial statements submitted to the members in accordance with rule 30(4)(b)(ii); and(d)the certificate signed by two committee members certifying that the financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position and performance of the Association; and(e)any audited accounts and auditor's report or report of a review accompanying the financial statements that are required under the Act.Nominations for an Executive PositionUpon nomination for a role on the Executive, each nominee is to provide a paper of no more than two pages outliningTheir NamePosition Nominating forTheir previous Experience in a similar position in a Social ClubTheir Experience that they have in a similar position in a Business area.A brief outline of their Financial / Business AcumenAn assessment of their Computer SkillsAn assessment of their Liaison SkillsA statement that there is no conflict of interest existing between the individual & any of the Clubs normal activitiesTheir aspirations & intentions for the position during their term.This document is to be sent to the Secretary along with their nomination form to be circulated to the financial Club members one week before the AGM to assist them in their decision in casting their vote.General MattersExpressing SympathyMember Acknowledgement - gift of flowers or gift.For members who have been on the committee and are still actively participating in extra activities such as demonstrations, and committee delegated tasks. This acknowledgement extends to the member, the members spouse, partner or immediate family. In other circumstances a sympathy card is appropriate.Member Acknowledgement - card to membersFor members who are participating in club activities.Non Member Acknowledgement For non-members who have made a significant contribution over a long period of time.These are guidelines only and there will in some cases be an exception to the rule, whereby the President in consultation with the Vice-President shall make an executive decision on the appropriate acknowledgement to be sent.General Admission FeesAdult joining fee of $10 per member plus an annual membership fee of $10.Child joining fee of $0 per child plus an annual membership fee of $2.Children 16 and under are admitted free to our dances except the Cabaret dinner dance which will be decided on an annual basis.Children must be booked into the dance.There will be a $5 admission charge for students from 16 to 18 years of age (presenting a current student card) to dances with the exception of the Cabaret dance, which will be decided on an annual basis. Life MembersThe following are the guidelines for the nomination of a Life Member to the CommitteeAll members of the Association are eligible for nomination as a Life memberMinimum of 10 years membership in the ClubContributes to the activities of the Committee such as running Demos, or Public relations etc.Regularly acts on a sub-committee.Have provided a significant contribution to the welfare of the Club.Significant can be described as far above & beyond what the normal member contributes to the ClubRegularly attends Club Functions & Dances & assists wherever possibleBenefitsFree membership to the ClubFree entry to a normal DanceExclusionsNo free admittance to any charity dance or activityNo free issue of Club Merchandise or shirtsNo free admittance to Monday NightsNo free admittance to the CabaretSponsorsThere are some sponsors that regularly support the activities of the Club. These sponsors, in recognition of their support are granted free admittance to a normal Club DanceBirthday Dance on MondaysIf a Financial Club members does their Birthday Dance on a Monday night function, the Committee has approved that they will be granted a free pass to a future normal dance.Hiring the Dance FloorFrom time to time, the Committee is approached to lend / hire out part of the Portable Dance Floor. The committee current policy is that the Floor is not available for hire.Running a DanceThe dance is organised by the Dance Subcommittee with the Main Committee members undertaking the work.Pre-PreparationThe upcoming dance is to be discussed at the preceding Subcommittee meeting.Tasks are allocated as per the “Dance Coordination Sheet”Ensure sufficient supplies of raffle tickets are available.Purchase Raffle PrizesArrange for a door checker (Security) to be availableLucky Door Prize & Members drawAfter compiling the seating list two lists are generated to facilitate the “lucky draws.The first listing is of the members who are attending the dance. The list is sequentially numbered from one to the last one.The second listing is of attendees at the dance. Again, this is sequential numbered from one to the last one attending.These lists are given to the committee members who are on the door Any “walk ups” are added to the appropriate lists. (members on both lists whilst non-members only go on the attendees list)Preparation on the dayThe hall is decorated & prepared on the day of the dance commencing at 10:00 amCheck that all the lights are working in the hall & the toiletsCheck that the floor has been cleaned & is OK to dance onPut out the tablecloths, decorations, table numbers Inflation & Installation of Balloons with Ribbon on the tablesInflation & Installation of Balloons with Ribbon above the stagePutting out the sweets on the pamphlet tablePutting out the Jukebox, install the Computer & set the power point presentation goingPut up the posters on the wallsPut out the prizes for the RaffleSet up tea & Coffee with biscuitsRunning the DanceThe hall is opened up for patrons at 7:15 pmCommittee members who are “On the Door” are to be there from 7:00pm to no later than 8:15pm. After that, any remaining presold tickets are passed to the Door Checker to manage along with any “walk ups”Door Checker is there from 7:00pm to 11:00 pm. The Door Checker is not security & any “security” issues are to be referred to the WEH Management / security The coordinator of the Dance Subcommittee is to talk with the band & ensure they understand the timing of events on the night in particular, Starting, the raffle & the finishing time.Ensure the club volunteers regularly checks of the Tea / Coffee area to ensure the area is clean and adequately stockedPhotographs are to be taken throughout the night. Any children at the dance should not be photographed without parents’ permission. Permission must be obtained from parent/guardian before children’s photos are uploaded to the internet.At the beginning of each break, announce that raffle tickets are for sale & a rough time when the raffle will be drawnDraw the raffles later in the night, in a dance break close to 11:00 pmRaffleCommittee members are to assist in the RaffleLucky Door / Members Prize DrawThe numbers (as amended by the Door staff as necessary) are input to the random number generator & the winner is drawn.The person must be in the hall for the draw.If the prize is not claimed, then a redraw is undertaken until the prize is won.AnnouncementsWelcome all there & thank the Band & get a round of ApplauseWelcome any other visiting clubsAnnounce the next danceMention lessons & who is doing the teachingEnd of the danceThank the bandThank people for attendingRemind them of our next danceWish them a safe trip homeShut down the music & turn on the lights Members DrawAll club members in attendance at the dance are eligible for the members draw of $50.This is undertaken as part of the Raffle draw and announcementsThe member must be a financial member of the club & must be in the hall when the draw is undertaken The Committee can review this policy depending on the financial state of the club on an as required basis.The new Committee, at it’s second meeting after being elected, must confirm the continuance of this prize for the following year.Packing / Cleaning UpAll committee members are expected to remain behind & pack up the Club property & generally leave the hall in a good condition.Efforts are to be made to “encourage” people to leave in a reasonable time so clean up can be completedEnsure the Computer & PA are packed properly & locked awayCommittee members and helpers should not start packing up until the end of the night and be mindful of those people who have been dancing the last bracket that drinks on the table are not cleared until they are finished.Monday Night (Club Night)Club Member DutiesOrganise the tub with ice for water and cupsSet out pamphlets on tableGet out sign in book and penPut tin for money at the front tableSet up the music for the nightAn arrangement of rock and roll songs and our favorite line dances.Count the money at approx. 8.45 and give to rostered Committee member.Check with the rostered Committee member for items to be announcedCheck in the Announcements book At 9pm make the announcementsWhat's coming up (dances, outing etc)Committee announcementsLucky Draw (they must be in the room). Write the winners of the draw in the book for the dinnersOrganise music for birthday dance. Hand out the Birthday voucher as approved by the committee At 9.30pm play “Goodnight Sweetheart” or other appropriate song and start packing things away.Note: The Committee is to seek volunteers for the club members to run the Monday Night in February each year.The President is responsible to ensure that any new members are properly trained in the setting up & use of the equipmentCommittee Member DutiesThe Committee member is to ensure the safe keeping & security of the Club Equipment & the effective communication of news to those attending Club Night.The Committee member is to be at the club by 6:45 pm to open up the Club Storage area & assist with the setting up of the PA System & Music Computer / iPad.Assist the Rostered Club member to set up the money tin & the various pamphlets Ensure you are available throughout the night to assist if needed.Assist with the recording of the various announcements in the Monday Night Book.Ensure the money collected is safely deposited & in the safe & the safe is locked at the end of the nightEnsure the PA & Music Computer are put away properly with all cables.Ensure the PA & Computer are securely locked away in the cupboard and the Club Storage area is locked at the end of the night.Ensure the hall is left clean & tidy & the lights are turned off.Admin Guidelines - Thursday Night LessonsCommittee DutiesArrive approx. 6.15pm - 6:30pm to set up.Open up storeroom & assist Club Member with set upGet out sign in book and pensSet up the music amp, microphones & computer/Ipad for the nightLiaise with Teachers as required.After beginners has finished at 7.45pm, make any announcements:What's coming up (Dances etc)Committee announcementsThere is then 15 mins of free practice time for the Beginners until 8.00pm.Intermediate class will commence at 8.00pm. After it has commenced, at about 8.15pm oversee the counting of the money by the Club Member, verify the count then give the teachers their payment and place the Club's money bag into the safe and lock it.After the Intermediate class has finished (at 8.45pm), make any announcements:What's coming up (dances etc)Committee announcementsPut on some dance music and commence packing up. The music must be turned off at 9.00pmAt 9.00pm, pack away the music microphones, amp & computer/Ipad Check the hall is clean & tidy.Check all items have been put away correctly and the cupboards locked.Lock Store Room & turn out the lightsClub Member DutiesArrive approx. 6.15 - 6:30pm to set up.Fill esky with ice (from front Bar) and fill with Water from the KitchenPut out cupsSet out pamphlets on tableSet up front table with name tags, register and money boxTake money & register attendees as they arriveAt 8:15pm, count the money and divide as follows – Hall hire in one money bag - $90.00Halve the remainder and put in 2 money bags (as provided) together with the advice slips, give to Committee Member on duty.Assist Committee Member with final pack up & check of hall.Guidelines Festival Sub-CommitteeThe Festival Organising Sub-Committee is a sub-committee of the Geelong Jukebox Rockers Committee and is responsible for the planning and organising of the Annual Rock and Roll Festival. Expressions of interest will be sought in March from Club Members.The Sub-committee is formed in April and disbanded at the final meeting in February the following year.The Festival Organising Sub-Committee is to consist of between 5-8 members including at least 2 General Committee members, one of which must be the Club President. All members must be financial members of the Geelong Jukebox Rockers.The General Committee must approve all Festival Organising Sub-Committee members.Members of the Festival Sub Committee have no voting rights.All General Committee members are expected to support the Festival Organising Sub-Committee and give assistance when required.Festival Organising Sub-Committee is to determine specific roles for each member and notify the General Committee in writing no later than 3 months prior to the Festival. A draft budget must be submitted to the General Committee prior to the July Committee Meeting for approval.A final budget must be submitted to the General Committee prior to the September Committee Meeting for approval.A written copy of the minutes including a financial report on expected payments and income must be submitted to the General Committee after each Sub Committee meeting.Any legal requirements, formal correspondence and external submissions for funding must be submitted via the General Committee for issue by the Secretary.All food stalls to supply a copy of their current Food Handlers Certificate at the time of application and sighted again on the day. All food stalls to be notified that they will be monitored for their food handling procedures throughout the day.All sites requiring power to be charged extra for site.Any complaints regarding the Festival must be submitted in writing and be presented to the General Committee for discussion and resolution.A written contingency plan must be put in place in the event of rain or severe heat and submitted to the General Committee prior to the September Committee Meeting for approval.An overview and feedback of the Festival must be documented at the last Sub Committee meeting in late January / early February and tabled at the following General Committee meeting.Attachments / FormsThe following attachments are:AGM AgendaCommittee Nomination FormProxy Form TIME \@ "d MMMM yyyy" 15 November 2019Dear Member,Notice Of 2020 Annual General MeetingI am pleased to advise that the Annual General Meeting of Geelong Jukebox Rockers Inc will be held at 7pm on 21st September 2020 at the club rooms, White Eagle House, Fellmongers Road Whittington,Victoria.The following Business will be conducted at this meeting.Confirm Minutes of 2019 General MeetingsTo receive the President’s report on the club’s activities for the year ending 30th June 2020.To receive the Operating Statement and the Balance sheet in respect of the year ending 30th June 2020Election of Executive Committee Members:President & Treasurer for a two-year term.Short Speech may be made by each nomineeElection by Ballot (if more than one nominee for each position)Election of Ordinary Members for a one-year term.Establish the Number of Ordinary Member Positions on the Committee.Call for nominations for Ordinary Members Positions.Election of Ordinary Committee members.Set the Annual Joining & Subscription Fees.Set the date that Memberships Fees are due for the next membership period.Life Members.To deal with any further business of which due notice has been received.If you wish to nominate for a position, you may complete and return the enclosed nomination form to the Secretary at either the above postal or email address. Nominees may also submit a brief outline of their skills, abilities and their plans for the club’s future of no more than 2 pages in length. Nominations may also be made on the night of the AGM. Nominees submissions will be circulated to all financial members on or before 18th September 2020.If you are unable to attend the AGM, you may choose to nominate a proxy to vote on your behalf on the attached/enclosed form. Please note the proxy form must be submitted to the Chairperson before or at the beginning of the meeting to be counted.Our normal Monday social gathering for the remainder of the night will follow the Annual General Meeting.Yours sincerelyJulianne RogersSecretaryNomination For Position On The CommitteeGeelong Jukebox Rockers Inc.Note: This form must be completed & returned to the Secretary by the advised date.I Print NameMember Nobeing a financial member of Geelong Jukebox Rockers Inc, hereby nominate:Print NameMember Nobeing a financial member of Geelong Jukebox Rockers Inc, for the position ofNominator to Sign:Seconded by:Print Name Member No. Seconder to Sign:DeclarationIn accepting a position on the Committee of Management I declare that I am not a current bankrupt and have no conflict of interest with any of the activities of the clubI hereby agree to the above nomination:Print NameSigned Dated Note: Nominees may submit a brief summary (no more than two pages) outlining their skills & abilities to undertake this position along with an outline of their aspirations for the Club along with their nomination.GJBR General Meeting Appointment of ProxyI Print NameMember Noof Addressbeing a financial member of Geelong Jukebox Rockers hereby appointName of proxyMember Noof Address of Proxy Holderbeing a financial member of the Geelong Jukebox Rockers as my proxy to vote on my behalf at the annual / special general meeting of the Association to be held on and at anyadjournment of that meeting.Date of MeetingMembers may indicate below how they want their vote cast.Proxy Vote DirectionPositionNamePresidentTreasurerOrdinaryOther DirectionsSigned DatedNote:This proxy must be submitted to the Chairperson before or at the beginning of the meeting.If sent by post or electronically, then the proxy form must be submitted to the Club no later than 24 hours before the commencement of the meeting ................

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