What system does the skin belong to

Study Guide for Chapter 4 Skin and Membranes

1. What system does the skin belong to? ___________________________________

2. Membranes that line the openings to the exterior parts of the body is _______________________________

3. Difference between parietal and visceral: _______________________________________________________

4. Tissue the skin is made up of is _____________________________________________

5. The four types of membranes: ______________________________________________________________

6. Skin’s 3 layers: _______________________________________________________

7. What skin layers are involved in a blister? ____________________

8. What are the layers of the DERMIS? _________________________________________

9. The adipose tissue is found in what layer? ____________________________________________

10. Name the layers of the epidermis from bottom to top:

11. Fungal infection of the foot is called ______________________________________

12. Bluish tint of the nails and skin ______________________________________

13. Reddened lesions with dry, silvery scales on the skin is _________________________________________

14. Darkening of the skin with spots, usually with age: ___________________________________

15. A redden papule that has a raised border is what type of skin condition? _____________________________

16. 1st degree burn mean redness of the epidermis, give an example: _______________________

17. Type of burns that require grafts. _________________________________

18. Why are 3rd degree burns not painful? ______________________________________________________

19. Major concerns of burn victims (top 3) __________________________________________________________

20. The amount of fluid lost with a burn is estimated how? _______________________________________________

21. Color melanin provides is _______________________, carotene ________________________, hemoglobin ___________

22. What does the arrector pili muscle do? _____________________________________________

23. What gland secretes oil?_______________________________________

24. What is the purpose of sebum? __________________________________________________

25. Name three glands and tell their functions:




26. Leather is made from what layer? __________________________

27. Where are melanocytes found? ______________________________________

28. What structures are found in the dermis (ex, blood? Dead skin?) _________________________________________

29. Membrane that lines joints is called ____________________________________

30. The hair root is surrounded by the ___________________________________________

31. Burn that has blisters is a ____________________________________

32. A membrane that lines areas closed off from the exterior is called __________________________________

33. Know the signs of ABCD: ______________________________________________________________________________

34. What are the functions of the skin:

35. Nerve endings that respond to temperature, touch, and pain are called: __________________________________

36. What layer of the epidermis is clear? ___________________________

37. Know the parts to a nail, label your note sheet!

Know the symptoms of the following skin diseases:

Alopecia- impetigo- jaundice-

Incision- laceration- decubitus ulcer-

Contusions- eczema- seborrhea-


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