
Volume XXVIII, No. 4 November 2014

A Non-Profit Publication to Assist in Sharing Family Records, Research & Genealogy

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Material provided to us is published free in the newsletter.


Administrivia 63 Kentucky Connections 70

E-mail addresses 63 European Research 72

Direct Lines 64 DNA 80

Engagements/Weddings 64 PostScript 80

Submissions 64 Subscribers List* 81

Research 70 *Included only for members



Do not send 2015 Dues: No one has offered to take over publication of the Newsletter and so it seems that it will end with this issue. If someone does contact us after publication of this issue, we will be sure to let everyone know. I had said that we will be returning the 2015 dues that some of you had already sent us by Christmas. However we are going to wait until mid-January at the same time we disburse any other remaining funds.

E-Mail Addresses

At the end of this issue is a listing of all subscribers for 2014. It will not be included with the newsletters going to libraries, etc.

Direct Lines

Tony Franco, tfranco@carolina., of Charlotte, NC area, provided some great material that provided fodder for a fun research effort. Additionally he provided his lineage back to Rev. William Wilson Bonnell. You can see the story of the research in the Submissions section and his lineage below.

William W. Bunnell ~ Elizabeth B. Wire Louise Stackhouse ~ Antonio Franco

Mary Jean Bonnell ~ James S. Stackhouse Anthony A. Franco ~ Edith P. Unsworth

Edgar R. Stackhouse ~ Mary L. Jervis Anthony Franco


Steve Gleitz, cggleitz@, of Oak Ridge, TN provided some interesting material regarding some Kentucky Bonnells which you can read in the Kentucky Connections section. And he provided his lineage back to William Bonnell, CB010886, originally of Rockbridge county, VA.

William Bunnell ~ Unknown Female Robert A. Lyons ~ Susan Sipes

Rebecca Bonnell ~ Joseph Lyon Alvin Lyons ~ Ida G. Priest

Joseph Lyon, Jr ~ Lydia Irwin Edna R. Lyons ~ Howard W. Gleitz

Joseph C. Lyons ~ Mary Bennet Stephen H. Gleitz ~ Carolyn G. Walls


From the Williams- registry site I learned that Kelsey Bunnell and Greg Tsinzo have a wedding planned for 26 September 2015. Nothing on the site gives me a clue as to where they live.



Michael Bonnell-Miller + Robert Miller

Wedding Date: April 25, 2015Location: Gilbert, AZ


In the last issue, on pages 47-49, I carried a series of newspaper articles about Ralph A. Bonnell, an engineer who was accused and then cleared of graft in Chicago. I didn’t do my homework good enough and was embarrassed to receive the following e-mail from Ralph’s grandson, John C. Bonnell, Jr. that he wanted to share with Margaret Rutledge who had submitted the clippings. I, however, was responsible for the research and I apologize to John for not doing a good job of that.

“About 20 years ago I discovered about this event in a check of newspaper articles in my family research. The only surviving relative then was an uncle, the youngest son of R.A. I inquired of his knowledge, and he didn't know about it, and nor did my Dad, R.A's oldest son when he was alive. ... R.A. went on to have a successful engineering career later with the City of Chicago and in private industry. His specialty was underground (mining) and civil engineering and construction. More on his life and his accomplishments that I pieced together were submitted to the Bonnell NL, Vol 21 #1, Feb.'07. The Bonnell’s have been involved in engineering with my Dad a Civil, I am a retired Air Condition Eng, my son is Civil and his son is in school for a future in Civil. So, thank you again for more info on this slice of life, 1909, in old Chicago (probably not much different today). Best Regards, John C Bonnell, jr.

[Ed. Note: As John wrote, we carried Ralph’s biography in Vol. 21, No. 1 on pages 16 and 17.]


“From: Sadie Hill [mailto:jshill@]

Sent: Saturday, February 8, 2014 10:22 PM

To: charlie@

Subject: burnell family father was Royal Rush Burnell. His father was Leslie Lynn, who was son of Heizer, who was son of Quintas. I was adopted and found this family in 1996, living in southern Illinois. I am 65 years old. I was born in New Orleans, and adopted by a lawyer and his wife and lived in northern Louisiana all my life. I did visit with my dad, his son Jerry Lynn and my half-sister Joanie 5 times. Joanie and Jerry are older than I am. My mother still lives in Olney, Illinois, but Royal died a few years ago.( of course, they were not married, but he was) He took me to see the house he grew up in, at a place called Pumpkin Center, Dundas, Illinois. I have two sons by my first husband: Jerry W. Gilley, Jr and Randall Scott Gilley. These Gilleys are cousins of Mickey Gilley and Jerry Lee Lewis. ( oh, and Jimmy Swaggart). I took my sons to meet my dad, and half siblings. As my adopted dad died before my sons were born, it was an emotional meeting for them to actually meet another grandfather. Heizer was married to a Sophia Sumner, and her family is from Sumner, Illinois. Leslie’s wife was Maude Wilhite. They were my grandparents. I don’t have a lot of information about this family, but I did see a lot of pictures of Acton Burnell at my dad’s house. Could have been only wishful thinking on their part. Perhaps you can supply information as to whether we are kin or not. Any help, direct connections or not, would be appreciated. Thanks, Sadie Jo Coenen Hill @ jshill@”

I responded to Sadie that I didn’t often get to research the Burnells and it would be an interesting change of pace. However comparing the database info with what she supplied I found that there were two or three Royal Burnells with mixed up data. There was no Royal Rush, but 3 Royal C. Burnells. Using and I was able to sort out her family fairly well. Royal Rush Burnell’s obituary 1 Jun 2010 confirmed Sadie’s data regarding Royal and his parents, spouse and children. What had been muddying the water was the presence in the same census years of two Royal C. Burnells and one Lyle Royal Burnell who seemed to go by his middle name at times.

The database did carry the correct lineage back to Nicholas Hiser Burnell/Birnel 1824-1854. A well-documented

family tree on , which I’m always surprised but delighted to find, even provided photos back to Nicholas. Between the database, and I was able to put together the correct lineage (Sadie had reversed Quintes and Hizer) and provide her with photos. Royal Rush Burnell is 014218 in the database.


Well over a year ago Steve Bonnell and I corresponded with Tony Franco, tfranco@carolina.. Tony was researching the Bonnell- Ramsey families connections in Philadelphia, PA during the early 1800s. Specifically the fact that Rev. William Wilson Bonnell, his wife and probable children are buried in the Ramsey family plots along with the Ramseys in the Laurel Hill Cemetery in Philadelphia. He had collected considerable paperwork showing burials and had photos of the plot. Rev. William Wilson Bonnell is his GGG grandfather. His material adds much info to the database regarding the children of William. He wrote:

“I had the opportunity to visit Laurel Hill Cemetery in Philadelphia where my GGG grandfather, Rev. William Wilson Bonnell, is buried in section 14, lot 101.

We saw that the name on the edifice is "Ramsey" and we were able to get copies of the paperwork from the office there and found that another Wm Ramsey bought the plot in 1859. We also saw that the people buried there included a Rev. William Ramsey who might have died around 1803 or 1808. There is also a name on a form that might be Jennie M W Ramsey who died at age 28 in 1862 as well as a Mary E W Ramsey who was 94 when she was buried in 1925. 

My confusion is how the Ramseys and the Bonnells are linked - so closely that as many Bonnells are buried in that plot as are Ramseys. My guess is that William Ramsey's daughter was Rev WW Bonnell's mother but that's just a guess.”

There are several surnames associated with this burial plot which was purchased in 1859 by the estate of William Ramsey, resulting in some of the bodies being disinterred from Frankford cemetery and then interred in Laurel Hill cemetery. Tony had copies of the many of the burial documents such as this one which also shows that the body of Rev. William Bonnell was removed from the Frankford (a suburb of Philadelphia) Cemetery. A letter from a Jean Wire requesting her father’s name (Thomas Wire) be added to the stone and stating that Wm. Ramsey was his brother-in-law helped to establish another relationship. She also stated in that letter that her mother was buried in Burlington, NJ. Additionally, Tony had some of the relationships sorted out during his research establishing he is a descendant of Rev. William Bonnell. Other clues were gleaned from census data and from good old Google Books. Along the way I was hoping to determine the parents of Rev. William Wilson Bonnell (CB003473). The following individuals are buried in the Ramsey plot, Lot No. 101, Section 14 of the South Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia, PA.

Rev. William Ramsey, Rev. William Wilson Bonnell (CB003473)

Jennie M. W. Ramsey Elizabeth B. Bonnell

Mary E W. Ramsey Emily B. Coats

Thomas Wire Edna B. Coats

Deborah F. Wire William Ramsey Bonnell (CB004512)

Frank Stackhouse Sophie M. Van Sant

Edith Latta Stackhouse was there but was removed to West Laurel Hill Cemetery.

Tony had a copy of an inscription from a book from Edna Coates, the granddaughter of William and Elizabeth Bonnell that explains several of the Bonnell relationships but still didn’t explain their relationship to Ramsey. The note also provided spouses and children of William & Elizabeth Bonnell:

(Tony went on to mention that William Ramsey Bonnell’s death certificate states “suicide with opium poisoning.” You can’t help but wonder if the death of wife and baby was the trigger for that action.) The note tied together the Bonnell, Wire, Coates, Stackhouse and Van Sant families. And we knew that Thomas Wire and Wm. Ramsey were brother-in-laws. Was Thomas Wire’s wife a Ramsey or was Wm. Ramsey’s wife a Wire?

On I found this tombstone in the Burlington (NJ) cemetery. It states that Thomas Wire is in the South Laurel Hill Cemetery (which we knew). His wife, Gertrude Styer, and daughter, Jean Marion Wire, are both buried here. So now we know that Thomas’ wife was not a Ramsey.

Looking at the tombstone there is a 30 year difference in age between Thomas (b. 1805) and Gertrude (b. 1835). We shouldn’t overlook the possibility that Gertrude was Thomas’ 2nd wife with a first wife being a Ramsey

In Google Books I found The Missionary Herald for 1835 and it states that Reverend Ramsey was in India as a missionary. It also states “that the wife of the Rev. William Ramsey, of the mission station at Bombay, was removed by death on the 11th of June last.” That was published in Jan. of 1835 so it appears she died in 1834. In another issue it states that they lost a child in 1832 or 33.

Deborah Wire, another name from the burial plot, I believe was Thomas Wire’s sister. She was born about 1813, some 8 years after Thomas. Evidently she remained single as in the 1850 census she is with Wm. Ramsey, in the 1860 census she’s with the two daughters Mary and Jennie Ramsey. Jennie dies in 1869 so in the 1870 census Deborah is living with Mary. Neither Jennie nor Mary married.

Wm. Ramsey’s wife died in India. Was she buried there? I searched Find-A-Grave in India but could not find a Ramsey buried there. We don’t know her first name. I’m now inclined to think that Wm Ramsey married a sister of Thomas Wire. That would make them the brothers-in-law mentioned in Jean Wire’s letter. That would also explain Deborah Wire, apparently a sister of Thomas Wire, staying with the family all those years – the children of Wm. Ramsey were her nieces. And with Wm. Bonnell marrying another sister of Thomas Wire that would explain the closeness of the 3 families.

I wonder how we can find out the full name of Wm. Ramsey’s wife.


Here’s what we know about William Wilson Bonnell.

He was born 10 April 1809 in Philadelphia, married Elizabeth B Wire by 1841, died 2 Dec 1849 in Philadelphia.

The Princeton Theological Seminary General Catalogue of 1841 (on Google Books) lists William Wilson Bonnell as a student in 1837 and, if I’m interpreting the notes correctly, that he attended Washington College, Washington, PA. By May of 1840, he is serving on the Board of Missions of the General Assembly of The Presbyterian Church. The American Quarterly Register of 1843, conducted by Rev. Samuel Riddel and published by the American Education Society, lists William as graduating from Washington College in 1836 and in the Quarterly list of Ordinations and Installations shows him appointed as pastor at Chambersburg, PA on July 10.

Tony wrote that he “had stopped by Chambersburg, PA at the Zion Reform Church and met Pastor Jeffrey Diller who showed me the file still kept there with all of Rev. Bonnell's info including the book he wrote. It was really amazing to see it all including W.W. Bonnell's name on the wall dating back several hundred years.”

The other question resulting from this research is who Rev. William Wilson Bonnell’s parents are. And we found some clues.


Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Church and Town Records, 1708-1895; The Philadelphia Saving Fund Society;

1824, April 19; Entry # 4206; Depositor: Wm Bonnell for Wm Wilson Bonnell; M; Residence: Whita????

I believe the M stands for minor. William Wilson (003473) would have been 15 years old. The Philadelphia Saving Fund Society was one of the first savings banks in the country. So I think this is William Wilson Bonnell’s father, William, putting money in Wilson’s savings account.

Our database shows a William Bonnell (004091) in Philadelphia of the right age to be the father. He arrived in PA from England or Ireland in 1802 and was naturalized the same year. According to the 1810 census he was likely married. But our database has no info on a spouse or children.

The 1830 census for the Philadelphia Locust Ward shows a total of 5 people in the household:

Free White Males: age 10 to 14= 1; 20 to 29= 1; 60 to 69= 1

Free White Females: age 20 to 29= 1; 30 to 39= 1

The database records William Bonnell’s death in 1830 based on the Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine, Vol. 2, pg 669, so, without knowing the names of his children or wife, we cannot find the family in the 1840 census.

In the 1870 census for Philadelphia Ward 9 District 25 with William Wilson Bonnell’s widow, Eliza (or Elizabeth), age 50, are her children plus a Robert Bonnell, age 40, b. in PA and what may be his daughter, Jane, age 10. I would think, based on his age, that Robert is likely William’s brother. And that clue may help us later.

At the end of the day, we have filled in some details about the Ramsey, et al families and their relationships, much of which Tony Franco already had. But we still don’t know the name of William Ramsey’s wife, nor the parents of William Wilson Bonnell.


Margaret Rutledge, margaretrutledge@ of Costa Mesa, CA, besides retyping the older newsletters and organizing years of material she inherited, still finds time to pick out interesting newspaper clippings and sending them to us. Here’s a series of articles that tell a sad story:

|Name |County |Date Admitted |Number |Company |Unit |

|BONNEL, ANNIE |LASALLE |DECEMBER 5, 1910 |394 | | |


[Ed. Note: Charles is 005915 in the database. While the short articles provided us considerable information that I will add to the database, they also provide a slice of their life for us. As far as we know Charles and Mary had 4 children: Margaret, b. 1870; Lucille, b. 1874; Edward, b. 1877; and Ida May, b. 1879. From the clippings we learn that Ida and Edward died in 1914.

In the 1880 census C. E. Bonnel and wife Mary A. live in Louisville, Boulder co., CO. He was born in CT, his father in France and his mother in VT. She was born in IL, her parents in Switzerland. The birth places of their children provide the family’s itinerary during the 1870s. Maggie, ae. 10 born in IL; Lucille, ae. 6 born in IL; Edward, ae. 3 born in Iowa and Ida May, ae. 1, born in CO.

The 1900 census show Charles E Bonnel and wife Anna living in Conde Township, Spink co, SD. He was born in CT, his father in France and mother in England. She and her parents were born in Canada.

In the 1910 census Chas. E. Bonnell and wife Annie living in Como, Park co, CO. He was born in CT, his father in Vermont and mother in France. She was born in CT, her parents in Canada English. They state that they have been married 21 years resulting in a marriage date of about 1889, long after the birth of his children. So Annie is a second wife.

The 1920 census for Boulder, CO shows Charles E. Bunnell and wife Laura J. living in Denver, Denver co., CO. He was born in CT, his father in France and his mother in Virginia according to , however I would consider it illegible. Laura was born in Ohio, her father in England and her mother in Ohio. Here we have a third wife.

I have not located the death dates nor burial locations for Charles or any of his wives.


From , on October 15, 2014:

Union Township [NJ] Committee honors John Bunnell with Mayors Award

On Oct. 14, the Township Committee presented John Bunnell with the Mayors Award at the Township Committee Meeting. This award is in recognition of Bunnell’s 25 years of dedicated service as the Union Municipal Band Director.

Bunnell started his career as the Band Director on Oct. 2, 1989. After serving at a young age with the United States Merchant Marine and U.S. Army, Bunnell went back to school. He attended NYU for his bachelor's degree, Rutgers University for his master's degree and the University of Indiana to obtain his doctorate.

Bunnell has been married to his lovely wife Virginia for 63 years. They are the proud parents of three children, five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

Bunnell has provided the residents of Union with many years of musical enjoyment while presiding over more than 300 concerts as director. The Township of Union gratefully acknowledges and thanks John Bunnell for his 25 years of dedicated service.

[Ed. Noted: John is 351147 in the database. His lineage is: William1, Benjamin2, Benjamin3, Gershom4, Joseph5, Joel6, Joel7, Dwight8, John9, John10.]

Kentucky Connections

Steve Gleitz, cggleitz@, of Oak Ridge, TN contacted me about his Kentucky roots. I, belatedly, shared his info with John Grady and George Farris, both of whom were discussing Joseph and Rebecca (Bo/Bunnell) Lyon earlier this year. Steve wrote that:

“I am descended from Joseph Lyon who married Rebecca Bonnel in Rockbridge County, Virginia. I have a copy of the original marriage bond signed by both Joseph and William (he signed as Wm Bonnel)

It was very difficult tying in to this family, as many transcribers had interpreted it as Bonnett. I am interested in anything you may have on this family. I am currently living in Oak Ridge, TN (only about 30 miles away from you.”

Trying to sort out and connect the Bu/Bonnells in Kentucky can be frustrating. The database showed Rebecca as the only child of a William Bonnell. And the William Bu/Bonnell who is father of the Kentucky Clan was listed as a different person. As it turned out, John Grady already had the connection in his Family Tree Maker database. So the two Williams are the same person and need to be merged in the database. William and his unknown wife had 9 children: Samuel, William Jeremiah, Peter, Susana, Sally, Rebecca and David.

After corresponding with John and George, Steve wrote: “I think (from real estate transactions sent to me last night by George Farris) that Joseph and Rebecca [Lyon] went from Virginia to Mercer County first (1803), then on to Hardin County (1818).  It also appears that the Bunnell group moved with them each time. There were also one or two other persons in Mercer County earlier named Joseph Lyons. I think there may have been 10 or 12 Joseph Lyon(s) in Virginia and Kentucky at that early time.  I haven't been able to find anything on how/where Rebecca's Joseph came to be. It appears that most of Augusta and Rockbridge Counties in Virginia were settled by Scotch-Irish fleeing the Jacobite rebellion in those countries in the early 1700's. The real estate evidence above is listed as on Freeman's Creek which is basically currently downtown Elizabethtown, KY.  According to him, Bunnell's farmland and Lyons' adjoined each other and is very close to the Mt. Zion Church.”

The Mt. Zion Church cemetery holds 13 Bunnell gravesites while there are an additional 12 Bunnell graves in Hardin county.


In the May issue, on page 28, I ran a short piece on, submitted by Dave Bunnell, connecting Thomas S. Bunnell, 029283 and Thomas W. Bunnell 013267. While I identified the family as part of the Kentucky clan, I did not have any info on the parents of Thomas 013267. Enter John Grady once more who provided me with Thomas’ lineage back to the William, 004084, who is the earliest ancestor of the Kentucky clan we can track. I forwarded the info to Dave and he wrote that he was glad to receive and that “It was nice to know what happened to Ruth Pauley and her child Evelyn.”

Ruth Pauly was the widow of Thomas S. Bunnell. He was killed when he fell between railroad cars in a logging camp. He and Ruth had been married just over a year and had a daughter Evelyn. John’s records showed that Ruth later married a Philip Sharick and had 3 children with him. Evelyn Bunnell married Alfred Tinkham and she later ran for Washington state senator.

European Research

Early this year John Bonnell, mcljbon@, of Chesapeake, VA, wrote regarding some old notes he had gone through. The most interesting was the following:

“In 1904, Albert Bonnell, wrote a Genealogy of the "Sylvanus Branch of the Bonnell Family". In that he stated: "General William Bonnell (deleting info on Huguenot's) ---- was one of a company of Puritans formed by Reverend Peter Prudden ------- Sailed from Bristol, England in the James, arriving at Quinnupiac (New Haven, CT) April 1638(7)."

New work follows that establishes the immigrants Bunnell’s voyage to Boston ---

In 1983 I traveled to Bristol England and visited a city Historical Society (didn’t record the name of the office).The office had records of ship movements and the "James" was listed, including the Rev Prudden being aboard, summer 1637. Bunnell was listed as a passenger, but I failed to copy the data.”

I sent the info to William Austin, seeking his thoughts on this new information. William wrote back:

“Edward E. Atwater compiled the "History of the Colony of New Haven" in 1902 in two volumes. My copy is A Heritage Classic reprinted in 1989 by Heritage Books, Inc., Bowie, MD. I recommend it to you strongly. From this account it is clear that Rev. Peter Prudden and his company from Herefordshire joined with the company of Rev. John Davenport to emigrate to New England. Davenport's ship was the "Hector", but with the addition of Prudden's group from Herefordshire and another group from Kent, it was necessary to charter another ship, whose name has never been found. The two ships sailed together from London, not Bristol, date not stated, and arrived in Boston, Mass. Bay, on 26 June 1637.”

I would also add that based on William Austin’s research and analysis delineated in Vol I, Nos. 2 and 3, and available on-line at , we were confident that William Bunnell had arrived in Massachusetts Bay by 1630 and returned to England at least once about 1646 from the Bay.

At a listing of “Pilgrim Ship Lists Early 1600s” includes a “Burnell/Bunnell, William” as a part of the Winthrop Fleet, eleven ships sailing in April thru May 1630. That matches our assumptions regarding his arrival. We also know that there was a William Burnell of Pulling Point, Boston, who raised a family there. In September 1630 “Willm Bunell” was on a jury in the Mass. Bay Colony. Austin’s analysis of the “two Bunnells” leads to the conclusion that there were two though one may have been Burnell. But we’ve not been able to locate ships’ lists with a Burnell and a Bunnell who emigrated.

William Bunnell does not show up in the Massachusetts Bay Records after 1630 until 1640. If he returned to England during that time period, could he have returned leaving from Bristol?

By 1650, but not before 1646, William Bunnell relocated to New Haven, while Burnell was raising a family in Pulling Point. Bunnell’s wife and children show up in the New Haven records in 1649. So it’s possible all of the family moved in 1649. It’s also possible that his wife and children moved to New Haven, perhaps with her parents, while William was in England on a second trip. By March 1648, her father, Benj. Wilmot is seated in the New Haven Meeting-House ["History of the Colony of New Haven" by Edward E. Atwater; Appendix IV, Pg. 542] All of this background is what made the reported discovery in a Bristol Historical Society so thought-provoking.

I also forwarded that information to a Bunnell, assigned to London by his employer hoping that he might take a journey to Bristol to try and find that historical society and the record of Bunnell traveling with Prudden. Unfortunately I heard nothing back.

As a result, I started searching in two directions. First I sent an e-mail to the only site I could find, (I’ll discuss those results further on). I also started looking for any information that was available about the emigrants of that specific time period, for if the Bristol record proved to be valid, knowing the group he emigrated with could provide a clue as to his home shire and town.

Regarding the emigrants of that specific period, 1636 – 1637, I ended up with 3 primary websites and two books:

1) The Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Connecticut: ;

which stated that “In the early spring of April, 1638, the ship Hector brought the English colonists into what is now New Haven harbor. As Puritans they did not like the laws of the King's Church of England and as businessmen they resented the high taxes.” This provides no information as to where this specific group originated. Also, we know that in 1639 William was fined in Boston. So it’s not likely that he went to New Haven with them

2) ;

“Theophilus Eaton was a London Merchant, a president of the Massachusetts Bay Company and a Puritan. He was joined by John Davenport who was the clergyman for St. Stephen’s church. The original Eaton-Davenport group consisted of members of St. Stephens Church

He emigrated to New England with other Puritans in the ship Hector, arriving in Boston on June 26, 1637. His group of colonists had John Davenport as their religious leader, and they wanted to start their own settlement. In the spring his group moved from Boston and when they arrived on April 14, 1638 they named the site New Haven.”

(3) The Family web page for John Terrill, b.. 1640n Milford, New Haven County, CT:


“... The Davenport-Eaton Company, as previously said, was composed principally of nonconforming members of the St. Stephen's Parish. A sister ship, the James, sailed on June 26, 1637 from Bristol, England. It was composed of nonconformists from the counties of Essex, Hereford, and York and was headed by the Rev. Peter Prudden. Once in Boston the Davenport-Eaton Company and the Hereford Company looked for a place to settle. ...”

The books are: “A Reforming People; Puritanism and the Transformation of Public Life in New England” by David D. Hall; Knopf, New York, 2011; and the one William Austin recommended, "History of the Colony of New Haven" by Edward E. Atwater. Neither provided any clues as to William’s arrival in The Bay or in New Haven. Nor did either source list any ships leaving out of Bristol.


I received the following response to my e-mail to Bristol Information:

“The Record Office does not hold any records of emigration, the majority are held by the National Archives. Bristol port books 1565-1701 and any customs records are also held by the National Archives;

The National Archives





Tel 020 8876 3444


We hold various books on emigration to America, some of which include records held by the National Archives. I have checked these publications [as follows] for the names Bonnel/Bunnel and Prudden without success;

RefNo Title

Bk/435 The original lists of persons of quality...who went from Great Britain to the American plantations, 1600-1700, [Hotten, John Camden]

Bk/436 The complete book of emigrants, 1607-1660. [Coldham, Peter Wilson]

Bk/437 The complete book of emigrants in bondage, 1614-1775. [Coldham, Peter Wilson]

Bk/438 The Bristol registers of servants sent to foreign plantations, 1654-1686.

[Coldham, Peter Wilson]

Bk/2084 The King's passengers to Maryland & Virginia. [Coldham, Peter Wilson]

J/BRS/19 Merchants and Merchandise in 17th century Bristol [McGrath, P] published by Bristol Record Society

I have checked our catalogue and the names Bonnel/Bunnel and Prudden do not appear within the title or description of documents in our collections covering the correct time period.

Should you wish to search our holdings yourself for any records of interest we have an online catalogue available at . To search for keywords click "Search Online Catalogue" on the left hand side, then enter your search terms in the "Any Text" box.

Collection references can be entered into the “Ref.No.” box.

Please be aware the online catalogue is simply a descriptive list of our collections, you cannot view the documents themselves online.

No passenger lists are held in the Record Office. Several sorts of fees or charges, known as dues, were payable on merchandise coming into Bristol for sale. However, records of most of the dues survive only from the 18th century.

I cannot think of any Historical Societies that would hold original documents. In 1983 the Society of Merchant Ventures [SMV] maintained their own archive, but we now look after these records and they are listed on our catalogue. The SMV ran the Port of Bristol on behalf of Bristol Corporation from 1620, however, the records they kept relating to the port do not begin until 1654.

Within the SMV collection are some indexes and CV’s of members that the Society of Merchant Venturers produced. They appear to have been created during the 1970s or 80s. The names Bonnel/Bunnel and Prudden are not listed in the CV’s folders nor the index to members [document ref SMV/10/1/2/1]

I am sorry that we cannot be of more assistance but I hope that some of these details are of use.

Yours sincerely

Sarah Taylor

Archives Assistant

Bristol Record Office

B Bond Warehouse

Smeaton Road, Bristol BS1 6XN”

I thanked her and promptly went to the British National Archives at the link Ms. Taylor provided me. So while I reached a dead-end on the original search for a Bristol record showing that a Bunnell left in 1637, I did uncover some early Bu/Bonnell documents, or at least the title, description and location of records pertaining to them. Most of these were not on the spreadsheet I built listing all the early Bu/Bonnells in Britain that we were aware of.


Records from the British National Archives



Debtor: Thomas Bonel of Shrewsbury (the Liberty of Shrewsbury, Salop.) Creditor: Geoffrey Randolph (merchant) of Shrewsbury; Amount: 2 sacks of good wool

[Ed. Note: Shrewsbury is in Shropshire. Salop was an old name for Shrewsbury]


There are many records from this century primarily mentioning Richard and Katheryn Bonell of Shrewsbury, Shropshire or Salop. Here is a summary.

27 Jul. 1401

Wednesday after St James. 2nd Henry IV. John son of Reginald Scryven of Shrewsbury & his wife Joan quitclaim to Richard Bonell & his wife Catherine lands which were those of Peter Upton in Shrewsbury. Witnesses: Thomas Skynner & Reginald Mitton, bailiffs of Shrewsbury; Simon Tour; Thomas Pryde, William Bonell.

7 Jan. 1420

Richard Bonell & Katherine his wife, acknowledge a debt of £100 of silver to Richard Horton.

17 Sep. 1426

Lease of a tenement in Shoplatch. Richard Bonell of Shrewsbury and his wife Katherine to William Huwet and his wife Gillian for 4s p.a.

9 Sep. 1455

Will of Richard Bonell of Salop leaving his lands in Shrewsbury to his wife Katherine

20 Aug 1456

20th August 34th Henry VI. John Earl of Shrewsbury concerning the dispute between John Colle of Shrewsbury and Kateryne Bonell decides that Kateryne has the right to the lands.

3 Jan 1458/1459

Wednesday after the circumcision of the Lord 37th Henry VI. Petition to the Earl of Shrewsbury, Lord Treasurer, by Kateryn Bonell of Salop re injuries done to her by John Colle of Salop who, despite bond of £100, has stopped tenants paying £5 10s 11d.

12 May 1461

Grant of property in Salop to Edward IV, founder of Almshouses. Katherine Bonell, daughter and heiress of Richard Bonell grants the annual rents of certain lands and tenements in the town of Salop, its suburbs and elsewhere in the county of Salop to Edward IV, founder of the almhouses in Salop. Witnesses: John Knyght & John Grafton, bailiffs of Salop; Thomas fforster esq; Adam Goldsmyth; William Lyster & others.

13 May 1461

Copy of the will of Katherine Bonell. She left rents charged on property in Wyle Cop, Shoplatch, Coleham and Meole Brace, also a garden in Castle Foregate; Degory Watur, Master of the Company and Henry Smith chaplain of St. Chads to be executors.

[Ed. Note: The two May 1461 references are confusing. In the 12 May entry, should “daughter” have read “wife?” His wife inherited the properties in 1455 so a daughter should have been the heiress of Katheryn.]

Other 1400 era records are from other counties/shires:

27 Jul 1430

Court held at Goditon, Isle of Wight: Receipts for rental of Thomas Jolyf in Strode and Gatcombe 

5 March 1439

Written at Lyverpull, [Liverpool, Lancashire] 5th March, 17 Henry VI; Deeds, Indentures &c

Deed between John of Lynacre and Robert of Bawland and Thomas Bonell, priests.

Release by said John to said Robert and Thomas, priests. 

Multiple similar entries regarding Thomas Bonell, priest

14 May 1424

Given at Lyverpull, 14th of May, 2 Henry VI;

Grant from John de Wolton to Henry de Bretherton, Gilbert Gelibrond, and Thomas Bonnell, of Lyverpull, chaplains, of all his messuages, lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and services, and all his goods and chattels; Also of the messuage, lands, and tenements which John de Lynacre holds for life, and which after his decease will revert to the grantor and his heirs, and shall then come to the said Henry, Thomas, and Gilbert, chaplains, their heirs and assigns.




Short title: Bonell v Lawys. Plaintiffs: John Bonell, great-great-great-grandson and heir of Richard Damerell.

Defendants: William Lawys, Katherine his wife, late the wife of John Baron, and Agnes Dowdeney.

Subject: Detention of deeds relating to messuages and land in Morecokishayes (Cookshayes in Widworthy?) and Wilmington

5 Mar. 1537

City of Chester, General Session of the Peace held before William Godeman, Mayor, Richard Sneyde, Recorder, William Davidson, David Middleton, Robert Golburn, Robert Aldersey and Henry Radford, Justices of the Peace on Monday after the Feast of St. Chad, Bishop, 28 Hen. VIII.

Thomas Wright (Fined 3s:4d); assault on John Bonell. 

Between 1558 and 1603

Sheldon, Warwickshire;

Short title: Bonnell v Palin; Plaintiffs: Thomas Bonnell and others, feoffees of Sheldon parish.

Defendants: John Palin, Andrew Tante and his wife.

Subject: Discovery to determine limits and boundaries of the defendants land adjoining to the plaintiffs, the defendants having encroached and committed waste. The plaintiffs, as foeffees for the parish of Sheldon, Warwickshire, were seised of lands in trust for the said parish for charitable uses, and amongst others for marrying poor maids, and waste has been committed upon parcel of the said lands called Asheforlong [Ashfurlong], , which the defendants lay claim to.

[Ed. Note: foeffee/feoffee is a person or group of person granted a fief by the lord/landowner; It a contract that was inherited by the foeffees’ children. The spreadsheet does have a Thomas Bonnell in Sheldon Parish during this time frame.]

27 Nov. 1572

Will of Peter Bonnell, Yeoman of Saint Albans, Hertfordshire

[Ed. Note: I have purchased the will and need to translate it or find someone to translate it from Olde English.]


Hawarden, Flintshire, Wales. Probate records,

Inventory for George Bunnell

Inventory for Richard Bunnell

[Ed. Note: We have several George Bu/Bonnells in the spreadsheet for that era.]



John Bunnell alias Bullen of Hasketon, Suffolk, labourer v John Cock and his wife Rose. Detention of bond for debt of father of second defendant to plaintiff. Bill, answer.

Short title: Bunnell alias Bullen v Cock

19 Oct 1609

Will of Ambrose Bonnell, Mercer, Canterbnury.

[Ed. Note: I have purchased the will and need to translate or find someone to translate it from olde English.]


Will Bond for Thomas Bonnell, Singleman, Hawarden Parish, Moore Township, Flintshire county, Wales.

[Ed. Note: The spreadsheet has a Thomas Bunnell, born 1592, son of Peter Bunnell,


Inventory for Peter Bonnell, Yeoman, of Hawarden Parish, Moore Township, Flintshire, Wales.

[Ed. Note: The spreadsheet has two entries for Peter Boonell and Bunnell showing his birth abt. 1567 and abt. 1570.]

3 Mar 1619

Will of Hugh Bonnell, Haberdasher of Saint Clement Danes, Middlesex


Will inventory of George Bunnell, Hawarden Parish, Bretton Township, Flintshire. County, Wales.

[Ed. Note: We have several George Bunnells, and variations, with birth and marriage dates that would fit well with this George.]

16 Mar 1621

Will of Anne Bunnell, Widow of Saint Clement Danes, Middlesex.

[The spreadsheet lists a Walter Bonnell of St Clement Danes, Middlesex who died March 1619/20. No idea if there is any relationship though there is certainly a possibility.]

26 Oct. 1624

Will of Daniel Bonnell, of the French Church of Norfolk, Norwich

[Ed. Note: This will was made available on the Bonnell Facebook page by Armando Framarini. Steve Bonnell has sent me a copy but I had not listed it on the spreadsheet.]

20 Jun 1638

Will of David Bonnel or Bonnell, Merchant of London

[Ed. Note: On the spreadsheet we have several David Bu/Bo etc. nnells in London.]

1639 – 1640

Bunell, Leonard, junior, Hingham, Norwich; Inventories exhibited in the year from 25th March, 1639.

23 May 1646

Will of William Bonell, Yeoman of Sheldon, Warwickhire.

26 Jan 1649

Will of Laurence Bonnell, Yeoman of Netherbury, Dorset


Bond Inventory of Griffith Bunnell, Hawarden Parish, Bretton Township, Flintshire County, Wales

[Ed. Note: The spreadsheet shows Griffith Bunnell’s daughter Elizabeth being christened on 12 Jul 1636]

10 Jan 1661

Indenture between John Weare of Bonell ? Bonehill, co.Staff., yeoman, Lettice, his wife, Richard Weare of Bonell, husbandman, Henry Kendall of Austrey, co.War., gent., Margaret Alderwich of Wareton Warton, co.War., widdowe, and others declaring the uses of a fine to be levied of a messuage and lands in Nether Whittacre Whitacre, co.War., and a cottage and lands in Austrey.

[Ed. Note: The interest here of course is not the names of the persons, but rather the place: Bonell or Bonehil of Staffordshire. From UK Genealogy Archives: “Bonehill, a liberty in Fazeley parish, Staffordshire, adjacent to the Coventry Canal, 1 1/2 mile SW of Tamworth.” Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias: “A Liberty was a local government unit in England. Originating in the Middle Ages, ...”]

12 Nov 1661

Will of Susanna Bonnell, Spinster of London.

[Ed. Note: We have two entries for Susanna Bonneel/Bunnell/Bunneell, born abt. 1606, dau. of David]

5 Aug 1675

Will of Jacob Bonnell [probably of Canterbury]

6 Oct 1686

Will of James Bonnell, Mariner of Walthamstow, Essex.

26 Jan 1687

[Probate of will for] Joanna Bonnell of Worton, Middlesex, Spinster


“From: Fred Brandenburg []

Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2013 1:33 PM

To: Charlie@

Subject: information on Benjamin Bonnel

hello Charlie,

Thank you for your wonderfull newsletter on the Bunnell/Bonnell family I found on the Internet on the oldest generations of the family Bonnel in England, Norwich.

My own family tree also has two members of a family Bonnel:

Zacharias Chatelain (1646-1723) was married to Catherine Bonnel probably at Paris and his father Zacharias Chatelain (1622-1699) was married to Rebecca Bonnel.

I found out more on the ancestry of Catharina Bonnel.

She was baptised at Amsterdam May 12th, 1658 as a daughter of Samuel Bonnel and Jacomina Van Leth.

Samuel was baptised at Amsterdam Febr 3th, 1619 as a son of Benjamin Bonnel married to Lucretia Jans.

And Benjamin was married to Lucretia Jans at Amsterdam on July 20th, 1612. In the marriage registration it was written that his witness was his mother Jacomijne Bigode and that Benjamin was coming from London. At the marriage Benjamin mentioned that his age was 22.

I have read that Benjamin left Norwich and became member of the London dutch church.

Attached you find the registration of the marriage of Benjamin Bonnel at Amsterdam.


Fred Brandenburg



Since I can’t read the language, I took Fred’s word for the content of the document above. In a later e-mail he wrote that:

“This Benjamin that married in Amsterdam is the son of Thomas Bonnel and Jacomijntje Bygote: she was attending the marriage of her son in Amsterdam. In those days in the Netherlands French and English names were written mostly like they were pronounced by the people themselves. So here we have the Benjamin that is stated in second litterature to be married to Rebecca Brooks. I would very much like to know were this can found in original documents. At least we know now that Benjamin was married in Amsterdam in 1612 to Lucretia and that they had 6 children baptised in the churches of Amsterdam. But after that and perhaps in between the births of their children this couple left Amsterdam, because I can't find anything else about them in Amsterdam. ...

Do you have any information on Bonnel families in the French place Villiers-le-Bel at about 1600-1680? In his book -Valeur et pouvoir La reproduction familiale et sociale en Ile-de-France. Ecouen et Villiers-le-Bel (1560-1685)- the writer mentiones several Bonnels.”

The Benjamin Bonnell in the “second literature that Fred is referring to comes from the Known Bu-Bo in Europe spreadsheet I shared some time back. Here is the portion dealing with Benjamin Bonnell.


The source cited there for a Ben Bonnell marrying Rebecca Brooks is the IGI, which rarely cites any sources. The Ben married in 1609. Also, that Ben may or may not be the Benjamin who is the son of Thomas and Jacque Marie. In fact, we don’t know how many different Ben/Benjamins we are dealing with here. The top two are the same person, just cited in two different sources. He was christened 7 Jan 1589 indicating he was born not long before that. We have one born in 1566 and one in 1590, suspiciously on 7 Jan.

Benjamin in Amsterdam, was from London, and married in 1612 at the age of 22, resulting in a birthdate of about 1589/1590. It is intriguing to explore the possibilities, but in the absence of primary source material for the Benjamin’s on the spreadsheet I don’t believe we can determine if the one who married Rebecca is the same one who married Lucretia Jans at Amsterdam or is listed on the sheet as the son of Thomas and Jacque Marie.


The DNA program will continue regardless of the final state of the Newsletter. I plan to allow access to the Newsletters on-line for a fee. And those monies will go into the DNA fund. Anyone who has paid through this year will continue to have access to the newsletters, at no additional cost, for the foreseeable future.

Post Script

If you’re interested in having a Tee shirt or tote bag or just a framed poster of the Bunnell coat of arms, go to . I haven’t purchased anything from them but the coat of arms they offer looks like the one we use at the top of the newsletter. They also offer several Bonnell coats of arms, none of which look like the one we use. I’m not saying that the one we use is the only correct one; there seems to be several variations of the Bonnell coat of arms.


This issue is heavy on the background material I received/used while researching the articles included. I felt that by providing all of the source material someone else may use to continue the search with a minimum of wasted time digging up the same material. This was especially true of the European Research section.


I have omitted the obituaries section because of the membership listing and the length of the newsletter without that section.


This ends this series of the Newsletters. At some point another person may come along and resurrect it; I certainly hope so. I hate to end it but I just don’t feel able to continue it any longer. It has become far more work for me than I am willing to spend time on. I will continue researching, but I probably won’t have so many e-mails for which I have to research and respond. I hope we can all stay in touch. We’ve certainly enjoyed corresponding with all of you and even managing to meet some of you. Thanks for all of your support, assistance and patience. And let’s stay in contact.





ISSN: 1553-0094

Important Addresses:

Charlie & Pat Bunnell: 13 Windsor Point, Crossville, TN 38558; 931-210-3732

William R. Austin: 2720 Hamilton Dr., Endwell, NY 13760

Claude’s Website:

Updates to database: db@

DNA & Genealogy: Steven Bonnell, 1523 Good Shepherd Rd, Montoursville, PA 17754

E-Mail: BNL_dna@

DNA Website:


Lynn Burnell

1887 - 1954


Quintes Burnel

1853 - 1932


Hizer Burnell

1823 - 1854


Royal Rush Burnell

1917 - 2010

“Rev. William Wilson Bonnell; born-1808; died 1849; m. Elizabeth B. Wire. They had seven children, 4 lived to maturity

1. Emilie (Emily) Bonnell m. Elmer Rúan Coates

Issue: Edna Bonnell Coates

2. William Ramsey Bonnell lost wife & baby when the child was born

3. Mary Jean Bonnell m. Jas. S. Stackhouse; 8 children lived-7 grew to maturity;

Issue: Edgar Raymond Stackhouse –the youngest married Mary Louise Jervis

Issue: Louisa Stackhouse; m. Anthony Franco (of Peru) __ children born of the union

Issue: Anthony & ______

4. Helen Bonnell; m. John Van Sant; 2 children.


Edna Bonnell Coates – presents this book to Louisa Stackhouse Franco as a token of love Dec 31-33.”


Quincy Daily Journal, IL 19 Apr 1915, Pg.7

Notes From the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home


Charles Bonnel and wife of cottage 22 have received a telegram conveying the sad news of the death of their son, who was killed at Victor, Colo. The manner of death was not stated. Mr. Bonnel left yesterday afternoon for Victor. Mr. and Mrs. Bonnel have the sympathy of friends in their affliction. Mr. Bonnell had just returned from burying his daughter, Mrs. Ida Camp, of Denver, who had died on the 5th of this month when he was called to attend the funeral of his son.

Quincy Daily Journal, IL 9 Apr 1914, Pg.2

Notes From the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home


Charles Bonnel and wife have returned and are located at cottage 22.

Quincy Daily Journal, IL 19 Apr 1915, Pg.7

Notes From the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home


Mrs. Margaret Mitchell is in receipt of a letter from Mrs. Charles Bonnel from Boulder, Colo., where the Bonnels are now living. Mr. Bonnel is engaged in shipping ore and made $119 one month. They are pleasantly located with Mr. Bonnel’s youngest daughter, having two rooms with her. They are both well and enjoying life.

Quincy Daily Journal, IL 26 Apr 1915, Pg.7

Notes From the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home


E. F. Bonnel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bonnel, was killed at Victor, Col., by the elevator in which he was riding dropping down the mine shaft. The funeral was in charge of the Masons and Yeomen.

John Bunnell and the Township Committee. Pictured (from left) Manuel Figueiredo, Suzette Cavadas, Joseph Florio, Dr. John Bunnell, Mayor Clifton People. (Photo credit: Union TV 34 Suburban News)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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