Kindergarten Job Application - Kindergarten Classroom ideas

Kindergarten Job Application

Name: ______________________ Age: _______

Birthday: _________

Address: ________________________________________

Relatives: _______________________________________

Education: ______________________________________

Job you are applying for:

1st choice:___________________________

2nd choice:___________________________

3rd choice:___________________________

Job qualifications: ________________________________

Special Skills: _____________________________________

------------------- for teacher use only ----------------------

Job Assigned: ____________________________________

Paycheck: ________________________________________

Deductions due to fines: ____________________________

Weekly Amount: __________________________________

Banker Signature: _________________________________

Fines: (

Name: __________________________________________

Reason(s)? : _____________________________________

Date: ___________________________________________

Amount of Fine: _________________________________

Fines: (

Name: __________________________________________

Reason(s)? : _____________________________________

Date: ___________________________________________

Amount of Fine: _________________________________

Fines: (

Name: __________________________________________

Reason(s)? : _____________________________________

Date: ___________________________________________

Amount of Fine: _________________________________

Random Act of Kindness (

Name: _________________________________________

Date: __________________________________________

RAK: _________________________________________

Reward: ________________________________________

Random Act of Kindness (

Name: _________________________________________

Date: __________________________________________

RAK: _________________________________________

Reward: ________________________________________

Random Act of Kindness (

Name: _________________________________________

Date: __________________________________________

RAK: _________________________________________

Reward: ________________________________________

Job Listings:

1. Door Answerer (greets anyone who enters out classroom door)

2. Banker (helps workers with deposits and withdraws at the bank)

3. Paymaster (writes checks to workers)

4. Line Leader (leads the line to specials, bathroom, etc.)

5. Paper passer-outer (puts papers into mailboxes, or returns them to students)

6. Paper picker-upper (collects papers from students and checks the floor for strays)

7. Coat closet

8. Sink Master

9. Straighten Shelves

10. Table Cleaners

11. Attendance Keeper

12. Store Keeper

13. Good-Mood Person

14. Chair Checker

15. Housekeeper

16. Zoo Keeper (seasonal)

17. Computer Technician (turns on computers each day, logs them in and then shuts them down at the end of the day)

18. Energy Saver (turns lights on and off when leaving/entering the classroom)

19. Remote Controller (turns on TV, adjusts volume)

20. Manipulatives Master (gets out math manipulatives and puts them on the shelves when done)

21. Center Checker (checks to make sure that centers are cleaned up and tidy)

22. Booklet Binder

23. Pencil Sharpener

24. Weather Checker

25. Breakfast Basket (returns breakfast basket to dining room when sheet is checked)

26. Library Book “Returner”

27. Mailbox Master (makes sure that everyone cleans out their mailbox daily)

28. Supply Checker

29. Restroom Monitor (boys)

30. Restroom Monitor (girls)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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