Section One: Facts About You - SPARS Portal

HIV ADULT CODEBOOKCoding Manual for All Data Collection PointsThis manual provides coding instructions for data collected using the National Minority SA/HIV Prevention Initiative Adult Questionnaire (OMB No.: 0930-0298, Expiration Date: 03/31/2019).Please note: Items that the respondent left blank should be coded as 98. The 98 code should also be used in cases where the respondent selected multiple response options to items that require a single response. These instructions are repeated in detail in the item-by-item coding rules listed below. IITEM#QUESTION /VARIABLERESPONSE CHOICE/NUMERIC CODEVARIABLE NAMELanguage of Survey InstrumentPlease indicate if the survey administered was in English, Spanish, or another language using the provided response options.1= SAMHSA-provided Standard English Instrument2=SAMHSA-provided Standard Spanish Instrument 3=OtherINSTRMNT_LANGLanguage of Survey Instrument if OtherPlease write in the language of the survey instrument if other than a SAMHSA-provided Standard English or Spanish Instrument is being used.(Text Response)LANG_OTHERPLEASE NOTE: THE ONLINE DATA SYSTEM WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY RECORDS WITH MISSING OR INVALID RESPONSES TO THE FOLLOWING ADMINISTRATIVE VARIABLES: GRANT ID, STUDY DESIGN GROUP, PARTICIPANT ID, MONTH OF SURVEY ADMINISTRATION, DAY OF SURVEY ADMINISTRATION, YEAR OF SURVEY ADMINISTRATION, AND INTERVIEW TYPE.Grant IDGrant ID (5 digits)Five-digit number that follows “SP0” in the Grant Award Number issued by CSAPGRANT_IDGrp TypeStudy Design Group (Select one)1= Intervention 2= ComparisonDESIGNGRPPart IDFive Digit Participant ID (5 digits)Five-digit number 10000 to 99999PARTIDAdm MthMonth of Survey Administration1=January 8=August2=February 9=September3=March 10=October4=April 11=November5=May 12=December6=June 7=JulyMONTHAdm DayDay of Survey AdministrationTwo-digit number 1 to 31 DAYAdm YrYear of Survey AdministrationRecord the four-digit year (e.g. 2015, 2016 etc.)YEARInterview TypeInterview Type1= Baseline2= Exit3= Follow-upINTTYPEService DurationService Duration (Select one)1= Single-session (1 day or less duration)2= Multiple-session brief (2 and 29 days’ duration)3= Multiple-session long (30 days or longer duration)98= Left blankINTDURIntervention Names(s)Intervention Name 1Name of First InterventionEnter the code corresponding to the reported intervention name98= Left BlankINTERVENTION_AIntervention Name 2Name of Second InterventionEnter the code corresponding to the reported intervention name98= Left BlankINTERVENTION_B Intervention Name 3Name of Third InterventionEnter the code corresponding to the reported intervention name98= Left BlankINTERVENTION_CSECTION ONE: Facts About You1How would you describe yourself? (Gender) 1= Male2= Female3= Transgender (Male to female)4= Transgender (Female to male)5= Transgender (No further detail)GENDER98= Left Blank or multiple responses selected2In what year were you born? Record the four-digit year (e.g. 1960, 1961, etc.)98= Left blankYOB3Are you of Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin? (If yes, you may select one or more categories)3aNot of Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin?1= Checked0= Not checked98= Entire question left blankE_NONHISPAN3bMexican, Mexican American, Chicano/a?1= Checked0= Not checked98= Entire question left blankE_MEXICAN3cPuerto Rican?1= Checked0= Not checked98= Entire question left blankE_PUERTRICAN3dCuban?1= Checked0= Not checked98= Entire question left blankE_CUBAN3eAnother Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin?1= Checked0= Not checked98= Entire question left blankE_OTHERHISPAN4What is your race? (Select one or more?)4aWhite selected?1= Yes0= No98= Entire question left blankR_WHITE_N4bBlack or African American selected?1= Yes0= No98= Entire question left blankR_BLACK_N4cAmerican Indian or Alaska Native selected?1= Yes0= No98= Entire question left blankR_AMERINALSK_N4dAsian Indian selected?1= Yes0= No98= Entire question left blankR_ASIAIN_N4eChinese selected?1= Yes0= No98= Entire question left blankR_CHINESE_N4fFilipino selected?1= Yes0= No98= Entire question left blankR_FILIP_N4gJapanese selected?1= Yes0= No98= Entire question left blankR_JAPAN_N4hKorean selected?1= Yes0= No98= Entire question left blankR_KOR_N4iVietnamese selected?1= Yes0= No98= Entire question left blankR_VIETNAM_N4jOther Asian selected?1= Yes0= No98= Entire question left blankR_OTHERASIA_N4kNative Hawaiian selected?1= Yes0= No98= Entire question left blankR_HAW_N4lGuamanian or Chamorro selected?1= Yes0= No98= Entire question left blankR_GUAM_N4mSamoan selected?1= Yes0= No98= Entire question left blankR_SAMO_N4nOther Pacific Islander selected?1= Yes0= No98= Entire question left blankR_OTHERPI_N5How would you describe yourself? (sexual orientation)1= Straight/Heterosexual2= Bisexual3= Gay/Lesbian4= Unsure98= Left blank or multiple responses selectedSEX_PR6How well do you speak English?1=Very well2=Well3=Not well4=Not at all98=Left blank or multiple responses selectedSPEAK_ENG7What is your primary spoken language?1= English2= Spanish3= Asian (Chinese, Japanese, or other)4= American Indian (Apache, Blackfoot, Navajo, or other)5= Other Language 98= Left blank or multiple responses selectedLANG8What is the highest level of education you have finished, whether or not you received a degree? (Mark the highest grade you have completed.)1 = Elementary school2 = Middle school3 = High school4= Community college or technical or trade school5= Four-year college6= Beyond four-year college98= Left blank or multiple responses selectedEDLEVEL_N 9Are you currently attending college?0= No1= Yes, I live on campus2= Yes, I live off of campus98= Left Blank or multiple responses selectedCOLLEGE 10Which of the following best describes you? (Mark the one that fits best)1= Employed full time (35+ hours per week) 2= Employed part-time 3= Unemployed (full-time student) 4= Unemployed (other reason) 98=Left blank or multiple responses selectedEMPLOY_N 11Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have difficulty doing errands alone - such as visiting a doctor's office or shopping?1= Yes0= No98=Left blank or multiple responses selectedPMECONDITION 12If you have ever been in juvenile/adult detention, jail, or prison for more than 3 days, how long has it been since you last got out?99= Never in juvenile/adult detention, jail, or prison for more than 3 days1= Less than two years2= Two years or more98= Left blank or multiple responses selectedJAILTIME_N 13Have you ever served in the Armed Forces, in the Reserves, or the National Guard [select all that apply])?13_1No, (Skip to #14)1= Selected0= Not Selected98= Entire question left blankMILSERVENO13_2Yes, in the Armed Forces1= Selected0= Not Selected98= Entire question left blankMILSERVEARM13_3Yes, in the Reserves 1= Selected0= Not Selected98= Entire question left blankMILSERVERES13_4Yes, in the National Guard1= Selected0= Not Selected98= Entire question left blankMILSERVENG13aIf YES to question 13,Are you currently on active duty in the Armed Forces, in the Reserves, or the National Guard?1= Yes, in the Armed Forces2= Yes, in the Reserves3= Yes, in the National Guard0= No, separated or retired from Armed Forces, Reserves, or National Guard98= Left blank or multiple responses selected ACTIVE13bHave you ever been deployed to a combat zone [select all that apply]?13b_1Never deployed1= Selected0= Not Selected98= Entire question left blankDEPLOYEDNO13b_2Iraq or Afghanistan (e.g., Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn)1=Selected0= Not Selected98= Entire question left blankDEPLOYEDIRAQ13b_3Persian Gulf (Operation Desert Shield or Desert Storm)1=Selected0= Not Selected98= Entire question left blankDEPLOYEDPERS13b_4Vietnam/Southeast Asia1=Selected0= Not Selected98= Entire question left blankDEPLOYEDASIA13b_5Korea1=Selected0= Not Selected98= Entire question left blankDEPLOYEDKOR13b_6WWII1=Selected0= Not Selected98= Entire question left blankDEPLOYEDWWII13b_7Deployed to a combat zone not listed above (e.g., Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo)1=Selected0= Not Selected98= Entire question left blankDEPLOYEDOTH14Is anyone in your family or someone close to you on active duty in the Armed Forces, in the Reserves, or the National Guard, or separated or retired from Armed Forces, Reserves, or the National Guard?0= No, (Skip to #16)1= Yes, 1 person2= Yes, 2 people3= Yes, 3 people4= Yes, 4 people5= Yes, 5 people6= Yes, 6 or more people98=Left blank or multiple responses selectedOTHACTIVE15_1If YES to question 14, If yes, answer the following questions for each person you marked in question 14 (up to six people).Service Member’s relationship to you:1= Mother/Father2= Brother/Sister3= Spouse/Partner4= Child5= Other, specify98= Entire column left blank SERVREL115_1 other specifyIf OTHER, SPECIFY to question 15,Specify(text response)SERVREL1_OTHER15_2If YES to question 14,If yes, answer the following questions for each person you marked in question 14 (up to six people).Service Member’s relationship to you:1= Mother/Father2= Brother/Sister3= Spouse/Partner4= Child5= Other, specify98= Entire Column Left BlankSERVREL215_2 other specifyIf OTHER, SPECIFY to question 15_2,Specify(text response)SERVREL2_OTHER15_3If YES to question 14,If yes, answer the following questions for each person you marked in question 14 (up to six people).Service Member’s relationship to you:1= Mother/Father2= Brother/Sister3= Spouse/Partner4= Child5= Other, specify98= Entire Column Left BlankSERVREL315_3 other specifyIf OTHER, SPECIFY to question 15_3,Specify(text response)SERVREL3_OTHER15_4If YES to question 14,If yes, answer the following questions for each person you marked in question 14 (up to six people).Service Member’s relationship to you:1= Mother/Father2= Brother/Sister3= Spouse/Partner4= Child5= Other, specify98= Entire Column Left BlankSERVREL415_4 other specifyIf OTHER, SPECIFY to question 15_4,Specify(text response)SERVREL4_OTHER15_5If YES to question 14,If yes, answer the following questions for each person you marked in question 14 (up to six people).Service Member’s relationship to you:1= Mother/Father2= Brother/Sister3= Spouse/Partner4= Child5= Other, specify98= Entire Column Left BlankSERVREL515_5 other specifyIf OTHER, SPECIFY to question 15_5,Specify(text response)SERVREL5_OTHER15_6If YES to question 14,If yes, answer the following questions for each person you marked in question 14 (up to six people).Service Member’s relationship to you:1= Mother/Father2= Brother/Sister3= Spouse/Partner4= Child5= Other, specify98= Entire Column Left BlankSERVREL615_6 other specifyIf OTHER, SPECIFY to question 15_6,Specify(text response)SERVREL6_OTHERSECTION TWO: Attitudes & KnowledgePerception of Risk/Harm16How much do people risk harming themselves physically and in other ways when they smoke ONE OR MORE PACKS OF CIGARETTES PER DAY?1= No Risk2= Slight Risk3= Moderate Risk4= Great Risk97= Don’t Know/Can’t Say98= Left blank or multiple responses selected RSKCIG17How much do people risk harming themselves physically and in other ways when they smoke MARIJUANA once or twice a week?1= No Risk2= Slight Risk3= Moderate Risk4= Great Risk97= Don’t Know/Can’t Say98= Left blank or multiple responses selected RSKMJ18How much do people risk harming themselves physically and in other ways when they have five or more drinks of an ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE once or twice a week?1= No Risk2= Slight Risk3= Moderate Risk4= Great Risk97= Don’t Know/Can’t Say98= Left blank or multiple responses selected RSKALCYour Friends Risky Behavior19How many of your friends and acquaintances often have 5 or more drinks in one sitting?1= None of them2= A few of them3= Some of them4= Most of them5= All of them98= Left Blank or multiple responses selectedPEERBINGE_A20How would you feel about your close friends frequently having 5 or more drinks in one sitting?1= I would strongly disapprove2= I would disapprove3= I would neither approve nor disapprove4= I would approve5= I would strongly approve98= Left blank or multiple responses selectedWRGBINGE_A21How would you feel about your close friends regularly engaging in unprotected sexual activity?1= I would strongly disapprove2= I would disapprove3= I would neither approve nor disapprove4= I would approve5= I would strongly approve98= Left blank or multiple responses selectedWRGSEX_UNP_ABeliefs and Attitudes Towards SexHow much do you think people risk harming themselves physically:22If they have sex (oral, vaginal, or anal) without a condom or dental dam?1= No Risk2= Slight Risk3= Moderate Risk4= Great Risk98= Left blank or multiple responses selectedRSKANYSEX_UNP23If they have sex while high on drugs or under the influence of alcohol?1= No Risk2= Slight Risk3= Moderate Risk4= Great Risk98= Left blank or multiple responses selectedRSKSEX_ALCDRG24If they share unsanitized needles or works when using drugs?1= No Risk2= Slight Risk3= Moderate Risk4= Great Risk98= Left blank or multiple responses selected RSKNDL_SHRIn your relationship with your (main) partner, how confident are you that you could:25Refuse to have sex with your partner because you weren’t in the mood?1= Not at All2= A little3= Somewhat4= Very Much98= Left blank or multiple responses selected CNTRL_REFUSEMOOD26Ask your partner to wait while you got a condom/dental dam?1= Not at All2= A little3= Somewhat4= Very Much98= Left blank or multiple responses selected CNTRL_WAITCNDM27Tell your partner how to treat you sexually?1= Not at All2= A little3= Somewhat4= Very Much98= Left blank or multiple responses selected CNTRL_TREAT28Refuse to engage in sex practices you didn’t like?1= Not at All2= A little3= Somewhat4= Very Much98= Left blank or multiple responses selected CNTRL_SEXPRAC29Ask your partner to use a condom/dental dam?1= Not at All2= A little3= Somewhat4= Very Much98= Left blank or multiple responses selected CNTRL_ASKCNDM30Refuse to have sex because your partner did not want to use a condom/dental dam?1= Not at All2= A little3= Somewhat4= Very Much98= Left blank or multiple responses selected CNTRL_REFUSECNDMHIV/AIDS Knowledge – What You Know (Refer to Last Page for List of Correct Responses)31Only people who look sick can spread the HIV/AIDS virus. 0= False1= True97= Don’t Know98= Left blank or multiple responses selected HIV_SICK_N32Only people who have sexual intercourse with gay (homosexual) people get HIV/AIDS. 0= False1= True97= Don’t Know98= Left blank or multiple responses selected HIV_GAYSEX_N33Birth control pills protect women from getting HIV/AIDS.0= False1= True97= Don’t Know98= Left blank or multiple responses selected HIV_BCPILL_N34There are drugs available to treat HIV that can lengthen the life of a person infected with the virus.0= False1= True97= Don’t Know98= Left blank or multiple responses selected HIV_DRGS_N35There is no cure for AIDS. 0= False1= True97= Don’t Know98= Left blank or multiple responses selected HIV_CURE_NHealth Care Services36Would you know where to go near where you live to see a health care professional regarding HIV/AIDS or other sexually transmitted health issues?1= Yes0= No98= Left blank or multiple responses selected KNOW_HIV37Would you know where to go near where you live to see a health care professional regarding a drug or alcohol problem?1= Yes0= No98= Left blank or multiple responses selected KNOW_SA38When you need medical help, generally how difficult is it for you to get to a service provider? Would you say it is:1= Not at all difficult2= Not too difficult3= Somewhat difficult4= Very difficult98= Left blank or multiple responses selected GET_MEDHLP39In your day-to-day life, do you ever feel that you are treated with less respect or receive poorer services than other people?0= No (Skip to #40)1= Yes98= Left blank or multiple responses selectedLIFE_RESP_SERV39aWhat do you think is the main reason for these experiences? (Check all that apply to you. If none of the answers apply, check “None of the above.”)RESPECT_DISABLERESPECT_DISABLE39a_1Your race or ethnicity1= Selected0= Not Selected98= Entire question left blankRESPECT_RACE39a_2Your religion1= Selected0= Not Selected98= Entire question left blankRESPECT_REL39a_3Your gender1= Selected0= Not Selected98= Entire question left blankRESPECT_GENDER39a_4Your age1= Selected0= Not Selected98= Entire question left blankRESPECT_AGE39a_5Your sexual orientation1= Selected0= Not Selected98= Entire question left blankRESPECT_SEXPR39a_6A disability that you have1= Selected0= Not Selected98= Entire question left blankRESPECT_DISABLE39a_7Your mental health status1= Selected0= Not Selected98= Entire question left blankRESPECT_MH39a_8Your HIV status1= Selected0= Not Selected98= Entire question left blankRESPECT_HIV39a_9None of the above1= Selected0= Not Selected98= Entire question left blankRESPECT_NONE40Have you ever been informed of your HIV status (that is, whether or not you are HIV-positive) based on the result of an HIV test?1=Yes0=No98=Left blank or multiple responses selectedHIV_RESULTS_NMore About Your Relationships41Now we would like you to think about all the people you know. Are there certain people you could go to when you want to talk about personal matters that you wouldn’t tell just anyone?1= Yes0= No98= Left blank or multiple responses selectedTALK_ALLPERS_NReligious or Spiritual Beliefs42In general, how important are religious or spiritual beliefs in your day-to-day life?1= Not at all Important2=Not too Important3=Fairly Important4=Very Important98=Left Blank or multiple responses selectedREL_IMPSECTION THREE: Behavior & RelationshipsPast 30-Day Use43During the past 30 days, on how many days did you smoke part or all of a cigarette? (includes menthol and regular cigarettes, and loose tobacco rolled into cigarettes)0= 0 Days1= 1 Day2= 2 Days3= 3 Days4= 4 Days etc.30= 30 Days97= Don’t Know/Can’t Say98= Left blank or multiple responses selected CIG30D44During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use other tobacco products (Include any tobacco product other than cigarettes such as dipping snuff, chewing tobacco, and smoking tobacco from a pipe)0= 0 Days1= 1 Day2= 2 Days3= 3 Days4= 4 Days etc. 30= 30 Days97= Don’t Know/Can’t Say98= Left blank or multiple responses selected TOB30D45During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use electronic vapor products?0= 0 Days1= 1 Day2= 2 Days3= 3 Days4= 4 Days etc. 30= 30 Days97= Don’t Know/Can’t Say98= Left blank or multiple responses selected VAP30D46During the past 30 days, on how many days did you drink one or more drinks of an alcoholic beverage? (includes beer, wine, wine coolers, malt beverages, or hard liquor).0= 0 Days1= 1 Day2= 2 Days3= 3 Days4= 4 Days etc.30= 30 Days97= Don’t Know/Can’t Say98= Left blank or multiple responses selected ALC30D47During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have 5 or more drinks on the same occasion? [By 'occasion,' we mean at the same time or within a couple of hours of each other].0= 0 Days1= 1 Day2= 2 Days3= 3 Days4= 4 Days etc.30= 30 Days97= Don’t Know/Can’t Say98= Left blank or multiple responses selectedBINGE530D48During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use marijuana or hashish?0= 0 Days1= 1 Day2= 2 Days3= 3 Days4= 4 Days etc.30= 30 Days97= Don’t Know/Can’t Say98= Left blank or multiple responses selectedMJ30D49During the past 30 days, on how many days, did you use any other illegal drug?0= 0 Days1= 1 Day2= 2 Days3= 3 Days4= 4 Days etc. 30= 30 Days97= Don’t Know/Can’t Say98= Left blank or multiple responses selectedILL30DPast 30-Day Use of Three Specific Drugs50During the past 30 days, on how many days have you used prescription drugs without a doctor’s orders, in order to feel good or to get high? 0= 0 Days1= 1 Day2= 2 Days3= 3 Days4= 4 Days etc.30= 30 Days97= Don’t Know/Can’t Say98= Left blank or multiple responses selected RX30D51During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use synthetic marijuana (also called K2, Spice, fake weed, King Kong, Yucatan Fire, Skunk, or Moon Rocks)?0= 0 Days1= 1 Day2= 2 Days3= 3 Days4= 4 Days etc.30= 30 Days97= Don’t Know/Can’t Say98= Left blank or multiple responses selected SPICE30D52This question is SPECIFICALLY ABOUT INJECTED DRUGS. During the past 30 days, on how many days have you injected any drugs? (Count only injections without a doctor’s orders—ones you used to feel good or to get high.)0= 0 Days1= 1 Day2= 2 Days3= 3 Days4= 4 Days etc.30= 30 Days97= Don’t Know/Can’t Say98= Left blank or multiple responses selected INJECT30DExperience With Alcohol Use53Have you ever felt you should cut down on your drinking?1= Yes0= No98= Left blank or multiple responses selectedCUT_ALC54Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking?1= Yes0= No98= Left blank or multiple responses selectedANNOY_ALC55Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your drinking?1= Yes0= No98= Left blank or multiple responses selectedGUILT_ALC56Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover?1= Yes0= No98= Left blank or multiple responses selectedMORN_ALC57During the past 30 days, has your use of alcohol or drugs caused you to have emotional problems?99= Have not used alcohol or drugs in the past 30 days1= Not at all2= Somewhat3= Considerably4= Extremely98= Left blank or multiple responses selectedEMO_AFTMental Health58Now thinking about your mental health, which includes stress, depression, and problems with emotions, for how many days during the past 30 days was your mental health NOT good?0= 0 Days1= 1 Day2= 2 Days3= 3 Days4= 4 Days etc.30= 30 Days97= Don’t Know/Can’t Say98= Left blank or multiple responses selected MENTLH30DSexual Behavior59Have you ever had sex (oral, vaginal, or anal)?1= Yes0= No SEX_HAD98= Left blank or multiple responses selected 60Have you had sex (vaginal, oral, or anal) in the past 30 days?1= Yes0= No 98= Left blank or multiple responses selected SEX_ANY30D 61The last time you had sex (vaginal, oral, or anal), was it protected or unprotected?99= I have never had sex1= Protected2= Unprotected98= Left blank or multiple responses selected LASTSEX_UNP 62Have you ever had sex with a man?1= Yes0= No SEX_MALEEVER 98= Left blank or multiple responses selected 63Have you ever had sex with a woman?1= Yes0= No SEX_FEMALEEVER 98= Left blank or multiple responses selected 64During the past 3 months, how many sexual partners have you had?0=None1= 1 person2=2 people3=3 people4=4 people5=5 people6=6 people7=7 people8=8 people9=9 people10=10 or more people98=Left blank or multiple responses selectedSEX_MNY_3MOS65If you have ever had unprotected sex (vaginal, anal, or oral) with someone in exchange for money, drugs, or shelter, when was the last time you did?99= Never had unprotected sex with someone in exchange for money, drugs, or shelter1= Within the past 3 months2= More than 3 months ago98= Left Blank or multiple responses selectedWHENSEX4STFF_UNP66If you have ever had unprotected sex (vaginal, anal, or oral) with a partner you knew had, or suspected of having, HIV/AIDS or another sexually transmitted disease (STD), when was the last time you did?99= Never had unprotected sex with someone known to have HIV/AIDS or another STD1= Within the past 3 months2= More than 3 months ago98= Left Blank or multiple responses selectedWHENSEXHIVSTD_UNP67If you have ever had unprotected sex (vaginal, anal, or oral) with someone who you knew was, or whom you suspected of being, an injected drug user, when was the last time you did?99= Never had unprotected sex with an injected drug user1= Within the past 3 months2= More than 3 months ago98= Left Blank or multiple responses selectedWHENSEXDRUG_UNP68If you have ever had sex while you were under the influence of drugs or alcohol, when was the last time you did?99= Never had sex while under the influence of drugs or alcohol1= Within the past 3 months2= Longer than 3 months ago98= Left Blank or multiple responses selectedWHENSEXALCDRGThe next two questions ask about abuse you might have experienced.69In the past 3 months, how often has anyone with whom you had an intimate relationship (sexual or not) abused you emotionally, physically, or sexually?1= NeverANYABUSE_3M2= Rarely3= Sometimes4=Often5=Very Often98=Left blank or multiple responses selected70During the past 12 months, how many times have you had unwanted sex (vaginal, oral, or anal) either because someone physically forced you or because you were too drunk or out of it to know what was happening?1= Never2= Once3= Twice4= 3 or more times98= Left blank or multiple responses selectedSEXUNWANT_12MFamily, Relationships, and Work71Describe your current relationship status.1= Never married and never permanently partnered2= Legally married or living with a permanent partner3= Separated, divorced (or broken up with a permanent partner), or widowed98= Left blank or multiple responses selected MSTATUS_N72With whom do you live? (Mark the answer that describes you best)1= Alone2= With partner or spouse3= With parents4= With relatives other than spouse or parents5= With friends or roommates6= Other98= Left blank or multiple responses selectedLIVE_N73Describe where you live.1= In my own home or apartment2= In a relative’s home3= In a group home (not on a college campus)4= In campus housing5= In a foster home6= Homeless or in a shelter7=Other98= Left blank or multiple responses selected HOMETYPE_N74If you have children, DURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, how many times have you talked with your child about the dangers or problems associated with the use of tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs?99= Do not have any children0= 0 times1= 1 to 2 times2= A few times3= Many times97= Don’t Know/Can’t SayPARSUPB98= Left blank or multiple responses selected75Think about the household members who live with you right now. About how much income have you and your family members made in the last year before taxes? (Include child support and cash payments from the government—for example, welfare [TANF], SSI, or unemployment compensation)1= $0 -$10,000HINCOMEO_N2= $10,001-$30,0003= $30,001-$50,000 4= $50,001-$70,000 5= More than $70,000 98= Left blank or multiple responses selected Health Care76Do you have health insurance? 0= No1= Yes, I obtained it through a health insurance marketplace 2= Yes, I obtained it through a source other than a health insurance marketplace98= Left blank or multiple responses selected HC_HAVE_N 77Would you be more or less likely to want to work for an employer that tests its employees for drug or alcohol use on a random basis? Would you say more likely, less likely, or would it make no difference to you? (Mark one)4= More Likely3= Less Likely2= Would make no difference97= Don’t Know/Can’t Say98= Left blank or multiple responses selected DRGTSTExperience With This Survey78How truthful were you when answering the questions?4=Very truthful3= Somewhat truthful 2= Somewhat untruthful1= Very untruthful98= Left blank or multiple responses selected SVY_TRUTHCorrect Responses for HIV/AIDS Knowledge QuestionsQuestion 31: Only people who look sick can spread the HIV/AIDS virus. Correct Response: 0=FalseQuestion 32: Only people who have sexual intercourse with gay (homosexual) people get HIV/AIDS.Correct Response: 0=FalseQuestion 33: Birth control pills protect women from getting HIV/AIDS.Correct Response: 0=FalseQuestion 34: There are drugs available to treat HIV that can lengthen the life of a person infected with the virus.Correct Response: 1=TrueQuestion 35: There is no cure for AIDS.Correct Response: 1=True ................

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