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Test Taking Trivia Presentation GuideLoad the PPT: Test Taking TriviaThis is similar to pub trivia. You can do it individually or break the group up into teams. Depending on your set up, you can score in multiple ways (scoring layout below):After each round leave the picture up on the screen and have the students discuss the importance/relevance of it while you score each answer sheet.Have teams/individuals trade papers and score each other.Have teams/individuals self-score.There are 5 rounds:Examine College – Focusing on types of exams and how to best take them.Pop Quiz! – Focusing on pop culture.*Cram Jam – Focusing on study skills/test prep.Cash Me Outside – Questions about (semi)-relevant memes.*Anxious? – Focusing on test anxiety.*Rounds 2 and 4 have nothing to do with test taking, but are there to demonstrate the importance of taking breaks and letting your mind rest during study sessions.The slides are set up similarly: 5 slides of questions, a random (but relevant) picture, 5 slides of answers.Presentation BreakdownRound 1 – Examine CollegeQuestion 1 – Includes a hint for question 2. Question 2 – Talk to students about the importance of eliminating answers in multiple choice questions. A and D are obviously wrong. Now, if they have to guess, they have a 50% chance of guessing correctly. Also discuss using the numbers given in question 1 to find the answer to this question. Discuss how some questions can trigger thoughts or give answers to others in exams.Question 3 – Can talk about using this question to formulate an answer: HARPO is Oprah spelled backwards.Question 4 – You can discuss how sometimes things don’t always go as planned, but even with setbacks, they can still succeed. Question 5 – Talk about the use of absolutes and qualifiers in T/F questions.Between Rounds Picture #1Discuss the finals policy of not having more than 2 exams in one day. Discuss the possibility of having multiple exams in one day and how time management is important.Round 2 – Pop Quiz!Question 5 – Saint, Mason, Penelope, Reign, and North are the names of Kardashian kids.Between Rounds Picture #2Discuss “grade grubbing”: going to professors after each exam to talk about ways to get scores up, especially when never having seen the professor outside of class at any other time. Also discuss the importance of knowing what each professor’s grading scale is. Discuss the importance of not relying on “the curve” that may or may not be given.Round 3 – Cram JamQuestion 1 – Read this one with emphasis on having to do a specific action to receive information. Talk about the importance of attendance and not relying on just the text/lecture notes posted online or notes from friends to get through a semester.Question 2 – There are a lot of answers to this question, but some of the most popular ones are coaching, tutoring, SI, free printing, and study rooms.Question 3 – Discuss how this isn’t referring to intense studying, but reviewing notes to make sure they make sense and to write down any questions that need to be asked later.Question 4 – Go through the Study Cycle slide and explain how there is more to studying than just sitting down to read notes.Question 5 – Go through the ways to set up a study session and talk about how anything over 50 minutes of intense studying is probably too much and that a break is needed in order to absorb more information.Between Rounds Picture #3Discuss the importance of preparing for everything to be on an exam. Studying notes, text, presentations, etc. Discuss studying beyond the study guide.Round 4 – Cash Me OutsideThese are just memes going in and out of college culture right now. Again, this is just a “take a break” round. Have the students explain the memes to you if needed!Between Rounds Picture #4Discuss how worrying about an exam after turning it in isn’t helpful; nothing can be done to change any answers and stressing won’t change anything. Discuss the honor policy as well; talking about answers is risky, especially if students who haven’t taken the exam are present.Round 5 – Anxious?Question 1 – Discuss how cramming doesn’t help with retaining knowledge. It’s a short-term fix.Question 2 – Discuss not being able to control exams but instead focusing on the attitude in which they are approached.Question 3 – There are a lot of answers to this question. Talk about how it’s important to maintain a balance between studying and self-care.Question 4 – Talk about why it’s important to look through the test before just starting with question one: know what’s coming up, see if there are sections you know better than others, see how long the test is, etc.Question 5 – There are many answers to this question. Have the students talk about ways they use to reduce stress during exams.Between Rounds Picture #5Talk about the importance of rewarding yourself after an exam. Let’s ReviewGive out the Test Taking Packet and briefly review what’s in it: ways to set up a study plan, before the test strategies, and during the test strategies. You can go through and mention the pieces that are relevant to your group.QuestionsTalk about whatever questions they have.For the picture, you can talk about making sure to answer each question on the exam (unless they’re not penalized for leaving questions blank, kind of like the SAT).For scoring, each question is worth 1 point (except for the SSC resource question, they can get up to 3 points). Rounds 1, 2, 4, and 5 are worth 5 points and Round 3 is worth 7 points. The total number of points a team/individual can get is 27. ................

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