Name ____________________________________________________________________ Oakfield Primary School Closure Home Learning Task Sheet Year: 1Expectations – 1 Maths Task + 1 Literacy Task Each Day and 1 Topic Task per week.This task overview sheet is designed to be used by parents and pupils in the event of a school closure. Tasks and activities do not need to be completed in the order that they are written. Once a task is completed write the date that it was completed underneath the task. Please return this task sheet to your child’s class teacher on their return to school. If you are reading a paper version of this task sheet go to and visit your child’s class page to view this sheet electronically any hyperlinks will work and you can visit them directly.Numeracy Literacy TopicFind 1 more and 1 less of numbers to 20.Create a table in your exercise book and write one more and 1 less of numbers to 20. Make it fun - Generate the numbers using dice or a random number generator1 less Number 1 more 678111213 Challenge - Can you go above 20? Can you show 2more/2 less? Date completed ………………………………..Write about the weather in WelshIn your book write about what the weather is like today in Welsh. Choose from one of the following words to complete the sentence. Then draw a picture of what the weather looks like.‘Mae hi’n _____ heddiw’heulog gymylog bwrw glaw bwrw eira wyntog Challenge - Can you also write about how you are feeling today?‘Dwi’n _____.’Date completed ………………………………..Home Learning Topic Task Task OverviewSpring WalkGo on a Spring walk and observe the changes of spring. What can you see?What can you hear?What can you smell?When you get home draw a picture of what a Spring day looks like in your community.Extra activity (Salt Dough) the recipe above, make a salt dough Easter egg with a grown up. Maybe you can make markings using a fork!When it is baked you can decorate the egg however you like.You can use ICT devices, phones, tablets, iPads, paper, pencil etc to complete the tasks. Spread out the activities over the week. Please note you can be creative with this task in order to present. Partition 2 Digit numbers into tens and unitsAsk a grown up to write 2 digit numbers into your exercise book. Can you partition these into tens and units? Challenge - Hundreds, tens and units!!!Date completed ………………………………..Record your observations from your Spring WalkWrite a list of your observations of the changes of Spring that you see on your Spring walk.For example- What do you notice about the trees?What creatures or animals have you seen?Can you think of anything else that happens in the Spring?Challenge- Use adjectives to describe what you seeFor example; a small yellow buttercup.Date completed ………………………………..Ordering by size and exploring capacity.Find 5 different sized cups in your house. Can you order them by size?Investigate how much each cup can hold using…water, Lego, rice, etc.Which holds the most? Least?Challenge: Can you find out how much some bottles you have at home hold?In litres, millilitres or pints.Date completed ………………………………..Practice writing these words in your garden with water and a paint brush on a sunny day. and we look Mum Dad come went my home he she took Or practice your reading flashcards/spellings.How long does it take for them to disappear?Challenge: Why have they disappeared?Date completed ………………………………..Make whole and half turns.Explore position, direction and movement. Ask an adult to direct you to make whole turns, half turns and moving forwards and backwards. Make it fun by creating an obstacle course or directing your favourite toy instead.Challenge - Quarter turnsDate completed ………………………………..Write instructionsMake your own lunch (ask an adult to help you). Write a set of instructions to tell us how you made it. Don't forget capital letters and full stops. Challenge - Can you include these words?First, Next, After that, FinallyDate completed ………………………………..SymmetryUse a mirror and objects to explore symmetry at home. Then create a symmetrical pictureYou can do this however you like! Painting, drawing or even on the Ipads/computer. (Remember to draw your line of symmetry)Challenge- Can you create a picture with 2 lines of symmetry?Date completed ……………………………….Write in response to a storyAsk an adult to read you your favourite story. Draw a picture of the cover of the storybook. Then write about your favourite part of the story. What happens? Why is this your favourite part?Who is your favourite character and why?Challenge - Remember capital letters, finger spaces and fullstopsDate completed ………………………………..Thank you for completing the School Closure Home Learning Task Sheet – Your support is very much appreciated. Please return this sheet to your child’s class teacher on return to school. Diolch yn fawr! ................

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