AP European History

Mr. zollo 2015 - 2016

Reformation Rap EX

Unit 2: Protestant Reformation (Chapter 11)

Name: _____________________________

Period: ______________________

Date: ____________________

Martin Luther “Rap” - Example

November 10th, 1483

Luther was born in Germany

That’s right Luther…Martin was his name

His family was poor, but to church they came

Discipline, Discipline, that’s what he got

Growing up Catholic, he studied a lot

Paid his way through college

By singing in the street

After that became a monk

Gave priests and leaders heat!

Some priest were drinking alcohol

And paid for peoples’ sins

Called, “Selling of Indulgences”

So to heaven…..Enter In!

Blasphemy! Blasphemy!

That’s what Martin cries

Have faith and read the Bible

Don’t listen to the lies!

If you want to be saved

You’re saved by grace

God will have mercy

On your pretty little face!

Receive It! Receive It!

Because You Can’t Achieve It!

Receive It! Receive It!

Because You Can’t Achieve It!

The 95 Theses

He wrote it down and

To the door of the church

To tell them how they failed!

The Catholic Church was angry

They wanted Martin dead!

He went into hiding Translated the Bible to be read

CHORUS (can be inserted after any stanza)









“95 Theses Rap” – follow along when watching the video

If you havin Church problems then don’t blame God, son

I got ninety-five theses but the Pope ain’t one

Listen up, all my people, it’s a story for the telling

Bout the sin and injustice and corruption I been


I met that homie Tetzel, then I started rebelling

Once I seen the fact indulgences that he been selling.

Now the Catholics of the world straight up disgracing me

Just because I waved my finger at the papacy.

My people got riled up over this Reformation

That’s when Leo threatened me with excommunication.

I warned yall that Rome best agree to the terms.

If not, then you can eat my Diet of Worms!

You thnk you done something spectacular?

I wrote the Bible in the vernacular!

A heretic! [What?] Someone throw me a bone.

You forgot salvation comes through faith alone.

I’m on a mission from God. You think I do this for fun?

I got ninety-five theses but the Pope ain’t one.

Save me!


Ninety-five theses but the Pope ain’t one.

If you havin Church problems then don’t blame God, son

I got ninety-five theses but the Pope ain’t one

One Five One Seven: that’s when it first went down.

Then the real test was when it started spreading around.

Sixty days to recant what I said? Father, please!

You’ve had, what? Going on fifteen centuries?

Oh snap, he’s messin with the holy communion.

But I ain’t never dissed your precious hypostatic union!

One place at one time. Well, thank you Zwingli.

Yeah, way to disregard that whole I’m God thingy!

Gettting all up in my rosary you little punk.

Your momma shoulda told you not to mess with no mok.

What you bumpin me for? Suddenly you sore.

Keep that up, you’ll have yourself another Peasant War.

You blame common folk for the smack they talkin.

You wain’t even taught them proper Christian doctrine.

With my hat, my Bible, and my sexy little nun,

I got ninety-five theses but the Pope ain’t one.

Save me!


Ninety-five theses but the Pope ain’t one.

If you havin Church problems then don’t blame God, son

I got ninety-five theses but the Pope ain’t one

When I wrote the ninety-five, haters straight up assailed em.

Now they only care whether or not I nailed em or mailed em.

They got psychoanalytic. Now everyone’s a critic,

And getting on my case just because I’m anti-Semitic.

I’ve come back from obscurity to teach yall a lesson,

Cuz someone here still ain’t read their Augsburg Confession.

I said Catholicism brings a life of excess,

And we all remember what went down with Philip of Hesse!

But you forgot about me and my demonstration?

Like you can just create your own denomination?

We don’t like this part, so we’ll just add a little twist.

Now we Anglican, Amish, and even Calvinist.

I gave you the power, you gone and abused it.

I gave you God’s truth, you just confused it.

Don’e you never underestimate the s*** that I done

I got ninety-five theses but the Pope ain’t one.

Save me!


Ninety-five theses but the Pope ain’t one.

If you havin Church problems then don’t blame God, son

I got ninety-five theses but the Pope ain’t one

Shout out to Johann Gutenberg…I see you baby

Extra Credit Opportunity:

Assignment: Write your own song or rap based on one aspect of the Reformation. It cannot be about Martin Luther. That’s like so old now. I want some fresh rhymes.

The following topics are acceptable: Any of the Radical Reformers: Zwingli, Calvin, Knox, etc. English Reformation/Henry VIII (about religion, not wives), Swiss Reformation, French Reformation, Ignatius Loyola, Counter Reformation

The lyrics need to be historically accurate, classroom appropriate, and provide proper depth of information expected in an AP class.

And most music rhymes.

Process: You can complete this assignment on your own or with no more than four people. Once written, you will perform for the class.

Grading: This will be scored based on both the lyrics and performance. You can earn up do 15 extra credit points for this assignment.

This is due no later than October 14.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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