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IFLA Cataloguing Section

Names of Persons


According to the International Cataloguing Principles (ICP)[1] the Form of Name for Persons as an authorized access point should be constructed following a standard: "When the name of a person consists of several words, the choice of first word for the authorized access point should follow conventions of the country and language most associated with that person, as found in manifestations or reference sources". Thus, this set of documents summarizes the conventions for each country, established by each national cataloguing agency, to help other cataloguing agencies creating authority data worldwide.

Please access IFLA Names of Persons[2] to submit updates from your country and to access more information.

Country name in English: Croatia

Country name in official language(s): Hrvatska

Language in English: Croatian

Language name in official language(s): Hrvatski 

Last updated: January 2010


Elements normally forming part of a name

|Element |Type |Examples |

| | | |

|1. Forename |simple | |

| |-- masculine |Ivan |

| | |Tomislav |

| |-- feminine |Ivana |

| | |Vesna |

| |compound | |

| |-- masculine |Mirko Dražen |

| | |Petar Krešimir |

| |-- feminine |Ana Marija |

| |-- consisting of a forename and |Juraj Dalmatinac |

| |territorial name (Croatian medieval names)| |

| | | |

|2. Surname |simple |Barac |

| | |Ivančević |

| |compound |Kačić Miošić |

| |-- consisting of two surnames |Frangeš-Mihanović |

| |-- consisting of a surname and territorial|Lacković-Croata |

| |name | |

| | or | |

| |the reverse (though this is a rare form) |Goran Kovačić |

| |-- consisting of a surname and pseudonym |Car Emin |

| |-- consisting of a surname and title of |Kukuljević Sakcinski |

| |nobility | |

| |-- consisting of a surname and a name |Dedaković-Jastreb, Mile |

| |given during a wartime period |Franičević-Pločar, Jure |

| |-- consisting of a woman’s maiden name and|Bošković-Stulli |

| |her husband’s surname (until 1990s hyphen |Vuković Runjić |

| |was mandatory, in today’s practice hyphen | |

| |is not longer in use, exception are | |

| |inherited historic compound surnames) | |

| | or | |

| |the reverse |Brlić-Mažuranić |

| |-- consisting of a woman’s first husband’s|Dujšin-Ribar |

| |surname and second husband’s surname | |

| |(though this is a rare form) | |

Additional elements to names

|Element |Use |Examples |

| | | |

|Not included in catalogue headings | | |

| | | |

|1. Titular prefixes indicating rank or | | |

|title of nobility in Croatian: | | |

|plemeniti or plemenita (always abbreviated|before the surname or the forname |Ivan pl. Zajc |

|to pl.) and barun, barunica, grof, | |Janko grof Drašković |

|grofica, kneginja, knez | |or |

| | |grof Janko Drašković |

| | |grofica Katarina Zrinski |

| | |knez Krsto Frankopan |

| | | |

|2. Epithets of religious significance, |before the forename |don Frane Bulić |

|e.g., don, fra, hadži, hafiz, pater, | |fra Bonaventura Duda |

|sestra etc. | |hafiz Mehmed Džemaludin Čaušević |

| | |pater Zvjezdan Linić |


General rule

|Type of name |Entry element |Examples |

| | | |

|1. Simple surname |surname |BARAC, Antun |

| | |GRMEK, Mirko Dražen |

| | |VODNIK, Valentin |

| | | |

|2. Compound surname |first part of compound |BRLIĆ-Mažuranić, Ivana |

| | |KAČIĆ Miošić, Andrija |

| | |KUKULJEVIĆ Sakcinski, Ivan |

| |second part of compound if the first part |KOVAČIĆ, Ivan Goran |

| |is a territorial name | |

| | | |

|3. Croatian medieval names, consisting of|forename |GRGUR Senjanin |

|forename and territorial name | |NIKOLA Modruški |

National cataloguing code

Verona, Eva. Pravilnik i priručnik za izradbu abecednih kataloga. Dio 1: Odrednice i redalice. 2. izmijenjeno izd. - Zagreb : Hrvatsko bibliotekarsko društvo, 1986.

Sources and recommended references

Hrvatska encikopedija. – Zagreb : Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, 1999-2009. – 11 sv. – ISBN 953-6036-29-0

Encikopedija : opća i nacionalna : u 20 knjiga. – Zagreb : Pro Leksis : Večernji list, 2005-2007. – 20 sv. – ISBN 953-7224-00-7 (Pro Leksis)

Hrvatska enciklopedija. – Zagreb : Naklada konzorcija Hrvatske enciklopedije, 1941-1945. – 5 sv.

Hrvatska bibliografija. Niz A, Knjige. – Zagreb : Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica, 1994- . – ISSN 1330-0423 (Croatian bibliography. Series A, Books)

Hrvatska bibliografija. Niz A, Knjige [Elektronička građa]. – Zagreb : Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica, 2002- . – ISSN 1333-8072 (Croatian bibliography. Series A, Books [Electronic resource])

Hrvatska bibliografija. Niz B, Prilozi и časopisima i zbornicima. – Zagreb : Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica, 1991-2003. – ISSN 1330-0415 (Croatian bibliography. Series B, Articles in journals and proceedings)

Hrvatska bibliografija. Niz B, Prilozi и časopisima i zbornicima [Elektronička građa]. – Zagreb : Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica, 2002- . – ISSN 1333-8064 (Croatian bibliography. Series B, Articles in journals and proceedings [Electronic resource])

Hrvatski biografski leksikon. – Zagreb : Jugoslavenski leksikografski zavod, 1983- . – ISBN 953-6036-15-0 (cjelina)

1. : A-Bi. – 1983

2. : Bj-С. – Zagreb : Jugoslavenski leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, 1989. – ISBN 86-7053-015-5

3: Č-Đ. – Zagreb : Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, 1993. – ISBN 953-6036-18-5

4: E-Gm. – Zagreb : Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, 1998. – ISBN 953-6036-19-3

5: Gn-H. – Zagreb : Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, 2002. – ISBN 953-6036-20-7

6: I-Kal. – Zagreb : Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, 2005. – ISBN 953-6036-21-5

7: Kam-Ko. – Zagreb : Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, 2009. – ISBN 978-953-268-009-6

Leksikon hrvatskih pisaca / autor koncepcije Krešimir Nemec ; urednici Dunja Fališevac (starija hrvatska književnost), Krešimir Nemec (novija hrvatska književnost), Darko Novaković (hrvatski latinizam). – Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 2000. – ISBN 953-0-61107-2

Znameniti i zaslužni Hrvati te pomena vrijedna lica и hrvatskoj povijesti od 925-1925. - U Zagrebu : Odbor, [1925].

Authority for information provided

Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo, Sekcija za bibliografsku kontrolu, Komisija za katalogizaciju (Croatian Library Association, Section on bibliographic control, Committee on cataloguing)

Checked and approved by: Diana Polanski, Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo, Komisija za katalogizaciju, Zagreb, January 2010





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