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ACT Kindergarten Health CheckACT Government Health DirectorateBackgroundSince 1998, all children enrolled in kindergarten (the first year of full time school in the ACT) are invited to participate in the Kindergarten Health Check. The Health Check is part of the ACT Health Child, Youth and Women's Health program. It includes checks on vision, hearing, height, weight, and development. Parents provide written consent for their child to participate, and completed a questionnaire covering demographic details; self-reported Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status, health history, and a range of health-related questions. It also includes the Strengths and Difficulties Questionaire (SDQ) and the Parent’s Evaluation of Development Status (PEDS) questionnaire.?The Academic Unit of General Practice collates the questionnaire data, and school health nurses perform the health checks, according to a pre-defined ACT Health Directorate protocol.?Results are sent to children’s GP and children are referred to specific health services as required.? The information is used to monitor child health trends and improve health services in the ACT. Data custodianChief Health OfficerACT Government Health Directoratevia Senior ManagerEpidemiology SectionHealth Improvement BranchGPO Box 825 Canberra City ACT 2601Phone: 02 6205 2610Email: ACT Kindergarten Health Check Data Collection – Variable informationChild's DemographicsVariableDescriptionCodingYRSCREENYear of health checkBirthMonthChild's Month of BirthBirthYearChild's Year of BirthAgeYearsChild's Age in years at the middle of the year of health checkSexChild's gender1 = Male 2 = Female9 = Not StatedResSubChild's Suburb of ResidenceStateResChild's State of Residence1 = New South Wales2 = Victoria3 = Queensland4 = South Australia5 = Western Australia6 = Tasmania7 = Northern Territory8 = Australian Capital Territory9 = Other territories (Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Christmas Island and Jervis Bay Territory)0 = OverseasResPCChild's Post code of residenceIndigStatusChild’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status.1 = Australian Aboriginal2 = Torres Strait Islander3 = Both Australian Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander4 = Non Indigenous9 = Not statedUsualGPChild has a usual General Practitioner / practice0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)NorthSouthNorth or South side (of Lake Burley Griffin) school0 = North1 = SouthPublicPrivateGovernment or Private school0 = Government1 = PrivateWeekWhich week of the term the screen started in (some schools split over several days)TermWhich term the screen started inChild HealthQ1ConcVisParent concern re: Vision0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)Q2PrscGlsChild prescribed glasses?0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)Q2aGlsWrWhen should child wear glasses1 = Reading/ close work2 = Board/long distance3 = all the time4 = other99 = Not Completed (Default)Q3VisMCChild received medical care for vision issues?0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)Q4ConcHrgParent concern re: Hearing/airways0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)Q4bAsthmaParent reports asthma/ concern about asthma0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)Q5aRErInfChild has had: Repeated ear infections0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)Q5bDschErChild has had: Discharging ears0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)Q5cHrgLssChild has had: Hearing Loss0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)Q5dGmmtsChild has had: Grommets0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)Q5eSnrgChild has had: Snoring0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)Q6HrgMCChild has received medical care for ears , hearing or airways0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)Q7aWtgPtWould you like information on Wetting pants0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)Q7bWtgBdWould you like information on Wetting the bed0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)Q7cSoilPtWould you like information on Soiling Pants0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)Parental Concerns - PEDS Parent Evaluation of Development Status (for further information, please refer to the PEDS website )PredConcNumber of predictive concerns0 = (Default)99 = Not CompletedNonPredNumber of non-predictive concerns0 = (Default)99 = Not CompletedStrength and Difficulties Questionnaire(for further information, please refer to the SDQ website )Q1_considItem 1 : considerate0 = Not true1 = Somewhat true2 = Certainly true99 = Not Completed/missingQ2_restlesItem 2 : restless0 = Not true1 = Somewhat true2 = Certainly true99 = Not Completed/missingQ3_somaticItem 3 : somatic symptoms0 = Not true1 = Somewhat true2 = Certainly true99 = Not Completed/missingQ4_sharesItem 4 : shares readily0 = Not true1 = Somewhat true2 = Certainly true99 = Not Completed/missingQ5_tantrumItem 5 : tempers0 = Not true1 = Somewhat true2 = Certainly true99 = Not Completed/missingQ6_lonerItem 6 : solitary0 = Not true1 = Somewhat true2 = Certainly true99 = Not Completed/missingQ7_obeysItem 7 : obedient0 = Certainly true1 = Somewhat true2 = Not true99 = Not Completed/missingQ8_worriesItem 8 : worries0 = Not true1 = Somewhat true2 = Certainly true99 = Not Completed/missingQ9_caringItem 9 : helpful if someone hurt0 = Not true1 = Somewhat true2 = Certainly true99 = Not Completed/missingQ10_fidgetyItem 10 : fidgety0 = Not true1 = Somewhat true2 = Certainly true99 = Not Completed/missingQ11_friendItem 11 : has good friend0 = Certainly true1 = Somewhat true2 = Not true99 = Not Completed/missingQ12_fightsItem 12 : fights or bullies0 = Not true1 = Somewhat true2 = Certainly true99 = Not Completed/missingQ13_unhappyItem 13 : unhappy0 = Not true1 = Somewhat true2 = Certainly true99 = Not Completed/missingQ14_popularItem 14 : generally liked0 = Certainly true1 = Somewhat true2 = Not true99 = Not Completed/missingQ15_distracItem 15 : easily distracted0 = Not true1 = Somewhat true2 = Certainly true99 = Not Completed/missingQ16_clingyItem 16 : nervous in new situations0 = Not true1 = Somewhat true2 = Certainly true99 = Not Completed/missingQ17_kindItem 17 : kind to younger children0 = Not true1 = Somewhat true2 = Certainly true99 = Not Completed/missingQ18_liesItem 18 : lies or cheats0 = Not true1 = Somewhat true2 = Certainly true99 = Not Completed/missingQ19_bulliedItem 19 : picked on or bullied0 = Not true1 = Somewhat true2 = Certainly true99 = Not Completed/missingQ20_helpoutItem 20 : often volunteers to help0 = Not true1 = Somewhat true2 = Certainly true99 = Not Completed/missingQ21_reflectItem 21 : thinks before acting0 = Certainly true1 = Somewhat true2 = Not true99 = Not Completed/missingQ22_stealsItem 22 : steals0 = Not true1 = Somewhat true2 = Certainly true99 = Not Completed/missingQ23_oldbestItem 23 : better with adults than with children0 = Not true1 = Somewhat true2 = Certainly true99 = Not Completed/missingQ24_afraidItem 24 : many fears0 = Not true1 = Somewhat true2 = Certainly true99 = Not Completed/missingQ25_attendsItem 25 : good attention0 = Certainly true1 = Somewhat true2 = Not true99 = Not Completed/missingemotionSubscale score: emotional symptoms0-3 = Normal4 = borderline5-10 = abnormalconductSubscale score: conduct problems0-2 = Normal3 = borderline4-10 = abnormalhyperSubscale score: hyperactivity/inattention0-5 = Normal6 = borderline7-10 = abnormalpeerSubscale score: peer problems0-2 = Normal3 = borderline4-10 = abnormalprosocSubscale score: prosocial0-4 = abnormal5 = borderline6-10 = Normalebdtottotal difficulties score0-13 = Normal14-16 = borderline17-40 = abnormalAsthma, Eczema, Hayfeverq1EvWhWhHas your child ever had a wheeze or whistling in the chest?0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)q2EvrAsHas your child ever had Asthma?0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)q3WhWhIn last 12 months: Has the child had wheeze or whistling in the chest?0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)q3DryCIn last 12 months: Has the child had dry cough at night (not associated with infection)0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)q3WhCCIn last 12 months: Has the child had wheezing with coughs and colds0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)q3SoBExIn last 12 months: Has the child had shortness of breath when exercising, playing games or participating in sports0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)q4aWhzAverage respiratory symptoms in last 12 months: Wheeze or whistle in the chest4 = Never5 =< 1 day/Week6 = 1-3 days/week7 = 4 or 4+days/week99 = Not Completed (Default)q4bNCWAverage respiratory symptoms in last 12 months: Night cough4=Never5=<1 day/Week6=1-3 days/week7=4 or 4+days/week99= Not Completed (Default)q4cSoBAverage respiratory symptoms in last 12 months: Shortness of breath4=Never5=<1 day/Week6=1-3 days/week7=4 or 4+days/week99= Not Completed (Default)q5ItchRshEver had itchy rash, coming & going for at least 6 months0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)q6PlItchRshHas itchy rash affected elbows, behind knees, ankles, buttocks etc.0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)q7EvrEczHas your child ever had eczema?0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)q8NsePrbIn last 12 months has child had child had sneezy, runny, blocked nose without cold/flu0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)q9NseEyIn last 12 months has nose problem accompanied itchy/watery eyes0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)q10EvHFHas your child ever had hay fever?0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)q11FamAsAny member of immediate family had Asthma0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)q11FamEczAny member of immediate family had Eczema0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)q11FamHFAny member of immediate family had Hayfever0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)Weight, Diet, Physical Activityq1DescWtHow would you describe your child's weight?1 = Underweight2 = Healthy weight3 = Over weight4 = Obese5= Don't know99 = Not Completed (Default)q2ConcWtDo you have concerns about your child's weight?0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)q3ConcHtDo you have concerns about your child's height?0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)q4VegDyHow many serves of vegetables does child eat each day?0 - 97 Serves 99 = Not Completedq4VegWkHow many serves of vegetables does child eat each week?0 - 97 Serves 99 = Not Completedq4NoVegMy child doesn't eat vegetables.0 = No (Default)1 = Yes99 = Not Completed q4VegDKDoesn't know how many vegetables eaten0 = No (Default)1 = Yes99 = Not Completedq5FrtDyHow many serves of fruit does child eat each day?0 - 97 Serves 99 = Not Completed5FrtWkHow many serves of fruit does child eat each week?0 - 97 Serves 99 = Not Completedq5NoFrtMy child doesn't eat fruit0 = No (Default)1 = Yes99 = Not Completed q5FrtDKDoesn't know how many serves of fruit eaten0 = No (Default)1 = Yes99 = Not Completed q6EatHbDo you have concerns about your child's eating habits?0 = No1 = Yes99 = Not Completed (Default)q7PASWDyOn how many days does child do physical activity in school week (max 5)?0 = none1 - 5 = Number of days99 = Not Completedq7PASWDKOn how many days does child do physical activity? Don't know. Parent can’t remember/can’t work out average. 0 = No (Default)1 = Yesq8PAHrHow many hours does your child do physical activity? 0 - 97 Hours 99 = Not Completedq8PAMinHow many minutes does your child do physical activity?0 - 97 Minutes99 = Not Completedq8PADKDon't know how much child does physical activity on school days.0 = No (Default)1 = Yesq9PAWEDyOn how many days does child do physical activity on the weekend (max 2)?0 = none1-2 = Number of days99 = Not Completedq9PAWEDKDon't know how many days does child do physical activity on the weekend?0 = No (Default)1 = Yesq10PAHrHow many hours does your child do physical activity on the weekend? Record hours.0 - 97 Hoursq10PAMinHow many minutes does your child do physical activity on weekend days? Record minutes.0 - 97 Minutesq10PAWEDKDon't know how much child does physical activity on weekend days?0 = No (Default)1 = YesSchool Assessment dataWeightChild's weight in kilograms00.0 kilogramsHeightChild's height in metres0.000 metresRefNutGPReferral - To GP and /or Nutritionist/dietitian0 = No (Default)1 = YesVisChksVision checks done on squint, tracking and convergence0 = No (Default)1 = YesVisR3Acuity R eye at 3mVisL3Acuity L eye at 3mVisRWGAcuity R eye at 3m with glassesVisLWGAcuity L eye at 3m with glassesVisConcVision concerns detectedVisNTVision not tested0 = No (Default)1 = YesVisNADVision NAD (normal)0 = No (Default)1 = YesVisRTVision retest at 6 years recommended0 = No (Default)1 = YesRefOptoReferral - Orthoptist/ Optometrist0 = No (Default)1 = YesHearR/500 Hz, Hearing (in dB @ xHz) R ear0 (Default)HearR1/1000 Hz0 (Default)HearR2/2000 Hz0 (Default)HearR4/4000 Hz0 (Default)HearL/500 Hz, Hearing (in dB @ xHz) L ear0 (Default)HearL1/1000 Hz0 (Default)HearL2/2000 Hz0 (Default)HearL4/4000 Hz0 (Default)HearNTHearing not tested0 = No (Default)1 = YesHearNADHearing normal - All hearing values within normal limits 0 = No (Default)1 = YesHearRTHearing retest by school nurses @ clinic – Recommended Hearing retest was recommended by the school health nurses. Hearing retests ceased in 2017.0 = No (Default)1 = YesRefAudioReferral - nurse audiometry0 = No (Default)1 = YesHOContinParents provided with handout/s for continence0 = No (Default)1 = YesHOSnorParents provided with handout/s for snoring0 = No (Default)1 = YesHOANESParents provided with handout/s for Asthma Nurse Educator Service0 = No (Default)1 = YesHOSpchDIParents provided with handout for Speech Drop-in centre times0 = No (Default)1 = YesHOPhysDIParents provided with handout for Physio Drop-in centre times0 = No (Default)1 = YesRefOthReferral - other service/specialist0 = No (Default)1 = YesPcontactParent contacted0 = No (Default)1 = YesPPresParent present (usually catch up clinics)0 = No (Default)1 = YesScrnStatusScreening Status1 = Screened at school2 = Absent from school, but seen at catch-up clinic3 = Absent from school, & DNA catch-up clinic4 = Left the school0 = No consent/not screenedAssdateDate of assessment ................

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