Scabies – An infestation of the skin by small insects ...

Scabies – An infestation of the skin by small insects called mites

Signs and symptoms –

• Rash, severe itching (increased at night).

• Itchy red bumps or blisters found on skin folds between fingers, toes, wrists, elbows, armpits, waistline, thighs, genitals, abdomen, lower buttocks, diffuse distribution over body.

• Scabs, ½ - 1mm long, appearing as a result of scratching, tend to be linear rather than circular.

Incubation/Contagious periods –

• Incubation period

o 4-6 weeks for those who have never been infected.

o 1-4 days for those who have been previously infected (repeated exposures tend to be milder)

• Contagious period: Until the insect infestation is treated.

Mode of transmission – Person to person contact and sharing bedding, towels, and clothing

Control measures –

• Consult health professional for diagnosis and treatment.

• Launder bedding and clothing worn next to skin in hot water and hot drying cycle.

• Items that cannot be laundered should be placed in plastic bags for 2 weeks.

• Do not share towels, clothing, bedding.

Responsibilities –

• School

o Report possible infection to school designated inspector (SDI). If SDI concurs with suspicion, notify parent/guardian for immediate pick up. A copy of scabies letter will be given to the parent/guardian to inform them of the need for medical evaluation.

o Isolate student in classroom until parent/guardian pick up.

o Obtain documentation from medical provider regarding clearance to return to class.

o Log students dismissed in the Communicable Condition Log.

o May send classroom letter to inform parents/guardians of possible scabies.

• Parent

o Pick up child immediately and seek necessary medical evaluation.

o Secure documentation from the medical provider regarding treatment plan and return to school clearance.

o Complete course of medication if indicated providing school with medication consent form if treatment required during school hours.

• Nurse

o Education of school personnel, parent/guardian, and student about scabies, including mode of transmission and means of prevention.

o Review Communicable Condition Log weekly providing follow up as indicated or requested.


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