
RASH & RATIONALITY(Happily Ever Austen Series #2)By Ellen Mint3655947299720Marty Dashwood is a true romantic. Hearts, chocolates, kisses on the hand—the whole nine yards. His killjoy brother Eldon doesn’t believe in love at first sight, but one day Marty will have the perfect meet-cute, she’ll fall helplessly in love with him and they’ll live happily ever after.Brandy’s worked with Marty for almost two years. He’s the best friend she could ever have hoped for after the accident that took her husband. So she should be happy that Marty finally found what he’d always wanted, right?So why does it feel like every time she sees Marty with the ‘Social-Media Angel’ he rescued from a mugger, a piece breaks off her heart? How can she explain any of this to him before she loses her best friend forever?Rash and Rationality is a modern gender-swapped friends-to-lovers Sense & Sensibility, set in a cozy bookshop. HYPERLINK " | HYPERLINK " | HYPERLINK " | HYPERLINK " | HYPERLINK " | HYPERLINK ": Love is a lot closer and more complicated than Marty ever dreamed.Book Info:Publisher: Totally Bound PublishingAuthor: Ellen MintCover Art: Marek Page Count: 275Word Count: 68KISBN (Amazon): 978-1-83943-414-3Release Date: July 28th, 2020Rating: 18+Praise for Pride & Pancakes, Happily Ever Austen #1:????? “The author does a wonderful job of putting a modern twist on a beloved classic. There is witty dialogue and plenty of humor along the way and you can’t help but fall in love with Beth and Tristan’s story. The characters were well developed and they really took the time to get to know each other. I am looking forward to the next installment of Mint’s “Happily Ever Austen” series.” Asra S — Pride &?Pancakes????? “Timeless gets a makeover and breezes it’s way into your heart. Mint does Austen proud with a modern twist to an old classic. Pride & Pancakes crosses stereotypes with humor and heart that will stay with you, no matter how many times you read Beth & Tristan’s tango into love.” Isha C. — Pride &?PancakesAdditional Media: HYPERLINK " Packet HYPERLINK " Reading Together HYPERLINK " Snuggling Promo HYPERLINK " plus Book HYPERLINK " Character Quote Image HYPERLINK " Series Bookstore HYPERLINK " Book Board HYPERLINK " with Donuts HYPERLINK " Banner HYPERLINK " Teaser HYPERLINK " TrailerExcerpt #1 (634 words):It is a truth universally acknowledged that a store nearing closing without any customers will be the epicenter of employee mischief.In the midst of re-stocking the latest airport thriller, Blood on the Tarmac, Brandy heard the pre-programed soundtrack skip. The classical piano and violin CD—which made her both ache to nap and also homicidal after a twelve-hour shift—changed, and a rhythmic beat rumbled from the three speakers crammed above the giant bookshelves.Shaking her head, she resumed unboxing the books despite a smile climbing up her cheeks. Just when her arms were full, a head popped around the long corner. With windswept hair never tamed even by a comb, Marty was a wiry man in both stature and height, but his exuberant smile and deadly cheekbones more than distracted from it.As the song rolled out of the musical intro, he mouthed along, “Snow falls from the skies, forgetful and pure…”“It’s June,” Brandy said, but Marty ignored her.He slapped a hand to his forehead and collapsed against the bookshelf. “I reach out to feel, glass cold as a grave…”“Shouldn’t we be working?” she said and bit her lip to keep from laughing. Marty, not about to give her an inch of relief, started to shake his hips.Hands extended far, as if he was stretching, he cried out along with the singer, “Reach for me, reach for me. Give me a chance. Sing me a hope, gift me a dance.”Brandy doomed herself by turning to the man pleading for her attention. A glint struck his boyish brown eyes and he fluttered his fingers while straining for her. With a laugh, she dropped the paperbacks and accepted his hands. Together, the pair swung in a tight circle, the shelves pressing them so close he was nearly on top of her.Marty dipping her caused Brandy’s no-nonsense ponytail to smack into the display of big-headed collectibles. One carrying a surfboard rebounded from its stand, falling into the arms—and giant head—of a woman in a parka. Ah, plastic love.“Reach for me, reach for me,” Marty sang, his sweet voice barely competing with the artist’s baritone. Not that it mattered to Brandy, who laughed along while joining him.His hands locked tight around her waist, the pair galloped up and down the walkways of the store. Brandy could barely keep up with Marty, who managed to raise his knees nearly to his chest with each step.“You’re such a dork,” she called to the man twirling her with abandon. Marty waggled his eyebrows at her in response, too busy mouthing along with the song to respond.They dashed through the shelves of thrillers and horror, hovered around sci-fi, and he gave her a deep dip at romance.Brandy skimmed her palm along the floor, which needed a mopping by one of them later. But she didn’t care about work, not with her unending laughter trapped in a cascade of giggles and Marty sweeping her around in a circle. Marty kept her from smashing into him, but the two lingered barely a breath away from each other as the love song drifting through the air reached its climax. His gaze beamed into hers and he sang the final words in a gentle whisper.“I reach out to hold a hand fit for mine. Hearts become bold, and our stars align.”Brandy rose, staring in wonder at the lips singing to her. She reached out, about to touch his cheek, when a jangle burst from the front door. Marty opened his hands and she danced back, a silly blush burning up her neck. What was she doing? It was just Marty, who always acted like a fool nearing closing time. Good friend. Nothing more.Excerpt #2 (318 words)What chewed on her brain and left it in mulch were the love stories. The promises that if she found him, if she put in all the work and made that one true soulmate hers, happiness was guaranteed.She only watched them for Marty, anyway.What’s he doing now?Despite her best efforts, that damn thought wouldn’t leave her. It’d take nothing for her to search for Willows’ Instagram feed and see.But no. No! That was what crazy stalker ladies did. She’d hear about it tomorrow at work. If there was even anything to talk about. Probably not. It was hard to see someone like this Janeth lady falling for Marty.Sure, he was cute in that ‘boy next door who also a bit hyper like a cocker spaniel puppy’ way. And hilarious. No one could deny how funny Marty was. Smart without being fussy about it. Creative to a sometimes-dangerous fault with their boss.Brandy caught her reflection in the hall mirror, her eyes glazed over and a smile straining her cheeks to the breaking point. It fell in an instant and she stomped into her bathroom. Squeezing a massive dollop of toothpaste onto the brush, she attacked her bicuspids.So he took her to the river. Lots of people go to the river. He didn’t have to ditch me to do it. Ditch his job, not me. Not like we’re anything but friends. And there’s always other movies to catch together.Her angry brushing transformed to vigilant pacing, Brandy circling around the table where her phone was charging. She kept glancing down at the black screen, then away. More tartar met its end, the harsh bristles clawing into her gums.He saved her from a mugger. What woman wouldn’t fall for that? Man sweeps in from nowhere, out of the shadows, and chases away a villain about to hurt you.It’d work on her.Excerpt #3 (267 words)Ah!” Marty cried, and his straining tiptoes collapsed. He splattered right onto the wall that was coated in wet paint.“Oh no.” Brandy dashed to his side, but it was too late. A great smear of mint green covered the entire front of his black T-shirt. Marty held up his hands, showing one stained palm too. The other clung to the roller and he stared in shock at the mess he’d made.A strange smile rose on his lips and he took a step closer. “Brandy, come here.”“What?”“Give me a big hug!” he said, flailing both hands.She took a step back and knocked right into the damn stool she’d moved so they could reach the ceiling in the first place. Movement in her peripheral vision caused her to turn back to find Marty advancing.“Don’t you dare,” she warned, shaking the brush at him.He snickered at the empty threat. “Come on. It’s tradition.”“No, it’s not,” she shouted, laughter escaping. Marty lunged for her, but Brandy was quicker and ducked under his arms. He spun around but kept lumbering toward her like a reanimated corpse.“Of course it is. The Fourth of July hug.”“Stop!” She full-on giggled, running for her kitchen. Marty was quick on her heels, his entire torso glistening from the wet paint.What was she doing in here? The stove and counters trapped her in place, pinning her between escape and Marty. He winked and—in his smoldering voice—said, “Don’t you want to be wrapped up in these arms?”Yes.And she hated herself for it.About the Author HYPERLINK " Mint adores the adorkable heroes who charm with their shy smiles and heroines that pack a punch. She has a needy black lab named after Granny Weatherwax from Discworld. Sadly, her dog is more of a Magrat. When she’s not writing imposing incubi or saucy aliens, she does silly things like make a tiny library full of her books. Her background is in genetics and she married a food scientist so the two of them nerd out over things like gut bacteria. She also loves gaming, particularly some of the bigger RPG titles. If you want to get her talking for hours, just bring up Dragon Age. HYPERLINK " & Blog?|? HYPERLINK "? HYPERLINK " HYPERLINK " |? HYPERLINK " | HYPERLINK " additional information, contact ellenmintauthor@ goes here.


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