ALMANAC Output Abbreviation KeyThis is the regular ALMANAC output named ALNC_Run.out It is found in the interface when opening the output, and where the project is stored. Ex: C/Almanac/ALMANAC_Projects/Testing/Scenarios/DefaultWeather DataAverage Monthly ValuesVariableDescriptionUnitsTMXMaximum daily air temperature°CTMNMinimum daily air temperature°CSTMXMonthly average standard deviation of daily maximum air temperature°CSTMNMonthly average standard deviation of daily minimum air temperature°CRAINPrecipitationmmSDRFMonthly standard deviation of daily precipitationmmSKCFMonthly skew coefficient for daily precipitationNot Applicable (NA)PW/DMonthly probability of wet day after dry dayNAPW/WMonthly probability of wet day after wet dayNADAYPNumber of days with precipitationDaysP5MXMonthly maximum 0.5 hour rainfall for period of recordmmRADSolar radiationMJ/m2HRLTDay lengthHoursRHUMRelative humidityFractionALPH0.5 hour precipitation/total storm precipitationNAWVLWind velocitym/sWENGWind energykWh/m2Wind Erosion DataVariableDescriptionUnitsCFWind erosion equation climatic factorNASoil Data (Initial soil conditions before the simulation begins.)VariableDescriptionUnitsShown by soil layers:DEPTHDepth from surface to bottom of layermPOROSITYAmount of pore space between soil particlesNAFC SWSoil water content at field capacity (33 kPa for many soils)m/mWP SWSoil water content at wilting point (1500 kPa for many soils)m/mSWTotal soil water in the profilem/mSAT CONDSaturated Conductivity of the soilmm/hSSF TIMELateral subsurface flow travel timeDaysBD 33KPAMoist soil bulk densityt/m3BDD OV DRYDry soil bulk densityt/m3SANDSand content%SILTSilt content%CLAYClay content%ROCKCourse fragment content%PHSoil pHNASM BSSum of bases in soilcmol/kgCECCation exchange capacitycmol/kgAL SATSoil aluminum saturation%CACO3Free soil calcium carbonate%LAB PLabile phosphate by layerg/tP SORPRTOPhosphorus sorption ratioNAMN P ACMineral P concentration in the active poolg/tMN P STMineral P concentration in the stable poolg/tORG POrganic P concentrationg/tNO3Nitrate concentrationg/tOR N ACOrganic N concentration in the active poolg/tOR N STOrganic N concentration in the stable poolg/tORG COrganic C content%CROP RSDCrop residuet/haRWTRoot weight in a soil layert/haCrop ParametersVariableDescriptionUnitsWAEnergy to biomass conversion factor. Potential growth rate per unit of intercepted photosynthetically active per MJ/m2HIHarvest index. crop yield/above ground biomassNATBOptimal temperature for plant growth°CTGMinimum temperature for plant growth°CDMLAMaximum potential leaf area indexNADLAIFraction of growing season when leaf area index starts decliningNALAP1First point on optimal leaf area development curve. Numbers before decimal are % of growing seasons. Numbers after decimal are fractions of maximum potential leaf area index.NALAP2Second point on optimal leaf area development curve. Numbers before decimal are % of growing seasons. Numbers after decimal are fractions of maximum potential leaf area index.NAPPL 1Plant population parameter. Number before decimal is plants/m2. Number after decimal is fraction of species LAI at that population.NAPPL 2Second plant population parameter. Number before decimal is plants/m2 (at a higher density). Number after decimal is fraction of species LAI at that population.NAFRS1First point on the frost damage curve. Numbers before decimal are the minimum temperatures (°C) and numbers after decimal are the fraction of biomass lost when specified minimum temperature occurs.NAFRS2Second point on the frost damage curve. Numbers before decimal are the minimum temperatures (°C) and numbers after decimal are the fraction of biomass lost when specified minimum temperature occurs.NARLADLeaf area index decline rate parameter. Estimated LAI decline between DLAI and harvest. 1 is linear, >1 accelerated decline, <1 retards decline rate.NARBMDBiomass energy ratio decline rate parameter. Reduces efficiency of biomass-energy conversion due to creation of seeds or N translocationNAALTIndex of crop tolerance to aluminum saturation (1-5; 1=sensitive, 5=tolerant)NACAFCritical aeration factor- fraction of soil porosity where poor aeration starts limiting plant growth.NAGSIMaximum stomatal conductance at high solar radiation and low vapor pressure deficit. ms-1WAC2S curve that describes CO2 concentrations effect on WA. Number before decimal is CO2 concentration in the future. Number after decimal is resultant WA value.NACLAIYRThe number of years until maximum LAI can be attained.YearsVPTHThreshold VPDkPaVPD2Slope of WA:VPD relationship above VPTHkg/ha per MJ/m2 per kPaSDWNormal seeding ratekg/haHMXMaximum crop heightmRDMXMaximum root depthmCVMMinimum value of water erosion C factorNACNYNormal fraction of N in yieldg/gCPYNormal fraction on P in yieldg/gWSYFCoefficient of crop yield sensitivity to water stress at the most critical stage of growthNAPSTPest damage factor (insects, weeds, disease) – fraction of yield remaining after damageNATREE1Tree parameter, listed in interface as COST. First point on multi-year s-curve function for tree LAI and height increase. Numbers before decimal are % of years to maturity. Numbers after decimal are fractions of maximum potential leaf area index and height increase.NATREE2Tree parameter, listed in interface as PRY. Second point on multi-year s-curve function for tree LAI and height increase. Numbers before decimal are % of years to maturity. Numbers after decimal are fractions of maximum potential leaf area index and height increase.NABN1Normal fraction of N in crop biomass at emergenceNABN2Normal fraction of N in crop biomass at midseasonNABN3Normal fraction of N in crop biomass at maturityNABP1Normal fraction of P in crop biomass at emergenceNABP2Normal fraction of P in crop biomass at midseasonNABP3Normal fraction of P in crop biomass at maturityNABW1Wind erosion factor for standing live biomassNABW2Wind erosion factor for standing dead crop residueNABW3Wind erosion factor for standing flat residueNAIDCCrop category number (integer)1 Warm-season annual legume2 Cold-season annual legume3 Perennial legume4 Warm-season annual5 Cold-season annual6 Perennial7 Tree crop8 Deciduous TreeNAEXTExtinction coefficient for calculating light interceptionKcDORMNTDefines the day length in the fall when dormancy begins (1 hour greater than the minimum for the latitude) Value is hours of day length which is added to the minimum day length of the year for that location.HoursDMPHTTree parameter, minimum grams of biomass per meter of height.g/mCHTYRTree parameter, number of years to maximum height.YearsRtprt1Fraction of weight portioned to roots for young plantsNAGZPALGrazing palatability index. 4 highly palatable/first eaten, 3 palatable, 2 low palatability/grazed last, 1 grazed if starving, 0 not grazed/poisonous.NARtprt2Fraction of weight portioned to roots for plants near maturityNADMLAThis DMLA is the maximum leaf area index reached in the simulationNAPHUPotential heat units from planting to physiological maturity°CYearly Output Table (Larger table found at the end of every year.)VariableDescriptionUnitsTMXMaximum daily air temperature°CTMNMinimum daily air temperature°CRADSolar radiationMJ/m2RAINPrecipitationmmSNOWWater content of snowfallmmRHUMRelative humidityFractionUNO3N uptake by the cropkg/haPEPPotential plant water evaporationmmQSurface runoffmmSSFLateral subsurface flow travel timeDaysPRKPercolation below the root zonemmETEvapotranspirationmmEPPlant evaporation (Transpiration)mmPETPotential evaporationmmTMPTemperature in second soil layer°CMUSLSoil loss from water erosion using modified USLE (MUSLE)t/haCAverage water-erosion/crop-management factorNAYWSoil loss from wind erosiont/haYONOrganic N loss with sedimentkg/haYNO3NO3 loss in surface runoffkg/haPRKNMineral N loss in percolatekg/haSSFNMineral N loss in subsurface flowkg/haMNNN mineralizedkg/haIMNN immobilized by decaying residuekg/haDNN loss by denitrificationkg/haNFIXN fixed by leguminous crops kg/haUNO3N uptake by the cropkg/haHMNN mineralized from stable organic matterkg/haSWTotal soil water in the profilem/mTNO3Total NO3 present in the soil profilekg/haHU1Heat units – average daily temperature minus base temperature of crop°CLAI1Leaf area indexNARDRoot depthmRW1Total root weightt/haBIOMCrop biomass (shoot + root)t/haRSDCrop residue on soil surfacet/haSTDStanding dead crop residuet/haBDPBulk density after tillaget/m3STRSThe type and number of days of stress by month for the three highest stress variables. Water=1, N=2, P=3, Temperature=4, Aeration=5. Example: 411107201 means that there were 11 days of temperature stress (is 411), 7 days of water stress (is 107), and 1 day of nitrogen stress (201).NAYearly Summary Table (Smaller table found at the end of every year. Shown for each crop simulated.)VariableDescriptionUnitsShown as monthly intervals in the table:HUHeat units – average daily temperature minus base temperature of crop°CLAILeaf area indexNARDRoot depthmRWTotal root weightt/haBIOMCrop biomass (shoot + root)t/haCHTCrop heightmShown as yearly values:(crop name) YLDHarvested crop yieldt/haBIOMCrop biomass (shoot + root)t/haIRGAIrrigation water appliedmmCAW&TAWCrop available water & Total Available watermmMXRDMaximum root depth attainedmLIMELimestone applied CaCO3 equivalentt/haCOSTTotal production cost. Currently unavailable, parameter has been commandeered to allow for more accurate tree growth simulation. $RTRNTotal income from crop sales. Currently unavailable.$EKSoil erodibility factor for water erosionNAWKSoil erodibility factor for wind erosionNAMX HUMaximum Heat Units rounded to the nearest integer.°CTHKThickness of soil eroded by wind and watermmStress DaysDays of crop stress due to water, N, P, temperature or aerationDaysFinal Soil Data (Final soil conditions after simulation is complete.)VariableDescriptionUnitsShown by soil layers:DEPTHDepth from surface to bottom of layermPOROSITYAmount of pore space between soil particlesNAFC SWSoil water content at field capacity (33 kPa for many soils)m/mWP SWSoil water content at wilting point (1500 kPa for many soils)m/mSWTotal soil water in the profilem/mSAT CONDSaturated Conductivity of the soilmm/hSSF TIMELateral subsurface flow travel timeDaysBD 33KPAMoist soil bulk densityt/m3BDD OV DRYDry soil bulk densityt/m3SANDSand content%SILTSilt content%CLAYClay content%ROCKCourse fragment content%PHSoil pHNASM BSSum of bases in soilcmol/kgCECCation exchange capacitycmol/kgAL SATSoil aluminum saturation%CACO3Free soil calcium carbonate%LAB PLabile phosphate by layerg/tP SORPRTOPhosphorus sorption ratioNAMN P ACMineral P concentration in the active poolg/tMN P STMineral P concentration in the stable poolg/tORG POrganic P concentrationg/tNO3Nitrate concentrationg/tOR N ACOrganic N concentration in the active poolg/tOR N STOrganic N concentration in the stable poolg/tORG COrganic C content%CROP RSDCrop residuet/haRWTRoot weight in a soil layert/haSummary TableAverage Monthly ValuesVariableDescriptionUnitsCAverage water-erosion/crop-management factorNAMUSLSoil loss from water erosion using modified USLE (MUSLE)t/haYWSoil loss from wind erosiont/haRAINPrecipitationmmDAYPNumber of days of rain per monthDaysPRKPercolation below the root zonemmQSurface runoffmmEIRainfall energy factorNADAYQNumber of days with runoffDaysSWTotal soil water in the profile m/mQINInflow to the root zone from the water tablemmETEvapotranspirationmmPETPotential evaporationmmTMXMaximum daily air temperature°CTMNMinimum daily air temperature°CRADSolar radiationMJ/m2HRLTDay lengthHoursAverage Annual ValuesVariableDescription UnitsTMXMaximum daily air temperature°CTMNMinimum daily air temperature°CRADSolar radiationMJ/m2RAINPrecipitationmmSNOWWater content of snowfallmmRHUMRelative humidityFractionUNO3N uptake by the crop kg/haPEPPotential plant water evaporationmmQSurface runoffmmSSFLateral subsurface flow travel timeDaysPRKPercolation below the root zonemmETEvapotranspirationmmEPPlant evaporation (Transpiration)mmPETPotential evaporationmmTMPTemperature in second soil layer°CMUSLSoil loss from water erosion using modified USLE (MUSLE)t/haCAverage water-erosion/crop-management factor NAYWSoil loss from wind erosiont/haYONOrganic N loss with sedimentkg/haYNO3NO3 loss in surface runoffkg/haPRKNMineral N loss in percolatekg/haSSFNMineral N loss in subsurface flowkg/haMNNN mineralizedkg/haIMNN immobilized by decaying residuekg/haDNN loss by denitrificationkg/haNFIXN fixed by leguminous cropskg/haUNO3N uptake by the cropkg/haHMNN mineralized from stable organic matterkg/haIRGAIrrigation water appliedmmFNAverage annual N fertilizer ratekg/haFPAverage annual P fertilizer ratekg/haCNSCS runoff curve numberNAHU2Heat units – average daily temperature minus base temperature of crop°CLAI2Leaf area indexNAWVLWind velocitym/sPEPPotential plant water evaporation mmLIMELimestone applied CaCO3 equivalentt/haCOSTTotal production cost. Currently unavailable, parameter has been commandeered to allow for more accurate tree growth simulation.$RTRNTotal income from crop sales. Currently unavailable.$Average Annual Crop Yield Data (Shown for each crop simulated.)VariableDescription UnitsCROPFour digit crop nameTextYLDHarvested crop yieldt/haBIOMCrop biomass (shoot + root)t/haRADSolar radiationMJ/m2HUHeat units – average daily temperature minus base temperature of crop°CRDRoot depthmAverage Stress Days (Shown for each crop simulated.)VariableDescription UnitsBiomass:WATERWater stress on crop growthDaysNNitrogen stress on crop growthDaysPPhosphorus stress on crop growthDaysTEMPTemperature stress on crop growthDaysAIRAeration stress on crop growthDaysRoot Growth:BDMoist soil bulk density stress on root growtht/m3ALSATSoil aluminum saturation stress on root growth%TEMPTemperature stress on root growthDaysAlternate Outputs KeyThe information found in these outputs is also contained in the regular output, but here, specific data is separated into categories that may be useful to the user. These outputs are located where the project is saved. Open the Scenarios folder, and open the folder with the name of your scenario (this is called Default unless you created another scenario). Example: C/Almanac/ALMANAC_Projects/Testing/Scenarios/DefaultThe output files are named ALNC_*.out There are ANnual outputs (ANC, ANH, ANW), MOnthly outputs (MOC, MOH, MOW), and DaiLy outputs (DLC, DLH, DLW). There are three different outputs for every time interval organized by interest. C is for crop data, H for hydrologic data, and W for weather data. Abbreviation Key in New OutputsOutput FileVARIABLEDESCRIPTION UNITS ALNC_ANCYEAR Year Not Applicable (NA) TMP Temperature in second soil layer °CC Average water-erosion/crop-management factor NA MUSL Soil loss from water erosion using modified USLE (MUSLE) t/ha YW Soil loss from wind erosion t/ha MNP Mineral P concentration kg/ha YLD Yield t/ha BIOM Crop residue (shoot + root) t/ha UNO3 N uptake by the crop kg/ha FN Average annual N fertilizer rate kg/ha FP Average annual P fertilizer rate kg/ha IRGA Irrigation water applied mm CAW Crop available water mm COST Total production cost. Currently unavailable, parameter has been commandeered to allow for more accurate tree growth simulation.$ RTRN Total income from crop sales. Currently unavailable.NA WS Water stress days Days NS Nitrogen stress days Days PS Phosphorous stress days Days TS Temperature stress days Days AS Aeration stress days Days ALNC_ANHYEAR Year NA RAIN Precipitation mm ET Evapotranspiration mm Q Surface runoff mm SSF Lateral subsurface flow travel time Days PRK Percolation below the root zone mm MUSL Soil loss from water erosion using modified USLE (MUSLE) t/ha YON Organic N loss with sediment kg/ha YON3 NO3 loss in surface runoff kg/ha PRKN Mineral N loss in percolate kg/ha SSFN Mineral N loss in subsurface flow kg/ha MNN N mineralized kg/ha IMN N immobilized by decaying residue kg/ha DN N loss by denitrification kg/ha NFIX N fixed by leguminous crops kg/ha UNO3 N uptake by the crop kg/ha YP P loss with sediment kg/ha LIME Limestone applied CaCO3 equivalent t/haTNO3 Total NO3 present in the soil kg/ha ALNC_ANWYEAR Year NA TMX Maximum daily air temperature °CTMN Minimum daily air temperature °CRAD Solar radiation MJ/m2 RAIN Precipitation mm SNOW Water content of snowfall mm RHUM Relative humidity FractionPEP Potential plant water evaporation mm EP Plant evaporation (Transpiration)mm PET Potential evapotranspiration mm ET Evapotranspiration mm ALNC_MOCYEAR Year NA MO Month NA HU1 Heat units - average daily temp minus base temp of crop °CLAI1 Leaf area index NARD Root depth m RW1 Total root weight t/ha BIOM Crop biomass (shoot + root) t/ha CHT Crop height m RSD Crop residue on soil surface t/ha STD Standing dead crop residue t/ha BDP Bulk density after tillage t/m3TMP Temperature in second soil layer °CSTRS_WTR Number of days of stress by water by month Days STRS_N Number of days of stress by nitrogen by month Days STRS_P Phosphorous stress days Days STRS_TMP Number of days of stress by temperature by month Days STRS_AER Number of days of stress by aeration by month Days ALNC_MOHYEAR Year NA MO Month NA RAIN Precipitation mm ET Evapotranspiration mm Q Surface runoff mm SSF Lateral subsurface flow travel time Days PRK Percolation below the root zone mm MUSL Soil loss from water erosion using modified USLE (MUSLE) t/ha YON Organic N loss with sediment kg/ha YON3 NO3 loss in surface runoff kg/ha PRKN Mineral N loss in percolate kg/ha SSFN Mineral N loss in subsurface flow kg/ha MNN Nitrogen mineralized kg/ha IMN N immobilized by decaying residue kg/ha DN N loss by denitrification kg/ha NFIX N fixed by leguminous crop kg/ha UNO3 N uptake by the crop kg/ha TNO3 Total NO3 present in the soil profile kg/ha SW Total soil water in the profile m/m C Average water-erosion/crop-management factor NA YW Soil loss from wind erosion t/ha ALNC_MOWYEAR Year NA MO Month NA TMX Maximum daily air temperature °CTMN Minimum daily air temperature °CRAD Solar radiation MJ/m2 RAIN Precipitation mm SNOW Water content of snowfall mm RHUM Relative humidity FractionPEP Potential plant water evaporation mm ET Evapotranspiration mm PET Potential evaporation mm EPPlant evaporation (Transpiration)mm YW Soil loss from wind erosion t/ha ALNC_DLCYEAR Year NA MO Month NA DAYDayNAHU1 Heat units - average daily temp minus base temp of crop °CLAI1 Leaf area index NARD Root depth m RW1 Total root weight t/ha BIOM Crop biomass (shoot + root) t/ha RSD Crop residue on soil surface t/ha STD Standing dead crop residue t/ha BDP Bulk density after tillage t/m3TMP Temperature in second soil layer °CC Average water-erosion/crop-management factor NA MUSL Soil loss from water erosion using modified USLE (MUSLE) t/ha YWSoil loss from wind erosion t/ha STRS_WTR Number of days of stress by water by month Days STRS_N Number of days of stress by nitrogen by month Days STRS_P Number of days of stress by phosphorus Days STRS_TMP Number of days of stress by temperature by month Days STRS_AER Number of days of stress by aeration by month Days ALNC_DLHYEAR Year NA MO Month NA DAYDayNARAIN Precipitation mm ET Evapotranspiration mm Q Surface runoff mm SSF Lateral subsurface flow travel time Days PRK Percolation below the root zone mm MUSL Soil loss from water erosion using modified USLE (MUSLE) t/ha YON Organic N loss with sediment kg/ha YON3 NO3 loss in surface runoff kg/ha PRKN Mineral N loss in percolate kg/ha SSFN Mineral N loss in subsurface flow kg/ha MNN Nitrogen mineralized kg/ha IMN N immobilized by decaying residue kg/ha DN N loss by denitrification kg/ha NFIX N fixed by leguminous crop kg/ha UNO3 N uptake by the crop kg/ha TNO3 Total NO3 present in the soil profile kg/ha SW Total soil water in the profile m/m ALNC_DLWYEAR Year NA MO Month NA DAYDayNATMX Maximum daily air temperature °CTMN Minimum daily air temperature °CRAD Solar radiation MJ/m2 RAIN Precipitation mm SNOW Water content of snowfall mm RHUM Relative humidity FractionPEP Potential plant water evaporation mm EPPlant evaporation (Transpiration)mm PET Potential evaporation mm ET Evapotranspiration mm ................

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