Ch 31: The War to End War - AP U.S. HISTORY

Ch 31: The War to End War

Define the following terms:

• Zimmerman note

• Jeanette Rankins

• Fourteen Points

• Espionage Act of 1917

• Sedition Act of 1918

• Schenck v. United States

• “Work or Fight” Rule

• National Woman’s Party, Alice Paul

• 18th Amendment

• 19th Amendment

• Dough boys

• Big Four

• League of Nations

Focus Questions:

1. Why did Germany decide to use unrestricted warfare?

2. What three events led to the U.S. decision to declare war?

3. Why, did Wilson say, was the U.S. entering the war?

4. What was the job of the Creel organization? What did they do to carry out their task?

5. How did this impact U.S. reaction to Germans and German traditions?

6. What challenges did the U.S. face in readying itself for war?

7. How did the government support labor during the war?

8. Describe the steel workers strike in 1919.

9. What caused race riots in the northern cities?

10. What led to the ratification of the 19th Amendment?

11. What was Herbert Hoover’s job? What methods did he use to achieve it?

12. How did the U.S. raise money for the war effort?

13. What were the rules of conscription? Why was conscription necessary?

14. What problems were created for the allies when Russia exited the war?

15. What combination of forces finally led to an end of WWI?

16. What challenges did Wilson face when he left for peace negotiations in Paris?

17. How did the U.S. Senate react to the treaty?

18. What kind of criticisms did the treaty face by the U.S. public? How did Wilson try to combat those criticisms?

19. What led to the failure of the U.S. to pass the treaty?

20. Why did the U.S. elect Harding in 1920?


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