I'll write up some 'dos' and 'don'ts' when dealing with or ...

"Dos" and "Don’ts"

Dealing with or confronted by our local wildlife.

And, some little first aid tips while waiting for professional medical treatment.

Avon’s Skin-So-Soft will help repel ticks, mosquitoes, and other assorted insects and pests.

• Always try to identify the snake or insect that has bitten or struck you.

• Do not reach into brush, cracks, crevices something may bite, sting or stick ya’.

• Remain calm and lie still. Movement increases circulation, which spreads the poison faster.

• Ice packs help decrease circulation!

• Aspirin or ammonia on the site can help take the pain out of certain insect bites

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Wild Hogs, Bobcats and Javelinas

You may see some of these animals but it is doubtful that you’ll have a close encounter with them. They will sense your presence and try to avoid you.

If you see them….. remain calm, stay still and let them pass. You may also look for the quickest route to a vehicle or tall tree!

Javelina will pop their teeth as a warning. When they flee or are scared they omit a “skunkie” odor.

I had to show off some of my extraordinary animals that have been rescued or saved. The big guy, Winkie, is still with me. The bobcat, Marty, was released. And, the javelina, Fussy died at the age of 20!

Rattlesnakes leave distinct double fang marks on the skin. Rattlesnakes will let you know when you are too close or have disturbed them. They are very aggressive snakes!

BEWARE, stand extremely still (easier said than done) till you locate where the snake is.

Physical characteristics of a rattlesnake include:

• Diamond-shaped markings down the back.

• Pitlike depressions behind the nostrils.

• A triangular head with slit-shaped pupils and fangs (like I’m going to get that close to see his pupils!)

• Length up to 5 or 6 feet in this area

• Rattles at the end of the tail. Immature snakes may not have rattles or very small

• Signs and symptoms of a rattlesnake bite usually appear from 5 minutes to 2 hours after a bite.

• Severe, immediate pain with rapid swelling

• Discoloration of the skin

• Difficult or rapid breathing

• Changes in heart rate or rhythm.

• Metallic, rubbery, or minty taste in the mouth

• Numbness or tingling around the mouth, tongue, scalp, feet, or the bite area

• Swelling in lymph nodes near the bite injury

• Signs of shock

Additional symptoms that can be caused either by a pit viper bite or by anxiety over any bite include:

• Feelings of severe anxiety or confusion.

• Lightheadedness or dizziness.

• Sweating and chills.

• Nausea and vomiting.

• Weakness.

Coral snake are often confused with nonpoisonous

milk snakes because they look similar. ( Red and

yella’,kill a fella’)

They are very shy snakes and are not aggressive. Keep

your hands out thick bunches of weeds, grass and dense


Physical characteristics of a coral snake include:

• Red, yellow, and black bands along the length of the body.

• Round pupils and a black nose.

• Fangs. Coral snakes tend to chew on their victims for a few seconds and may leave tooth marks with or without fang marks.

• Length up to 3 ft (0.9 m).

Coral snake venom causes the following signs and symptoms:

• Minor pain may initially be the only symptom.

• Within 90 minutes, a feeling of weakness or numbness may occur in the bitten extremity.

• Additional symptoms may appear up to 12 to 24 hours after a bite. Symptoms may include:

o Increased salivation and drooling.

o Drowsiness or euphoria.

o Slurred speech.

o Nausea and vomiting.

o Numbness and tingling (paresthesia).

• Symptoms that occur less often include double vision, difficulty breathing, sweating, muscle aches, and confusion.

• In rare cases, a person may die from a coral snake bite.

Bees and Hornets Bees will alert other bees, making them more likely to sting. Remain as calm and quiet as possible. Movement will increase the spread of venom in your bloodstream.

The African strain of Bees is in the area. Beware of disturbing any hives (usually in hollow trees)!

The best method of escaping a bee attack is to cover your head and run for shelter. If you do not have these, grab a blanket, coat, towel, anything that will give you momentary relief while you look for an avenue of escape. If you have nothing else, pull your shirt up over your face. The stings you may get on your chest and abdomen are far less serious than those to the facial area.

Remove stinger within 30 seconds of the sting. Delay in removing the stinger is likely to increase the amount of venom you receive. You can:

• Gently scrape it out with something like a butter knife or credit card.

• Gently place cellophane tape over the stinger and surrounding skin. Pull the tape off the skin to remove the stinger.

• Use an ice pack, or ammonia or a wet aspirin on the sting to ease the pain

Scorpions are nocturnal animals and, therefore, typically only emerge at night. They often hide in dark cracks, vegetation and under rocks. The sting is extremely painful.

• Pain at the site of the sting can sometimes be limited with an ice cube.

• An aspirin can also be placed on the wetted site.

• Ammonia, if handy, will take the pain out of the sting.

Centipedes have pair of poison claws behind the head and use the poison to paralyze their prey, usually small insects. However, the jaws of centipedes are weak and can rarely penetrate human skin. The rare individuals who are bitten may experience localized swelling and pain no worse than a bee sting. 

Black Widow

The black widow spider is a shiny, inky black spider with a large round tail abdomen. Red to orange-colored markings, in the shape of an hourglass, is found on the underside of the belly.

• The first symptom is acute pain at the site of the bite though there may only be a minimal local reaction. You may find two small fang marks like tiny red spots.

A black widow spider bite gives the appearance of a target, with a pale area surrounded by a red ring. Severe muscle pain and cramps may develop in the first two hours. Apply a cool compress over the bite location.

Keep the affected limb elevated to about heart level.

Heat and pain relievers can be used for the muscle pain and spasms.

Brown recluse spider

Two features that can help identify the brown recluse: it has six eyes rather than the typical eight and the tail-end segment has no markings. If you see a brown spider with markings on the tail end, it cannot be a brown recluse spider.

Brown recluse bites cause redness, tenderness, blisters, and eventually formation of a large ulcer. It may be several days before you spot the blister.

• Apply cool compresses.

• Benadryl 25-50 mg tablets may be given every 6 hours for the itch.

• Acetaminophen (Tylenol), 1-2 tablets every 4 hours, may be given for pain.

• Avoid aspirin, ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), and naproxen (Aleve).

Mesquite Thorns are woody and can be very painful if embedded deep enough. Wear thick-soled shoes. Watch out!

The Fire Ant prefers open, sunny areas, such as pastures, parks, lawns, playgrounds, golf courses, and fields. Colonies also occur in or around buildings.

• Fire ants can inflict several painful burning stings within seconds. An immediate intense burning sensation (the "fire" associated with the ant's name) and itching at the sting site. Redness and swelling can extend beyond the sting site.

o Skin lesions produced by fire ants typically occur in clusters.

o The pustule may last for several days and is characteristic for fire ant stings. The pustule then ruptures, forms a crust, and heals several days later, sometimes leaving small scars.

If you are stung by a fire ant:

▪ Apply a cold compress to relieve the swelling and pain.

▪ Gently wash the affected area with soap and water and leave the blister intact.

▪ People who are allergic to insect stings should seek medical attention immediately.

▪ On rare occasions, fire ant stings can cause severe acute allergic reaction (anaphylaxis)





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