Prisoner 9451

Featuring Enzo Junior as Garth954162377100 TOC \o "1-1" \h \z \u 1.prisoner 9451 PAGEREF _Toc408398233 \h 32.arrest PAGEREF _Toc408398234 \h 53.stormtroopers PAGEREF _Toc408398235 \h 84.waiting game PAGEREF _Toc408398236 \h 105.climate change PAGEREF _Toc408398237 \h 136.infringement PAGEREF _Toc408398238 \h 157.fixed PAGEREF _Toc408398239 \h 178.vitals PAGEREF _Toc408398240 \h 199.I/3 PAGEREF _Toc408398241 \h 2210.interrogation PAGEREF _Toc408398242 \h 2511.cooperate PAGEREF _Toc408398243 \h 2712.chance PAGEREF _Toc408398244 \h plying PAGEREF _Toc408398245 \h 3014.too good to be true PAGEREF _Toc408398246 \h 3315.moving on PAGEREF _Toc408398247 \h 3616.erotica PAGEREF _Toc408398248 \h 3817.wrong answer PAGEREF _Toc408398249 \h 4118.edging PAGEREF _Toc408398250 \h 4419.brinkmanship PAGEREF _Toc408398251 \h 4720.end PAGEREF _Toc408398252 \h 51Garth is a comic-strip action-hero who featured in the UK newspaper The Daily Mirror from 1943 to 1997. A time-traveller who passed between space and time. A martial arts specialist, well-built. A supreme military strategist, not short of a few brain cells.Constantly exposed to challenging autocrats .. people and societies who claimed the right to rule. Their way.Due to public demand, reprints of classic stories began in 2011.Featuring Enzo Junior as Garthprisoner 945117208516891000“Prisoner 9451. On your feet.”Garth stirred. He’d dozed off. Made himself rest .. assuming the worst. The little he’d found out about this place since landing here .. it didn’t bode well .. he’d need to think on his feet, he’d thought. Certainly the way he’d been picked up .. the way those soldiers had handled him since he’d been arrested .. no one here believed in kid glove treatment. Prisoners’ rights .. they hadn’t got a look in so far.There was only the slightest pause.“Orders will not be repeated. On your feet.”Groggily Garth pushed against the wall. He dragged himself up. Thinking great! The sooner he got to the bottom of this .. he had no problems in getting things moving .. with getting things sorted out. The steel-tiled wall was chill against his back.He looked around. Where was the voice coming from. He couldn’t see anywhere a loudspeaker. Just like he had earlier searched for some hidden camera. But he was convinced they were watching him. See .. they knew just when he had got to his feet ….“Hands behind your head.”The voice that filled his small cell was as chilly as the room. Still scouring the stainless-steel tiles on the walls for signs of that camera .. somewhere there had to be a grill for the loudspeaker, didn’t there? When he’d come-to, he’d been down to his undershorts. He stood now, his bare muscular torso obviously being viewed even if he couldn’t find that camera .. backed up against a cold steel-tiled wall. And that was as far he was going, he decided …. He’d stood up as requested. But going into convict-mode? No way. Not until he got some answers. No going along with acting like he’d committed a crime. No explanation for this arrest. He’d not been charged. Just stuck in this cell. And his clothes taken away.Not going to play along like he was guilty of something. Act like they had the right to order him around .. take his clothes .. order him with his hands up behind his head. Bugger that! Doing no harm .. some storm-troopers turn up. Cuff him. Drag him off. Stick him in a cell. He wanted answers. And he wanted them now. He’d done nothing wrong. They had got this all wrong.Time now to put things right. arrest17208516891000Where the hell had Time-and-Space dumped him this time? Garth had come-to in some futuristic time-warp. He recognised nothing. Getting to his feet in this empty lane, he’d looked up. Was that the sky? Or was it more like ..? Was he looking up at some kind of translucent dome? Iridescent streaks of garish light constituted what passed for the expanse overhead. What was this place?Best way to find out, he’d found .. find yourself a pub. The locals always blabbed. He’d ordered a beer .. scanning quickly around at what the others were in to .. he’d worry later how he might settle his bill. He stuck himself in a corner .. he watched .. trying to put a handle on what was going on.Nothing. Simply normal. A pub like anywhere .. in any galaxy. Men chatting, men laughing, bawdy jokes by the sound of the guffaws .. normal. Garth had relaxed. Ordered himself another. How he was going to pay for it? Who knew? But in for a penny, in for a pound.Half-way down the glass, they had blustered in. They had marched right up to him. Soldiers. In faceless visors. Got him trapped in his corner. Big guys but unidentifiable, Garth could not see their faces. On the other hand, the way they held themselves .. the way they moved, as a team, a well-oiled machine .. Garth knew them just for what they were.“Come with us.”The harsh voice behind the visor spoke soldier-like, an order snapped out. The way he carried himself, he expected to be obeyed. Military. He was dressed all in black, like the rest. Black helmet on his head, the blackened-out visor making him faceless. Impatient-sounding the soldier snapped out his point .“Now.”Garth looked around him. Surprised. Shocked that they had made a bee-line for him. He had barely put his backside down on the chair .. he didn’t have the foggiest idea where he was still. But they had lasered in on him. The platoon had moved athletically, swiftly, efficiently. On top of him before he realised. The pub had gone silent. No one was looking his way. Weird .. there was some kind of disturbance going on in their pub. And no one had turned a hair. No one was looking. And no one was talking either. A heavy silence surrounded him. The other punters in the pub had other things to pre-occupy their minds suddenly.“Why?”Simple question, Garth thought.The faceless zombie behind the visor faced Garth down. Like the others he was tall, broad shoulders. Like the others, under that black uniform Garth sensed a body that resonated with a kind of confidence .. one that knew he could handle any situation that came up. And if it came to it, he had the muscle to back him up. His body spoke of a man sure of his authority. And he expected nothing less than to be obeyed.This was a guy not used to being questioned. Short on answers.“Come with us. Now.”Not much of a vocabulary Garth had started to think. Suddenly he was surrounded. A half-dozen of the black-helmeted troop felt like they were on top of him. Like a wall of hostile muscle-heads in uniform looming over him. Garth made to move, he started to stand. An iron grip on his shoulder made it clear that would be a mistake.“Hands out. In front.”Garth looked up at the speaker behind his visor. Truly he could not see a thing. Not a sign of human life behind that glass. But clearly the soldier could see him. He repeated.“Now. In front. Hands out.”Garth didn’t. But the nearest guards grabbed at his wrists. Forcefully his forearms were jammed down on the table-top.“Hey!”Garth tried to pull them back. But powerful hands crushed them back onto the table. Some kind of evil looking weapon was quickly jabbed to Garth’s forehead. Garth couldn’t see it. But something pressed to his temple, he had to assume the worst. Glaring up into the faceless visor under the black helmet, from the way these military types were behaving, Garth had to believe they'd use it .. without a second's hesitation. When he looked down .. shaking his head at this mess-up .. his hands were already in some kind of hand-cuff. Looking like two lengths of solid steel that had fused themselves either side of his wrists. He wriggled them, his hands were trapped. Strange-looking contraption. Garth looked down at the handcuffs. Never seen anything like them. But there was no shifting them .. steel bars clamped tight either side of his wrists. When rough hands hauled him to his feet, only way to cope with these cuffs was to bend at his elbows. Like Garth’s arms were frozen into a kind of bicep-curl.They were shoving him outside. Soldiers roughly pushing him out between tables, uncaring about the punters seated around. The strength of their grip on his arms warranted no answering back from him. And that nasty-looking weapon was still out .. pointed at him .. demanding his cooperation. In the pub no one was looking. No one was paying attention. They were invisible. A troop of black-uniformed soldiers had stormed their pub. Assaulted an innocent stranger who was minding his own business. And they were shoving him in hand-cuffs out of the door. And not one single face was looking in Garth’s direction.. What the hell was going …? What the hell was this place? stormtroopers5143524257000Garth had come across types like these before. Another time, another galaxy. Drilled to believe they had every right. Anonymous .. dressed to terrorise .. faceless. But not mindless thugs. Efficient. Their actions drilled .. trained. Bodies and wills build to enforce.They’d come looking for him, these soldiers .. though he had no idea why. Targeted on him alone. They’d barged in and barged straight up to his table. Tooled up .. ready to arrest him. Who did they think he was? And how the hell did they know where he was? He didn’t even know himself. Just arrived. In a pub .. stuck in a corner .. keeping himself to himself. How the hell was he supposed to know where he was? There had to have been cameras. Surveillance equipment. Whatever .. they had spotted him, they knew he did not belong. Face-recognition software? Someone whose face didn’t fit? In no time at all, they had swooped. Arrested him.Outside, the march to their HQ was through bustling streets, full of people. But it was as if they passed unseen. No one reacted to a stranger being frog-marched in cuffs through their midst .. no one saw a tall well-built guy held by black-suited storm troopers passing through. The streets were busy but somehow at every step a space materialised ahead of them. These people knew to let these soldiers pass .. you didn’t mess with men like these. It was like people evaporated as the troopers approached. Unseen .. sweeping all aside.That was the point when the image came to him. These troopers didn’t remind him of regular soldiers. Experience from elsewhere told him. They weren’t being regarded by the population like regular guardians of the peace. Garth wasn’t in the hands of their police force. Storm-troopers .. something darker, more sinister .. the way the population did not want to know. That was the image. It struck Garth more that he been arrested by some kind of secret police. And heavens knew why!No one looked their way, not even paying an arrested criminal an idle curious glance. It was like Garth and these troopers did not exist. Garth’s existence was being spirited away.Was this the most crime-free place in the galaxy? Or did Garth warrant his own personal entrance? At their HQ or wherever they had escorted him to .. whatever eerie-looking place this was .. empty. It was uninhabited. Devoid of human life. Garth had a whole wing of their facility to himself. Not another living soul around. No prisoners, no inmates, no human sounds .. not even the usual off-hand reception from a bored charging police officer. No one.Boots clattered on solid metallic floors. Sounds echoed off bare steel walls .. bare of anything. Stupid thought .. was this his own personal prison? Was he the only one in years who’d committed a crime? A police station without felons? Or was this some place else? A prickling confirmation that these troopers were something sinister crawled up Garth’s spine.No tatty printed notices, not some hand scrawled note you found in police stations across the galaxies .. something that softened the look. Empty echoing hallways, bare of humanity, air devoid of human touch. Not another man in sight. Devoid of human life. Minimalist in the extreme.They stopped him outside a door, steel clad."What's going on?" Garth asked roughly. His patience was wearing thin. "Why am I here?"A storm trooper was removing his cuffs. Garth had just clicked that he had spotted no key, he couldn't work out how the soldier had undone them. But his thoughts were arrested when the visored helmet next to him snapped out."Silence! Speak only when questioned."Damn that, thought Garth. "I insist on knowing what the hell is going on."The door had opened. But it had no handle. How had that happened? No one had touched it. No one had said anything."And I want to know now...."Garth yelled. An inexplicable pain, excruciating. Like his head has imploded. He had briefly sensed a light touch against his neck, ice cold. Like a pencil pressed to one of his traps. Then a blinding flash .. smacked against the back of his neck. Like he’d been coshed, hard. Crippling pain lanced down his back .. as if a red-hot spear had him impaled. A massive din exploded in his ears. Body-crunching pain broke down his spine. A knee broke under him. Passing out. Coshed. By a lightning strike.That had been it. .. he had blacked out. Until Garth came to in this brightly lit cell. Wearing only his under-shorts. Surrounded by cold steel-clad bare walls. And a steely voice ordering Prisoner 9451 to get to his feet. waiting game17208517335500“First you’re gonna tell me what the hell is going on? Why have I been stuck in this cell?”Garth had got to his feet. But that was as far as he was going. He felt stupid making demands to these bare walls. No one to look at, no monitor or screen, not even a loudspeaker grill to shout at. It was like he was talking to himself. But he knew he could be heard. And he was damn-sure they were watching him. He was pissed off and he wanted answers.“I want to talk to the officer in charge.”The steely disembodied voice came back. “Prisoner 9451. You have been told. Speak only to answer questions.”The voice didn’t sound angry. Or irritated even. Just confident it’d be obeyed.Damn that, thought Garth. “Now,” he snapped back at empty space. “The officer in charge.”How was he supposed to find things out if he couldn’t ask questions?“You will not be told again.”Despite himself the coldness in the tone of that warning chilled Garth slightly. It was unnerving this anonymity. How did you stand up to empty space? How did you reason with steel-clad walls? The faceless storm-troopers. The absence of other humans in this facility. The entire impersonal nature of it all. This steel-clad cell. The echoing empty halls. He recalled those hi-tech handcuffs .. came off without a key. And what was that pain? At the doorway. Knocked him out? Where had that come from? What had delivered such a crippling blow? Was it one of those guns they had stuck in his face in the pub? Stun-guns?The thought of them rushing in and sticking that thing to him again .. crippling him, knocking him out. He’d never find out what was going on. For now Garth chose to do as told. But on his own terms .. he wanted answers, he was pissed. Clothes taken away .. stuck in some kind of solitary confinement .. not told what he was supposed to have done wrong. He’d play along with them. But he did want answers.OK, so he’d not answer back. He raised his hands behind his head as told .. a stance typical of the way convicts were held all over the galaxies. He could easily have raged, the way he felt .. but what was the point? He’d just look like a prat. Anger mis-understood as panic. Shouting at the bare walls. Raving at himself.They had to be watching him .. somehow. Stood there in just his shorts .. his tall muscular body on full display. What were they thinking? Looking at him stood like that. Usually he was the one whose physique made people think twice.What was this about? Garth had asked himself that more than twice.He stood, arms up as ordered. He waited. He’d expected them to come and get him. Take him away for questioning .. after all, they had arrested him, they must think he had done something. But they didn’t come. They were taking their time about it. Nothing happened. He was losing his patience. He was made to stand like a prisoner in this bare brightly-lit cell. Hands clasped behind his head. And wait. While they watched. While they got ready. While they waited for the chief interrogator to finish lunch - or whatever.Bugger this! Garth had had enough of waiting. Thinking he’d had enough of standing arms raised like this. Suddenly he noticed. A trickle of sweat down his temple. Tickling and irritating. He shook his head .. his hands kept where ordered .. sure he was being monitored. Surprised to see a spray of sweat spark off his hair. He was sweating. He was sweating hard. Trickles ran down a raised bicep, he could see pearls in his armpit, he could smell himself. Glancing down, he realised his chest was glistening .. sweat sparkling in the lights.Hot. It was hot in here. Damned hot. They had turned the heating up. How had he missed that? Suddenly he was a man stood in prisoner-pose in a sauna. As soon as that reality kicked in, he began to feel it. Sweat trickling down his back. The hair in his armpits was flat .. like he’d done a killer work-out. In no time his waistband wet, his shorts were clinging to him. In minutes he was suddenly drenched. What the hell!He was cooking. He felt like he’d overdone his time in the sauna. He felt his heart-rate racing. He was stuck in a sauna that had mal-functioned. The membranes in his nostrils were beginning to sting. They were roasting him. Roasting him alive.“Hey,” Garth yelled. “Turn it down.”A steam room gone into over-drive. He was running with sweat. He was breathing faster. “You listening? Bloody hot in here.”The steely voice showed no emotion.“Prisoner 9451. You have been told. You will be punished. For talking. Silence.”Garth would almost welcome those suckers rushing in with their hi-tech tazers and blasting him. If it brought in some cool air. Put him out of his misery.No, he had to keep his wits about him, he thought. Taking another body-blow like that last one .. it was hardly going to keep his brain alert. It had knocked him out. And look what they had done. Got him stripped. Stuck him here in the cell.And this was no coincidence, this heat. They were sweating him deliberately. Warming him up for something.Mouth shut, he decided. He’d keep his trap shut. He did as told. Telling himself this was not the end. They hadn’t dragged him off the streets to stick him in some oven and fry his brains. He wasn’t some scientific experiment. They didn’t want him dead. They were softening him up. For interrogation. About what? Who the hell knew?He put up with it. He stood in wet undershorts .. hands clasped behind his head .. ticklish trickles running down his back. And he sweated it out .. in silence. After all, in the past .. he half-jokingly rationalised .. he’d paid out good money for a sauna. Forked out cash for a good sweat. Paid for the health benefits .. shed the body of toxins .. good for the skin. And .. looking on the positive .. this one came free-of-charge. climate change17208516891000How did they do this? If Garth was learning anything about this set-up .. finding things out about this world that Time-and-Space had chosen to dump him .. they certainly did things differently hereabouts. And they had the technology to make that happen.Those weird handcuffs .. that blast in his traps that had unaccountably knocked him out. And now he’d gone from equatorial Africa to the North Pole in seconds.“Prisoner 9451. Turn around. Face the wall.”With the heat .. hanging on through this boredom .. Garth had almost gone into a kind of swoon. His brain had drifted off. He must have sweated every bit of liquid out of his pores by now. Unknowingly he’d blanked out .. letting his body give in to the torture of this heat. Unconsciously his brain had switched itself off.It took some time to react to the voice.“I am not waiting. Now.”For an interrogator .. Garth had come across torturers enough across the galaxies .. this one sounded mild. His voice never raised. But the disembodied nature of this whole set-up .. knowing he was being observed but he could see nothing .. the effect was disconcerting. Almost worst of all was the ice-cold manner. This sod would slit someone’s throat while drinking a cup of tea. Humankind was light-years away from his nature. He could almost be a machine.Drenched in sweat .. looking like he had pissed himself in his shorts .. Garth knew he had no choice. He turned, drowsy. He faced the wall, not really with it. Suddenly the survivor in him was screaming it out. WAKE UP! Garth’s instincts were warning him. He had given in too much.“Hands to the wall.”The dismembered voice seemed to fill the cell. An illusion. Garth realised. He had let himself go. The crippling heat had got to him. WAKE UP! For god’s sake!He yelped. His hands had stretched out to the wall. Touched. It was like he had stuck his hand on a fire. Burning. But not heat. Freezing cold. Icy-cold. His body was dripping with sweat .. running with it .. sweat stinging in his eyes. And he had just put his hands in a bucket of ice. Well below zero.The yell of shock shivered through every cell in his body. Garth ripped his hands from the wall. Like they had been encased in ice. Frost-bite in his fingers. His body burning him alive .. running with sweat. His hands stuck deep into the permafrost. “Prisoner 9451. Hands to the wall.” infringement17208517399000Freezing cold. The shock reverberated through his hand. His arm turned to chilled muscle, contracted, shivered. The cold startled him. A gasp escaped his mouth .. like he had plunged into ice-covered water. Gasping out loud. Trembling violently. Fire to ice in a moment. “FUCKING HELL!”Garth yelled, he tore his hands from the wall. He slammed his arms around his bare torso, the air around was suddenly freezing cold. He was shivering. His body shuddered, his legs trembled. Garth looked at the corner of the ceiling .. as if the camera was there. He bawled.“YOU FUCKING BASTARDS!”Cold and unmoved the voice filled the room again.“Prisoner 9451. Turn back to the wall. Hands on wall.”There was no emotion in the voice. And that made it sound even more chilling.Garth threw his head back and yelled at the emptiness.“GO FUCK YOURSELF!”He had had enough.“Prisoner 9451. You have been told. Speak only to answer questions ..”Garth interrupted.“Fuck off!”The disembodied voice carried on as if Garth was not raging and thrashing his arms around his trembling body to create some heat.“You have infringed that order. Seven times. You will be punished accordingly.”Garth barely registered the warning. He was freezing his balls off here. A sharp trembling had set in. How the hell had they turned a sauna into an arctic waste in seconds?“Turn around. Hands on the wall.”Garth glared.“This order will not be repeated.”Suddenly blinding pain hit Garth. A sheet of agony flared from his neck. Like a lightning bolt had hit him across the back of the head. His hands went to his neck, tore it away like he’d been scalded. He shuddered forward, arms out to stop him from falling. His head arched backwards, his shoulder blades stiff with agonising tension. Body engulfed in searing bands of heat.Again .. it felt like an explosion in his head. Piercing shrieking filled his ears. As if a chain saw had torn across the base of his neck. Garth’s hands went to his ears .. as if that could block out the ear-piercing shrieks filling his head. Stark terror screeching in his mind. White-hot horrors of brain-shaking agony. Pain was wildly shaking his head .. his whole body rocking .. agonising screams seemed to pierce every muscle in his body.A blow .. like a cosh hit him across the back of his neck. A sudden hard thwack. Garth collapsed. Down on one knee .. his chest folded down and landed on his thigh, head spinning. Pain in every fibre of his body .. ear-piercing shrieks sizzled like acid fire through his blood. The room was filled with screaming. Garth did not know it was his own. He had passed out. fixed17208516891000It was a mystery .. another damned mystery .. Garth was confused about this place since the moment he’d landed. He’d travelled the galaxies, seen much that was new and enigmatic. But here .. in so little a time .. he’d met with so much that he couldn’t get his head around. He’d been contending with pain, confusion and anger .. all wildly bundled into a rapidly changing sequence of events. He didn’t know who he was messing with.He’d come-to slowly .. emerging out of a black tunnel into the dark .. hearing pinging sounds before his vision cleared. Slowly, painfully, he had drifted upwards from dark soundless depths to a humming surface? Sounds? He was hearing nothing human .. just the light hum of machinery .. electronic bleeps. He felt shattered .. his mouth dry, his head in a whirl. His body suddenly shook, a spasm. He felt clammy with sweat. He made to stroke his forehead. Nothing moved. His hand did not move, could not. He tried his other arm, down by his side. It felt like it weighted a ton .. no way could he get it to move. He’d had a stroke? Or he was tied down?His head spun sickeningly .. then he remembered he’d been clubbed across the back of the neck. Woozy, feeling sick in his stomach .. then he remembered there had been no one to smack a nightstick across his neck. That cell had been empty, no one to hit him over the head. He’d been alone on that steel-clad cell. But then .. what had hit him? What the hell …?His arms wouldn’t move. He tried his legs. Stuck too. Like glued to the spot. Not even a bit of wriggle-room. And his body, too .. immobile, stuck. It wasn’t that he was tied hand and foot, arms strapped down. And even with his limbs tied, he should have been able to move his torso .. if only a bit. He WAS glued down. His back could not even wriggle. His butt was stuck down, couldn’t lift his hips a single inch. Almost like his body was magnetised to the surface under him. What the ….? How was this possible? Garth thought he was losing touch with reality. This place was getting to him .. his brain swimming. Overloaded with messages he couldn’t make sense of. A sense of panic rushed through his blood. He couldn’t move a god-damn thing. No .. his head, that moved, he managed to lift his head .. a bit. He looked down, could see the lift of his muscled chest. A knee .. he could see a knee .. one leg, his right one, it was bent at the knee. The sole of the foot was riveted down. He waggled his right leg .. at last, movement. But that was all .. the foot was clamped immovably to the surface underneath. How the hell …?Garth suddenly felt vulnerable. He’d just looked up. Above him, he could see himself, he could see himself mirrored. He was stark-naked. Lying on a metal surface. Arms by his side .. no straps, not tied down. He tried them again, they didn’t move. His left leg stretched out straight .. that didn’t move .. when he tried, he could feel himself circling his foot. But all the rest of him was magnetised to a steel-topped surface.His head twitched to the left .. a sense of anxiety filled his vision. He was on a table, in the middle of some darkened room. He could see the flicker of electronic lights. He thought he saw human shapes vaguely illuminated by the green flashing lights. His head flicked over to the right .. the same .. nothing to be seen. Except he sensed there were beings out there. Ghostly shapes vaguely caught among the bleeping sounds and the flickering electronic signals.Vulnerable. He looked up. Studied himself again. Stripped down to his birthday suit. Muscled, powerfully built. But stuck. Glued somehow to this steel table-top. And one leg bent at the knee. Making his crutch completely accessible. Why did that give him a slight sense of panic? But he got a grip. The experiences he had encountered through the galaxies had taught Garth well. Take it as it comes. He tried .. he made himself .. he forced himself to breathe in deep. Nothing came of giving in to fears. To counter the unknown, he had learned to stay mentally strong. Keep himself under control. Ready for it .. come-what-may. vitals17208516891000“The vitals indicate a candidate for i/ 3.”What Garth heard was that same dispassionate Voice that has supervised his time in his cell. Out of the blue, that Voice sliced icily through the air. He snapped his head to the left. Again over to the right. But he saw nothing. No one. “Get it prepped.”Garth heard footsteps behind his head. He tried to crane his neck .. for signs of life. But with his back fused into this metal table-top he couldn’t twist around enough.Suddenly a pair of goons were stood next to him .. materialised out of the bleeping blackness. A couple of the storm-troopers. This time they had come dressed to impress. They had stripped out of their tunics, bare to the waist. Garth didn’t intimidate easily. But with himself so vulnerable and exposed. Why did muscle-heads turn up like that? In situations like this? Garth’s experiences had only one answer.And if the rest of those storm-troopers who dragged him here turned up came dressed like that .. if they got a liking to it and went for him .. this would be no picnic. And he had no doubt .. looking at the biceps at rest, mounds of twisted veiny steel in their shoulders .. if it came to using them .. they’d give Garth helluva fight.“Prisoner 9451. Get up.”The disembodied cold voice made Garth suddenly realise he could move his arm. How the …? Whatever .. he turned over on to his side .. neither of the goons made space. A pair of heavily muscled goons. Striated shoulder muscle, tapered waist, abs corded and corrugated, strength held prisoner by the tightness of their skin. Shoving one to one side to make room when he didn’t move, Garth slid his legs over the side of the table-top and made to stand up. A big hand on the end of an arm striated with muscle all the way up gripped him by the shoulder .. making him stop. Ordering him to stay seated. Garth sat with his legs over the edge of the table. Naked. A tall muscular goon on-guard either side of his legs.“That implant in your neck .. “The Voice cut through the gloom.“ … your tamer .. it will activate if you disobey.”Implant? Suddenly Garth realised the huge hand still had him with the trap. Under the fingers .. could he feel something? Something that had not been there before? Something hard .. under the skin. It had to be right on the shoulder nerve. That blinding flash that had knocked him out .. twice now. Before they had put him in that cell .. that touch to his neck .. a brain-shaking pain. Had they injected an implant under the skin .. a “tamer”? He’d more than felt it. He’d blacked out with the pain. These fuckers could knock him out at will. “Fail to cooperate .. ignore an order .. lie to us …..”There was a slight pause. A warning.“ … the tamer will activate.”Shit! And remotely too. Like a tazer than could be activated remotely. That last time .. in the cell .. there’d been no one in sight. And it had felt like one of these muscle-goons had clubbed him hard around the neck. The tamer in his own neck.“We have your vitals now ..”When he’d been on the table .. all this machinery .. “Test results have shown your strength. Analysis has revealed what you can take.” What mumbo-jumbo science was this they were spouting, thought Garth. Only the other hand, was that because he didn’t want to believe it was true? He’d been out-cold. What had they been doing to it? On this surgical steel surface? These machines humming and bleeping.They had been checking him out physically .. given him a full physical investigation. But “revealed what you can take?” Did that mean what he thought it did? How was that possible? Test for toughness? Medically? He didn’t want to believe what he was thinking. But from what he was discovering about them .. they could easily have enough surprises up their sleeve for him.“The implant is now fully programmed. It will not go too far.”For which read .. they could torture the hell out of him. Shit .. he was reading too much into this .. wasn’t he? Torture him out of his skin .. blast him in the neck with this tamer-thing .. and not go too far. Not kill him off. Garth shivered at the thought, he felt a prickle of fear in his bare balls. Was he landed up in some technologically advanced civilisation .. where medically they could test a guy for his breaking point? They had this technology? And they could put all this state-of-the-art technology behind their interrogations. Shit! He was up to his neck in shit. But still he had no idea why they’d arrested him.Garth made to protest … Tell them they’d got this all wrong. But he was stopped before he opened his mouth.“You will not be reminded again. Speak only to answer questions, Prisoner 9451.”So how the hell did he find out what was going on? Or tell them they had the wrong man? But now he was sitting up, he realised how much that blow had knocked out of him. His head was still swimming. The thing in his neck really worked. He felt like he’d gone ten rounds with a dozen of these bodybuilding thugs.The Voice interrupted his thoughts.“You had a Power 7. The scale goes up to ten.”And they could keep blasting him, Garth realised. Their analysis of his body would not let them go too far. They knew how much he could take.As if reading Garth’s thoughts, the chilly voice in the darkness informed him.“We can keep that up all day. Taming you costs us no effort.”Right enough, Garth knew. You didn’t break sweat pressing a button. The ice-cold way this Voice talked about torturing WAS chilling.“But YOU cannot. One minute on Power 10 .. your legs will not hold you up. Two minutes .. you will wish you were dead.”There was a chilling pause.“But you won’t be.” I/3Interrogation Room 3 .. for which read, Torture Room 3 .. was ready for him, thugs had gone ahead to warm it up. Another completely darkened room with machines and bleeping lights in the blackness. In the middle a low platform with a circle of light in the middle. Nothing else. No rack, no branding irons, no whips or thumbscrews. But then .. Garth had that tamer implanted in the nerves in his neck.If the setting was supposed to look ominous, it did. Walked through gloom. Ahead a menacing source of overhead light above the platform. A sharply defined pillar of light .. big enough to take a man of his size. Garth felt a prickle down his spine as the two thugs guided him to the platform and stood him in the middle of the tube of light. His ballsack had sucked up tight. Nerves were getting to him.He ought to be mad .. in a rage. Arrested for no reason .. put in a cell .. brutally treated, knocked out. Stripped him of all his clothes, walking him around butt-naked. And for what? What was he supposed to have done? He ought to be pissed off. He should be refusing to cooperate until they explained themselves. But he was going along with this. He had no choice .. not with that thing in his neck. Forbidden to talk .. “tamed” if he failed to cooperate.He realised he WAS nervous. Feeling uncertain. Unsure what else to do.That short walk here .. he realised a weakness in his legs. He should have shaken the goons’ maulers off him. Normally he’d have shown them what they had on their hands. But he’d let himself be guided. Their muscular arms holding him by his elbows. He’d let them because he had no other choice. And because he could feel his legs wobbly. That knock-out blow. Power 7. Reducing him to this? Knocked out by a Power 7. And left feeling like this .. this weak. So easily. They could cripple him that easily. Little wonder he was beginning to feel scared.You bet Garth was feeling nervous. You bet his balls were marching a rapid retreat inside. Garth was feeling vulnerable.“Prisoner 9451. Hands behind your head.”Was that Voice everywhere? He had not joined them walking here. Of course .. he wasn’t in the room. He was watching this on a monitor. Technologically advanced torture techniques.Garth could risk getting weakened further .. he could blurt it out .. tell the Voice where to stick itself. Not getting any more cooperation out of him till he found out what was going on. He could snarl back at that Voice. Insist. Keep going till he got them to listen .. till he could persuade this secret police force that he was innocent. He’d done nothing wrong. But wisely he didn’t. In the circumstances .. not a good idea. That warning about Power 10 .. the way he felt after a few blasts with this damned tamer-thing .. the last thing he could afford. Had to keep his wits about him.But he wasn’t coming up with any good ideas either … He did as told. He stood naked, on a platform, in a tube of bright light from above, hands behind his head. As ordered. And telling this -8890110363000head to come up with something fast.But they kept getting the jump on him. Out of the blackness, something large flickered into life. A man-sized monitor, a larger than life-sized screen. And star of tonight’s show? A tall man with his hands behind his head. Muscular, good looking, naked. Nice touch, that, Garth thought .. showing the prisoner how he looked. Forced into this, naked, on TV, watched by god-knows-who. And at the sight of himself stood here at risk .. feeling exposed. Nice technique.He stood there for some time .. doing nothing .. seeing nothing but a larger-than-life-sized image looking back at himself. Feeling like saying something. Knowing what he’d get if he did. Nothing was happening. He could hear no rustling, no movement. Just blinking lights and a light hum of electronics and machinery. Stood trying not to let himself get jittery .. suspecting that was part of the technique .. letting the whirring questions in his head get to him. Bursting to ask a question. Find out what the hell was going on and to put them right.Sensing that might be just what they were trying on. Keeping him waiting .. getting him anxious. Until he blurted something out. And they could hit him once again. He’d given them the excuseOn the other hand .. he was getting the unpleasant impression. These weren’t the types who waited to be given an excuse.So he stood looking at his muscular image in the monitor. Life-size. Arms up, chest plates lengthened, the deep groove of his cleavage highlighted by strong light from above. Down below the ridges of muscle in his abs, deep-cut by the shadows thrown, emphasised more as his belly caved in by the lift of his ribs. The powerful fighting man, a body gnarled and knotted. Looking tough, packed with superhuman resilience and strength. Every school-boy’s stereotype of the super-fit action hero. Damn-it. And what was it these bastards were scrutinising? Some ace special-forces hero. Top spy. Body honed to muscular perfection. Trained for the demands of the job. Trained to resist questioning. This torso had been thoroughly analysed .. his toughness had been made a matter of medical record. That image of male perfection .. stood strong and tough .. Looking at himself through their eyes .. not a comfortable image to see .. put like that ….Garth had travelled the galaxies. He’d gone through enough perils for a lifetime already. But had he ever felt so unsure? So out of his depth? interrogation16891016383000“Prisoner 9451. You have been arrested for spying. You will cooperate and ….”Garth blurted it out.“I am no spy.”A sharp pain burst in his shoulders. Surprised he leapt forwards. His arms dropped, pain threw him forwards, his hands pushed out in front to stop himself. Shocked. His hands came up against a solid wall. But there was no wall, he could see the TV screen. A force field. That tube of light containing him .. it was a force-field, no getting out.The shock of that discovery mixed with the pain from the implant. SHIT! They had him trapped in an inescapable position. And they could blast him as hard and as often as they wished. And not a damned thing he could do about it.The Voice carried on as if nothing had happened. No rebuke for talking when not questioned. The implant had taken on that job.“You will cooperate. You will tell us who sent you. Who is the target for assassination. And who is assisting you here.”Spy? Assassin? This was crazy. This was baffling, disorienting. When Garth had been done over before, he could see his enemy. He could snarl back in the face of his interrogator. Possible to judge his responses. Anticipate a move. Plot by his reactions. Garth didn’t even know if the bastard interrogating him was in the room. Or if there was anyone else in this room. How did you rage at an empty room? How did you spit in the face of emptiness? Garth couldn’t even see the smirk of superiority on his damned face every time Garth crashed to the floor.“This is mad. I can’t tell you. I am no ….”Garth threw his arms up. Pain sizzled like a hot lance down his backbone. The shock took his breath away. Head back, teeth clenched. Garth’s body snapped back into an arc, his hips jerked forward.He’d talked. No one had asked a question. Infringement. Punishment. He was not cooperating.“Fuck you!”Annoyance turned to anger. Maddened Garth threw himself at the wall of light. Going to smash his way through. His arm raised, his fist forcing his way out. Going to go for these bastards in the darkness. He punched. He yelled out, his arm flashed back. Sizzling pain passed like lightning to his shoulder. He staggered backwards. The shock had hit him so fast .. it was more than painful, it was scary too. He threw himself forward, hands on his knees .. gasping for breath. For a second he thought he might throw up. Dizzying pains. A shock so intense that a cry had got jammed tight in his throat. SHIT! The whole damned thing was electrified. A force-field .. this tube of light .. an electric fence! Trapped.“This is a load of crap,” he yelled. In pain, baffled. Calling out as much at himself as his interrogators out there.No way out. And they could do what they hell they wanted with him.Unconcerned by Garth’s display of fury or the shock of his discovery, the Voice continued expressionless.“We’ll make this easy. Prisoner 9451 .. your name.”At least he could answer that. But his anger did not abate. Head still down, hands on knees, breathless he snapped back an answer. Snapping out at the blackness of space.“Garth.”There was a slight pause.“Garth what?”Garth shook his head.“Just that. Garth. Nothing else?”A blast of pain had his hands clutching tight at his knees. The muscles in his forearm contracted.“We have read your brain. We know. Tell me. What is your full name?”They’d done WHAT?“Sullivan. Garth Sullivan.”Garth hadn’t used his full name since he’d left the navy. How many light miles away?Suddenly he experienced a revelatory chill. What had he said, that Voice? They’d read his brain? WHAT? cooperate17208516891000“If you’ve read my mind .. then you’ll know .. I am no spy …”No question had been asked. A punishing blast threw Garth sideways. Surprising him .. he unbalanced. His shoulder bashed into the force-field. Into the electrified force-field, The double-blast of pain threw Garth back, he landed on his knees. Head down, doubled-up over his thighs .. muscles jolting sharply, his body spasming with pain. Panting. Frenzied gasping as he fought to get his wind back. Hurting. They’d gone and slammed him into an electrified fence! Bastards.Garth sat huddled up on his knees. Muscles knotted, body quivering. His body was humming with tension. He could feel this punishment was building up in his muscle .. on top of the anger racing in his blood. Like this, in time the punishment would get harder to take, longer to recover. How long before every muscle and fibre sang with discordant pain? Till every key in this melody of agony had been played on his body?“Your handlers did a good job. Conditioning your memory. Masking the facts.”The Voice dismissed Garth’s logical explanation.“What fucking handlers?”Garth’s mind was reeling, two massive electric hits on top of each other. He was sweating. He was struggling to catch his breath. His head was all over the place. Who the hell did these fuckers think they were? And how could they possibly think he could still remember a surname he never used? And yet all the details of his mission to assassinate one of these bastards .. his supposed handlers had erased that from his memory? They were off-their collective-head! They just wanted a confession. And they were going to get it .. come-what-may. “Prisoner 9451. On your feet.”He was furious. A red mist of rage blurred his vision into the dimness behind these lights. He wanted to scream out and tell them where to put themselves. But Garth already knew better than that .. when he engaged his brain. His guts wanted to kill. But his head knew better to than to refuse. Disobeying an order .. they had made abundantly clear what that would cost him. He wiped his sweaty hands on his bare thighs. Taking a deep breath he rose on to his knees, planted a foot firmly on the floor. As he leant forward a heavy drop of sweat fell off his face. He was running with sweat. Like he’d done a killer workout. With effort he hauled himself to his feet. And as he did so, his head spun. His legs .. powerful, muscular legs that had never let him down, that could run a marathon if needed .. they wobbled slightly under him. Garth was on fire .. muscles in his shoulders ached like crazy .. his backbone was sore .. winded like he had taken some body-crunching hits. They were giving him a real killer workout alright. And how long had this idiotic interrogation been going on? Five minutes? Tops.Garth did not know where to direct his anger. Beyond his tube of light was blackness. And who was saying the Voice was in room i/ 3 anyway? Just as easy to interrogate remotely .. sitting down with his coffee .. pressing the right button when Garth gave him the chance. He glared out into the blackness .. sure that his fury would be picked up on the Voice’s monitor. Fuck you! He thought to himself. But he stopped himself from blurting it out. He had to think smart. A lot smarter than he had been so far. They had been knocking him about a bit. Hard knocks. Blows that knocked the wind out of him. Think smart, dumb-head, he warned himself. Save your strength .. for when you can use it.His chance came quicker than he could have wished. chance16891016383000“Prisoner 9451. Hands above your head.”Garth was getting really angry over this Prisoner 9451 thing. It has more getting than on his nerves. And being pushed around like this.But the power they wielded .. the technology they were throwing at him .. torture by remote control .. what the hell choice did he have? There was no escaping this tube of light. A force field .. and when he’d touched it . a massive electric shock knocked him off his feet. He was beginning to feel panicky .. how the hell did he worm his way out of this?If only he could clasp his eyes on the bastard. Somewhere to target his anger. Hatred for these suckers boiled in his heart. But he had no place to focus his anger. He felt desperate to make this Voice hurt in return. Garth wanted to see the sucker. Zero in on his target. Sure this prick was getting off on this. Like other torturers he’d known, he was out there watching .. nursing a hard-on .. getting caught up in the brutality of the scene. Getting off on the power. But this was weird, disorienting. Anonymous. This was torture-by-numbers .. cold, dispassionate, unreal. No spy, Garth was no god-damned spy. Why the hell did they think he was a spy? They’d read his brain, they’d claimed .. they had to know that. How had they jumped to the conclusion he was out to assassinate someone? Come on, fellas, ask me a real question. Where I come from? Wanna know how I got here? Travelled through Space-and-Time. All the way from Planet Earth.Now that WAS going to go down well! They’d really think he was cooperating then!Garth placed his hands behind his head. As ordered. Cooperating .. or at least seeming to be. His body ran with sweat. The sweat of torture. From his raised armpits he got a strong whiff of his own acrid sweat. And just stood there .. hands behind his head as ordered .. he felt himself panting. Like he’d run a mile in 4 minutes. Gone ten rounds with a dozen of these goons.These bastards knew how to grind a man down. complying17208516891000Stay focussed! Garth chided himself for losing it. Scolded himself for that sense of panic.“I repeat. For the last time. Prisoner 9451. Hands above your head.”Garth frowned into the blackness beyond his tube of light. Was the hell was he doing? He’d already done that, hadn’t he? Couldn’t they see his hands? Bugger them .. what were they playing at? But the Voice was so insistent. A shiver of panic sizzled down Garth’s spine. The tone was insistent he was not obeying orders. A sizzle hit him .. one that bore witness to the fact that he was nervous about getting zapped again. Couldn’t afford the pain. Couldn’t afford to keep getting weakened like that. He remembered sitting up on that steel table .. his head spinning .. from weakness. That frisson was as much a warning .. a sign of his nervousness .. when his rational thinking kicked in. Twitchy about taking too much of this so that he could no longer think straight.ABOVE your head! Think! Not behind your head, stupid bugger. Well, why the hell hadn’t that Voice said so?Garth’s emotions were all over the place ,he recognised. He was pissed off. He was unsure how to react back. He was trying to hold down his rage. He kept telling himself to think smart .. play along. He had to cooperate .. to save his strength for when it counted. But he wanted to piss them off too .. craving to show them what he really felt .. give that bastard the finger. Every fibre in his body wanted to get his hands on one of these bastards and re-shape his face.Hands above your head. So that was what he meant? Hands above your head, stupid!Torn between playing along and being bloody minded, Garth did not know what best to do. Defy them, piss them off? Or play safe, save his strength?Instinct took over. He took one hand from behind his head .. he used it to cover himself with his hand. Defiantly he was denying them his vulnerability .. the sight of him naked. He had put his hand down and was covering up his genitals. Irrationally he felt a buzz. At the audacity. Defiance. At getting away with his insolence. But every nano-second his nerves were waiting for the Voice to react. Press that god-damned button. Sock it to him.While at the same time .. schizophrenically .. he was showing them he was doing as told. Look, guys, Garth here is playing along. Hand above his head .. just like you said. One. Just one hand, though. One hand above his head. Slowly .. glaring out into the darkness where he assumed their cameras were watching him .. seeing himself strong, muscled and semi-defiant in the monitor .. Garth raised his other arm above his head. Straight up. Doing as told. Complying. Garth felt an odd tingle of satisfaction. Maybe stupid .. but it was one small victory .. his first. At the same time, though, his nerves racing. Any second now the Voice could knock him off his feet.He stole another glance at himself. Garth studied his muscular naked body in the full-length monitor these dickheads had provided. One arm extended upwards, pulling up the muscles of his torso on one side. The muscular power in his shoulder caught in the overhead light.The other hand snaking down over the solid rocks in his bare eight-pack. The sweat on his hard-packed chest glistening .. his chest rising and falling as Garth got his breathing back under control .. and kept his nerves in charge .. long deep breaths. He caught himself oddly reflected in this split of emotions .. that image on the monitor .. getting a buzz at giving them the finger .. refusing to do as told. And another part of him on fire .. his nerves jittery. More-than-half expecting that blast in his traps. His thinking self was simultaneously gripped by the desperate desire not to get a super-charge thrown at him. But pleased with himself .. pleased with that sight .. seeing reflected back at himself that his burning desire to get something back on them. Get his own back .. even in this little way. One thing he knew, though .. it was dumb-stupid to risk it. Push it .. and get stuck with a Power 10 for fucking them about.He’d stored away his little triumph. Sensing he might be pushing it. Slowly .. complying .. doing as told .. he raised his other arm above his head .. Garth bared himself. He revealed again his bush of light hair. Jittery but pleased too. This whole pantomime had been acted out as a message. Telling them there was still spirit burning here. He was no spy , he was going to keep insisting on this. Not being bullied into confessing to a lie.It was risky .. this demonstration. His body grew tense .. he felt muscles knot .. even as he submissively raised his second arm above his head. This act could easily back-fire. He felt his abs tight as a drum .. in anticipation of body-crunching punishment. But he WAS putting both arms above his head .. see, you guys? .. Garth has done as ordered. But that felt good .. because he had decided he was doing it on his own terms .. because it was the sensible thing to do .. saving his strength. But telling these bastards he wasn’t one you pushed around. Garth “Sullivan” did not give in easily, not to threats. Small .. but still a victory. Garth glanced at his image on the giant monitor. Seeing his second arm snaked past his sweat-streaked chest, up past his face. Glaring .. scowling at the camera .. putting his anger out into the darkness .. performing for their camera .. complying but audacious at the same time .. Garth saw himself reflected .. his other arm rising above his head. Infinitesimally slowly. Deliberately slow. His way of showing .. Garth was no push-over.The monitor said it all. Garth was buzzing at the sight. Both hands clasped above his head .. as told. The anger of his muscular body throbbing .. they were fools if they couldn’t see it. The sight of this strong muscled man who was not given to being pushed around. too good to be true17208516891000WHAT? How? This asshole had just walked through the force-field. One of them .. one of the super-muscle-hunks had just stepped across the barrier. Walked unharmed through the electric fence .. unscathed. Had they switched it off?Garth suddenly felt a rush of adrenalin. Hadn’t this been what his wildest dreams had wanted? Getting one of these bastards within reach? The chance to let fly? Smash the living daylights out of his ugly mug? Let his anger out? And then before they clicked, leap out into the darkness .. escape this trap. And worry later about what happened next. It was a delicate move, needed perfect timing .. but Garth had to get it exactly right.It was murder .. waiting. It was only a metre or two .. the muscle-head had first stood outside the tube. Waiting. Tempting. Then he’d crossed. Life seemed to have gone into slo-mo. It took ages before the sonovabitch got close enough .. within range. Close enough for Garth to let loose his fury. He had his arms ordered above his head, hands clasped together. The sucker was walking into the range of a battering ram. Vengeful fists smacked down on his skull. Out like a light. Garth knew he’d batter this motherfucker to death. Couldn’t stop himself.Nothing moved. WHAT! Nothing fucking moved. The god-damned motherfucker was within a hair’s breadth away. His skull was nearly under Garth’s raised arms. And Garth could not move a fucking thing.All he had to do .. his hands were already clasped above Garth’s head .. as ordered. Playing along with them. The instant this dumb-ass prick got too close .. all Garth had to do .. smash his raised fists down. The incredible power of Garth’s shoulders coming into attack. Backed up by the fury racing in his blood. There the dumb-ass motherfucker stood .. all muscle and dumb-ass stupidity for getting within range .. right there .. within bloody range ! All Garth had to do .. sledge-hammer his fists into the top of the asshole’s skull. He’d go down like a log. And the force-field was open. Garth could leap free of this tube of light .. escape the electric fence. And go to town on those other fuckers out there in the dark.But nothing moved. Nothing bloody-well moved! Garth was overcome with momentary panic he tried again. His will powered his fist in a murderous arc into the dickhead’s skull.Nothing budged. He looked up. He yanked at his hands. He could see them there above his head, his fists murderously clenched. Garth willed them to move. They didn’t, they couldn’t. They weren’t bound, not chained down, not stuck in manacles. Just stuck above his head. He tugged again, futile. Another damn force-field. FUCK!The sucker showed no emotion. Not even a smirk at reading Garth’s thoughts. Not a flicker of a gloat at his frustration. He was simply taping something to Garth’s chest. He hadn’t taken any precautions, he hadn’t needed to. When he’d stepped on to the platform, this dickhead rippling with cocky muscle had known Garth was harmless.Frustrating. Maddening as hell! Garth peered down, saw him with a second piece of what looked like silvery duct-tape. Pressing it to his other nipple. Pressing it roughly down, getting some piece of wide-weave tape well stuck down.“What the hell you up to now?”Garth had been about to blurt out his anger. Fuelled by his frustration at being out-foxed. Intrigued by the muscle-head taping up his nipples. But he had managed to stop himself. His brain was conditioning itself. It knew the consequences of blurting out. Wary now, his thinking self had stopped Garth’s instincts from making a mistake.Garth took some comfort out of that. That was something at least. They had had him on the hop at every step .. they had kept catching him out .. just like now with trapping his hands out of harm’s way. Garth wasn’t used to this way of doing things .. every move a surprise. But his brain was playing catch-up. Small comfort, maybe .. keeping his mouth shut. Small but still a good sign .. he’d stopped himself from blurting out. From earning a weakening zap. At last his sub-conscious was catching up on lost time.But not caught up enough. The muscle-hunk went down on one knee and made a grab at Garth’s ballsack. “Hey!”A sharp jab in the neck was his reward for calling out. Power 1 probably, he registered .. a quick reminder. He made to move his legs, evade the paw groping for his crutch. FUCK! Another force-field. His feet didn’t move. Stood with his feet shoulder-width apart, his soles were glued to the platform. Trussed up, tied hands-and-feet. But not a rope in sight. Hung like a carcase of beef. A rush of panic .. hit by the unexpected again. Caught-up with their tricks? Like hell he had! Again one step ahead of him.A hand on his balls -- and he couldn’t save himself. He wiggled his knees about. But the hand just gripped him harder. And squeezed Garth harder still. Crushing him between the legs. Telling him to stop struggling. Applying a more conventional kind of tamer.“Fuck your stinking hide!”Garth yelled down at the bowed muscled shoulders working in his privates. He yelled out even louder. That other tamer leapt into work. Long stabbing pain burst from his neck down his back. Pain threw his head back .. wildly tossing it between his raised arms. It kept going. Pain burned every protest from his mind. Between hands clasped above his head and foot clamped to this floor, sharp jabs pulsed in this shoulders, shot up his raised arms, crackled like bolts of electricity in his hands. And still he couldn’t move .. no escaping their pain. Blasts ricocheted through muscle, sizzled down bone. Head up he bawled out at the overhead light. And spat the pain up at his hands helplessly caught above his head. Like electricity flowed through his veins. Power 8?It didn’t seem to touch the arsehole mauling in his privates, though. Job done, the damned muscle head stood up and exited the platform. Probably switching the electric fence on as he left. Sealing Garth hopelessly in. Helpless Garth watched .. seeing himself reflected in that monitor. He was panting .. recovering from that single brain-shaking blow. His chest rose and fell as he breathed in heavily. Exhaling like mad to blow out that pain. Teeth gritted as the magnitude of that blow slowly subsided. Garth told himself to get a strong grip .. on his body .. on his actions. He could not afford to waste his mental powers in throes of agony like that.What had that Voice said? A minute on Power 10 .. Garth’s legs would let him down. Two minutes .. and he’d wish he was dead. That had just become frighteningly real. moving on17208516891000How things changed in the blink of an eye. Only a minute or so again .. Garth had been congratulating himself .. smug that his brain was catching up .. coming to his rescue. And look at him now. Yes, look at yourself, mate.Feeling irritated at getting caught out again, surprised .. since seeing himself reflected in the monitor his confidence had taken a lurch downwards. Out-manoeuvred. And convincing himself they were moving him up a level. Not a pleasant thought. Working on him differently .. somewhere different. And with all that stuff that had been taped to him .. you didn’t have to be a mind-reader to guess where it came next.He’d looked at himself in the monitor. Strong, stretched upwards, work-honed muscle glistening under this powerful light. He still felt his body vibrating with the shock of that pain .. breath-takingly blasted out of his wits. Giving that muscle-head time to finish the job.And now he could see what they’d done to him. While he’d been still out of it fighting the force of that blast, muscle-head hand slipped what worryingly looked like a cock-ring over his shaft, it sat right under the cockhead. It looked like coiled metal, silvery, and the width of a little finger.Garth couldn’t see further down. But he could feel something similar gripping around the top of his ballsack .. keeping his family jewels safe down in their pouch. Garth had tried to look clearer in the monitor. But sight was obliterated by his dick dangling down. And whatever he tried, his feet still did not move. Nor his hands. The force-fields had Garth stood upright, hands above his head, arms and legs immobile. As good as on a rack! Nervously he dismissed that thought.And the duct-tape .. stuck on his nipples? What was that about?“We have your vitals,” the Voice had said earlier .. at the examination on the steel-table. They had read his mind. No! They could know, could they? But .. tape over the nubs on his chest? Were they THAT good? To find out how nipple-sensitive he was? That was fantasy. How could they find out what the right treatment there could do to him? That was science-fiction. Wasn’t it?But if it was true .. that had to mean .. didn’t it? That was where these bastards were moving him on to. But read him .. that well? That precisely? Impossible .. wasn’t it? Garth feared he was soon going to find out.“Prisoner 9451. Start from the beginning.”Garth wasn’t expecting the Voice to explain what the hell was going on. Some guys into interrogation that he’d come across .. they couldn’t wait to gloat. Let you know before they cranked things up what they were going to do. Psychological torture. Put the fear of god into you before they switched the juice on.Not these guys. Nothing. The Voice acted like he did not owe Garth any explanation. For his arrest. For this accusation of spying. For having him stripped naked. For the implant that could crush him to his knees. They did it. Garth took it. End of the matter.“Name.”He sounded almost electronic .. again that unnerving tone, it was disorientating. Who the hell did Garth rail against? This disembodied Voice rang out from the darkness. Just as emotionless and chilling as before. Unconcerned. As if Garth had not taken those brain-shaking knocks.“Garth,” he replied. “Garth Sullivan.”And that was all the firm ground on which they both stood. From here on it was his word against theirs. “Who sent you?”Garth hesitated. He could deny he was a spy. BLAST! He could say he was from planet Earth, no one had sent him. BLAST! Before he could decide, the Voice explained.“Questions will not be repeated.”Garth tensed. Instinctively he was readying himself. The muscles in his raised arms tightened, his clenched hands balled into fists. Ready for a killer blow at Power 10. He bit on his lower lip. His abs were tension-taut .. like he had to ready himself for a sock in the gut. He was holding his breath. A minute at Power 10. What had this Voice warned? It didn’t matter that his legs wouldn’t keep him up. He was held upright .. trapped by that force-field, with his arms overhead. Terror balled in his guts. His balls were pressing up into his belly. A minute at Power 10! Coming to get him. SHIT! erotica18986518224500This was incredible. The inventiveness .. the feel of this … so real .. and it was working. Garth again peered at the oversized image of himself on the big monitor. Expecting to see someone .. convinced there was a tender hand there on his chest. Again .. he squinted .. unable to believe some woman’s soft finger was not working him up .. arousing him. Nothing. Nothing to see, just duct-tape.Refusing to believe they could trick him so convincingly he looked down at this nipple. Nothing here, just that duct-tape-stuff stuck on him. But already he could see an indentation from underneath. It was firming up, Garth was reacting to a stroking on his left nipple.How the ….?As a sex toy for lonely guys, they really ought to market it. They’d sell it like hot-cakes. Just stick a strip of tape on your nipple and you were away. You had some woman tonguing your tit. And she was not half-good at it, got you going in no time. And you didn’t even have to buy her dinner first. But as a preliminary to where these buggers were heading him next .. why they were doing this to him .. Garth was in no mood to admire this thing.No one had talked .. no questions asked .. patiently observing him. He just stood there trapped in his tube of light .. hands and feet locked in place. The first indications of something weird he’d hardly noticed. The slightest of feelings on his chest .. a light breeze .. a warm waft of air. But only on his nipple. When he’d first spotted it, he’d looked down .. expecting to see a tiny insect crawling there. Nothing .. but there had been something .. he’d felt it. Something had been .. tickling him? There had .. hadn’t there? Curious, intrigued. While looking he’d felt it again, there it was again. He squinted, disbelieving. He knew exactly what it felt like .. no tiny crawling insect. One of his girls tickling him in bed exhaling her warm breath over a nipple. Garth was always ticklish there, it always made him smile. She’d look up at him .. see his pleasure .. and return .. panting short sharp breaths over his nub. Gently arousing him like that .. because she knew it would start working on him elsewhere too. Garth was wired like that.But no girl .. no smiling beauty in his bed. No woman he had got aroused and who was going for the line. No pleasant hours between the sheets. Not what this was about. Somehow these bastards were making that happen .. getting him going .. aroused by a piece of silvery tape on his chest. A piece of duct-tape wired that way!There WAS an indentation in the tape .. wide-weave, his nub showing through. And he could feel it too, pressing upwards, firm, aroused. The pressure of him there was being held down by the tape. Far-fetched, that couldn’t be happening .. but his nub had firmed up. How the hell? He twitched slightly .. “her” technique had changed. Gone was the hot breath .. “the girl” was moving on. “Her finger” was lightly circling his aureole, round and round .. occasionally wandering inwards and lightly brushing over his hard nub. A flicker of warmth flared at each gentle touch .. sending a faint prickle of pleasure further down. Downwards now .. the touch had changed direction .. passing up and down, with each pass “her touch” was brushing lightly at his nub. Ripples of pleasure flickering at each move.Garth breathed in .. in arousal for Pete’s sake! On the other side, his right nipple felt a touch. Wet and soft, lightly, repeatedly .. like a woman’s soft bottom lip caressing his nub. Knowing he was fooling himself, still he glanced down. To see what this woman’s face looked like. But the electronic female zombie they had slobbering on his nipple was invisible. Confused, desperate, he looked at himself in the monitor. Lead male role in some heady porn movie. Hands above his head, torso lifted, musculature enhanced. What a thought! Porno king. Eye-catchingly male. Irresistible to all things female. Prime male beast. All-animal. He caught his breath. Where had that thought come from? He swallowed. Long, hard, several times. Chest rising and falling .. in arousal. Abs rippling seductive.Garth was so wound up .. so taken with the incredibility of these sensations .. it took some doing to remember. He had to catch himself .. remind himself where he was .. remember where these sensations were leading him. What these bastards were up to.Of course! They had his vitals. Could they know? How could they …? Could they have read how his chest was wired? What he liked .. what got him worked up. He didn’t want to believe they could be that clever. But he couldn’t deny that it was working. A glance at his lower regions .. full man-sized in the monitor .. he was not showing much yet. But Garth knew his privates were reacting. The sensations down between his legs were on the rise. It would not be long before they were private no more.The sensations were all over his right nipple now. Pecking at him with “her lips”. Sometimes slowly, other times greedily. Varying the pace, not letting him get a measure of control or anticipation. It was damn-well arousing, exciting him. Bugger it! He was getting off. But that way could only lead to something worse.These fuckers were out to get him hard. And then what …? wrong answer16891016383000Still these buggers hadn’t said a word. They let these pleasures work on him. Seemingly not bothered who had sent him to assassinate one of their kind .. not for now. The interrogation hadn’t even started. Or had it …? Of course, this duct-tape wasn’t there to put a smile on his face.Stupidly realising he was letting himself get distracted .. falling for it .. mesmerised by the power of this technology. Garth told himself not to forget .. he was being watched. He was being manipulated.Every new sensation that tickled his nipple .. every time his “bed-fellow” surprised Garth with a new move .. they saw it, they registered it. They were going to use it.In a lucid moment .. when these pleasure sensations were not overwhelming his head .. Garth wondered if that implant worked two-ways. It blasted out their punishment when they got annoyed with him. But could it transmit signals back? Reporting on how Garth was reacting? Didn’t that make sense? Informing on him .. his own body informing on himself. On how best to make use of the way he was feeling? Garth couldn’t believe technology could be that clever. But he didn’t think either they had miss a single trick. Like they did have someone on the inside .. literally inside himself. These guys had the technology .. they were going to put it to work .. a tool to do their torturing.And they had got him going, however much he tried to rationalise and fight them back with routine unsexy thoughts. Garth was getting worked up. He didn’t have to look at the monitor. He knew he was hard. But of course the man in him was curious, he did look. He was sticking straight out. He was uncut but the thickening had pulled his foreskin back .. revealing a thick engorged dome-head.On top of arousing his nipples, they’d got their pet female-zombie to run her fingers between his legs. Garth remembered that muscle-head going for his crutch. He had been enclosing something around the top of his ballsack when Garth had got zapped .. screaming out pain, getting his gonads wired-up at the same time. That damned muscle-head had gone and got some “feeler” locked around nuts. And it was feeling him up. Aroused remotely by some electronic device.And, this “girl” .. the one feeling him up between the legs .. “she” had real tactile fingers. She knew just how to stroke a man. Soft fingers, lightest touch. A device supremely programmed by their best nerd. Programmed to tickle Garth to arousal. Getting him worked up. Hard, legs tingling, blood racing.Worked up. Caught in a tube of light. Imprisoned by an electrified force-field. Arrested on the monitor .. hands trapped above his head .. his dick at full-mast .. his ballsack shrunk up. Pulse had increased .. he was breathing slower and deeper. Getting him going!“Prisoner 9451.”Garth almost jumped when the Voice came over the airwaves. He’d spent so much time befuddled by this powerful arousal .. even though he knew to counter their tricks .. he was shocked when the Voice came back. Suddenly he realised the risk .. too taken by this intriguing idea of a technologically-cloned porn-queen feeling him up. FUCK! He was risking losing control of this situation. And he needed to be on top of this, they weren’t stopping here. Clearly the Voice thought Garth was worked up enough. Ready. Starters over. On to the main course?“Your name is Garth Sullivan. Yes or No?”Garth was surprised by the change in questioning style. But …“Yes.”The tickling on his ballsack had not stopped. It was pleasurable, it was more than arousing, it was creepy .. in the best sense of the word. Garth could feel “her fingers” on the hairs in his thighs, a trembling, a prickling between his legs. He was as prepared as ever for rolling his girl over on to her back and slowly entering her .. “ her stroking” of his private parts had got him there .. as real as any willing partner inviting him in.“You are accused of spying.”Garth made himself stay with it. Noticing again the question-and-answer technique had modified. Good sign or not?“Do you still deny it?”The Voice sounded as chilly and unconcerned as before.Garth jumped in straightaway.“YES.”Wrong answer. There was a breath-taking squeeze on his nuts. Trapped in his ballsack, fully aroused. Ready for the moment of emptying themselves …. Suddenly a tight manly mauler had grabbed Garth by the balls and squeezed. Crushed.Shocked Garth’s mouth cracked out wide .. staccato grunts broke through the tight-clenched throat. A massive hand had him by the nuts .. trapped in a vice and tightened. Clear as a bell, Garth recalled that muscle-head who’d taped him up. In his mind’s eye, he saw the murderous bastard squeezing him .. muscles in his forearm tight clenched .. fingers turned to claws. Garth’s balls crushed in the muscle-head’s grip. It could easily have been that muscle-head .. this squeeze felt that real .. the crush on him was cripplingly real. Unbelievable that it wasn’t that actual dickhead’s own hand. Garth’s eyes widened in surprise. He gasped in deep. Mouth gaping wide to let out a rasping grunt. Squeezing .. crushing .. the “hand” turned to murderous talons. An inhuman crush that squeezed a cry out of Garth’s nuts. edging18923018605500It was worrying, disconcerting. No, this was scary, he was caught panting in surprise. Caught up in the shock of the unexpected, inexplicable. Over the years, through the galaxies, Garth had landed up in the hands of over-confident pricks, they’d had him done over. A few times before he’d been tortured. But he’d been dealing with a human being. They had got him angry, furious. He’d got in a rage, a one-against-one fight. Rage had fuelled his response. At times he’d managed to stand up to the idiots because he’d directed his fury at the dickheads who were trying it on.But this? How did you stand up to a cock-ring wired-in to his own wiring? How did you defy a bodiless technology? Getting messages from his own body how best to take him on? That implant passing on his own body’s messages .. When he was at boiling point. When he just couldn’t take any more. When his cock was about to erupt. This was hi-tech genital torture. Earlier he had resolved not to show his struggles .. not give these bastards the satisfaction. That was how he’d stood up to others in the past. But this? Who was there to stand up to? How did you put up a fight against bodiless technology? How did you fight your own body’s reactions ar having your equipment played with?And slowly .. agonisingly slowly they were driving him out of his skin. This was scary. How did you fight a thing like this?He was dribbling. He could see on the monitor. He was dribbling out of his cock. A string of cum was hanging off his oversized dome-head. “Her tongue” had been working on him .. flickering away .. moistening the head .. like a snake’s evil fluttering the tip of its tongue back and forth. Unseen. Nothing to fight against. But real as hell! Irresistible .. his crown vibrating like a humming wire. “Her tongue” had gone on and bathed the length of his shaft .. agonisingly slowly .. his flesh trembling, the skin quivering at the slightest touch. That snake’s lightly flickering under his shaft. Eye-poppingly pleasurable. Maddeningly tantalizing. Dangerously seductive.His crown was zinging .. humming like an electric wire. “She” kept on teasing away at his cock .. perpetually holding him trembling on the edge. But not letting him blow. No release. Torturously zinging on the brink. Driving him mad. Time again .. worked right up to the edge .. like stood on tip-toes of trembling hopefulness .. quivering on the edge of release. Senses screaming. Then she backed off. Leaving him hanging. His lust shrieking at the torture. Edging him with this damn technology.And once again here he was humming. They had brought him to teetering on the edge. Nerves zinging. He was bursting to break. Let fly. Let the raging surges in his ballsack go. Release the maddening urges in his cock. They had been surging in sharp gripping moves up his shaft. He was trembling, his cock craved friction, that one single key to relief from so much mind-blistering pressure. His whole body was quivering with a deafening scream for release.He shivered .. gripped by the tight contraction of his balls .. all his being craving that eruption. How many times now? How often had he thought they’d miss and trick? Push him one nano-second too far. And his shrieking need would burst on the world. All that force trembling in his cockhead screaming out in release. Man, would Garth then cry out!But they had him pegged .. betrayed to the enemy by his own body .. that damned implant. How many times had they hauled him back from the brink? Driving him to the edge of orgasm, only to back off at the critical moment. Reading his body .. betrayed by his own body .. tortured by his own body.Voices laughing at him, mocking that boner throbbing with insistent lust. He’d wondered where the braying laughter came from, then he realised it was in his head. His own mind having a belly-laugh at his expense. Accused of spying and unable to worm his way out of this. Having one of life’s great pleasures turned against him. Sex used on him to force him to give in.He could see nothing but it was like fire-ants were nibbling at his skin. The line between pleasure and pain was more than wafer-thin, thinner than a hair. He was biting on a bottom lip .. fighting for mastery over his emotions. Fearing that the line between need and his shame was more fragile than the hold he had on himself. Fire was coursing through the veins throbbing in his dick. A stopped plug of magna was busting to break free from his balls .. shoot with the elemental force of nature out of the crown of his cock.But it was well-and-truly plugged. These bastards would not let him go. Trembling .. shuddering with nervous energy. Pain in his balls was reducing his strength to nothing. The band of torture around his ballsack pressed down on him. Crushing his nuts agonisingly tight into his sack. Shooting searing pain into his balls. That fucking muscle-zombie had “his talons” gripped around him .. crushed down tight on him. Squeezed. Clenched. “his” vice-like grip crushing down on his nuts. Agonisingly hard. Garth cried out. Pain, frustration, combined.His body was in a whirl. Tossed between sickening emotions. Smashed headlong into a wall by frustrations. His shrieking cravings to let go these maddening urges in his cockhead. Head swinging wildly from side-to-side in mad gyrations. He had to …. Lust filled his every cell. So near, so far. Foiled again. Garth bawled out. Pain rekindled between his legs. Crushed. His balls squeezed in a breath-taking claw. A long enduring crush on his gonads. Indescribable pain. On-and-on-and-on. Crushing him till his boner had gone. Crushed into going limp. Deflated. Garth mewling in pain. Garth moaning in frustration. In agony. In mind-crippling frustration. Reduced by enduring tortures to a limp dick. Only to start on him again. brinkmanship17208516891000How was it possible? For the nth time a “woman’s thumb” was circling the jittery nerve-endings in his cock-head? Massaging his drooling pre-cum over his trigger underneath .. getting him jumpy. “Her finger-tips” were further in .. lightly stroking in the hairs of his ballsack .. pulled intensely tight after seemingly endless hours of unrequited erection.But there was no hand. It hadn’t been hours, only minutes. There was no light woman’s touch. That muscle-head did not have his vice-like claws on his balls. Garth could see himself .. expanded in the monitor. No god-damned woman getting the hots for him. Garth was getting fucked over by a machine.Garth marvelled .. despite himself. He’d never seen himself this full. Not given to rising above the perpendicular. But he was well and truly sticking up. Never seen himself this full. No surprise, it felt like the force in his shaft was going to burst his skin. Any minute now the throbbing cock .. visibly throbbing, clearly pulsating, twitching up and down .. it was going to give up the fight, that over-solid man-flesh was going to rip apart. This was torture. His cock hurt .. like mad. He really could believe his cock-slit would split wide-open .. split all the way down. Hard like he’d never known. His man-prized pleasure centre turned back on him. The enjoyment of sex twisted into punishment. Pleasure turned to mind-crippling lust. Tortured by his own dick. The bastards. The god-damned bastards!“She” hadn’t let up. “Her” lightest touch on his cockhead could still torment him .. “she” was tracing maddening circles across the top of the pulsating slit .. driving him mad with need. “She was driving him crazy. Reducing his strength of mind to abject humiliation. Maddening tickles under his aching dome filling his treacherous pecker with finger-clenching throbs of blood. Arching the steep bend of him up even harder. She had him there .. he was holding his breath .. mad with the lust to break free and blow. Caught .. teetering on the edge .. about to blow .. like before .. time-and endless times .. held there again. Every hopeful it would happen. Ever disappointed.And following each aborted orgasm his body went wild, sickened by frustration. Jerking and thrusting, thrashing like a madman, thrusting at empty air. He was rock-hard, he saw his lust reflected back in that monitor. He could feel his ballsack crushed tight up against his crutch. Much more of this and he’d be jumping out of his skin. He’d go mad. Suffering .. agonising .. drugged to a sexual high of excruciating torture. Kept on the edge .. breath-takingly close. Orgasm denied .. driven out of his mind.Not long and he would go out of his mind .. with frustration, with maddening lust. Couldn’t take long before his senses would be overwhelmed .. by shrieking need. When he’d do anything for that one thing. Say anything for that release. Only one thing in his head .. his whole manly body knew only one solution. And THAT was just what he’d been continually denied.And they just watched .. not a peep out of them, not a word. Not a movement in the room. Just Garth left to agonise with his cum-swollen testicles. Not once had they asked him anything. Not once had the Voice spoken. This denial planned to drive him out of his mind. So crazy with maddening frustrations that he’d confess to anything. They were fucking him over. A machine was fucking him over! He tried to suppress the shame of that thought. Then it dawned on him. He was fucking HIMSELF over. They had that implant in his neck .. it was reading him. What had the Voice said? They had his vitals. They knew what he could take. He’d thought they’d read how tough he was. How he could stand up to punishment.Fuck it .. it meant they knew his every weak spot. They had read how to torture him out of his head .. sexually. Discovered what he could not resist. How to break him with his own sexual lusts.And they couldn’t go wrong. That implant .. it was betraying him. When his manliness was going mad with need, it reported back to them. It was working with them. His body was working with them. Betraying him .. monitoring his breathing, watching his pulse. Adjusting the duct-tape .. stroking him between the legs .. stoking the fires in his cock. Driving his manly urges to boiling point. He was fucking himself over! For fuck’s sake …!Keeping himself teetering on the edge .. fooling himself into thinking .. duping himself with the hope THIS time the cocksuckers would make a mistake. One touch too far. But they hadn’t. They wouldn’t. They couldn’t. His own body was sending them the signals. He himself was warning them.. One more nano-second and this sucker is going to blow, he’d caution them. But he didn’t .. they wouldn’t let him. They weren’t going to make that mistake. The implant flashed back the signal. A treacherous warning. Back off! Cut this prick off! Shut him down! NOW.Garth couldn’t remember feeling so desperate .. never before so much at a loss. Best he could do as he hung there in his torment was not to give way to dismay. When they did let him down off his sexual high, he did manage to make his brain focus. Enough of his battling spirit was left intact. But do what? Imagine some way out of this mess .. before the last remnant of his self-restraint fell into tatters. What could he do? Even if he was prepared to give up this fight .. tell them what they wanted to hear .. what could he say? Even if he was willing to confess .. make a clean break .. admit to being a spy .. what could he tell them? Where could he find one single word that was convincing? Name names? He’d hardly been in this place five minutes before they arrested him. How could he confess to spying for .. whom??? He hadn’t got a name to give. He didn’t know the first bloody thing about this place.“She” was back at him there again. FUCK! “Her fingers” had been drooling languorously over his balls .. letting him calm down. With dread he gasped. “Her mouth” was on his cockhead. Saliva wet and slippery as lightly “she” slid down on him. “She” filled her wet glistening mouth with his fullness. He was hard as hell .. it took little to have his sickening urges rushing to “her tongue”. His cock was standing upright .. its urges crushing him out from the inside. Insanely in the monitor he saw his hips moving to bring “her mouth” deeper onto him .. squeezing himself in he tightness of her throat .. craving the friction .. pushing down where it would count the most. Insane .. there was no mouth, no needy chafing around him. He saw his cock stupidly jerking and bouncing in free air. Soon enough, though, maddening surges would be urging him on .. busting to do the manly thing. To procreate .. to cast his manly sperm on the earth. Just what they’d not let him do. Guided by signals from that treacherous implant in his neck. His own perfidious body recruited to help the enemy out. His own body keeping him a hair’s breadth from shooting.And siding with the enemy. Disloyally letting these bastards know the precise moment when to torture the sweltering man in his body. When to drive Garth out of his mind. Rattling him with brain-shattering frustration. endText only “Prisoner 9451.”Garth nearly leapt out of his skin at hearing the Voice again. Fuck! If he’d been teetering on the edge, that would have been enough to push him over. Yelling out in orgasmic relief .. his needy rock-hard cock .. pulsating on the edge .. juddering to release a load of white-hot jism.“Garth Sullivan.”Garth was beginning to feel himself pant. His pulse had suddenly accelerated.“Yes or no? That is your name?”Frustrated as hell .. fury joining the blood throbbing in his cock, Garth answered back. Snapped it out.“You know it fucking is!”As he insolently bawled back at them, he realised how much he wanted them to press that button. Knock him out. A blast of punishment into his shoulder. A zap so strong he passed out. But these cocksucking motherfuckers were too wise to him. They had that implant in his neck helping them out. His own body on their side.No blast. Just a coaxing of a woman’s hand between his legs. Her thumb playing him underneath his shaft. The force in his boner was driving upwards .. nearing vertical .. reaching for the lights above. He should be thinking a way out of this but his mind was clouded with waves of body-breaking need. His head buzzed in a thick haze of lust. Erect like he’ d never known .. a sexual force in his shaft that any man could only pray for. Breath-taking. Need reverberated through his body humming like electricity .. and drowned his brain in crushing surges of lust. Mind-blowing the forces raging in his aching cock.“Who sent you? Who are your spying for?”Anything. Anything to stop this! He’d tell them anything …But he knew nothing. What the hell could he say?end ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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