OCTOBER 23, 2007



These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.


Call meeting to order & record attendance

The following representatives were in attendance:

NMC Voting Member in Attendance:

|Dianna |Berube |Pratt & Whitney |

|Bob |Bodemuller |Ball Aerospace |

|Mark |Brown |Braddock Metallurgical |

|David |Burger |Rockwell Collins |

|Mark |Cathey |Spirit AeroSystems |

|Chet |Date |Honeywell |

|Jim |Diamond |USAF - Hill AFB |

|Paul |Grenier |Bombardier |

|Francis |Gritsko |Sikorsky |

|John |Haddock |BAE Systems - MAS |

|Debra |Harrison |DCMA |

|Tim |Hayes |Hawker Beechcraft |

|Cherif |Khelil |SAFRAN |

|Quan |Lac |Rolls-Royce plc |

|Eric |LeFort |Sonaca |

|Arne |Logan |The Boeing Company |

|John |McBrien |GSA |

|Heather |Meyer |Cessna |

|David |Michaud |Fountain Plating |

|Jay |Park |Northrop Grumman |

|Michel |Pierantoni |Eurocopter |

|Madfred |Podlech |MTU Aero Engines |

|Mark |Rechtsteiner |GE Aviation |

|Gergory |Saylor |MD Helicopters |

|John |Shurtleff |Vought |

|David |Soong |Hamilton Sundstrand |

|Camille |Valmy |Airbus |

|Jerry |Wahlin |AAA Plating |

|Kevin |Ward |Goodrich |

|Larry |Wilson |Lockheed Martin |

Other Attendees:

|Pascal |Blondet |Airbus |

|Christian |Buck |SAFRAN |

|Michael |Coleman |The Boeing Company |

|Mark |Covert |Honeywell |

|John |Cristman |X-Ray Industries |

|Alan |Fertig |United Space Alliance |

|Susan |Frailey |Paulo Products Co. |

|Serge |Labbe |Heroux Devtek |

|Stephen |Pollard |BAE Systems - MAS |

|Laurie |Strom |Honeywell |

PRI Staff in Attendance:

|John |Barrett |

|Jennifer |Gallagher |

|Lisa |Glavan |

|Arshad |Hafeez |

|EJ |Kegerreis |

|Julie |Rubright |

|Glenn |Shultz |

|Louise |Stefanakis |

1. Intro, Review Agenda

Chet Daté reviewed the meeting agenda. A motion was made to approve the July 2007 Steering Committee minutes. This motion was seconded and the minutes from the July 2007 Steering Committee meeting were approved.

2.0 Open Action Items from Previous Meeting

There were no open action items from the previous meeting.

3.0 Sub Team Status

A. Metrics - How did we do in Q3, 2007: MOS Review

Supplier Merit is currently at 78%. Cycle time for initial audits is at 61 days and reaccreditations are at 48 days. There are no audits open over 120 days and only 9 audits are open over 90 days. On time accreditations are 91% on time.

A proposal was made to change the Verification of Correction Audit definition to:

A supplemental audit to verify that corrective actions have been implemented for a limited number of identified findings.

A motion was made to approve the modification of the definition. The motion was seconded and approved.

For more details please see the attached presentation.


B. Globalization

Camille Valmy gave an update regarding the translation of documents. It was also noted that the translation of auditor handbooks is not realistic and is not required. For more details please see the attached presentation.


C. Ethics and Appeals

Kevin Ward advised that the Ethics and Appeals team will not try to define what is appealable and what is not. The sub-team has decided to outline the appeal strategy and may recommend closure if an appeal is not valid. For more details please see the attached presentation.


D. Standardization

Mark Rechtsteiner reported that the task group chairs and staff engineers are to review the proposed Failure, and Merit criteria with their respective task groups. The sub-team is also working on standardizing staff delegation. A team was also formed to refine quorum and voting rules. For more details please see the attached presentation.


F. Oversight Audit

Jay Park advised that the sub-team will continue the prime observation audit and Heather Meyer will standardize the prime audit checklist. Each prime is recommended to perform one observation audit for each task group to which they subscribe. It was also noted that 16 prime members have been selected for the 2008 oversight audit and John Haddock will act as the Oversight Audit Lead. Since the number of findings since 2005 have been negligible, a merit criteria was discussed. The sub-team will evaluate after the results of the 2007 oversight audit.

For more details please see the attached presentation.


ACTION ITEM: Heather Meyer to standardize prime observation audit checklists.

4. Reporting Tool for Nadcap Audits

Louise Stefanakis gave a status on eAuditNet 2.0 as well as a demo on the eAuditNet reporting tool, Business Objects. Replicating existing eAuditNet functionality will be complete by early 2008. Phase II (checklist on demand) and Phase III (additional functionality) is also estimated to be complete by second quarter 2008. It was noted that trending data with the reporting tool will most likely become available after the second quarter of 2008. For more details please see the attached presentation.


ACTION ITEM: Prime Reporting function (Business Objects) tutorial to be given at Feb. 2008 mtg. (Louise Stefanakis)

5. Non Metallic Materials Testing Sub-Group

Rebekah Foutz and Andreas Mastorakis asked the NMC that the Non Metallic Materials Testing Sub-Group (NMMT) be given approval to revise NIP 4-03 to allow a task group ballot of NTGOP appendixes and audit criteria to two separate groups that cover different technical areas. A raise of hand vote was taken by the NMC Chair. Twenty-one NMC voting members approved the NMMT sub-group to revise NIP 4-03. There were no votes of disapproval.

ACTION ITEM: NMMT group granted permission to change NIP 4-03 to allow TG ballot of NTGOP appendices and audit criteria to 2 separate groups that cover different technical areas

The NMMT sub-group also made a proposal to the NMC to allow the NMMT sub-group to begin development of a new Audit Criteria that would cover the audit of Prime Process Control Documentation (PCD) at Raw Material Manufacturers. A raise of hand vote was taken by the NMC Chair. Eleven NMC voting members approved the NMMT sub-group to develop the new audit criteria. There were no votes of disapproval.

ACTION ITEM: NMMT group granted permission to begin development of new audit criteria that would cover the audit of Prime Process Control Documentation at raw material manufacturers

For more details please see the attached presentation.


ACTION ITEM: Arne Logan, John Barrett and Arshad Hafeez to re-look at ballot process and come to Feb. 2008 mtg. with new ballot process proposal

6. Supplier Support Committee

David Michaud gave the SSC update. The SSC conducted a pilot to identify requirements that are not linked to engineering requirements and add cost to the supplier.

ACTION ITEM: Sub-team created to investigate and identify areas in checklists where questions exceed engineering requirements and result in high cost or labor to suppliers and report back to NMC. Team is Jerry Wahlin, Arne Logan, Bob Bodemuller, Dave Michaud, Larry Wilson, Dianna Berube, and Jerry Aston

The Supplier Survey analysis team completed an in-depth review of the 2007 survey.

Susan Frailey gave an overview of the results. The 2007 survey had 1204 responses compared to 398 responses in 2005. The 2007 survey addressed audit sites, redundant audits, flow down, task groups, audit consistency, PRI, participation and awareness as well as general comments. The survey showed that Primes are still conducting audits that suppliers believe are redundant. Although suppliers indicated a slight improvement with flow down it is still an issue. There was a 17% improvement in auditor consistency over the 2005 results. For more details please see the attached presentation.


It was also mentioned that seven primes have agreed to have web link’s posted on the PRI website to access Nadcap related requirements.

For more details please see the attached presentation.


7. Future Meetings

Arshad Hafeez reviewed the locations and dates of the future Nadcap meetings. It was advised that negotiations for Malaysia are now finalized for June 2010 and discussions are on going for Prague for July 2009. For more details please see the attached presentation.


8.0 Other Issues / New Business

Don Buehler reported on Export Control issues. It was detailed that there are four areas that need improvement:

1. Supplier understanding and incorporation of export controls

2. Clear identification of export control requirements by primes

3. Fool proofing the Nadcap system for export controls

4. Suppliers sending Export Control/EAR controls material/data to staff engineers in response to findings.

It was recommended that all task groups need to identify what questions in their checklists are technical and which are common.

ACTION ITEM: All TG’s to identify what questions in checklists are technical and which questions are common. TG’s to complete no later than Feb. 2008 mtg. Don Buehler to coordinate for consistency

For more details please see the attached presentation.


Arne Logan proposed that a processor capability database be put together. The database would be built on Nadcap accredited processors. Each commodity would have a standard template to follow. Processors would then input their capabilities and provide links to their websites.

ACTION ITEM: Arne Logan to forward proposal on Special Processor Capability Database to NMC for feedback

For more details please see the attached presentation.


Manfred Podlech advised of a concern regarding baseline supplemental slash sheets. It was noted that if more primes implement supplements this could increase the time and cost of an audit.

ACTION ITEM: Sub-team created to analyze baseline supplement situation and report out to NMC at Feb. 2008 mtg. Team is Manfred Podlech, Arne Logan, Phil Keown, Mark Rechtsteiner, Dianna Berube, Quan Lac, Mark Aubele and Rebekah Foutz

For more details please see the attached presentation.


9.0 Adjournment

Minutes prepared by:

Lisa Glavan lglavan@


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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