Html book for beginners free download


Html book for beginners free download

This article contains affiliate links. By purchasing using these links you support our blog and YouTube channel. In this article, I*m going to give you 11 HTML project ideas for beginners. Creating your coding, front-end portfolio can be challenging, especially if you are a newbie and don*t have a lot of ideas. You probably wonder what kind of smaller or bigger projects you can create to impress your future

employer and quickly get a job. Getting the right ideas is not easy, so we*d like to give you a short series with ideas of projects for frontend developers, you can do for practicing and save in your Github account as your coding portfolio. The series will be divided for the three articles, one with ideas for the basics, so HTML and CSS projects. The second one will be the Javascript project list, which you can do

for training and building your experience. The third one will be the list of projects you can do to practice your framework knowledge and create a full front-end stack portfolio. Besides that, in each of the articles, I will share with you some useful sources, where you can find free photos, graphics, or full layouts to code. As always, for the ones who are more a watching person than a reading person, we have a

Youtube episode on the same topic, so join us on our Youtube channel. Are you ready to start? HTML & CSS projects for front-end developer portfolio At the beginning of your learning path, you will learn HTML & CSS skills. Those skills are essential in almost all front-end projects you are going to create in the future. It means that you need a solid knowledge and understanding of those two. It*s worth to

mention, that while you will be building HTML & CSS projects, you should consider building one or two projects using any of the popular CSS frameworks like Bootstrap or any of those described in the article here. But there*s also good news. If you understand the main concept of CSS frameworks, they will be very similar to use. Summarizing, below, you will see a list of projects that you can build using

HTML & CSS. You should select at least a few of them, and first, try to write them from scratch, and when you feel comfortable with those skills, try to create a few projects with CSS framework. Besides that, keep in mind that all of your projects should be mobile friendly. Also, at the end of this article, you*ll find a few resources where you can look for free layouts to code. Let*s start the list of HTML project

ideas for beginners! The easiest thing you can create to practice your HTML & CSS skills is creating a simple webpage with text and images about someone you admire. If you*d like to buy a ready page with code and design, take a look here: Simple Biography Website 2. Contact Page with Form The second project for beginners would be a contact page with form. It should contain a few fields and a button

to send the form. If you need a ready contact page, you can buy it here: Contact Page with Form 3. Registration Form To get some more practice with forms, you can create a little bit more advanced registration form with a logo image, select field, checkbox, and register button. If you need the ready registrationform with code and design and a little more advanced, you can buy it here: Registration Form 4.

Product Landing Page Another easy project you could create is a simple product landing page. In this project, you could contain elements like newsletter form, product images, and some text. If you*d like to get a ready landing page, with code and design, you can buy it here: Landing Page 5. Restaurant Menu Page The next exciting project you could create for your portfolio is a restaurant menu page. To

make it a little more advanced, you can divide positions into categories, each with the list, images, and button to select, or pricing. If you need a ready Restaurant Page you can buy it here with code and designs: Restaurant Page 6. Fitness Club Website Another exciting, eye-catching project you could code is a website for your favorite fitness club. You can practice even more by adding elements like

classes, time tables, photo galleries, and pricing cards. To buy a ready gym website, with code and design, take a look here: Gym Website 7. Portfolio Page This point is not only something that can be a great exercise and place for your portfolio, but it can also be kind of your resume, which you could create and host online. You can make it more advanced by creating a few pages like Home, About Me,

Projects, or Contact. Besides that, it could be a great idea to try using a few CSS animations. If you*d like to find out more about using CSS animations, take a look at the article we published some time ago. To buy a ready portfolio project take a look here: Portfolio Page 8. CRM View The next exciting project to complete using HTML & CSS is a CRM view. It has a different design, it has to be user friendly,

often uses vertical menus, tables, and pagination. Those are elements that are not very common in the plain websites designs. It may be a great idea to create this project with Bootstrap, or CSS grid to learn about positioning elements. To buy a ready CRM View with design and code, take a look here: CRM View 9. App Page Another interesting project for beginners is to code the app landing page. You

could select your favorite mobile app or imagine the one you*d like to build one day and create a landing page for this application. Place here information about the app, feature section with icons, how it works section, some images, and buttons for downloading from apps on iOS and Android. If you are looking for a ready App Page with code, you can buy it here: App Page 10. Beauty Products Store Ecommerce is another idea for the project, which could be a great position in your coding portfolio. When creating a beauty products store, you could build: main page with slider and featured products, product page with the description and ?Add to card* button, cart page, with checkout form. To buy a ready beauty e-commerce template take a look here: Beauty E-commerce 11. E-book Store The last idea on

this list is a digital product online store. So, you can create a page with products and categories, and a get product page with a download button where we can get the product after filling the checkout form. If you need a ready e-book store, here you can buy one: E-book Shop Conclusion In the list above, you can find 11 HTML project ideas for beginners, so you can practice your skills. You should keep all

the projects in your Github account to show them to your future employer or add new features or technology to develop the projects. If you don*t know how to create a Github account, check our tutorial. I hope you*ll find it useful as a beginner. If you have any other ideas, share it for others in the comments. Also, remember about the other project ideas for front-end technology that we will create in a few

days. Resources: Here are the promised resources! Free layouts: ?[footer credits must remain in place] Free images: Layout inspirations: Thank you for reading, Anna from Duomly Related readings

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graduated in Business Management. She was getting solid experience for years in front-end and back-end development by building software for known IT companies. Her IT expertise is React.JS, Angular, React Native, Flutter, Node.JS, and Nest.JS. In the last years, she was doing business for Duomly, focusing on IT as well as Online Marketing, Design, and Content Creation like Blogging and Youtube.

After hours Anna manages her true crime youtube channel, loves sport, sun, and mediterrean cuisine. More about Anna Danilec If you liked it share and comment! If you want to become a web developer, you need to learn HTML, CSS, PHP, Jquery, JavaScript and many other languages. WordPress plugin and theme development are big businesses and you can also create and sell themes and plugins.

Recommended Reading Learning web design and development is not easy, especially when you are a beginner and don*t know how to start. What you should learn first, where to find good resources to learn web design and development. What You Will Learn In this article, I am going to list some free ebooks that will help you to learn HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, JQuery, Bootstrap, WordPress and more. Get

3 months free + Genesis Framework and 35+ StudioPress Themes free when you sign up for WP Engine WordPress Hosting. WPEngine Managed WordPress Hosting Web design and development is a vast topic and I think it is difficult to learn all the languages. There are so many programming and scripting languages. PHP, Java, Ruby, Perl, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and more. There are different

languages for front-end developers and back-end developers. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are known as front-end development languages while PHP, RUBY, PERL and many other languages known as backend languages. Front-end development Frameworks CSS Frameworks are very popular tools to create a responsive website quickly and easily. CSS Frameworks make development workflow really

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