React mui datatable


React mui datatable

Mui-datatables react 17. Mui datatable react example.

MUI-DATASATABLES is a reactive datasables component integrated on material-ui. It comes with functions such as filtering, resizable columns, views / hide columns, dragged columns, search, export to CSV download, printing, selectable lines, expandable lines, pagination and sorting. At the top of the possibility of customizing styling on most views, there are three "vertical", "standard" and "simple" reactive modes for mobile devices / tablets. Version 3 has been released! You can read the updates here! Install NPM Install Install Mui-datasatables --Vave if your project does not use them already, you need to install @ material-ui / core and @ also material-ui / icons. Demo Browse Live demo of all examples in this repo here! Use for a simple table: Muidatabilible import from "MUI-DATATABLES"; Cost columns = ["Name", "Company", "City", "State"]; CONST DATE = [["Joe James", "Test Corp", "Yonkers", "NY"], ["John Walsh", "Test Corp", "Hartford", "CT"], ["Bob Herm", "Test Corp", "Tampa", "FL"], ["James Houston", "Test Corp", "Dallas", "TX"],]; CONST OPTIONS = {FilterType: 'Checkbox',}; or customize columns: Import Muidatadable from "MUI-DATATABLES"; CONST COLUMS = [{name: "Name", Label: "Name", Options: {Filter: True, Options: True,}}, {Name: "Company", Label: "Company", Options: {Filter: True , Order: false,}}, {Name: "City", Label: "City", Options: {Filter: True, Order: false,}}, {Name: "Status", Label: "Status", Options: {Filter: True, order: false,}},]; Const Data = [{name: "Joe James", Company: "Test Corp", City: "Yonkers", State: "NY"}, {Name: "John Walsh", Company: "Test Corp", City: " Hartford ", State:" CT "}, {Name:" Bob Herm ", Company:" Test Corp ", City:" Tampa ", State:" FL "}, {Name:" James Houston ", Company:" Test Corp ", City:" Dallas ", State:" TX "},]; CONST OPTIONS = {FilterType: 'Checkbox',}; API The component accepts the following objects: name Type Description Title Title Title Array used for Caption Array columns used to describe the table. It must be a series of strings or simple objects that describe the column data array data used to describe the table. It must be an array containing objects of key / value pairs with values that are strings or numbers or arrays of strings or numbers (Ex: data: [{"Name": "Joe", "Labor title": "Hydraulic", " ET? ": 30}, {" Name ":" Jane "," Labor Title ":" Electrician "," Et? ": 45}] O Data: [[" Joe "," Hydraulic ", 30], [" Jane "," Electrician ", 45]]). The custom BODYRENDER and CUSTOM BODYRENDERLITE options can be used to check the data display. OPP OPTIONS OPTIONS Used to describe components from table object custom components used for rendering table options: name Type Description Default Description Default Casesensitive Boolean False Enable / disable the sensitivity of the case for search. Confirm false Boolean false works in combination with the CustomFilterDalogFooter option and makes it so that the filters must be confirmed before being applied to the table. When this option is true, the CustomFilterDialogfooter callback will receive a ApplicationFilters function that, if called, will apply the filters to the table. Array column example An array of numbers (column indexes) indicating the order the columns must be displayed in. Default settings in the order provided by the Pop columns This option is useful if you want some columns for swap positions (see the DraggableColumns option). User counting number supplied override for the total number of CustomFilterDialogfooter Function Add a permanent image to the filter dialog. CustomFilterDialogfooter (CurentFilterlist: Array, ApplyFilters: Function) => React Component Customfooter Function make a custom table table. Function (Count, Page, Rowsperpage, ChangerowsPerpage, Change, Textlabels: Object) => String | REACT COMPONENT EXAMPLE CUSTOMROWRENDER FUNCTION OVERRIDE Default line rendering with with function. CUSTOMROWRENDER (DATE, DATAINDEX, ROWINDEX) => REACT COMPONENT CUSTOMSEARCH FUNCTION OVERRIDE Default search with custom function. CustomSearch (SearchQuery: String, CurrentRow: Array, Columns: Array) => Boolean CustomSechsearchRender Function Render a custom table search. CustomSearchRender (SearchText: String, Handlearch, Hidesearch, Options) => REACT COMPONENT CUSTOMSORT FUNCTION OVERRIDE Default sort with custom function. If you only need to overwrite the sort for a particular column, see the method of counting in the column options. Function (Data: Array, Colindex: Number, Order: String) => Example of ARRAY CustomTableBodyfodyfoorender function Make a more page under the body of the table but above the standard table footer. This is useful for creating more page for individual columns. EXAMPLE CUSTOMTOOLBAR Function making a custom toolbar function ({DISPLAY}) => REACT COMPONENT CUSTOMTOOLBARSELECT function making a custom selected strip toolbar. Function (SELECROWS, DISPLAY, SETSELLECQUEW) => Void Boolean or True String Show / Hide Download Icon from the Toolbar. Possible values: True: The button is visible and clickable.False: The button is not visible. Disabled: the button is visible, but not clickable. Object DownloadOptions See -> An object of options to change the output of the CSV file: File Name: StringSeparator: StringFilteroptions: ObjectsUsedisplayedColumnsNony: BooleanUSEDISPLAYEDROWSONLY: BoolEndEfault Value: {filename: 'Tabledownload.csv', separator: ','} DraggableColumns Object { } An object of options that describe how dragging columns work. The options are: Enabled: Boolean: indicates whether the dragged columns are enabled. Default settings to false.TransitionTime: number: Millisecond time takes us for columns to exchange positions. Default settings at 300. To disable dragging a particular column, see the "Transcoldable" option in the column options. By dragging a column to a new location, update the column array and activate the callback oncolumnedschange. Elevation number 4 shadow depth applied to the paper component. EnableNestedDatessor string "" If you have a non-empty string (ex: "."), You will use this value in the names of the column to access the nested data. For example, given an enableseSestedDataAccess value of "." And a column name of "Phone.cell", the column would use the value found in the phone: {cell: "555-5555"}. Any quantity of nesting will work. Example demonstrates the functionality. Expansablow Boolean false enables / disables expandable lines. Example ExpandablerowsHeader Boolean True Show / Hide all / colpse expansion All line heading for expandable lines. ExpleraLerowsonClick Boolean False Enable / disable Expand the trigger When you click on the line. When false, only the expand icon will activate this action. Boolean filter or true string Show / Hide filter icon from toolbar. Possible values: True: The button is visible and clickable.False: The button is not visible. Disabled: the button is visible, but not clickable. FILTEREARRAYFULLMATCH Boolean True for array values, predefined checks If all filter values are included in the array. If false, check if at least one of the filter values is in the array. FilterType choose selection of the filter view. Enum ('Checkbox', 'Dropdown', 'Multiselect', 'TextField', 'Custom') set Boolean True Enable / Disable a fixed header for example Table example FixlectColumn Boolean True enables / disables the selected column. Example enables / disables the ISOWEXPANDABLE function enables / disables the expansion or Collapse on some expandable lines with custom function. It will be considered true if not supplied. Function (DataIndex: Number, ExpandIRows: Object (Search: {DataIndex: number}, Data: ArrayoFobjects: {Index: Number, DataIndex: number})) => Boolean. Istrowselectible function Enable / disable selection on certain lines with custom function. Returns true if not supplied. Function (DataIndex: Number, Selector: Object (Search: {DataIndex: Boolean}, Data: ArrayoFobjects: {Index, DataIndex})) => Boolean. Jumptopage Boolean fake when it is true, this option option An elevator at the top of the table that allows the user to surf a specific page. Example ONCELLCLICK Callback function function that triggers when you click a cell. Function (COLD: ANY, CELLMETA: {COLINDEX: NUMBER, ROWINDEX: NUMBER, DATAINDEX: NUMBER}) => Void Oncangepage Function Callback Function Function that triggers when a page has changed. Function (Cuoky Page: Number) => void OnChangerowsPage Function Function Callback Function that triggers when the number of pipes per page has changed. Function (Numberfrows: number) => void OnColumnerChange function callback function that activates when a column has been dragged into a new position. Function (NewColumnorder: Array, Columnindex: Number, Baby Girl: Number) => Void OnColumnsortChange Function Callback Function that triggers when a column has been ordered. Function (ModifyColumn: String, direction: String) => void ondownload function a callback function that triggers when the user downloads the CSV file. In the callback, you can check what is written in the CSV file. This method can be used to add the specific BOM character of Excel (see this example). Function (Buildhead: (columns) => String, BuildBody: (date) => String, columns, data) => String. Return false to cancel file download. Callback function of the OnFilterChange function function that triggers when the filters have changed. Function (ChangetColumn: String, FilterList: Array, Type: Enum ('Checkbox', 'Dropdown', 'Multiselect', 'TextField', 'Custom', 'Chip', 'Reset'), ChangetColumnindex, DISPLAY) => void Callback function of the onfilterchiplose function that is activated when a user clicks "X" on a filter chip. Function (Index: Number, Removal Remove: String, FilterList: Array) => Example Void OnfilterConFirm Callback Function Function that is activated when a user presses the "Confirm" button on the popover filter. This occurs only if you have set the confirmation option in reality. Function (FilterList: Array) => EXAMPLE Void OnfilterDiaGeClose the function callback function that triggers when the filter dialog closes. Function () => void OnfilterDialogopen Function Callback function that triggers when the filter dialog opens. Function () => void OnRowClick function Callback function function that is activated when you click on a row. Function (RowData: String [], RowMata: {DataIndex: Number, RowIndex: number}) => void OnrowexpansionChange callback function function that triggers when the line is expanded / collapsed. Function (CleroughSexPanded: Array, AllRowSexPanded: Array, RowSexPanded: Array) => void OnRowsDelete function callback function function that triggers when the row is deleted. Function (Rowsdelted: Object (search: {[[DataIndex]: Boolean}, Data: ArrayoFobjects: {Index: Number, DataIndex: Number}), NewTabledData) => Vacuum or False (False Return Prevents Riga deletion.) Function Callback of the OnRowSelecchange function that triggers when the row are selected / deselected. Function (Currains Election: Array, AllRowsSelected: Array, Righeselected: Array) => Void Onsearchanchange Function Function Callback Function that triggers when the value of the search text has changed. Function (searchtext: string) => void onsearchiose function callback function that triggers when the search box closes. Function () = >> Void Onsearchopen Callback function function that triggers when the search box opens. Function () => void OnTableChange function callback function that triggers when the status of the table has changed. Function (Action: String, Tablestate: Object) => void OnTableInit Callback function function The trigger function when the status of the table has been initialized. Function String, Tablestate: Object) => void OnviewColumnschange Callback function function that is activated when a column view has been modified. Previously known as OnColumViewange. Function (ModifotColumn: String, Action: String) => Void page Number Featured page for the page. Boolean True page Enable / disable page. Print Boolean or String True Show / Hide print icon from the toolbar. Possible values: True: the button is visible and e The button is not visible. Disabled: the button is visible, but not clickable. The renderExpandablerow render function make it expandable. Function (RowData, RowMata) => REACT component Example ResizableColumns Boolean false enable / disable resizable columns. String reactive 'stacked' enable / disable views reactive reactions. Options: "Vertical" (default value): In smaller views, tables cells will collapse so that the header is to the left of the value of the cell. "Standard": the table will remain in the standard mode but make the small changes to better adapt to the best assigned space. "Simple": on very small devices the table lines will collapse in simple display.Example Rowhover Boolean True enable / disable style handling on file. The user at the user's rowsexpied provided expanded lines. Number of rowsperpage number 10 number of lines allowed per page. Array RowsperPageOntions [10,15,100] Options to provide in pagination for the number of rows A user can select. Arrayslessect Array User supplied number arrays (DataIndexes) indicating the selected rows. Search Boolean or String True Show / Hide search icon from the toolbar. Possible values: True: The button is visible and clickable.False: The button is not visible. Disabled: the button is visible, but not clickable. Search selector String String Search Placeholder. EXAMPLE SEARCHPROPS OBJECT {} Props applied to the search text box. You can set method callbacks like Onblur, OnKeyUp, etc., in this way. EXAMPLE SEARCHOPEN Boolean false initially displays the search bar. SEARCHALWAYSOPEN Boolean False Always display the search bar and hides the search icon in the toolbar. Search text String of SEARRCOTEXT for the table. SelectableRows string 'Multiple' indicates whether the rows can be selected. The options are "multiple", "Single", "None". SelectableRowSheader Boolean True Show / Hide Select All / Deselect all Header of the Selectable Rows check box. SelectableRowHideCheckBoxes False Boolean hides check boxes that appear when SelectAblows is set to "Multiple" or "Single". It can provide a more personalized ux, especially if coupled with SeleclablerowsonClick. SelectableRowsonClick Boolean False Enable / Disable Select toggle when you click on the line. When false, only the activating check box. SelectToolBarPlacement String 'Replace' controls the Visibility of the Select toolbar, the options are "Replace" (Select Toolbar Replaces the default toolbar when a row is selected), "above" (Select toolbar will appear above the bar Default tools When a row is selected) It is none '(Select toolbar will never be displayed) Serrarside Boolean False Enable remote data source. The SetFilterCiprops function is called for each filter chip and allows you to place custom scene objects on a filter chip. Function (Colindex: Number, Collame: String, FilterValue: String) => Example of SetarowProps objects The function is called for each line and allows you to return custom objects for this line based on your data. Function (Row: Array, DataIndex: Number, RowIndex: Number) => Example of SettableProps Objects Function is called for the table and allows you to return custom objects for the table based on the data. Function () => Example of objects Order Boolean True Enable / disable sorts on all columns. SORTFILTERIST Boolean True Enable / disable alphanumeric sort of filter lists. Object Object {} Sets the column to sort and your direction To remove / restore the sort, input in an empty object. The object options are the name of the column and the direction: Name: String, direction: Enum ('Asc', 'DESC') Example String String Auto generated a string that is used internally to identify the table. It is automatically generated, however, if you need to set up a custom value (ex: server side renderings), you can set it via this property. Tablebodyheight string 'Auto' CSS string for table height (ex: '500px', '100%', 'car'). String from TableBodyMaxheight string CSS for table height (ex: '500px', '100%', 'car'). Textlabels Object User Provided labels to locate text. ViewColumns Boolean or String True Show / Hide ViewColumns icon from the toolbar. Possible values: True: button button Empty strings for "(empty)" in a Dropdown.FullWidth (Boolean): Will force a filter option to take the grid width. FilterType String 'descent choice of sight filtering. It has the priority respect.enum filtertype global ('box', 'descent', 'multiple selection', 'textfield', 'customized') use 'tailored', if you are providing your rendering via filteroptions. Refer to string string icon Tip with string as a tooltip to the mouse pass. Print Boolean real display column during printing. Searchable Boolean true exclude / include column from search results. SETCELLHEADERPROPS function is called for each header cell and allows you to return custom props for the header cell based on your data. Function (ColumnMeta: Object) => Function Object Example SetCellProps is called for each cell and allows you to return custom props for this cell based on your data. Function (CellValue: String, RowIndex: Number, Columnindex: Number) => Object Example Sorted Boolean True Active / disabled Sorting on the column. Sort function custom sort function for the column. It takes in an order string and returns a function that compares the two values of the column. If this method and options.customsort are both defined, this method has precedence. (Order) => ({Data: Val1}, {Data: Val2}) => Example number SortdescFirst fake Boolean causes the first click on a column to sort by DISC rather than ASC. Example Fake Boolean Fake Boolean allows a third click on a column to cancel any sort on the column. ViewColumns Example Boolean True Allow the user of visibility column knee pad through 'Column view' list. CUSTOMHEADRENDER is called with these topics: FUNCTION (COLUMNMETA: {CUSTOMHEADRENDER: FUNC, DISPLAY: ENUM ('TRUE', 'FALSE', 'excluding'), the filter: Boolean, order: Boolean, download: Boolean, Vacuum: Boolean, Index: The number, Label: String, Name: String, Printing: Boolean, searchable: Boolean, ViewColumns: Boolean}, HandletoggleColumn: Function (Columnindex)) CustombodyRender is called with these topics: Function (value: each, tablemeta: {rowindex : number, columnindex: number, columndata: matrix, // columns object options rowdata: array, // full row data: array, // complete table data - please use currenttabledata instead of currentabledata: array, // l 'Current tablestate table data: {announctext: null | string, page: the number, rowsperpage: the number, filterlist: array, selected spray: {Data: matrix, search: object,}, showursons: boolean, search text: null | string,},}, UpdateValue: the function) Plug -ins The table lends itself to plug-in many sectors, particularly in the CustomRender NS functio. Many cases of using these rendering features are common, so a series of plug-ins are available that you can use. Available Plug-in: Name Type Default Description Function DebouncesearchRender Function that returns a function for the CustomSearchRender method. This plug-in allows you to create a search adapted from which can be useful for tables on the server side and tables with large data sets. Function (Debouncewait) => Customize Function Example Styling with material-ui override theme will allow you to customize your styling. First, determine which component you would like to hit and then search for the Override class name. Let's start with a simple example in which we change the color of a bottom body cell to be red: Import react from "reacting"; MUDATABILIBLE IMPORT from "MUI-DATATABLES"; Import {CREATEMUITHEME, MUITHEMEPROVIDER} from '@ material-ui / core / styles'; Bodycellexample class extends PONENT = () => CreateMuitheme ({the replacements: {MuDataTableBodyCell: {root: {backgroundColor: "# FF0000"}}}}) Render () {Return ( ); }} Custom components You can switch custom components to further customize the table: Import react from "react"; Import chip from '@ material-ui / core / chip'; Mideratatable import, {{ } from "MUI-DATATABLES"; CONST DYDECHIP = ({Label, WINDELETE}) => {RETURN RETURN (); } ;; CONST CUSTOMFILTERIST = (props) => {RETURN ; } ;; PERONEAL CLASSE extend Ponent {Rendering () {RETURN (); }} Supported customizable components: check box - a special "data description" prop allows you to differentiate the checkbox exam. Valid values: ['Row-Select', 'Row-Select-Header', 'Table-Filter', 'Table-View-Col']. The DataIndex is also passed through the "Data Index" point. Example Example of DragDropBackend Tablebody Tableview Expansion - The component displayed the view / Hide columns list on the toolbar. TableFilterlist - You can pass the itemcomponent prop point for the rendering of the list of list of custom filters. TableFooter Tablehead Tableresize TabletoolBar TabletolBarselect Tooltip Icons - An object containing optional replacement icons classes for the Actions toolbar. Example SearchICon DownloadingCon Printicon ViewColumnicon Filtericon For more information, see this example. Furthermore, all examples can be viewed live at our codicidox. Remote data If you are trying to work with remote data set or manage paging, filtering and sorting on a remote server you can do it with the following options: Const Options = {serverside: True, OnTableChange: (Action, Tablestate) => {this.xhrequest ('my.tabledata', result => {this.setstate ({Data: Result});}); }} ;;; To see an example, click here Localization This package has decided that the cost of bringing to another library to perform locations would be too expensive. Instead the possibility of ignoring all text labels (which are not many) are offered through the Textlabels Property options. The strings available: CONST OPTIONS = {... TextLabels: {Body: {Nomatch: "Sorry, no corresponding record found", Tooltip: "Order", ColumnHeaderTooltip: Column => `order for $ {column.label}`} , Page: {Next: "Next page", Previous: "Previous page", Rowsperpage: "Rows per page:", DisplayRows: "of",}, toolbar: {Search: "Search", DownloadCSV: "Download CSV ", Print:" Print ", ViewColumns:" View Columns ", Filter:" Filter table ",}, Filter: {All:" All ", Title:" Filters ", Reset:" Reset ",}, ViewColumns: {Title: "Show columns", Titlearia: "Show / Hide table columns",}, SelecroWs: {Text: "Row (s) selected", Delete: "Delete", Deletearia: "Delete selected rows",}, } ..} Contribution Thank you for interesting in the Library and the Github Community! The following commands should start: Open http: // localhost: 5050 / in browser After making changes locally, you can run the test suite with the NPM test. License The files included in this repository are licensed under the MIT license. Thank you thanks to BrowSerStack for providing the infrastructure that allows us to test in real browsers. Page 2 You can't run the action right now. You logged in with another card or window. Reload to update your session. You signed in another card or window. Reload to update your session. session.

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