Bhargav Kumar Tatikonda

Bhargav Kumar Tatikonda



? B.Tech graduation in Electrical engineering in the year 2019 from Indian Institute of Technology, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh (IIT-BHU) with a CGPA of 6.48

? Intermediate (MPC) in the year 2013 from Sri Chaitanya Junior College Gudavalli, Vijayawada with a percentage of 94.

? SSC 10th class in the year 2011 from Gowtham concept school Gudivada, Krishna district, with a percentage of 85.


? Completed a course on Django offered by in August 2020. (certified)

? Completed a course on Python 3 boot camp offered by in May 2020. (certified)

? Learned from other various coding channels on youtube like Corey Schafer, JoMa Tech, FreeCodeCamp.

? Worked as an intern as Subject Matter Expert (Physics) at Toppr technologies. (December 2019 ? March 2020)

? Worked as a Physics Teacher for 10th, 11th and 12th class students in AVK international school, Sankarankovil, Tamilnadu. (2018-19).

? Have an excellent knowledge and understanding in Python 3.

? Have an excellent understanding of Oracle, SQLite databases.

? Have an excellent understanding and experience in JAVASCRIPT, HTML and CSS.

? Have a good understanding and experience in NodeJS, ReactJs and Django3.

? Have a good experience working and collaborating with GIT.

? Able to work on Microsoft Word, Excel, Google Sheets and Google Slides with proficiency.

LANGUAGES (Proficiency)

? Python 3 Professional Working Proficiency

? Data Structures & Algorithms Professional Working Proficiency

? JavaScript Professional Working Proficiency

? Django Professional Working Proficiency

? NodeJS Professional Working Proficiency

? ReactJS Professional Working Proficiency

? SQlite, Oracle SQL Databases Professional Working Proficiency

? HTML5 and CSS Professional Working Proficiency


? A full stack developer course offered by iB Hubs ? NxtWave ( for the industry ready certification (IRC) from December 2020. (on going)


Django web applications(Django, Python, Jinja2) ? Personal portfolio: Created a personal portfolio website using Django as web framework, html, CSS as front end and python languages. (link: here) ? Blog: Created a blog website and integrated into my website. (link: here) ? A Geometry web application: Created a coordinate geometry library in python and used it to create this web application, which is useful for 10th to 12th grade. (link: here) ? An equation solver: Created a web application that takes inputs of the coefficients of a polynomial as string in Django forms and displays its roots on the top of the webpage. (link: here)

Node JS applications ( backend ) ? Covid 19 Api: This Api is created using NodeJS, Express, SQlite. This API allows a user to register and uses Json web token to authenticate the user before retrieving the query data from the database . (link: here) ? Cricket API: This API is made with Node JS, Express and SQlite. This API can retrieve various queries using path parameters and query parameters in a cricket database.(link: here) ? Twitter like API: This API imitates the backend of a twitter like application. Users can login, authenticated using a middleware function, retrieve the data which they queried through the url (link: here)

React JS applications ( frontend ):

? A Model Portfolio: Using ReactJS, I am able to create components and set states when an element is clicked. This portfolio uses these implementations. (link: here)

? A Stopwatch: Using React Component lifecycle methods I built this stopwatch(link: here)

? A Model Blog: Using React router dom components like Route, Browser Router and Switch, I was able to create this model blog(link: here)

JavaScript web applications with apis. ? Speed typing test: This website loads a random quote using an api every time you reload the page or click reset, and allows you to type and measure and display your typing speed. (link: here, Feb 2021)

? Books you like: This website searches for books in google books store using an api. (link: here, Feb 2021)

? Random Joke: This website makes an api call for a joke every time a button is clicked. (link: here, Feb 2021)

JavaScript, HTML and CSS applications.

? Created a model Restaurant website. (link: here, Jan 2021 )

? Created a model E-Commerce website. (link: here, Jan 2021)

? Created a model To-do static website. (link: here, Jan 2021)

Python projects.

? Calculator app: Created a Calculator (GUI) app using tkinter library and which takes a string as an input and evaluates and outputs the answer as a string. (does not use eval function)(link: here)

? Web scraping: With the help of web scraping libraries in python like BeautifulSoup and requests-HTML, I was able to learn to crawl and scrape websites like reddit, Wikipedia, Youtube, etc to extract the data like text, links, images, tables etc.

? Other small projects: Tinkered with other small projects like Sudoku solver, Tower of Hanoi solver, Tic-Tac-Toe game, Hangman Game, Password generator, etc in python 3.


? Certificate of completion for python bootcamp Completed Python Bootcamp course in Python on 05/26/2020 as taught by Jose Portilla on Udemy.

? Certificate of completion Completed The complete oracle web scraping certification course on 7/24/2020 by 365 career instructors on Udemy.

? Certificate of completion Completed The Django-3 Full stack websites with python web development course on 8/30/2020 on Udemy.


? Hackerrank certification: 5-star ratings in the python section, problem-solving section, data structures section and SQL section.

? Udemy certification: Completed a course in python called python 3 boot camp.

? Udemy certification: Completed a course called The complete Oracle SQL certification course.

? Udemy certification: Completed a course called web scraping and API fundamentals.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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