Muskingum College

Muskingum University Revised 2/9/12

Teacher Education Programs

Lesson Plan Format for Student Teachers

Teacher: Broc Wilkins Subject: Language Arts Grade: First

I. Learning Goals

Common Core:

Domain(s) :

Informational Text


3. Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.

Describe the interconnections among the components of the content within the discipline and the relationship of the content to at least two other content areas. In other words, thoroughly describe how the content taught in your lesson relates to at least one other content areas.

The content in this lesson also relates to the social studies content area because students learn about a holiday of another culture. Learning about the Chinese New Year helps students relate their lives to other children across the world and students develop culturally diverse knowledge. One of the first grade social studies standards that Bringing In the New Year covers is standard number six which states that “Families interact with the physical environment differently in different times and places.”

What will your students do better at the end of this lesson?

At the end of this lesson students will be able to make connections with how they celebrate New Years and how the Chinese New Year is celebrated. From the book Bringing In the New Year students will be able to pick out both similarities and differences in the two holidays.

II. Student Background Knowledge and Experience

What prior knowledge and skills do students need in order to be successful in reaching the goals of this lesson?

Prior to this lesson students will need to know what a holiday is and when New Years is celebrated in the United States. Students also need to know how to make comparisons between two different things by picking out similarities and differences.

How do you know if students have the knowledge and skills they need in order to be successful?

Some questions that I will need to ask the students before the lesson to determine if they will be successful include:

1. Does anyone know what New Years is?... Can anyone tell me how you celebrate New Year’s.

2. Do you know where China is or has anyone here been lucky enough to go to China or know someone from China?

3. I would also review how to compare two different things by using visual aids such as charts or Venn diagrams.

How will you use or accommodate the diverse experiences that your students bring to class (gender, race/ethnicity, English language proficiency, economic status, exceptionalities, skill level, learning styles)?

Accommodations will not be necessary in this lesson for either gender or economic status. This lesson is already supports multiculturalism but if students in the class celebrate New Year’s differently in their culture I will make sure they get to share. Students who are English language learners will be able to draw pictures for the after read aloud activity so they will be able to show they understand without writing words. Exceptionalities would have to be addressed once they are present in the classroom. Skill level will be addressed by having the assignments main goal being to draw or identify similarities and differences between the Chinese New Year and the New Year in the United States. Those who finish early will be asked to write a sentence or two about the similarities and differences. That will address the students who are more advanced. Reading the book to the class will benefit auditory and visual learning because they are hearing the words and seeing the pictures. Bringing items that represent that Chinese New Year for the class to pass around and look at will benefit the tactile and kinesthetic learners.

III. Instructional Procedures

Content summary, including concepts and essential understandings:

First I will ask the questions stated in section two to find out what the students know or do not know about New Years and the Chinese New Year. The goal of this is to see what I need to teach the students before reading the book and to get the students thinking about how they celebrate New Year’s. Then if I am able to obtain any actual Chinese New Year objects I will show them to the class and pass them around which will help the tactile and kinesthetic learners. If not pictures may have to be used. Also before reading the book I will read the information about the Chinese New Year in the back of the book so that the students have background knowledge. Next I will read the book pausing periodically to ask comprehension questions to keep the class engaged. Finally I will have students draw pictures or write words that demonstrate the similarities and differences of the two different holidays. Students will be given the choice to do this however they want and I will provide some possibilities they might want to choose such as dividing their paper in half with a side for each holiday, using a Venn diagram, or creating a chart. There will be an option to write a sentence or two about what they created for those who finish early which will provide something extra for the advanced students.

Teaching methods:

My teaching methods for this lesson include in class discussion to build background knowledge and spark thinking followed by a class read aloud for the reading of the book. After the read aloud students will work individually on their comparisons which will be a formative assessment showing whether or not students are able to make connections between two different things.

IV. Classroom Environment

Identify the components of the classroom environment (room arrangement, grouping patterns, learning resources, and materials) needed for teaching the entire planned lesson. Provide a strong rationale for each of the environmental decisions made.

Room arrangement (with rationale provided):

There will be an area in the classroom, preferably a large carpet area, which is ideal for class discussion and read alouds. Students will also have a personal desk or table space that provides plenty of space for students to work on individual projects.

Grouping patterns (with rationale provided):

Students will begin grouped as an entire class so that all of the students can participate in the class discussion and read aloud. Then students will work individually on their comparisons so that they can provide their own work for formative assessment.

Learning resources, including technology (with rational provided for each):

Bringing In the New Year will be used for the read aloud so that students can see how the Chinese New Year is celebrated. I will also have as many hands on items that are accessible to benefit the kinesthetic and tactile learners. Giant post it notes, markers, colored pencils, and crayons will be provided to the students so they can creatively show their knowledge of the similarities and differences.

V. Instructional Activities

Lesson sequence, including important questions to ask students. Time Allotted

Provide a thorough description of each:


Classroom discussion about celebrating the New Year and the Chinese 5-7 min

New Year. (When is New Year’s in the United States? Do any of you

celebrate New Year’s in some way? How?) Share all of the hands on

materials with the class and let them hold them.

Main Activities:

Read the information in the back of the book to provide background 5-7 min

information to the students about the Chinese New Year. Read Bringing

In the New Year to the class stopping periodically to ask comprehension


e.g. Have you ever celebrated a holiday with fireworks? What holiday(s)?


Individual activity that I will use as a formative assessment to see if 20 min

students are able to compare two different things by using literature,

background knowledge, and life experiences.

VI. Assessment/Evaluation

How will you know if each student has met the learning goals?

I will know whether or not the students have met the learning goals by looking at the finished product of however they choose to show their comparison of the two holidays. Also the questions and responses students have during the class discussion and comprehension questions during the read aloud will show whether or not the students understand.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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