Roscoe electronics, new york - Alex Rider

[Pages:20]Helen, did you remember to call


roscoe electronics, new york

I spoke to Alan

Blunt's office

yesterday afternoon,

Mr Roscoe.

He wasn't

available, but

I've arranged a call for

later today.

Very good, sir. Your chauffeur is waiting for you

in the lobby.

Patch it through to my car, would you? I'm on my way to lunch with

senator andrews.

I'll take my private elevator.

great. Tell him I'll be down

as fast as I can.

brookland school, london

Hey, Alex! Helen, did yoHuold on! remember to call


I asfptooekfrefnainotcaoyoertneAhy, leiyMnasogrntuetRBdroooldnsuaiicgnynohgtet'.?s

Alex, are way to lunycohu wOiKt?h I've senatorhaanrddrleywsse. en you

all week, and you seem-

He wasn't avayielaahb. le, but I've aDroruabngleedfarecnalclh

for lataenrdthoidsatyo.ry. Sorry, Sabina.

Patch it through to I'm fine.

my car, would

you? I'm Io'mn msyorry.

in the lobby.

great. It's not beingTell him I'll be able to tell anyone,

Bored, dmoowrne like.

I'lylotuakkenow? Having all

my privatemyelfervieantodrs. think I

was off for two

weeks with flu, that I'm

some pampered idiot...

Very good, sir. Your chauffeur is waiting foItr'syoduriving

me mad.

You can't wait for your secret

agent beeper to go off again,

that's your trouble.

I told you, I'm not a spy.

It would be more exciting than double homework, though.

it's not just you who isn't allowed to talk about it,


I had to sign...


That man in the Skoda's

here again.

Sabina? What is it?

The drug dealer.

You know Lucy Stiles was beaten up the other day for her

lunch money?

And it went straight to Skoda.

Somebody should do something about him.

Anyway, I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow, OK?


Things have been stolen, too.

He's poisoning this school.

Sure. Take care!


Putney bridge, london

Now where's he going...?

Skoda lives on a barge?

What's he doing in there?

Here goes nothing...


Somebody should do something about him.

It's a floating drugs


Maybe I should call the police.


Or better yet...


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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