The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn – Pick up book when you come to class - Reading Schedule – shared in Google Drive, too

You will be responsible for keeping up with the reading schedule. If you miss a day of school, do the reading for that day so you are caught up to begin reading with the rest of the class when you return. Study guide questions are due on the day of the test; therefore, you will be able to use them as a study aid. Filling out the study guide as you read will help you be prepared for discussion and quizzes. If we do not finish reading and doing the study guide in class, you are expected to complete the work as homework. EACH DAY YOU MUST HAVE YOUR STUDY GUIDE AND YOUR BOOK ON YOUR DESK. YOU WILL BE ABLE TO USE YOUR STUDY GUIDE ON QUIZZES. Follow the proper links below for more assistance with the novel.


11/5 11/6 Intro to Mark Twain; Begin reading Huck Finn; Use CD: CH 1-8, do SG

11/7 11/10 Quiz 9 – 16; CH 17 – 21, do SG

11/11 11/12 Quiz 17 – 21; CH 22 – 28, do SG

11/13 11/14 Quiz 22 – 28 SG; CH 29 – 35, do SG

11/17 11/18 Quiz 29 – 35 SG; CH 36 – Last, do SG

11/119 11/20 Quiz CH 36 - Last; Complete SG and Review

11/21 11/24 Study Guide Due; HUCK FINN TEST (162 points)


You may listen to Huck Finn at

To read online and participate in activities to be announced in class:

4A =

5A =

1B =

4B =

There are also free e-book and listening links on my website:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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