Re-read it, think it, talk it, write it

Re-read it, think it, talk it, write it

Close Reading Instructional Process

1. Student Reading

2. Student Processing

3. Teacher Modeling

4. Guided Analysis

5. Culminating Writing Task

Step 1: Student Reading

• Facilitator provides little background.

• Students read the passage on their own

• Students need to annotate as they read.

Step 2: Student Processing

• Facilitator provides a structured discussion protocol or strategy here (Save the Last Word, Think-Pair-Share, and Talking Chips etc.)

• Allow time for student discussion/dialogue to compare impressions using annotations to support their impressions

Step 3: Teacher Modeling

• Facilitator reads out loud to students modeling prosody (expression and fluency) and/or annotation (think-aloud.)

• Consider another or different discussion protocol or strategy to allow students to find something new to add to their writing task.

• Facilitator allows for time for additional student discussion/dialogue to extend the student’s understanding.

Step 4: Guided Analysis

• Facilitator asks text-dependent questions causing students to re-read the text in order to find and support answers. TDQ require students to use textual evidence.

Step 5: Culminating Writing Task

• Students should gather information from annotation, notes, prior writing tasks, discussion and writing from text dependent questions

• Facilitator should provide variety of writing tasks: summary, journal, article, comparison, essay and timed, extended, on-the-spot.

• Facilitator should consider the two major CCSS Writing formats, argumentative and explanatory.

• Facilitator should consider writing tasks that require textual evidence.

All Close Reading will require these routines:

• Annotation

• Discussion protocols

• Writing tasks

• Using evidence

The Emancipation Proclamation

By the President of the United States of America: A Proclamation.

How does the Emancipation Proclamation effect the Civil War?

Step 1: Read text independently and silently.

Step 2: Read it again, this time annotating by circling words you don’t understand and underling key information

Step 3: Pair Share with a partner. Then share out to the whole group.

Step 4: Facilitator will read aloud each paragraph and will stop after each one for you to annotate and write about the following question:

What do you think the key information is in this segment of the Emancipation Proclamation? DOK 1


Step 4: Share your reflection on question 1. Partner 1 will share, then the other will respond to your reflection by agreeing, disagreeing, adding/subtracting, extending, clarifying, or restating your insight.

Step 6: Facilitator will read aloud each paragraph and will stop after each one for you reflect and write about the following question:

Lincoln states "by virtue of the power in me" in the 3rd paragraph. Virtue used this way means " on account of or by reason of" . What power(s) does the president have that he is using to enforce this proclamation? DOK 2


Step 7: Share your reflection on question 2. Partner 2 will share, then the other will respond to your reflection by agreeing, disagreeing, adding/subtracting, extending, clarifying, or restating your insight.

Step 8: Facilitator will read aloud each paragraph and will stop after each one for you reflect and write about the following question:

Why does Lincoln use punctuation the way he does? DOK 2


Step 9: Share your reflection on question 3. Partner 1 (3 if in 3's) will share, then the other will respond to your reflection by agreeing, disagreeing, adding/subtracting, extending, clarifying, or restating your insight.

Step 10: Write a response to the following prompt:

Is the Emancipation Proclamation fair or unfair to all the enslaved people in the United States? Use text from the proclamation to support your argument.




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