Clergy recommendations for gradual re-entry

Clergy recommendations for gradual re-entry to Sanctuary for ServicesB’nai MitzvahGuests -Maximum number of people: 70Children must all be with parents or someone to supervise each (not one supervisor for a group)Seating by pods. Vaccinated may also sit together.Jay will review appropriate precautions with them and provide them in writing and will assign seats.Health Gabbai will take temperatures and ask all Covid questions.Health Gabbai assist in helping people find their assigned seats.Health gabbai will monitor behavior and offer gentle guidance if they see anything inappropriate.Honors participationAll who are fully vaccinated (2 shots plus 2 weeks) may participate at the Torah reading table, whether reading Torah, doing blessings, or doing an English reading.Immediate b’nai Mitzvah family (Parents and children) may use the Torah table whether or not vaccinated.A side choir mic(s) may be used by those not vaccinated to recite a part, but no more than one person (pod) per microphone per service if all those using the choir mic are living or podding together.Other children who are not vaccinated may not stand in front to lead parts (example: ayn keloheynu) (issue is singing). No one may come up onto the bimah. No ark openings.To accommodate the need for honors, we will add up to two additional Torah readings on any Bar/Bat Mitzvah shabbatFamily members who are vaccinated and/or podding with B’nai Mitzvah may be at the Torah as “gabbais” for a Bar Mitzvah.The Torah will still be open on a side table and will not be held or carried around the room.Shabbat when there is no Bar/Bat MitzvahUp to 25 congregants may attend on a given Shabbat. The ritual director, president or designated officer, executive director, and health gabbai may also attend and will not be included in the count of 25. If more than 25 register to attend, a waiting list will be maintained. If the waiting list is approximately five or less, these members may be added to the service.To attend, congregants must register in advance a minimum of five days in advance on the website. Registration may be done online or by calling the Executive Director. Only members at this time may attend a shabbat morning service when there is no b’nai mitzvah. If a member attended services the previous week, priority will be given to members who have not previously attended services. This will be noted on the registration form. Registration will ask if they are vaccinated but not require it. It will also ask for names of those coming, whether they would like an honor, and whether they are marking any special occasion (birthday, Anniversary, benching gomel, yarzheit, other milestones. It will say we cannot guarantee an honor but will do our best and we will be in touch during the week.Only those vaccinated may have honors since it will involve sharing mics/podiums.Zoom Gabbais should give out a portion of honors in advance of that deadline (half?), then fill out as many as possible from registrations. Any open as of Shabbat will be given out by the Health Gabbai at synagogue.Torah readers who are vaccinated may come to synagogue and read from the Torah. The maftir (person chanting the haftarah) may also chant in person if vaccinated. The same would hold true for anyone leading Pesukei Dezimra. These individuals will not count in the 25 maximum for the service.Since it is unlikely all Torah readers will come in person every week, we will continue to treat this as “Torah study” and will not have gabbaim except when requested by family for a Bar Mitzvah. If we reach a point where all readers are coming, this may be re-evaluated.Daily MinyanDaily minyan in-person may resume as of Monday, May 3.Registration will be required on the website in advance, but those planning to attend regularly only need to register one time and indicate the days they will attend. Registration will ask if they have been vaccinated but will not require it. Only those vaccinated may take parts. Minyan will meet outside in Linden Courtyard, weather permitting, or in Moskowitz Sanctuary. One podium will be used for each of the three parts of the service (Pesukei Dezimra, Yishtabach, Closing Prayers) so that congregants can lead. Congregants who lead must be vaccinated.The service will be hybrid, i.e. zoomed/streamed and in personA laptop will need to be set up and connected to the second ethernet feed (that was added for HHDs) on a table in the sanctuary. The clergy present on any given day will sit at that table to daven and will zoom in to the service (sound muted) so they can moderate.When a clergy is leading, a congregant who is online (Chad? Lynn?) will take over moderation.Clergy will use the Torah table or a handheld mic for Torah chanting, Misheberach, el maley.PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING:We are keenly aware that there is a new surge in multiple states. If numbers change significantly in either direction, we will revisit these protocols and consider changing the rules and attendance numbers. The health and safety of our congregation is our top priority. ................

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