Script for GCTV News Show 4

Script for GCTV News Show 8

November 12, 2009

(Hosts, please feel free to ad lib package intros and outros. Feel free to add personal experiences, phrasing, etc. Doesn’t have to be read black and white)

|Time |Director’s Notes |Video |Audio |

|30:00:00 |Hosts |C1 2 shot |ANGELA: Hey guys welcome to GCTV News I’m Angela Lockard |

| | | | |

| | |(medium shot) |GRAHAM: And I’m Graham Williams. We’ve got a great show in store. |

| | |Hold shot | |

| | | |ANGELA: We’ve got info on campus news, sports, and weather. |

| | |(C1 when the show goes to | |

| | |intro zoom out to prepare |GRAHAM: Features on fashion, a new downtown restaurant, and much more. So stay |

| | |for live push.) |tuned! |

|29:50:00 |Run Show Intro |VTR 1 (0:30) |SOT |

|29:20:00 |Hosts |C1 2 shot |GRAHAM: Welcome back. We hope you’ve all had a great week and are looking forward to|

| | | |the weekend ahead. |

| | |(live push, start wide and| |

| | |do a smooth gradual zoom |ANGELA: With the end of the semester approaching, you would think that things would |

| | |into a medium shot.) |be slowing down on campus, but that is not the case. There are so many things |

| | | |happening, but before we get started, lets send it on over to Rochelle at the news |

| | | |desk. Rochelle…. |

|29:10:00 |News Desk |C2 1 shot |ROCHELLE: Welcome to this day in history, |

| | | |November 12. On this day in 1954, Ellis Island closes its doors after the process of |

| | |Have Rochelle in the left |more than 12 million immigrants since it’s opening in 1892. Ellis Island is located |

| | |half of your view |in the New York Harbor just of the coast of New Jersey. 40 percent of Americans can |

| | | |trace their roots through this island, which was named after Samuel Ellis, the |

| | | |landowner. The first person to pass through Ellis Island was Annie Moore who was only|

| | | |15 years old during the grand opening of the federal immigration center. |

| | | |DeWitt Wallace, the founder of Reader’s Digest, was born on this day in 1889, in St. |

| | | |Paul Minnesota. After attending the University of California, his work with |

| | | |compressing government pamphlets lead to a desire to create a popular periodical. |

| | | |However, this idea was halted when he joined the Army during World War I and was |

| | | |wounded. His recovery period proved to be the perfect time for reflecting on the |

| | | |creation of his magazine. After many rejections of Wallace’s idea, together with his |

| | | |wife Lila, Reader’s Digest began in the basement of their Manhattan apartment. |

| | | |Beginning with a run of 1500 copies, the magazine quickly grew to a 200,000 |

| | | |circulation. |

| | | | |

| | | |Campus News |

| | | |The H1N1 flu vaccine is now available through the Georgia College Student Health |

| | | |Services. Having received a partial shipment of 500 vaccines, Student Health Services|

| | | |will be administering this shot, free of charge. However, if you are interested in |

| | | |receiving this vaccine please make sure that you meet the following government |

| | | |regulations. |

| | | |1. You must between the ages of 6 months and 24 years old. OR |

| | | |2. Someone who cares for infants younger than 6 months. |

| | | |3. It also includes people 25 through 64 years of age with a compromised immune |

| | | |system who are at a higher risk for the 2009 H1N1 flu. |

| | | | |

| | | |The government regulations also include some contradictions; those with |

| | | |hypersensitivity to egg proteins and those who are moderately or severely ill with or|

| | | |without a fever are advised not to receive this vaccine. For more detailed |

| | | |information, you can contact Health Services at 478 445 5288. |

| | | | |

| | | |In more campus news, The Colonnade held its Rock, Paper Scissors Tournament on front |

| | | |campus. After attempting to break the Guinness World Record for the largest amount of|

| | | |people who were simultaneously participating in Rock, Paper, Scissors, The Colonnade |

| | | |fell short by 42 people. They will attempt to break the record again during the |

| | | |Spring semester. However, Taylor Howard was crowned the Rock, Paper, Scissors |

| | | |champion for beating out all of the participants and was awarded with $100 to |

| | | |Pawprints Bookstore. Howard revealed that her game plan was to dominate and her mode |

| | | |of attack Rock. |

| | | | |

| | | |US News |

| | | |Elgin Community College beats out Yale University, an Ivy League university, in the |

| | | |Harvard Crimson Classic, which is a mock trial competition. Although they did not |

| | | |take home the grand prize Elgin felt that beating Yale was quite an accomplishment. |

| | | |Elgin’s coach believes that hard work and dedication brought them this victory. |

| | | |Typically this two-day competition is between Ivy League schools; however, a last |

| | | |minute drop out gave Eglin the opportunity of a lifetime. Even a Yale spokesperson |

| | | |believes that the victory was “impressive.” |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |National News |

| | | |The memorial service for the 13 soldiers killed during the shooting rampage at Fort |

| | | |Hood evoked many emotions, and as we have recently celebrated Veterans Day, today we |

| | | |would like to discuss some of the meaning behind the military traditions. |

| | | |First let’s discuss Taps which is the musical piece that is played to mourn a fallen |

| | | |soldier. Daniel Butterfield was the composer who created the song in 1862 to replace |

| | | |the earlier “Extinguished Lights Out.” This song got its name because the song could |

| | | |me tapped in 24 notes even if there is not a bugler. |

| | | |Next we are going to discuss the Rifle Volley, which is the firing of three shots. |

| | | |This originated on the battlefield and is a sign that all the dead have been removed |

| | | |and fighting can continue. The following things we will discuss are apart of a |

| | | |soldier’s personal property and are often displayed during a memorial service. The |

| | | |helmet and the ID tags represent the fallen solider, the rifle pointed towards the |

| | | |ground represents a break in action as a form of respect, and the soldiers boots |

| | | |represent his last march. |

| | | |Finally we will discuss the commander in chief coin. President Obama left a coin for |

| | | |each of the soldiers, which is viewed to be the highest form of honor a soldier can |

| | | |receive. |

| | | | |

| | | |Right now we are going to take a quick break. When we come back we are going to have |

| | | |sports along with an exclusive interview about how you can help to cheer on GCSU’s |

| | | |basketball teams. |

|26:10:00 |Run Commercial |VTR 4 (1:00) |SOT |

|25:10:00 |Hosts |C1 1 shot on Angela |Angela: Everyone knows that Georgia College has awesome intramural sports, but very |

| | |(medium shot) |few people are aware of the club sports that are offered. Lauren Hall has an inside |

| | | |look at GCSU’s Bass Fishing Team. |

|25:00:00 |Sports Package |VTR 1:(3:20) |SOT |

| | | | |

| |Set up for the |(Outcue: “That’ll wrap it | |

| |Interview |up for sports this week | |

| | |back to you guys”) | |

| | | | |

| | |Graphic: | |

| | |Lauren Hall | |

| | | | |

|21:40:00 | | | |

| | | |ROCHELLE: Thanks Lauren. Here with me is Patrick Gamble, the head of the |

| |Rochelle interview |C1 2 shot |ThunderCrew. Thanks for |

| |with Patrick Gamble | |being here, |

| | |Graphic: | |

| | | |what exactly is the Thundercrew? |

| | |(Patrick Gamble) | |

| | | |Since it's under new management, what is your goals/purpose? |

| | | | |

| | | |How can people get involved? |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |What event do you have coming up? |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |How can people participate in the contest? |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |ROCHELLE: Patrick thanks so much for stopping by. Now we are going to send it over to|

| | | |Brina Potvin who has all the details on what are the perfect clothes to wear when you|

| | | |want to show your school spirit. |

|17:40:00 |Spirit Fashion |VTR 2 (1:01) |SOT |

| | |(Outcue: “I’m Brina Potvin| |

| | |with GCTV News and we’re | |

| | |out.”) | |

| | | | |

| | |Graphic: | |

| | | | |

| | |Brina Potvin | |

| | | | |

| | |Maryllis Wolfgang | |

|16:39:00 |Hosts |C1 2 shot |GRAHAM: Thanks Brina. |

| | | |With the Lady Bobcats basketball’s team first home game coming up, I’ll be sure to |

| | |(medium shot) |use some of those tips. |

| | | | |

| | | |ANGELA: This past week, GCSU’s Greek Organizations have been working hard to support |

| | | |a local charity..Our community service reporter Elizabeth Rawlins has the story. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|16:29:00 |The Big Greek Give |VTR 1 (2:42) |SOT |

| | | | |

| | |(Outcue) | |

| | | | |

| | |Graphic: Elizabeth Rawlins| |

|13:47:00 |Hosts |C1 1 shot |GRAHAM: Thanks Elizabeth. I’m sure they raised lots of money. There have been plenty|

| | | |of community service events going on around campus. Our very own weather girl, |

| | |(medium shot) |Madison Gaubert attended “Superheros for babies” put on by Gamma Sigma Sigma. Let’s |

| | | |see what she found out. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|13:37:00 |Weather Package |VTR 2: (1:38) |SOT |

| | | | |

| | |(Outcue: “For GCTV News, | |

| | |I’m Madison Gaubert) | |

| | | | |

| | |Graphic: Madison Gaubert | |

|11:59:00 |Hosts on Couch |C2 1 shot | |

| | | |ANGELA: Thanks Madison. Right now we are going to take a quick break, but stay tuned |

| | |(medium shot) |because we will be right back! |

|11:49:00 |Commercial |VTR 4: (1:00) |SOT |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|10:49:00 |Hosts |C1 1 shot |Graham: Welcome back. Being a freshman living in the residence halls can be such a |

| | | |fun experience. Mary Kate Holland went out on campus to ask students about their |

| | |(medium shot) |favorite residence hall stories. |

|10:39:00 |Residence Hall |VTR 2: (02:38) |SOT |

| | | | |

| | |(Outcue: “For GCTV News, | |

| | |I’m Mary Kate Holland.”) | |

| | | | |

| | |Graphic: | |

| | |Mary Kate Holland | |

| | | | |

|08:01:00 |Hosts |C1 1 shot |Angela: Thank Mary Kate. I definitely remember those days in the residence halls. |

| | | | |

| | |Medium Shot |One of the best things about living in the residence halls is being so close to |

| | | |downtown and all of its wonderful restaurants. Nick Widener has the story on one of |

| | | |downtown’s newest additions. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|07:51:00 |Asian Bistro Package| VTR 1: TRT:(02:38) |SOT |

| | | | |

| | |(Outcue: “For GCTV News | |

| | |I’m Nick Widener.”) | |

| | |Graphic: | |

| | | | |

| | |Nick Widner (Reporter) | |

| | | | |

| | |Jacob Paden (General | |

| | |Manager) | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|05:13:00 |Hosts |C2 2 shot |GRAHAM: Thanks Zane. I’m definitely going to have to go down there and check out the |

| | | |Asian Bistro. |

| | | |ANGELA: Now we are going to switch gears and send it over to Rochelle Smalls who has |

| | | |the lowdown on an event call Disney Delights. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|05:03:00 |Disney Delights |VTR 2 |SOT |

| | | | |

| | |TRT: (02:03) | |

| | | | |

| | |(Outcue: “For GCTV News,| |

| | |I’m Rochelle Smalls”) | |

| | | | |

| | |Graphic: | |

| | |Rochelle Smalls | |

|03:00:00 |Host |C1 1 shot of Graham |GRAHAM: Thanks Rochelle. That was music to my ears. Right now we are going to take a |

| | | |quick break so stay tuned! |

|02:50:00 |Commercial |VTR 4 |SOT |

| | | | |

| | |TRT: (01:00) | |

|01:50:00 |Host |C2 2 shot |GRAHAM: Welcome back. Right now we want to take the time to say congratulations to |

| | | |the two winners of our contest last week. Amber Chapman won the 1st place prize |

| | | |which was a 20 dollar gift card to Deano’s and Akua Adu –Wusu won the 2nd place prize|

| | | |which was a 10 dollar gift card to The Brick. Congratulations ladies! |

| | | | |

| | | |ANGELA: We would also like to say congratulations to Georgia College sophomore Joshua|

| | | |Braswell who has been named the Emerging Student Leader of the Semester by the |

| | | |leadership and honor society Omicron Delta Kappa. |

| | | |Braswell was among 24 emerging student leaders nominated for the Fall 2009 Semester |

| | | |award. |

| | | | |

| | | |GRAHAM: Well guys that’s all the show we have for you today. Be sure to check us out|

| | | |online through facebook. Just search GCTV News and join the facebook group. You’ll be|

| | | |able to watch past shows and catch all the updates and don’t forget to tune in next |

| | | |Thursday at 5:00pm for a brand new episode where will be covering all things |

| | | |Thanksgiving plus much more! |

| | | | |

| | | |For GCTV News….I’m Graham Williams. |

| | | | |

| | | |ANGELA: And I’m Angela Lockard…..thanks for joining us. We’ll see you next week. |

|00:15:00 |Host on Couch |Roll Credits and hold 2 |Music bed fade up and then out |

| | |shot | |

|00:00:00 | |Fade to Black |Sound Out |

| | | | |


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