Reading Response Rubric - Mrs. Clyne-Davis' Cool Class

Reading Response Rubric

5th grade

|Criteria | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |

|(Qualities of Good | | | | |

|Writing) | | | | |

|Content | | | | |

| |I chose to write about an idea |I chose to write about an idea I |I wrote something about the |I wrote something but my personal ideas |

|Connection to the world, |about the lesson I learned, a |had about the character, setting, |events that happened in the |about the character, setting, or problem |

|myself, or another book, |connection to the character in |or problem of the story. |story but my ideas about the |in the story does not match the story or |

|character-based idea, |the book, a connection to another|(ex.) I think my character did the |story were not clear. |was not included in my response. |

|theme-based idea |book, OR about the theme of the |wrong/right thing because… | | |

| |book. |Or | | |

| | |I think my character is very clever| | |

| | |because… | | |

|Elaboration |My writing contains many text |My writing contains some text |I tried to use at least one |I did not use text examples to support my|

| |examples from the story to |examples to support an idea and/or |text example to support my |ideas about the story. |

|I supported my thinking |support an on-going idea and/or |connections to the story. |ideas about the story. | |

|about the story |connections to the story. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Organization |My writing has a clear topic. I |My writing has a clear topic. I |I attempted to stay on topic. |I have details and ideas about the story |

| |used paragraphs. My paragraphs |used paragraphs. My paragraphs |I have included some |but have not organized them into |

| |follow a logical sequence. I |follow a logical sequence. I |paragraphs my writing shows |sequential order. |

|My writing is in order and|included many transitional words.|included some transitional words. |that some of my ideas are in | |

|stays on topic | | |order from the text. | |

| | | | | |

|Language Usage |My writing is very engaging. My |My writing is mostly engaging. |My writing is somewhat |My writing is not engaging to the reader |

| |readers feel like I am talking to|There are parts where my reader |engaging but there are parts |because it does not have exciting |

|I used exciting words and |them. My writing has at least 4 |feels like I am talking to them. I|that are confusing. I used |vocabulary words and I did not speak |

|added voice |exciting vocabulary words. |included at least 3 exciting |one or two exciting vocabulary|directly to my reader. |

| | |vocabulary words. |words and I tried to speak | |

| | | |directly to my reader. | |

| | | | | |

|Mechanics |My writing contains correct |My writing contains few spelling |My writing contains some |My writing is hard to read and contains |

| |spelling, grammar, punctuation, |and grammar errors; and has correct|spelling and grammar errors; |many spelling and grammatical errors. |

| |complete complex sentences and |punctuation and complete sentences.|most sentences have correct | |

|Capitals, Spelling, |correct use of capitalization. | |punctuation and are complete. | |

|grammar, and punctuation | | |I used simple sentences. | |

| | | | | |

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