Chapter 1: Extra Practice - Mr. Ursulak

Name: ___________________________________________ Date: _________________________

Chapter 1: Extra Practice

1. What reading is shown on the ruler at points A, B, C, and D? Give each reading in both centimetres and millimetres.

2. What reading is shown on the caliper? Give the reading in both millimetres and centimetres.

3. Convert each of the following measurements. a) 7 cm = ______ mm b) 32 m = ______ cm c) 58 km = ______ m d) 75 km = ______ cm e) 65 000 cm = ______ km f) 56 m = ______ km

4. State whether you think each measurement is reported in the most appropriate unit. If not, explain why and convert it to a more appropriate SI unit. a) The length of a housefly is 0.005 m. b) The depth of the Pacific Ocean is 4 188 000 mm. c) The length of a table-tennis table is 0.002 74 km. d) The height of the CN Tower in Toronto, Ontario, is 55 300 cm.

5. What reading is shown on the imperial ruler below at points A, B, C, and D?

6. What reading is shown on this imperial caliper?

7. Convert each measurement to the unit indicated. a) 72 inches = ____________ feet b) 3 miles = __________ feet c) 5' 10" = ___________ inches d) 4400 yards = _________ miles e) 500 inches = ______________ feet and _________ inches. 8. In the diagram, the window on top is semicircular. The rectangular window in the middle measures 28 in. by 55 in. The two side windows measure 16 in. by 55 in. Calculate the perimeter of the windows. Express your answer in feet and inches.

9. On a recent trip to Butchart Gardens in Victoria, BC, Mary took a photograph of a flower that measures 4 in. by 6 in. She wants to enlarge a copy of the photo for the frame below.

a) What is the length of the unknown side of Mary's frame? Hint: You will need to use a ruler. b) By what scale factor will Mary need to enlarge the photo? c) Calculate the dimensions of the enlarged photo.

Answers: 1. A: 1.1 cm = 11 mm, B: 3.2 cm = 32 mm, C: 4.9 cm = 49 mm, D: 6.8 cm = 68 mm 2. 6.2 mm = 0.62 cm 3. a) 70 mm b) 3200 cm c) 58 000 m d) 7 500 000 cm e) 0.65 km f) 0.056 m 4. a) 5 mm b) 4188 m or 4.188 km c) 2.74 m d) 553 m

5. A = 3 in. B = 113 in. C = 2 13 in. D = 4 5 in.





6. 1.312 in.

7. a) 6 feet b) 15 840 feet c) 70 inches


d) 2 miles e) 41 feet 8 inches



8. perimeter = 20 feet


9. a) 7 1 in. b) 1.875 = 17 c) 7 1 in. by 111 in.






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