PDF Kindergarten Summer Reading Activities

Kindergarten Summer Reading Activities

Read at least 3 books from the Summer Reading List. Then choose 3 activities below (1 activity per book). Assignments will be due on the 1st week

of school.

For your summer reading, keep a reading log/journal of the books you have read. Include the title(s), a one-sentence summary of each, and write two or three new words you have learned from your reading.

Activities to choose from: *Draw a picture of your favorite page. If possible, explain in writing why this page is your favorite. *Make a picture timeline of all the events in the book. *Make a poster about the book using one or two of the following media: finger-paint, water colors, crayons, chalk, real materials. *Create a puppet or finger puppet about your favorite character. *Draw a picture postcard to a friend about what the book is about. *Draw a portrait of the main character and write a one sentence summary to accompany your sketch. *Draw a comic strip of your favorite scene. *Rewrite the story in picture book form. *Design a t-shirt that includes the main character and the main idea of the story. (Students will be allowed to wear their shirt on the first Friday of school).

Be Creative and have LOTS of fun!


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