Reading Comprehension - Maryvale School District

Reading Comprehension

Question Types and Strategies

In your reading comp. passages, you will be answering questions that fall into two different categories:

Literal questions – the answers will be stated directly in the text.

Inferential questions – the answers are NOT stated directly in the text. The reader needs to use the stated and implied information from the text to draw a conclusion and infer the answer.


← Always highlight AFTER you have read the passage and are going back into the text to answer the questions. Highlight the literal answers that you find in the text. Highlight information that helps you to infer an answer.

← When reading answer choices, cross off the ones that you immediately know are incorrect (the distractors). Typically, you will be left with two solid choices. Then go back into the text find information or evidence for your answer.

← When reading the question, highlight or underline the main points of the question. What is it really asking? Rewrite it in simple terms if you need.

Types of Multiple Choice Questions

← Questions about the main idea (What is this passage mainly about?)

← Questions about the author’s message (What is the author’s purpose in this passage? Which statement best expresses the author’s theme?)

← Questions about supporting details (Which of the following skills is NOT presented in the passage? What is one way the character misbehaved? Which statement best supports the main idea of the passage?)

← Questions about vocabulary (Old tires, plastic wrappers and smashed cups were strewn about the lot. Based on that statement, what does strewn most likely mean?)

← Questions about sequence (Which of the following happened LAST?)

← Questions about organizational patterns or text structure (Which of the following shows how the author presented his information in this passage? How does the information in the table compare to the information in the passage?)

← Questions about cause/effect (What occurs as a result of the character’s actions?)

← Questions about fact vs. opinion (Which of the following statements is an opinion the author most likely believed?)

← Questions requiring inferences (What will most likely happen next? Based on the information in the passage, what type of person is this character? How does the character probably feel about his brother’s actions? How does the author most likely feel about this topic?)


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