Wilmette Public Schools, District 39 Created 2006-22007 Grade 5 Reading ...

Wilmette Public Schools, District 39

Created 2006-22007

Grade 5 Reading/Literature (Master)

Essential Questions






A. Identify the five parts of plot

How are literary elements used to convey meaning?

A. Plot

- Exposition - Rising Action

How do the story elements shape a story?

- Climax - Falling Action

- Resolution

How does reading and interpreting a variety of

A. Analyze the five parts of plot

literature help in understanding the setting? B. Characterization

B. Identify parts of characterization

How do the elements of characterization form the character?

-Appearance - Deeds

- Voice

How doe these elements create a catalyst for a

- Thoughts

"shift" in the character?

- Feelings - Other character's opinions

C. Setting

B. Analyze the parts of characterization

C. Evaluate a setting of a story based on time, place, weather

conditions, social conditions, and mood

Literature Genre D. Exposure to literature strands

D. Explore literature

- Realistic Fiction - Historical Fiction

Comprehension How does applying notetaking skills help improve fluency and understanding of the text?

Vocabulary What is the importance of understanding vocabulary while reading non-fiction text?

Comprehension A. Notetaking strategies using nonfiction

Vocabulary B. Content vocabulary

Comprehension C. Strategies for speaking and listening

A. Apply several learned notetaking strategies - SQ3R - Outline - Venn Diagram - Webbing/Mapping, Clustering - KWL - Highlighting - Post-its - Summarizing

Comprehension How do public speaking and listening skills enhance communication and understanding?

Literature Genres D. Exposure to literature strands

- Non-fiction - Autobiography/Biography

B. Identify unknown or interesting terminology B. Define terms using context clues B. Locate and memorize dictionary definition

C. Demonstrate learned speaking skills C. Demonstrate learned listening skills

D. Explore literature

Comprehension curriculummHaopwpearr.ceolmiterary elements used to convey


Literature Analysis Why is it important to apply reading

Comprehension A. Connections of historical fiction with nonfiction

Literature Analysis B. Connections (mosaic of thought)

A. Read historical fiction in conjunction with related nonfiction (Side by Side Reading Strategy) A. Apply post-it notetaking skill while reading nonfiction A. Participate in jigsaw discussion to formulate general statement from nonfiction reading

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Master Winter

Grade 5 Reading/Literature (Master)

Essential Questions

How are literary elements used to convey meaning?


A. Connections of historical fiction with nonfiction

Literature Analysis Why is it important to apply reading strategies while reading nonfiction?

Literature Analysis B. Connections (mosaic of thought)

Literature Genres C. Exposure to literature strands

- Realistic fiction - Non-fiction - Historical fiction

Comprehension Why is it important to apply reading strategies while reading fiction and non-fiction text?

Comprehension A. Fiction comprehension

B. Nonfiction comprehension

Literature Genres C. Exposure to literature strands - Realistic Fiction - Non-fiction

Comprehension How does understanding theme impact the meaning of a story?

How do the different types of conflict impact the characters and meaning in the story?

Comprehension A. Theme

B. Conflict

Literature Genres C. Exposure to literature strands

- Classics - Realistic fiction

Wilmette School District Administration


(Side by Side Reading Strategy) A. Apply post-it notetaking skill while reading nonfiction A. Participate in jigsaw discussion to formulate general statement from nonfiction reading

B. Make connections between nonfiction knowledge with historical fiction book

C. Explore literature

A. Apply levels of thinking (Bloom's Taxonomy) to demonstrate understanding of fiction text

- Knowledge - Comprehension - Application - Analysis - Synthesis - Evaluation

B. Apply levels of thinking (Bloom's Taxonomy) to demonstrate understanding of nonfiction text

- Knowledge - Comprehension - Application - Analysis - Synthesis - Evaluation

C. Explore literature

A. Define theme A. Distinguish between topic and theme A. Identify themes of novels A. Create thematic statements based on content of novel

B. Define 5 types of conflict - Person vs. Self - Person vs. Person - Person vs. Nature - Person vs. Society - Person vs. Fate

B. Identify types of conflict within novels B. Analyze types of conflict providing support from novel

C. Explore literature

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Grade 5 Reading/Literature (Master)

Essential Questions


Literature Genres How does a writer's use of figurative language affect poetry?

Why is it important to understand the literal and figurative meaning of words?

Literature Genres A. Poetry

B. Figurative Language

C. Exposure to literature strands - Poetry


Literature Genres Why is it important to identify and understand the elements of fables?

Literature Genres A. Exposure to literature strands

- Fables - Tall tales

Why is it important to identify and understand tall tales?

Wilmette School District Administration


B. Analyze types of conflict providing support from novel

C. Explore literature

A. Develop an appreciation for a variety of poetic styles -Free Verse ?List ?Definition ?Alphabet -Structured Verse ?Haiku ?Limerick ?Diamante ?Couplet ?Biopoem ?Cinquain -Concrete

A. Read and understand poetry A. Read and listen to many poets and a variety of poetry A. Apply knowledge of the types of poems

B. Identify various forms of figurative language - Assonance/Consonance - Onomatopoeia - Repetition - Alliteration - Simile/Metaphor - Personification - Hyperbole - Idiom

B. Interpret the literal meaning of examples of figurative language B. Create a variety of figurative language

C. Explore literature

A. Read a variety of fables A. Identify the elements of fables

- Personification - Moral - Animals - Brief in length A. Apply knowledge of fables in writing

A. Read a variety of tall tales A. Identify the elements of tall tales

- Exaggeration - Frontier life - Humor - Larger than life characters

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Grade 5 Reading/Literature (Master)

Essential Questions


Comprehension Why is it important to apply reading strategies while reading a variety of different genres?

How are literary elements used to convey meaning?

Literature Analysis How does the knowledge about an author's personal experiences impact the reading and interpretation of their work?

How does effective speaking and listening enhance literary discussions?

Comprehension A. Genre study

Literature Analysis B. Author's craft

C. Literature response

Literature Genres D. Exposure to literature strands

- Mystery - Historical fiction - Realistic fiction - Science fiction - Biography

Comprehension Why is it important to apply reading strategies while reading a variety of works?

Comprehension A. Reading Strategies

How can reading strategies be applied to gain curriculumbmeattpepreur.ncdoemrstanding of a variety of literary


Literature Genres B. Exposure to literature strands

- Non-fiction - Realistic Fiction - Historical Fiction

Wilmette School District Administration


A. Read a variety of tall tales A. Identify the elements of tall tales

- Exaggeration - Frontier life - Humor - Larger than life characters - Very loosely based on factual information A. Apply knowledge of tall tales in writing A. Explore literature

A. Read and identify characteristics of a variety of genres (refer to Curriculum Binder, Literature Section, 9-14)

- Mystery - Historical fiction - Realistic fiction - Science fiction - Biography A. Evaluate novel according to the characteristics of the genre being studied

B. Identify and analyze the elements of the author's craft - Purpose - Point of View - Style - Foreshadowing - Flashback - Theme

B. Evaluate several novels by a chosen author, analyzing the elements of the author's craft

C. Make connections to personal experiences C. Communicate responses to others C. Use prior knowledge to evaluate text C. Analyze how characters in literature deal with conflict, solve problems, and relate to real-life situations C. Distinguish between facts and opinions

D. Explore literature

A. Utilize strategies to enhance comprehension of novels A. Predict A. Visualize A. Generate cross curricular connections A. Express a reaction to text in written form A. Summarize ideas A. Draw conclusions A. Ask questions A. Make inferences A. Use the reading strategies while reading a variety of texts

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Grade 5 Reading/Literature (Master)

Essential Questions

How can reading strategies be applied to gain better understanding of a variety of literary works?


Literature Genres B. Exposure to literature strands

- Non-fiction - Realistic Fiction - Historical Fiction

Literature Genres Why is it important to read a variety of nonfiction text?

Literature Genres A. Exposure to literature strands

- Non-fiction - Periodicals - Autobiography - Biography - Newspapers

Wilmette School District Administration


A. Express a reaction to text in written form A. Summarize ideas A. Draw conclusions A. Ask questions A. Make inferences A. Use the reading strategies while reading a variety of texts

B. Explore literature A. Read and recognize examples of nonfiction

A. Explore literature

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