Reading Informational Text Printables - I'm Lovin' Lit

Practice & Assess


Informational Text

Grades 4-5

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Reading Informational Text Practice & Assess

Lesson 1: Main Idea & Supporting Details

Name _______________________

A. Match the term to the correct definition below:

a. topic

b. topic sentence

c. main idea

d. supporting detail

_____ 1. a statement that tells what the

_____ 4. a sentence in the passage that

passage is mostly about

states the main idea

_____ 2. the general subject of the passage _____ 5. determined after reading a passage

_____ 3. narrow ideas, evidence, examples

_____ 6. usually one or a few words


B. Read the passage below. Then, decide whether each statement describes the topic, a

topic sentence, the main idea, or a supporting detail and write the letter on each line.

Atlantis Around 350 B.C., a Greek philosopher and teacher named Plato wrote about a

beautiful island in the Atlantic Ocean. He filled two books with the history of this place

called Atlantis. In these books, he described the people of Atlantis as great engineers and


Plato said they built stunning palaces, exquisite temples, and huge statues made of

gold. At the center of Atlantis was a capital city surrounded by several moats. There

was an elaborate tunnel system where boats from the ocean could reach the city

center. Outside the capital, there were wide open fields where farmers grew the city's


Over time, according to Plato, this very modern society grew corrupt. As a result,

the gods punished the citizens of Atlantis. In one day and one night, the city sank under

the ocean waves and vanished forever.

a. topic

b. topic sentence

c. main idea

d. supporting detail

7. _____ Around 350 B.C., Plato, a Greek Philosopher and teacher, wrote about a beautiful island in the Atlantic Ocean.

8. _____ Atlantis 9. _____ At the center of Atlantis was a capital city surrounded by several moats. 10. _____ The city of Atlantis, as written about by Plato, was a mythical island believed to

have sunk to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. 11. _____ Plato wrote two books about the city of Atlantis.

Practice Level A


?2015 erin cobb

Reading Informational Text Practice & Assess Lesson 1: Main Idea & Supporting Details

C. Read the related passages below, then answer the questions that follow.

Fact or Fiction? For over two thousand years, Atlantis was just a story. In the late 1800s, however, an American man named Ignatius Donnelly became enchanted by the story and wrote his own book about it. Ignatius was an expert in flood history and thought Plato might have written about a true natural disaster. Later, a Greek man named Angelos Galanopoulos came up with another theory about Atlantis. Galanopolous was appointed to be a national representative of Greece. He speculated that around 1500 B.C., a massive volcano ripped apart the Greek island of Santorini in the Mediterranean Sea, killing most of the people. Galanopolous believed this was the event Plato was referring to when he wrote about Atlantis. However, his dates do not match up with those of Plato. He reasoned that when the story was translated, the Egyptian symbol for 100 (a coiled rope) was mistaken for 1,000 (a lotus flower).

_____ 12. What is the topic of this passage? a. the Greek island of Santorini b. theories about Atlantis c. Ignatius Donnelly

_____ 13. Which sentence from the passage could be the topic sentence? a. Ignatius was an expert in flood history, and he thought Plato might have written about a true natural disaster. b. However, his dates do not match up with those of Plato. c. Neither of these could be considered the topic sentence.

14. State the main idea of the passage.


15-17. Identify 3 details in the passage that support this main idea.

(15) _________________________________________________________________________________________

(16) ________________________________________________________________________________________

(17) _________________________________________________________________________________________

Practice Level A


?2015 erin cobb

Reading Informational Text Practice & Assess Lesson 1: Main Idea & Supporting Details

_____ 18. Which of the following details from "Fact or Fiction?" does not support the main idea? a. He speculated that around 1500 B.C., a massive volcano ripped apart the Greek island of Santorini in the Mediterranean Sea, killing most of the people. b. Ignatius was an expert in flood history, and he thought Plato might have written about a true natural disaster c. Galanopolous was appointed to be a national representative of Greece

Modern-Day Beliefs Today, Atlantis is an unsolved mystery that is the source of much speculation. Some people question the exact location of the lost city. Some guess it lies off the coast of Florida. Others believe the remains would be somewhere near Central America, the China Sea, or Africa. Still others believe Atlantis is nothing more than a story. They say a society with such advanced technology could not exist so long ago.

19. Write the topic sentence of this paragrah below. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 20. Which of the following details would support the main idea of the paragraph?

a. Non-believers suggest that Atlantis is simply too perfect to have been real. b. Modern-day authors write stories about Atlantis. c. A myth is a type of folktale.

**What do you think? Was Atlantis a real place or only a myth?** ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Practice Level A


?2015 erin cobb

Reading Informational Text Practice & Assess

Lesson 1: Main Idea & Supporting Details

Name _______________________

A. Match the term to the correct definition below:

a. topic

b. topic sentence

c. main idea

d. supporting details

_____ 1. The _________ consists of only one or two words.

_____ 2. _________ are narrow ideas, evidence, and examples.

_____ 3. The ______ is a sentence in a passage that states the main idea.

_____ 4. The _________ is a statement that tells what the passage is mostly about.

_____ 5. The _________ is determined by the reader after reading the passage.

_____ 6. The _________ support the main idea.


B. Read the paragraph below. Then, decide whether each statement describes the topic, a topic sentence, the main idea, or a supporting detail and write the letter on each line.

What's That Smell? It happens to all of us, and we find it everywhere--after a long run, during a crowded bus ride, or after a long day in the same pair of socks. It's body odor, and science can explain why we all have it. Sweat and bacteria cause body odor. Sweat, composed of water and salt, exudes from the pores on our skin. Additional fluid from the apocrine gland (a sweat gland) also combines with bacteria that is already on our skin. The result of this stinky solution is body odor. For most people, taking care of body odor is simply a matter of practicing good personal hygiene.

a. topic

b. topic sentence

c. main idea

d. supporting detail

7. _____ Sweat is composed of water and salt.

8. _____ It's body odor, and science can explain why we all have it.

9. _____ Body odor is a smelly problem that happens to all of us.

10. _____ body odor

11. _____ Additional fluid comes from the apocrine gland, a sweat gland.

Assessment Level A


?2015 erin cobb


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