Lesson plan - Study Island

|Reading Lesson: Cause and Effect |Grade Level: 4 |

|Lesson Summary: Students will review the meaning of cause and effect. Under teacher direction they will list some examples of cause and effect. They will then |

|write sentences containing cause and effect. Advanced Learners write cause and effect and effect and cause sentences. Struggling Learners illustrate a cause and |

|effect and write a sentence to describe it. |

|Lesson Objectives: |

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|The students will know… |

|what a cause and effect relationship is. |

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|The students will be able to… |

|identify a cause and effect relationship. |

|use cause and effect in writing. |

|Learning Styles Targeted: |

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|Visual |

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|Auditory |

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|Kinesthetic/Tactile |

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|Pre-Assessment: |

|Review cause and effect with students. Cause is something that happens—an event. An effect is what happens as a result of the event. |

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|Drop a book on the desk. Ask students what the cause was of the loud noise (dropping the book) and what the effect was (the loud noise). |

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|Give students several sentences that illustrate cause and effect. Ask them to identify the cause and the effect. For example: It had not rained for several weeks |

|so the garden was dry. (cause: it had not rained for several weeks, effect: the garden was dry). The bird feeders were empty so we saw no birds. (cause: empty |

|feeders, effect: no birds) |

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|Note students who have difficulty naming the cause and the effect in example sentences. |

|Whole-Class Instruction |

|Materials Needed: chalkboard or whiteboard, pencils, paper, and 2 colors of highlighters or crayons |

|Procedure: |

|Presentation |

|Discuss why cause and effect is used in writing. (to explain why something happens or is the way it is) Ask students which textbooks might be most likely to |

|contain cause and effect relationships. (science, history, social studies) |

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|Write on the board: When winter comes, black bears hibernate in a den. Ask students to name the cause (when winter comes) and the effect (black bears hibernate in |

|a den). Underline the cause with one color and the effect with a different color. |

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|Write on the board: Black bears hibernate in a den when winter comes. Ask students to name the cause and the effect. Point out that they are the same, but in a |

|different order. Help students to understand that the cause does not always come first in a sentence. |

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|Guided Practice |

|Ask students to help compose a different sentence that illustrates cause and effect. Write it on the board as they dictate. |

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|Students copy the sentence on their own paper. Ask them to use one color marker to underline the cause and a different color to underline the effect. Underline the|

|cause and effect on the board and ask students to check their work. |

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|Repeat with an additional student-suggested sentence. |

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|Independent Practice |

|Ask students to write two more cause and effect sentences and underline as done previously. They may use a science or social studies book to get ideas. |

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|Closing Activity |

|Students read their cause and effect sentences to the class. Class identifies the cause and the effect. |

|Advanced Learner |

|Materials Needed: pencils and paper |

|Procedure: |

|Tell students they will be writing a paragraph showing cause and effect. |

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|Refer to part 3 under Procedure, and remind students that sometimes the cause comes first and sometimes the effect comes first in a sentence. |

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|Ask students to write a paragraph that includes one sentence that tells a cause and its effect and another sentence that tells an effect and its cause. |

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|Give students the opportunity to share their sentences with the class. |

|Struggling Learner |

|Materials Needed: pencils, paper, crayons, and chalkboard or whiteboard, |

|Procedure: |

|Tell students they will choose and illustrate a cause and effect. |

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|List the following causes and effects on the board: a baseball and a broken window, a package of seeds and flowers, and a barking dog and squirrel in a tree. Then |

|ask the students to choose one to illustrate. |

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|Tell students to draw a vertical line through the center of their paper. They write “cause” on the left side and “effect” on the right side. They then illustrate |

|the cause and effect they have chosen. |

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|Students write a sentence below the illustration that describes the cause and effect. Provide help as needed. |


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