Reading list - White Plains Middle School

Topic Pages Due Date

1. Chapter 8 Islam 225-249 February 2, 2018

2. Muhammad Biography

Answer the following questions completely with detail and evidence. Be sure your homework is typed or written neatly in blue/black ink with a proper heading.

1. Describe Arab culture and social structure before the development of the Muslim faith.

2. Compare Muhammad and Jesus. How are they similar and how do they differ? Think about teachings, demeanor/personality, and role. Be sure to not only read textbook for this, but also accompanying Muhammad biography.

3. How were the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties different? (This should be a detailed and thought out answer with comparison, analysis, and insight.)

4. Define and explain the significance of the following terms in individual detailed paragraphs:

a. Hegira

← Jihad

← Caliph

← Shari’ah

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Chapter 8: The World of Islam, 600 to 1500 (pg. 225 – 249)

Read Chapter 8 and take notes on the reading. Use the questions and key terms below to inform your notetaking.

Essential/Guiding Questions

1. Describe Arab culture and social structure before the development of the Muslim faith.

2. What was the role of Muhammad in creating the religion of Islam?

3. Identify the main beliefs and practices of Islam.

4. Compare and contrast the religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (Abrahamic religions).

5. Explain how and why Islam spread.

6. Explain the source of conflict between Sunni Muslims and Shi’ites.

7. Compare and contrast the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties.

8. How did Muslims view the cultures of those they conquered?

9. To what extent did Islamic societies reflect the message of equality preached by Muhammad? – Analyze the concept of equality in Islamic society, especially as it is related to women and slaves.

10. How did Muslims view science and technology?

11. Identify the characteristics of the Islamic Golden Age.

12. Evaluate the following statement: Islamic culture is a preserver and transmitter of culture, rather than a creator of culture.

13. Explain the impact the Mongols had on Islamic civilization.

Key Terms

a. Berbers

b. Caliph

c. Hadith

d. Hegira

e. House of Wisdom

f. Jihad

g. Ka’bah

h. Shari’ah

i. Sheikh

j. Sufism

k. Umma

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Reading and Notes should be completed by Tuesday, February 5, 2019


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