Summary of Decodable Text in Conforming First Grade ...

Summary of Decodable Text in Conforming First Grade Reading Programs

January 10, 2000

The publishers of the five conforming first grade reading programs meet the requirement of providing reading selections that are an average of 80% decodable. The publishers modified their programs by:

1. writing new stories that have high decodability based on the cumulative sequence of taught letter-sound correspondences,

2. revising existing stories so that they are highly decodable based on the cumulative sequence of taught letter-sound correspondences, and/or

3. adding instruction in letter-sound correspondences to make more words decodable in designated reading passages.

The following is a summary of the range and average of decodability in designated reading selections in the five conforming first grade reading programs. While “potential for accuracy” is not a requirement for state adoption, the potential for accuracy is included as it provides useful information that reflects the non decodable words that have been taught and the expected ease with which a student might read a passage.

|Publisher |Number of |Range of Decodability |Average of Decodability|Range of Potential for |Average Potential for |

| |Opportunities to Read | | |Accuracy |Accuracy |

| |Decodable Passages | | | | |

|Harcourt |47 |80% - 92% |85% |98% - 100% |100% |

|McGraw Hill |48 |83%-96% |87% |100% |100% |

|McGraw Hill/SRA/Open | | | | | |

|Court | | | | | |

| |95 |73%-100% |84% |97%-100% |100% |

|Scholastic |80 |69%-100% |86% |74%-100% | 97% |

|Scott Foresman | | | | | |

| |50 |81-100% |89% |99-100% |100% |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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