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Buncombe County Schools

Learning Targets for ELA Common Core Standards


Grade 6 Reading Literature

|Grade Specific Standard |Learning Targets |Activities/Strategies |Resources |Formative Assessment Suggestions |

| |(I can statements) |(What strategies/activities could we use to teach |(What resources could we use to teach this|(What are ways to formatively check for |

| | |this learning target?) |learning target?) |understanding while teaching this learning |

| | | | |target?) |

|1. Cite textual evidence to |I can cite text to support |- Read-aloud picture books | -Picture book, Smoky Night (setting) |- SSR Conferences |

|support analysis of what the |inferences about characters, |- Drawing a visualization map to illustrated setting |- Novel, Tuck Everlasting |- Exit Ticket |

|text says explicitly as well as |plots, settings and themes. |of a passage |- Visualization Graphic Organizer |- Sharing of written dialogue |

|inferences drawn from the text. | |-Create a comic strip of dialogue between two |Text |- Writing Analysis of character motivation by |

| | |characters that illustrates the character motivation |- Example of dialogue |the audience |

| | |in the text. |- Partner |-Design a scout badge based upon the understood|

| | |-Modeling (reading specific passages and making |- Paper and pencil |theme of the story |

| | |inferences) |-Text Analysis Workshop: Understanding | |

| | |- Socratic seminar providing specific support for |Theme pg. 318 | |

| | |comments from text |-Scout’s Honor by Avi pg. 360 | |

| | | |-”Words Like Freedom” by Langston Hughes | |

| | | |pg. 402 | |

| | | |-“Dreams” by Langston Hughes pg. 404 | |

| | | |(from new Holt McDougal text) | |

|2. Determine a theme or central |I can determine a theme or |“Nutshell Summarizing” |- Nursery Rhymes |- Compose topic sentences |

|idea of a text and how it is |central idea. |- Nursery Rhymes |- Bios of Renaissance Artists |- Identify important details |

|conveyed through particular |I can read a text and determine |- Short bios of Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo |- SSR Books |- Identify example of the best summary of a |

|details; provide a summary of |which events are relevant to its|- Summary of a single chapter in literature |- Nonfiction Test Practice Selections |selection |

|the text distinct from personal |theme. | | |- In table groups, students write on a chart |

|opinions or judgments. | |Summarizing selections of Nonfiction Comprehension |“Eleven” by Sandra Cisneros pg. 200 |their understanding of the theme. Then, |

| |I can write an objective summary|Test Practice | |students rotate and critique other students’ |

| |of the text. | |“Nadia the Willful” by Sue Alexander pg. |themes. |

| | |-flow map with detail boxes for main events |350 |- Students write alternative endings based on |

| | |-Big question= “Is age more than a number?” | |the recognized theme. |

| | |-charting the characters’ thoughts, feelings and | | |

| | |actions to infer author’s message | | |

|3. Describe how a particular |I can identify the rising |- Draw a “flow map” graphic organizer |- “King of Mazy May” |- “Thumbs up” plot analysis of a popular movie |

|story’s or drama’s plot unfolds |action, conflict, climax, |- fill in the specific plot events in appropriate |- “Dog of Pompeii” |- Exit Ticket |

|in a series of episodes as well |turning point, falling action, |squares |- “Dragon, Dragon” |- Human Plot Mountain |

|as how the characters respond or|and resolution of a particular | |- Great Gilly Hopkins – novel |- Illustrate plot mountain |

|change as the plot moves toward |story. | |- Use plot mountain or witch’s hat | |

|its resolution. | | | | |

| |I can analyze character | | | |

| |development in a story. | | | |

| | | | | |

|4. Determine the meaning of |I can use context clues to |- Identify and interpret metaphors and similes in |“You’re A Bad One, Mr. Grinch” |- Students will write an example of a metaphor |

|words and phrases, as they are |determine the meaning of |given poetry. | |and a simile. |

|used in a text, including |figurative language in a text. | |“My Hamster” |- Draw sketches to illustrate a metaphor and |

|figurative and connotative | |- Determine impact of figurative language in text. | |simile. |

|meanings; analyze the impact of |I can analyze how word choice | | |- Exit Ticket |

|a specific word choice on |affects tone. | | |- Cards with terms to change to figurative |

|meaning and tone. | | |PowerPoint with terms defined |language – Think, Pair, Share |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Rocket Man by Ray Bradbury for specific | |

| | | |word choice defining tone | |

|5. Analyze how a particular |I can analyze how a particular |- Model active reading of a chapter in a text. |Call it Courage |- Verbal identification of foreshadowing |

|sentence, chapter, scene, or |part of the text (sentence, |- Demonstrate identification of “foreshadowing” and |Maniac Magee |- “Exit ticket” of predictions |

|stanza fits into the overall |chapter, scene etc.) helps to |“predicting” of future events. | | |

|structure of a text and |develop the theme, setting, or | | | |

|contributes to the development |plot. | | | |

|of the theme, setting, or plot. | | | | |

|6. Explain how an author |I can explain the different ways|- Analyze passages from text |Classroom novel |“Thumbs Up” |

|develops the point of view of |an author uses point of view in |- Listen to storytelling |Selected short stories |Student-held clickers |

|the narrator or speaker in a |a text. |- Write passages from each point-of-view |Folktales |Samples of writing |

|text. | | | | |

|7. Compare and contrast the |I can compare and contrast the |Books on Tape |Shel Silverstein Poetry |Comparing and Contrast Venn Diagrams |

|experience of reading a story, |experience of reading a text to |Poetry Alive Performances |Call it Courage |“T” Charts |

|drama, or poem to listening to |listening to or viewing a |Video Versions of Selections |Holes | |

|or viewing an audio, video, or |version of the text. |Storytelling Performances |Aesop’s Fables | |

|live version of the text, | |Graphic Organizers |Tuck Everlasting | |

|including contrasting what they | | | | |

|“see” and “hear” when reading | | | | |

|the text to what they perceive | | | | |

|when they listen or watch. | | | | |

|8. Delineate and evaluate the |Not applicable to literature | | | |

|argument and specific claims in | | | | |

|a text, including the validity | | | | |

|of the reasoning as well as the | | | | |

|relevance and sufficiency of the| | | | |

|evidence. | | | | |

|9. Compare and contrast texts in|I can identify similar |Analyze underlying themes in picture books |The Giving Tree |Paideia |

|different forms or genres (e.g.,|underlying themes and topics |Compare and contrast themes in photographs and poetry|The Butter-Battle Book |“Sticky Note” questions |

|stories and poems; historical |across genres. | |Smoky Night |“T” Chart |

|novels and fantasy stories) in | | |Photograph “Migrant Mother” | |

|terms of their approaches to | | |Poem “Crystal Stair” (?) | |

|similar themes and topics. | | | | |

|10. By the end of the year, read|I can proficiently read and |- Modeling of reading strategies to aid |Classroom novels |-Response questions related to given elements |

|and comprehend literature, |comprehend complex text with |identification of literary elements |Maniac Magee |-Reader’s Response questions |

|including stories, dramas, and |help as needed. |- Use of literature circles and discussion groups |Tuck Everlasting |-Thinking Maps |

|poems, in the grades 6-8 text | |- Use of classroom novel sets moving toward |Dogsong | |

|complexity band proficiently, |I can determine when I do not |independent reading |The Cure | |

|with scaffolding as needed at |comprehend and can apply | |Jacob’s Rescue | |

|the high end of the range. |strategies to increase | |The Cay | |

| |understanding. | |Aaron’s Gift | |

| | | |The King of Mazy May | |


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