Whole Group and Small Group Oral Reading Practice Strategies

Whole Group and Small Group Oral Reading Practice Strategies

← The following strategies are designed to engage as many students as possible while group reading.

← Provide daily, multiple opportunities for all students to practice oral reading!!

← Mix it up! Use a variety of strategies—change by the page and day.

Popcorn Reading:

← Place 3 different colored sticky notes on the table (one for each student, or, one on each table group in the classroom). Write the letters A and B on the different colored sticky notes (see example below).

Call on different groups of students to read (Change by the sentence, in the middle of sentences or at a page—be unpredictable!) Examples: “Popcorn! A group”, “Popcorn! B group”, “Popcorn! Pink group”, “Popcorn! Girls”, “Popcorn! Boys”, “Popcorn! Table 1”, etc.

← Note: This strategy could also be used without the colored sticky notes.

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Jump In! Reading

← Follow directions for “Popcorn” reading.

← Call on different groups of students to “jump in” and read together

Examples: “Pink group begin reading” “blue group jump in” “yellow group jump in” etc…

Choral Reading

← Everyone reads together.

← “Everyone, finger under the first word, read…” or “Everyone, ready? Read…”

← If students begin reading “like robots”, say “Stop. I want you to read like this…”(model pacing). “Your turn, everyone, ready? Read…”

Cloze Reading

← Teacher reads and stops intentionally at words that students should practice (ie., words with the target phonic element or vocabulary words)

← “Today I went to the _____. I saw a big _____.”

Partner Reading

← When partner reading, make sure that both students have jobs (i.e., one student is pointing while the other is reading).

Echo Reading

← Students repeat what the teacher reads. “My turn…..Your turn….”

← Note: the purpose of this activity is to practice fluency of expression

← Not appropriate for the first time the students are reading the text.

Silent Reading

← When asking students to silent read for a few sentences or pages, give them a purpose for the reading. Example: Find out who this story is about, etc.

← Ask students to point to what they are reading with their finger and to point to the spot where they find the answer.










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