North East Independent School District

Unit 6 – The Great Depression & New Deal – Chapters 9 & 10Readiness & Supporting TEKS:USH.16.B Identify the causes of the Great Depression, including the impact of tariffs on world trade, stock market speculation, bank failures, and the monetary policy of the Federal Reserve SystemUSH.2.D Explain the significance of the following years as turning points: 1929 (The Great Depression begins)USH 12 A Analyze the impact of physical and human geographic factors on the Dust BowlUSH.14.A Identify the effects of population growth and distribution on the physical environmentUSH.16.C Analyze the effects of the Great Depression on the U.S. economy and society such as widespread unemployment and deportation and repatriation of people of European and Mexican heritage and othersUSH.19.A Evaluate the impact of New Deal legislation on the historical roles of state and federal governmentUSH.26.D Identify the political, social, and economic contributions of women such as Eleanor RooseveltUSH.16.D Compare the New Deal policies and its opponents’ approaches to resolving the economic effects of the Great DepressionUSH.16.E Describe how various New Deal agencies and programs, including the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Social Security Administration, continue to affect the lives of U.S. citizensUSH.19.B Explain constitutional issues raised by federal government policy changes during times of significant events, including the Great DepressionUSH.20.B Evaluate the impact of relationships among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government …USH.16.E Describe how various New Deal agencies and programs, including the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Social Security Administration, continue to affect the lives of U.S. citizensUSH.20.B … including Franklin D. Roosevelt’s attempt to increase the number of U.S. Supreme Court justicesImportant Ideas & Essential Questions:The Great Depression had several causes, Manufacturers were producing more goods than consumers could buy. People were speculating in the stock market and real estate, driving up prices. Tariff barriers reduced international trade. When the New York Stock Market crashed in Octover1929, it set off a chain reaction. Investors lost savings; companies could not sell stocks to raise money; manufacturers closed factories; prices dropped; and unemployment grew. Make-shift shanty homes, known as “Hoovervilles,” grew up on the outskirts of towns. Many people relied on soup kitchens for food, Dorothea Lange and John Steinbeck depicted the human suffering of the Great Depression. On the Great Plains, over farming and a drought in the 1930s turned soil into dust. Farmers had to leave the “Dust Bowl.” Many farmers migrated to California.About a half a million Mexican-American workers were forcibly sent back to Mexico because of the Mexican Repatriation program. The supply of money in the economy affects the rate of economic activity. Some economists believe the Federal Reserve Board reduced the money supply during the Great Depression when it should have expanded it. During the Great Depression, women often had the job of holding things in the family together when their husbands were unemployed. First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt addressed women directly in her book, It’s Up to the Women. Most Americans felt President Hoover did too little, too late to combat the Great Depression. He cut taxes and established the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to make loans to banks and businesses. But he failed to provide direct emergency relief since he feared undermining American’s “rugged individualism.” Roosevelt’s New Deal consisted of measure of Relief, Recovery, and Reform. For Relief, he declared a Bank Holiday, made emergency loans to home owners, and gave the unemployed jobs through work –relief projects. For recovery, he sought to “prime the pump” by putting money in to the economy to get it going. He established voluntary codes for businesses to follow, and passed legislation to keep farm prices up. For reform, Roosevelt proposed Social Security, a program with insurance for the unemployed or retired, on order to provide a safety net. He also introduced the FDIC to protect bank deposits and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to prevent fraud on the stock market. There were many critics of the New Deal. Father Conklin, Francis Townsend and Huey Long proposed giving government money directly to the needy. The U.S. Supreme Court overruled part of the New Deal in Schechter v. U.S., on the grounds that Congress could not give the President powers that were not granted directly or indirectly in the Constitution. Roosevelt developed a Court-Packing Scheme, where he proposed that the President appoint an additional Justice to the Court for each one over the age of 70.5. This plan was rejected by Congress and the American public as an attempt to upset the traditional balance of power that existed in American government. Essential Questions: What were the causes of the Great Depression?Why was Herbert Hoover unable to cope with the Great Depression?What were the effects of the Great Depressions?How did the New Deal offer a new approach to confronting the Depression?Vocabulary:Dust BowlBuying on marginShantytownDirect reliefBlack TuesdayGreat DepressionHerbert HooverDeficit spendingGrapes of WrathGlass-Steagall ActTennessee Valley AuthorityWagner ActAgricultural Adjustment ActSecurities and Exchange CommissionSocial Security ActFederal Deposit Insurance CorporationCivilian Conservation CorpsFranklin Delano RooseveltEleanor RooseveltFrances PerkinsAssessment Dates:Vocab Quiz I (Ch 9) – Wednesday, 12/6/17Vocab Quiz II (Ch 10) – Monday, 12/11/17Unit Test Review – Tuesday, 12/12/17Unit Test – Wednesday, 12/13/17DATE: Monday, 11/27FOCUS: LEARNING TARGET: ACTIVITIES: DATE: Tuesday, 11/28FOCUS: LEARNING TARGET: ACTIVITIES: DATE: Wednesday, 11/29FOCUS: LEARNING TARGET: ACTIVITIES: DATE: Thursday, 11/30FOCUS: Great Depression & The New Deal – Causes of the GD, Life During the GD, Hoover’s Response to the GD.LEARNING TARGET: Identify the causes of the GDACTIVITIES: Chapter 9, sections 1-3 reading guide questionsDATE: Friday, 12/1FOCUS: Great Depression & The New DealLEARNING TARGET: Discuss the causes of the GDACTIVITIES: Chapter 9, Lesson 1 DiscussionDATE: Monday, 12/4FOCUS: Great Depression & The New Deal – Causes of the GDLEARNING TARGET: Analyze the various causes of the Great DepressionACTIVITIES: Causes of the GD DBQ Day 1DATE: Tuesday, 12/5FOCUS: Great Depression & The New Deal – Cause of the GDLEARNING TARGET: Analyze the various causes of the Great DepressionACTIVITIES: Causes of the GD DBQ Day 2DATE: Wednesday, 12/6FOCUS: Great Depression & The New DealLEARNING TARGET: Evaluate what life was like during the GD, analyze Hoover’s response to the GD.ACTIVITIES: Chapter 9 Vocab Quiz; Chapter 9, Lessons 2-3 discussionDATE: Thursday, 12/7FOCUS: Great Depression & The New DealLEARNING TARGET: Evaluate what life was like for Americans affected by the Dust BowlACTIVITIES: Surviving the Dust Bowl, with video questionsDATE: Friday, 12/8FOCUS: Great Depression & The New DealLEARNING TARGET: Evaluate the effectiveness of the First New DealACTIVITIES: Chapter 10.1 reading and discussionDATE: Monday, 12/11FOCUS: Great Depression & The New DealLEARNING TARGET: Evaluate the effectiveness of the First New DealACTIVITIES: Chapter 10 Vocab Quiz; Chapter 10.1 reading and discussionDATE: Tuesday, 12/12FOCUS: Great Depression & The New DealLEARNING TARGET: Review for the Chapters 9 & 10 testACTIVITIES: Review GD/ND materialsDATE: Wednesday, 12/13FOCUS: Great Depression & The New DealLEARNING TARGET: Pass the testACTIVITIES: Chapters 9 & 10 testDATE: Thursday, 12/14 – EXAM REVIEWFOCUS: LEARNING TARGET: ACTIVITIES: DATE: Friday, 12/15 – EXAM REVIEWFOCUS: LEARNING TARGET: ACTIVITIES: DATE: Monday, 12/18 – EXAM REVIEWFOCUS: LEARNING TARGET: ACTIVITIES: DATE: Tuesday, 12/19 – EXAMS 4 & 6FOCUS: LEARNING TARGET: ACTIVITIES: DATE: Wednesday, 12/20 – EXAMS 2 & 5FOCUS: LEARNING TARGET: ACTIVITIES: DATE: Thursday, 12/21 – EARLY RELEASE 3 & 8FOCUS: LEARNING TARGET: ACTIVITIES: DATE: Friday, 12/22 – EARLY RELEASE 1 & 7FOCUS: LEARNING TARGET: ACTIVITIES: ................

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