Lesson DescriptionUse the right column of this table to specify the following descriptive information.Lesson Title:Form vs Function- Cell OrganellesIs this a newly submitted lesson? Yes or No YesIf this lesson is part of a unit, please specify the unit.Cell UnitLesson authors: Please identify all collaborators by name and grade levelLori Treiber (Biology), Clinton Chapman (Civics), Brittany Saunders (English II), Melissa Sawyer (Math II), Shannon Blackmon (Design)All 10th gradeSubject area(s)/discipline(s) addressed: Biology, Civics, English, Math, DesignGrade(s) and academic level(s) targeted: Example of levels: Honors or APHonors 10thCommon Core Standards/Essential Standards Example: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.5.3; HYPERLINK "" CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.5.NBT.A.4; ES.3.P.1.1Biology- 1.1 Understand the relationship between the structures and functions of cells and their organellesCivics- CE.C&G 3.6 Explain ways laws have been influenced by political parties, constituents, interest groups, lobbyists, the media and public opinionEnglish- W.9-10.5?Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. (Editing for conventions should demonstrate command of Language standards 1–3 up to and including grades 9–10 on page 54.)L.9-10.1?Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. a) Use parallel structure.L.9-10.3?Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening. a) Write and edit work so that it conforms to the guidelines in a style manual (e.g., MLA Handbook, Turabian’s Manual for Writers) appropriate for the discipline and writing type.L.9-10.2?Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. a) Use a semicolon (and perhaps a conjunctive adverb) to link two or more closely related independent clauses. b) Use a colon to introduce a list or quotation. c) Spell correctlyMath- 2.03- Model and solve problems involving fair outcomes: apportionment, election theory, voting power, fair division.Lesson objective or topic:It has always been difficult to teach the concept of form and function to students when we talk about cell organelles. The cell is so small that you need a microscope to see most cells and then an electron microscope to see the organelles. Many times the teacher is using pictures of the organelles to try and explain how the organelle is structured to fit its function.---------As you know, there have been calls for elections in Eukarya. The citizens in Eukarya have agreed to free elections and now it is time for them to campaign.You and your group have been selected by an organelle to run a campaign for one of the cell’s organelles in Eukarya. You have been hired for your expertise and knowledge of cells, and their organelles’ structure and function. Your primary task is to create a campaign that persuades others to vote your organelle as Organelle in Chief of Eukarya.You will have to argue that without your organelle, the cell and the organism and consequently the world as we know it will collapse. To do this expertly, you must understand the details of the organelles whose campaign you are running. Knowing all about the organelle and its function and why it is the most important one in Domain Eukarya is paramount in winning this election.Instructional Time Estimated (HH:MM)Example: 90-minute lesson as 01:30; 20-minute lesson as 00:20):In-class work days will be determine by the students. They will have the option to work in class and do online work at home.Technology & Equipment Use this section to specify all technology and equipment required for the lesson.Technology Devices SoftwareOnline Websites & ResourcesEquipment iPad, laptop, Poster makerGreen screen app1-2-3 Design, Sketch it,iMovie, picktochart app, smore, flyerly app, pages, Education- Cells: The Building Blocs of LifePoster maker, Projector, Microphone, AuditoriumDescribe how the technology, software, or online resources enhances the lesson:The technology will promote a strong campaign- posters, flyers, etc. The auditorium, microphone and projector will allow for a more professional element to the speeches.Lesson PlanUse this section to specify lesson details and to list reference documents and resources.Problem Statement/Essential Question (debatable, relatable; local, state, national or global awareness/implications):What organelle is the most important to the cell’s function? What would happen to an organism/ecosystem if your organelle was NOT the Organelle in Chief?Your primary task is to create a campaign that persuades others to vote your organelle as Organelle in Chief of Eukarya.Materials/Resources:Design programsGreen paper for Green screen appPoster maker / InkAuditorium/microphone/projectorLesson Details (Include students’ roles and responsibilities. If applicable, append documents or specify link.):Successful campaigns are multifaceted and are composed of many different elements, such asCampaign Posters- These will be displayed in the classrooms that will be voting. Your poster must meet the following requirements:The poster should be very visually striking and in color. See the following examples of effective campaign posters:9652001695450PostPosters can be handmade or digitally generated (1 must be digitally generated). If digitally generated and images are grabbed from the internet, you must properly cite the source of the image under the image.One of your campaign’s posters must champion the greatest and good deeds of your organelle above all others in the election.One of your campaign’s posters must be used to smear another organelle. More directions on this later in this document.Campaign flyers to distribute to the classes. In addition to your poster, you need to create a campaign flyer that describes how amazing your organelle is. Include a catchy graphic on the front, then details about your organelle’s structure and function. You MUST relate the structure of the organelle to its function. It is critical for you to make the connection for your voter about why your organelle is the most important. The purpose of the flyer is to tell your voter why your organelle is important for survival of the Domain Eukarya. What would happen to an organism/ecosystem if your organelle was NOT the Organelle in Chief? You must have properly cited references for your flyer. Do not use Wikipedia as a primary source of information. Be sure you are using other scholarly sources of information, such as university websites. Use APA style ( ) when citing your references only.Mudslinging- This is the stuff campaigns are made of. Part of your campaign involves talking smack about other organelles. Sometimes smack talk gets ugly, but should never be obscene or personally hurtful in any way. You need to run a smear campaign against at least 5 other organelles. Look up what diseases are associated with malfunctions of these organelles and create some sort of campaign against each of the 5 other organelles you choose. This can include but is not limited to:A rage comic or meme posterA fact sheet or postcardA t-shirtA short commercial on You Tube: If you choose this option, you must send me the link to the video (insert it in your google doc)A song or poemOther options must be approved by your instructorYou must include smack talk about the other organelles in your campaign speech. Your smear campaign must include language/images that are school appropriate and that DO NOT bully the team members of other campaigns. For example, a saying might look like this:“Don’t choose the chloroplast, they’re Green Part lovers and pro-glucose!”Be creative, but remember to keep it clean and school appropriate.Election Day- On this day, you will give your campaign speeches on behalf of your organelle. Please choose one person from the group to perform the speech. You will be performing your speech to our class plus at least 2 other classes. In your speech, you need to convince the voters based on structure and function that your organelle is the most important. You have to try to deflect the smear campaigns that the other organelle campaigns have launched against you. You also have to address how you will work with the other organelles if you win the election. Your group will have 3 minutes to give your speech. Your group will provide me with the transcript of the speech on the same day, complete with references in APA formatting. We will hold the election after the speeches are given.After the election, the students in Mrs. Sawyer’s Math class will talk about Discrete math and how it relates to the election process. Brief overview about some of the most popular voting methods discussed in discrete math: majority, condorcet, and borda count method. Explain how the organelle election will be conducted and ask them which voting method would the organelle election fall under.Be creative, be informative, be accurate in the information you present and most importantly, sell your organelle to the voters! You may be as creative as you wish, as long as you are ethical, school-appropriate, and do not bully other student groups. If you need copies, please let me know in advance but understand that they will be in black and white and you must provide the paper.Campaign Week: Oct 12-16Good luck and may the best organelle be elected Organelle In ChiefProject originally modified from by Lee Ferguson, Allen High School: Allen, TX, then modified by Lori Treiber, Central Cabarrus HS, Concord North CarolinaNut and Bolts of the ProjectMust create a google doc shared (refer to last page) with me and your partners- -20 if you don’tAll information must be found in Google DocAll resources must be located here-- - 20 off for no resources- APA format outline/complete the design cycle in your google doc5 to 6 to a group At least 2 people per element There is no “in-class” time scheduled—you may use online time but you must keep up with your online work—as a group, schedule POWER time to work together- we are in the day and age of digital meetings- This is an exercise in learning how to collaborate digitallyGroups will be picked at randomOrganelles will be picked at randomFor digital posters (12x18), you must schedule time with Ms. Piper to use the digital poster maker—DO NOT just show up and expect her to help you without notice- DO NOT wait until the last minute--- the machine may not understand the program you designed your poster in--- check with her first- she is free both powers on Weds & Fri--- if you can open it on a dell computer then it should be able to print.Group members will be reviewed at the completion of the project by the group2 grades—1 for the design cycle and 1 for the projectOrganelles:Cell Membrane6- Golgi apparatusMitochondrion7- LysosomeEndoplasmic reticulum8- NucleusChloroplasts9- VacuoleRibosome22225001587500ExpertsChapmanSaundersBlackmonSee Ms. Blackmon for help with creating your Posters and Flyers123d DESIGN APPCreate amazing 3D printable designs, right on your iPad!?* Get started by choosing one of the basic shapes and then edit it to be just what you want.?* Easily connect one shape to another to make more detailed creations. Objects snap naturally to the centers of faces.?* The included parts and example projects are a fun way to play around with design ideas or get acclimated to design concepts.?* Chose from one of the example kits and start building. Each part is editable so you can try out different ideas and make them your own.* Save your creations to My Projects, where you can easily access them in the 123D Design web and desktop apps.?Picktochart APP or ? View your saved Piktocharts? Create dynamic, visually interesting Picktocharts? Use the free templates to get you started(create a free account, make sure t0 SAVE your work) Create amazing flyers quickly and easily. Use great graphics and save to your account online! Quick and Easy!! Huge Template Library to choose from to create your own style!!(create a free account)Flyerly APPAllows users to create, distribute, edit and view flyers on the go, Create flyers of all varieties, with the included design features (backgrounds, add/take photo, adding text, formatting fonts type and size). Flyerly has you covered for events, parties, sales, items for sale, specials, concerts, coupons, lost pets, real estate/rentals, job postings, promotions, lessons & announcements.Once you create a flyer, by default, the flyer saves to your saved flyer gallery (and auto save to iPhone gallery). Then share immediately (or later) to selected outlets for easy distribution.PAGES APP & Pages for MacbookThis powerful word processor helps you create gorgeous reports, resumes, flyers and documents in minutes. Get a quick start by using one of over 60 Apple-designed templates. (FLYERS) Or use a blank document and easily add text, images, shapes, and more with a few taps. Then format using beautiful preset styles and fonts. Pages 2.0 is updated with a stunning new design and improved performance. And with a new unified file format across Mac, iOS, and web, your documents are consistently beautiful everywhere you open them.Get started quickly? Choose from over 60 Apple-designed templates to instantly create beautiful reports, resumes, cards, and posters? Import and edit Microsoft Word and plain text files using Mail, a WebDAV service, or iTunes File Sharing? Quickly browse your document using the page navigator and see a thumbnail preview of each page? Turn on Coaching Tips for guided in-app helpAssessment of Outcome/Product/Process: (How will students demonstrate their understanding? If applicable, append documents or specify resources or link.)Requirements/Rubric:130pt for Campaign plus 30 pts for the speech = 160 pts + 20 bonus pts to the winning teamThis is the grading rubric for the Organelle in Chief Campaign project. (230pts possible)You must pick 1 from at least each column and row- then any others you want to add up to 130pts- must do the highlighted boxesPromotion of Your OrganelleElement10pts20pts30ptsCampaign Poster Create campaign buttons (min. of 10), ribbons or stickers that promote your organelle as a candidate. If they are buttons, they do not need to be fancy or made on a button maker. Here is an example: Create at least 2 campaign posters (one must be digital) that promotes your organelle as a candidate. It must be in color and must outline why your organelle is the most important cellular structure. Your poster should focus on facts about your organelle.3 posters = 30pts2 posters = 20 ptsCreate a t-shirt that must be worn during campaign week and on Election DayCampaign Flyers Create campaign flyers that promote your candidate. These should be handed out during the Campaign week so that your voters can be informed when they vote on Election Day- refer to above directionsWrite a poem or a song about why your organelle should be chosen Organelle in Chief. Your song/poem should include facts about your organelle that make it an ideal candidate for Organelle in Chief.Create a political commercial about your organelle that promotes it as the best choice for Organelle in Chief. You may upload this to You Tube, Vimeo or another video sharing service. Must use Green Screen appMudslinging10pts20pts30pts Create a fact sheet about 5 other organelles that details why these other organelles are not a good choice for Organelle in Chief. Use factual information about diseases caused by the malfunction of these organelles to build your case against themCreate a campaign poster(s) that puts down at least 5 other organelles that explains why they are not good choices for Organelle in Chief. It must be in color and Use factual information about diseases caused by the malfunction of these organelles to convince your voters Should focus on facts that explains why the other organelles are not a good choice for Organelle in ChiefCreate a google Site that generates negative press about 5 other organelles. Your site should include pictures, and factual information about why these organelles would not be good choices for Organelle in Chief. Use factual information about diseases caused by the malfunction of these organelles to convince your voters Create a meme or rage comic that is negative factual representation of your opponents. For the 20 pts, you must have 5 of theseCreate a negative commercial about your opponents. You must feature at least 5 other organelles and explain why they are not the best choice for Organelle in Chief using factual information about diseases caused by the malfunction of these organelles. Must use green screen appSpeech- 30ptsComponentOutstanding- 5 ptsGood- 4 ptsAverage- 3 ptsPoor- 2 ptsStructure of organelleThe structure of the organelle is clearly explained and describedInformation presented is accurateStructure is explained and described in some detailInformation presented is accurateStructure is explained and described in minimal detailInformation presented is inaccurateStructure is not explained and described Information presented is inaccurateFunction of organelleFunction of organelles is clearly explainedImportance of organelle to organism and ecosystem is explainedInformation is accurate Function of organelles is clearly explained in some detailImportance of organelle to organism and ecosystem is explainedInformation is accurateFunction of organelles is clearly explained in minimal detailImportance of organelle to organism and ecosystem is not clearInformation is accurateFunction of organelles is not explained and describedImportance of organelle to organism and ecosystem is not clearInformation is inaccurateMudslingingSpeech fully deflects any mudslinging by other campaignsSpeech deflects mudslinging by some other campaignsSpeech addresses mudslinging inadequatelyNo attempt is made to discredit any mudslinging by other campaignsPersuasiveSpeech is both strongly informative and persuasiveSpeech is highly informative and persuasiveSpeech is mostly informative and not as persuasiveSpeech is entirely informative and not persuasiveSpeech OrganizationLogically organized and sequenced, professional soundingTransitions are smooth and provide continuity between segmentsLogically organized and sequenced, professional soundingTransitions do not provide continuity between segmentsDisorganized and illogically sequencedTransitions do not provide continuity between segmentsDisorganized with no directionSpeech is unprofessional soundingHard to followDelivery of Professional AppearanceDelivery is clearEye contact is maintainedSpeech is well practiced/rehearsedTeam is professional in appearance3 of 4 previous criteria are met2 of 4 previous criteria are metFewer than 2 of the previous criteria are metCCHS STEM Product Rubric- 100ptsStandardsBelow64Approaching76Meets88Above100Product shows empathy towards main problemProduct utilizes multiple sources to build information around the problemProduct is aesthetically pleasingProduct is professional and reflects the purpose of the projectProduct reflects student’s creative and original workProduct reflects student effort and professional craftsmanshipProduct shows appropriate amount of constructive feedbackProduct evolved from appropriate amount of brainstormingStudent reflects on the evolution of the product from start to finishProduct requirements have been met and completed on timeSelf/Group ReflectionName of Project ________________________________Your name_____________________ Partners ______________________Describe what you did for your project:Describe what your partners did—use their name as you evaluateDoes your partner (s) deserve the same grade as you? Evaluate each partner by name- Explain- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Google DocDesign CycleAll information must be found in Google DocAll resources must be located here-- - 20 off for no resources- mla format outline/complete the design cycle in your google docPlease respond to the following: Explain how you used the following steps to complete your project:Empathy:Ideate:Prototype:Feedback:Reflect:Create:PROBLEM & RESEARCHHave you stated and explained a critical problem that your product aims to solve? ExplainHave you synthesized data from multiple sources (with references) in order to understand and empathize with the problem at hand. ExplainHave you related knowledge and information to the specific and global context of the problem? ExplainSOLUTION & TIMELINEHow responsible have you been in analyzing multiple options for the completion of the product? ExplainHave you completed goals on time with the class set timeline? ExplainUSE OF DESIGN PROCESSHow well have you integrated the (CC) design process into the completion of the product. ExplainCan you refer back to each step in your analysis of the final product? ExplainREFLECTIONHave you shown insight into how knowledge has evolved through the process? ExplainHow was the solution reached? ExplainHow do you feel about the quality of communication, collaboration and critical thinking? ExplainPost-Implementation ReflectionComplete this section after the lesson has been implemented.Specify the teachers who independently or team-taught this lesson. (Please identify all teachers by name and grade level.)Lori Treiber (Biology), Clinton Chapman (Civics), Brittany Saunders (English), Melissa Sawyer (Math), Shannon Blackmon (Design)What was the actual instructional time (HH:MM) required for the lesson? 6 hours of in-class instructional timeWhat worked well? Why?The students did a great job creating their products for the campaign. They also did well with their speeches. The audience was engaged during the election speeches.What would teachers change if implemented again? Why?Students will not be able to give away food/snack treats to win votes. The campaign will run based on their products and speeches only. The rubric will not have specific elements that they must do. Instead they will be able to pick from all the elements to earn their points towards the project.The following criteria have been established to judge the quality of INSPIRE PBL lessons. INSPIRE PBL lessons are required to achieve a minimum rating of “Meets” for at least five of the six Essential Core Criteria. There is also an expectation that authors of PBL lessons will strive to meet one or both Criteria of Excellence.1Developing2Meets3ExceedsESSENTIAL CORE CRITERIA1) Addresses a real-world problemA problem statement is posed that was open-ended and debatable. The statement challenges students to identify, observe, or summarize their understanding of a real-world problem.ANDIncorporates real-world tethers: You-tube videos, movies, media, community member, or industry professional is used to introduce a real-world problem or career paths (e.g., presentation: synchronous/asynchronous; in- person/virtually, etc). The problem statement is open-ended, debatable, and relatable. ?The statement challenges students to analyze real-world problems and make connections to life experiences.ANDIncorporates real-world tethers: A documentary video, community resource, community member, or industry professional is used to illustrate relevance to real-life experiences, local industry, and local careers opportunities (e.g., local artifacts; presentation: synchronous/asynchronous; in- person/virtually, etc).The problem statement is open-ended, debatable, relatable, and made connections in order to develop 21st Century ideas and products (such as global awareness, environmental literacy, health literacy, civic literacy, or economic literacy). ?The statement challenges students to imagine or create a novel product or presentation.ANDIncorporates real-world tethers: A community resource, community member, or industry professional is used to demonstrate solutions to the problem and existing challenges that require innovative solutions (e.g., local artifacts; presentation: synchronous/asynchronous; in- person/virtually, etc).2) Link to Common CoreLesson does not address common core standards.Lesson addresses common core standards.Lesson addresses common core and STEM essential standards.3) Incorporates collaborative inquiryNo evidence that the lesson incorporates student collaboration (work with peers to accomplish a task/project).The lesson explicitly incorporates student collaboration, but does not describe how groups will be formed or does not designate student roles within groups. ?The lesson explicitly incorporates student collaboration and describes how the teacher will scaffold students’ 21st century communication and collaboration skills (e.g., peer teaching, oral presentations). 4) Uses a multi-faceted approach to assessment.Select assessment types□ Formal direct assessment (e.g., quiz or test)□ Performance-based assessment (e.g., scoring rubric)□ Informal formative assessment (e.g., probes,journaling, checklists, quick response, jotting, etc.)□ Self-assessment or reflection□ Peer-assessment□ Assessment of Collaboration (e.g., group project contract)□ Others. Please specify.Lesson uses 1 type of assessment.Lesson uses 1 type of assessmentANDIncludes self-assessment/reflection.Lesson uses 1 or more types of assessmentsANDIncludes self-assessment/reflection.ANDAssesses student collaboration.5) Integrates across subjects Projects encompass a minimum of 1 curricular area. Projects encompass a minimum of 2 curricular areas. Projects encompass a minimum of 3 curricular areas. 6) Achieves horizontal and vertical alignment Lesson description suggests no indication that author worked and/or conferred with other teachers.Lesson description suggests that author worked and/or conferred with other teachers within grade levelORwith teachers in another/other grade level(s). Lesson description suggests that author worked and/or conferred with other teachers within grade levelANDwith teachers in another/other grade level(s).CRITERIA OF EXCELLENCE7) Incorporates strategies to enhance student engagementLesson relies heavily on teacher-directed instruction or lecture.Lesson incorporates open-ended questions and hands-on activities that require students to answer or ask questions about the topic that extend their learning.Lesson requires students to take command of the learning process by providing scenarios for students to create, plan, debate, perform, present, explore, experiment, or evaluate to extend their learning.8) Integrates a Design Cycle or Process/21st Century Skills No evidence that the lesson addresses a design cycle or process.Lesson explicitly addresses some components of a design cycle or process to develop 21st Century ideas and products. Lesson explicitly addresses all components of a design cycle or process to develop 21st Century ideas and products. ................

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