Title: Lo que hace mi casa un hogar



TOA Title: Una casa en España

Theme: What Makes My House A Home.

Level: Intermediate-Low

TOA Overview:

What an experience! Your family is moving to Spain for a year. Your mother will be working on a special project for her company and everyone will spend the year abroad. A packet of information for the move arrives in the mail. Your mother is confused by some of the documents and asks you to help her interpret the information because you have been learning Spanish since elementary school.

One of her first concerns is housing. You scan online real estate ads to find appropriate places to live. After talking over the options with your family, you speak by telephone with a real estate agent in Spain to discuss the lodgings that interest your family and to find out additional details about the layout, rooms, furniture, and amenities.

Your family bought a home in Barcelona and everyone is looking forward to the experience of living abroad. Once you arrive in the country, you help your parents communicate ideas to the decorator. You write a detailed description of your family’s likes and dislikes, the amenities you need and want, and make suggestions about furniture and accessories for the house. You even draw a layout of the house and label the items you want in each room.

Task Title: Una casa en España

Theme: What Makes My House A Home.

Level: Intermediate-Low Focus Age Group: 13+

National Standards Goals: Communication Cultures

Communicative Mode: Interpretive

Time frame: One class period 40 minutes

Description of Task:

After searching the Internet for real estate ads for houses and apartments to rent or buy in Spain, you find a few places that look interesting. In order to present the information to your family, you scan the ads carefully and jot down important information.

Materials Needed: Websites and Interpretive Task sheets

Teacher Notes: Scan the websites listed above to find appropriate real estate ads for the task. Choose at least 3 to 5 homes that students might use to complete the Comprehension Guide. You might print out ads or allow students to search online.

Interpretive Activity Sheet

Una casa en España

I. After scanning the ads, you organize the information about the houses and apartments by filling in a chart about each residence.

|Name/Number of Residence |Type of Residence |Location |Size |Rooms |Special Features |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

II. Compare your residence to one of the Spanish residences:




III. Some of the words were unfamiliar. You made guesses about the meanings.

1. inmobilaria ____________________________________________________________

2. particulares____________________________________________________________

3. en alquiler ____________________________________________________________

4. piso_________________________________________________________________

5. planta baja____________________________________________________________

IV. Answer the following questions by providing as many reasons as you can. Your

responses may be in English.

1. Which house/apartment do you prefer and why?

Use details form the ads to support your answers.





2. So you believe that your family will enjoy their stay in Spain?






Intermediate-Low Interpretive Rubric

Una casa en España


| | | | |

|Can I identify the main idea? |I identify the main ideas presented |I identify the main ideas of |I do not identify the main ideas|

| |in text. |the text. |of the text. |

|(Main Idea) | | | |

|Can I understand supporting |I understand most supporting details|I understand some supporting |I understand few supporting |

|details? |of the text. |details. |details. |

| | | | |

|(Comprehension) | | | |

| |I infer the meaning of most cognates|I infer the meaning of some |I infer the meaning of few |

| |and word families. |cognates and word families. |cognates and word families. |

|Can I infer meaning? | | | |

| |I derive the meaning of a few new |I do not derive the meaning of|I do not derive the meaning of |

|(Interpretation) |words from context. |new words from context. |new words from context. |

| | | | |

| |I infer the author’s intent. | | |

| | | | |

| |My answers demonstrate some cultural|My answers demonstrate little | |

| |awareness. |cultural awareness. |My answers do not demonstrate |

| | | |cultural awareness. |

Task Title: Una casa en España

Theme: What Makes My House A Home

Level: Intermediate-Low Focus Age Group: 13+

National Standards Goals: Communication Comparison

Communicative Mode: Interpersonal

Time Frame: 40 minutes

Description of Task:

Your mother asks you to speak with a real estate agent in Spain concerning housing for your family. You place the call and have a conversation about possible locations, the advantages of renting and buying a place, whether to look for an apartment or a house, and the rooms and amenities your family requires. Before ending the conversation, make sure you give the agent your address and phone number so that she might mail you ads and call with additional information.

Intermediate-Low Interpersonal Rubric

Una casa en España


| |I create with the language by |I create with language by using |I use simple sentences, isolated|

|How well do I communicate? |using strings of sentences. |simple sentences and some |words, and memorized phrases. |

| | |strings of sentences. | |

|(Text Type) | | | |

| |I am generally understood. My |I am generally understood. |I am understood with occasional |

|How well do I understand you? |accuracy helps me get my point |There are some errors, but they |difficulty. |

| |across. |do not distort message. | |

|(Comprehension) | | | |

| |I use many words and expressions|I use a combination of words |I use basic and repetitive |

| |from different topics in the |from different topics. |vocabulary and may resort to |

|What kind of |appropriate context most of the |Occasionally I may use the wrong|English when I am unable to |

|vocabulary do I |time. I provide some supporting|word or expression. |communicate my message. |

|use? |details from my own life and the| | |

| |article. | | |

|(Language Use & Vocabulary) | | | |

| |I ask and answer questions to |I maintain a simple conversation|I respond to basic, direct |

|How well do I keep the |maintain the conversation and to|by asking some questions and |questions and ask simple |

|conversation going? |clarify. At times, I paraphrase|answering questions. |questions. |

| |to make myself understood. | | |

|(Communication Strategies) | | | |

Task Title: Una casa en España

Theme: What Makes My House A Home

Level: Intermediate-Low Focus Age Group: 13+

National Standards Goals: Communication Cultures Comparisons

Communicative Mode: Presentational

Time Frame: One class period 40 minutes each

Description of Task:

Your family has arrived in Spain. Your parents are meeting with a decorator and need your help once again. You write a detailed description of your family members’ likes and dislikes, the furniture you want and need in each room, and make suggestions about furniture and accessories for the house. You even draw a layout of the house and label the items you want in each room.

Materials Needed: Drawing paper.

Intermediate-Low Presentational Rubric

Una casa en España


|How do I communicate? |I create with language using strings of |I create with language using simple |I use mostly simple sentences and |

| |sentences. |sentences. You use some strings of |memorized phrases with some attempts to |

|(Text Type) | |sentences. |create personal meaning. |

|How well am I understood? |I am easily understood. I express my |I am generally understood. I clearly |I am understood with occasional |

|(Comprehensibility) |ideas clearly. |express most of my ideas. |difficulty. I do not clearly express my |

| | | |ideas. |

|What kind of vocabulary do I use? |I use a wide variety of vocabulary on |I use some variety of vocabulary on a |I use basic and/or repetitive vocabulary |

|(Language Use & Vocabulary) |several aspects of the topic with very |few aspects of the topic with some |most of the time. |

| |little repetition. |repetition. | |

|How accurate is my language? |I am very accurate when producing simple |I am generally accurate when producing |I am mostly accurate with memorized |

| |sentences. My accuracy may decrease when |simple sentences. I may be less |language. My accuracy may decrease a lot |

| |I use more complex language. |accurate when adding details. |when trying to create with the language. |

|How well do I get the attention of |I make good choices of phrases, images and|I make some good choices of phrases, |I use mostly gestures or visuals to |

|my audience? |content to maintain the attention of the |images and content to maintain the |maintain audience’s attention. I use some|

| |audience/reader. |attention of the audience/reader. |phrases, but my vocabulary conveys very |

|(Impact) | | |basic information. |

|How organized and smooth is my |I organize my presentation in a logical |I organize my presentation in a logical|I focus mostly on the completion of the |

|presentation? |manner. I speak/write with fluency. |manner. I pause a few times disrupting|task; I do not pay much attention to |

|(Communication Strategies) | |the flow. |organization and flow of my presentation. |

|How well do I demonstrate cultural |I include information and ideas that |I include some information and ideas |I demonstrate little or no knowledge of |

|awareness? |reflect Spanish products and practices. |that reflect Spanish products and |Spanish products and practices. |

| | |practices. | |

|(Cultural Awareness) | | | |


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