Quiz Pamphlet 45-Hour CE Package #901 Economic Trends in ... - Real Est

Quiz Pamphlet

45-Hour CE Package #901 Economic Trends in California Real Estate:

Realty Almanac 2014

Phone 800.794.0494 firsttuesday.us Fax 877.319.8510 3474 Niki Way, Riverside, CA 92507


Course Overview

first tuesday DRE Sponsor No. 0473 Correspondence/Internet Course

45-hour Package #901 Economic Trends in California Real Estate:

Realty Almanac 2014

Course Titles, Descriptions, Hours and DRE Category

Economic Trends in California Real Estate: Realty Almanac 2014 (30 hours of Consumer Protection): Includes revelations about the game-changing market factors pushing and pulling our California real estate market. Numerous charts vividly display critical data shaping tomorrow's real estate transactions, with narration about the insight you need to anticipate future action in our real estate market.

Agency (3 hours of Agency): Agency and representation are synonymous in real estate transactions. A broker, by accepting employment from a client, undertakes the task of aggressively using "due diligence" to represent the client -- to meet the client's purpose for retaining the broker.

Fair Housing (3 hours of Fair Housing): Fair Housing focuses on the federal and state housing laws which relate to the sale and rental of property, such as prohibitions against redlining, discriminatory advertisement, refusing to show properties and blockbusting.

Trust Funds (3 hours of Trust Fund Handling): Funds belonging to others, which a broker handles in the course of his business, are called trust funds. Trust funds must never be treated casually.

Ethics (3 hours of Ethics): The public, through the oversight of the Department of Real Estate (DRE), is assured real estate licensees will be honest, truthful and of good reputation -- in a word, ethical.

Risk Management (3 hours of Risk Management): Recognize, handle and effectively resolve the risk of liability inherent in the practice of real estate related activities. The correct use of forms to make disclosures and present analyses is crucial in order to avoid the errors and omissions which place liability on the broker and his agents.

Textbooks Used

Real Estate Economics: Realty Almanac 2013 and Beyond ? 2013 by first tuesday - 452 pages

Agency, Fair Housing, Trust Funds, Ethics and Risk Management, Fifth Edition ? 2012 by first tuesday - 250 pages

Regular Package Price:

Multi-media Enrollment Online-Only Enrollment

$74.50 (includes shipping and handling) $62.75


For faster processing and immediate results, you may take your quizzes online at anytime.

Quiz Instructions

Dear Student,

Thank you for enrolling in Multi-media package 901: Economic Trends in California Real Estate: Realty Almanac 2014 and Agency, Fair Housing, Trust Funds, Ethics and Risk Management (AFTER) to meet your DRE 45-hour continuing education requirement!

You must take the quizzes before taking the exams. Quizzes are not timed and do not need to be passed. All quizzes are open book. You may use pen or pencil.

On completion of all quizzes: Fax your answer sheets to 877.319.8510 OR Email your answer sheets to quiz@firsttuesday.us OR Make copies of your answer sheets and mail the copies to: first tuesday, P.O. Box 5707, Riverside, CA 92517.

Note: If you fax or email your answer sheets, you will receive feedback within one business day. If you mail your quiz answer sheets, allow three weeks for us to receive your quizzes and provide quiz feedback.

After first tuesday processes your quizzes, you will be provided with feedback indicating: 1. whether your comprehension of the study materials is greater or less than 70%; and 2. the page references and correct answers to all quiz questions.

For faster processing and immediate results, you may take your quizzes online at anytime.

Table of Contents:

Blank Quiz Answer Sheets Economic Trends in California Real Estate: Realty Almanac 2014..............................5 Agency, Fair Housing, Trust Funds, Ethics and Risk Management..............................7

Quiz Questions Economic Trends in California Real Estate: Realty Almanac 2014; 1-A.......................9 Economic Trends in California Real Estate: Realty Almanac 2014; 1-B.....................12 Economic Trends in California Real Estate: Realty Almanac 2014; 2-A.....................15 Economic Trends in California Real Estate: Realty Almanac 2014; 2-B.....................18 Agency, Fair Housing, Trust Funds, Ethics and Risk Management............................21

Important Corrections.......................................................................................................30

For faster processing and immediate results, you may take your quizzes online at anytime.


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How do you want to receive your quiz feedback?

Name ____________________________ o Email _____________________________________________

o Fax ______________________________________________ DRE License # ___________________ o Mail _____________________________________________

Date _____________________________



Quizzes must be completed, however quizzes are not timed and do not need to be passed. All quizzes are open book. You may use pen or pencil.

Note: If you are close to your expiration date, please take your quizzes (and final exams) online. [See course instructions]

On completion of all quizzes: Fax this answer sheet to 877.319.8510 OR Email this answer sheet to quiz@firsttuesday.us Note: If you fax or email your answer sheets, you will receive quiz feedback within one business day.

OR Make a copy of this answer sheet and mail the copy to first tuesday, P.O. Box 5707, Riverside, CA 92517. Note: If you mail your answer sheets, please allow three weeks for first tuesday to receive and grade your mailed quizzes and for you to receive your quiz feedback.

QUIZ 1-A A B C 1. o o o 2. o o o 3. o o o 4. o o o 5. o o o 6. o o o 7. o o o 8. o o o 9. o o o 10.o o o 11.o o o 12.o o o 13.o o o 14.o o o 15.o o o 16.o o o 17.o o o 18.o o o 19.o o o 20.o o o 21.o o o 22.o o o 23.o o o 24.o o o 25.o o o

QUIZ 1-B A B C 1. o o o 2. o o o 3. o o o 4. o o o 5. o o o 6. o o o 7. o o o 8. o o o 9. o o o 10.o o o 11.o o o 12.o o o 13.o o o 14.o o o 15.o o o 16.o o o 17.o o o 18.o o o 19.o o o 20.o o o 21.o o o 22.o o o 23.o o o 24.o o o 25.o o o

QUIZ 2-A A B C 1. o o o 2. o o o 3. o o o 4. o o o 5. o o o 6. o o o 7. o o o 8. o o o 9. o o o 10.o o o 11.o o o 12.o o o 13.o o o 14.o o o 15.o o o 16.o o o 17.o o o 18.o o o 19.o o o 20.o o o 21.o o o 22.o o o 23.o o o 24.o o o 25.o o o

QUIZ 2-B A B C 1. o o o 2. o o o 3. o o o 4. o o o 5. o o o 6. o o o 7. o o o 8. o o o 9. o o o 10.o o o 11.o o o 12.o o o 13.o o o 14.o o o 15.o o o 16.o o o 17.o o o 18.o o o 19.o o o 20.o o o 21.o o o 22.o o o 23.o o o 24.o o o 25.o o o


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How do you want to receive your quiz feedback?

Name ____________________________ o Email _____________________________________________

DRE License # ___________________ o Fax ______________________________________________ o Mail _____________________________________________

Date _____________________________



Quizzes must be completed, however quizzes are not timed and do not need to be passed. All quizzes are open book. You may use pen or pencil.

Note: If you are close to your expiration date, please take your quizzes (and final exams) online. [See course instructions]

On completion of all quizzes: Fax this answer sheet to 877.319.8510 OR Email this answer sheet to quiz@firsttuesday.us

Note: If you fax or email your answer sheets, you will receive quiz feedback within one business day. OR

Make a copy of this answer sheet and mail the copy to first tuesday, P.O. Box 5707, Riverside, CA 92517. Note: If you mail your answer sheets, please allow three weeks for first tuesday to receive and grade your mailed quizzes and for you to receive your quiz feedback.



1. o o o 2. o o o 3. o o o 4. o o o 5. o o o 6. o o o 7. o o o 8. o o o 9. o o o 10.o o o 11.o o o 12.o o o 13.o o o 14.o o o 15.o o o



16. o o o 17. o o o 18. o o o 19. o o o 20. o o o 21. o o o 22. o o o 23. o o o 24. o o o 25. o o o 26. o o o 27. o o o 28. o o o 29. o o o 30. o o o


A B C 31. o o o 32. o o o 33. o o o 34. o o o 35. o o o 36. o o o 37. o o o 38. o o o 39. o o o 40. o o o 41. o o o 42. o o o 43. o o o 44. o o o 45. o o o


A B C 46. o o o 47. o o o 48. o o o 49. o o o 50. o o o 51. o o o 52. o o o 53. o o o 54. o o o 55. o o o 56. o o o 57. o o o 58. o o o 59. o o o 60. o o o



61. o o o 62. o o o 63. o o o 64. o o o 65. o o o 66. o o o 67. o o o 68. o o o 69. o o o 70. o o o 71. o o o 72. o o o 73. o o o 74. o o o 75. o o o


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