The Moncton Public Library Minecrafters Club

The Moncton Public Library Minecrafters Club

Presented by: Andrew Lockhart and Beatrice Houston The Moncton Public Library

Crafting a dynamic gaming program for teens:

The Moncton Public Library Minecrafters Club

1. Lit review: defending gaming in libraries. 2. Minecraft is much more than a game. 3. Three levels of Minecraft programs.

? See your tipsheet.

4. Building a server vs Minecraft Educator's package. 5. Promoting this program is easy. 6. What we learned. 7. Free play on our Minecraft server!

The case for gaming

Worthy of collection.

Promote literacy. Create social

connections. Make libraries

more welcome spaces for teens.

"By reaching out to young people with games, librarians have an opportunity to connect the library with something that is relevant in

[their] lives." (Gaming Programs/Vanden Elzne & Roush/Library Trends/Spring 2013)

Minecraft is...

"It teaches you how to start conversations with your peers. If you don't know how to do something, it can teach you how to admit you don't know it. In a way, it's real soft-skill development." Dr Andrew Przybylski


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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