RESUME - University of Cincinnati




Professor of Legal Studies

University of Cincinnati 1979–Present

College of Business July 2010-present

College of Engineering and Applied Science September 2008-July 2009

College of Applied Science 2003-2008 (2008 merged College of Engineering

University College 1979-2003


July 2010-present – Professor Legal Studies - Teach variety of law and law related courses

For College of Business Programs and other University of Cincinnati College programs

that require or allow law and law related courses such as Sport Management, Hospitality

Management, and Construction Management, etc.

Recent College, University, and Department Service

Departmental and College

RP &T Committee

Student Grievance Committee

Undergraduate Programs Committee (dealt with curriculum matters – new courses, changes in courses and programs)

Research Committee

Business Fellows – I am part of the team of faculty and staff members that work with the Business Fellows Program that offers supportive services and programming, and mentoring, for students of color in the college. The program carries out activities to recruit, to support, to retain and to graduate students of color. Within these activities are service and leadership development opportunities so that the students leave the college as well-rounded, accomplished graduates who can be successful in graduate or professional school, or in the workplace. The following is an illustrative list of activities offered during the past calendar year and my involvement:

• Interactive session with college Study Abroad staff and students who have been

on study abroad trips to share their experiences, the advantages of participation,

and encouraging participation.

• Accompanied a Business Fellows initial study abroad group to Toronto, Canada. The group met with business leaders, university faculty, explored and had sessions about the culture, etc. and participated in a service project, Fall 2013.

• Interactive sessions with minority professionals of color sharing information, experiences, and suggestions about their pathways from a business degree to their

present positions.

• Business Fellows Recognition Program which showcased the accomplishments of

the Business Fellows students and the year’s activities.

Law and Ethics Speaker Series – The Law and Ethics Speaker Series was instituted by the BLAW faculty. The series explores ethical dilemmas that arise in law and business operations. The series began fall 2012. It has been very successful with excellent attendance. The following is a list of some of the speakers and topics for fall:

• Attorney James B. Helmer, Jr., noted authority and author on the False Claims Act and Whistleblower Litigation and that was the topic of his presentation

• Ohio First District Court of Appeals Judge Patrick F. Fischer, on Professionalism and Ethics.

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• Judge Fischer is presently serving as President of the Ohio Bar Association Board of Directors. He

has also served as President of the Cincinnati Bar Association. Judge Fischer has also served as Vice Chair of the Ohio Supreme Court’s Commission on Professionalism, as well as on the Cincinnati Bar Association’s Ethics and Professional Responsibility Committee.

• Retired, U.S. Sixth Court of Appeals Judge Nathaniel Jones and employment law expert, presentation topic, “Ethical Challenges that Arise in Employment Law”.

• Mark Whitacre, the whistleblower upon whom the movie, “The Informant” was based, Ethics and Whistleblower in Corporate America,

• Immigration Law, Issues and Ethics, University of Cincinnati, Assistant Professor Yolanda Vazquez


Provost’s Committee on Faculty Diversity. (previously- member until 2012)The Committee was charged with developing some strategies and activities to support and improve the recruitment and retention of underrepresented faculty members. The Committee developed criteria for funding efforts and projects to improve the recruitment and retentions of underrepresented faculty members by way of grants awarded to colleges and departments with local matching funds. As a committee member, I have reviewed, discussed, and recommended funding for the proposals and projects.

Many of the funded proposals have resulted in actual hires and/or retention of underrepresented faculty members in a number of UC colleges and departments. Note that the last accreditation committee report for UC, specifically mentioned the Committee’s work as a positive step in helping to deal with increasing recruitment and retention of underrepresented faculty. Provost Ono had also indicated his appreciation for the Committee’s work by adding additional funds to the Committee’s work and plans to work directly with the Committee to develop an action plan for improving recruitment and retention of African American faculty in particular.

Instrumental in developing the following programs during time at UC, the Legal Assisting Programs (Paralegal Programs) and the Hospitality Management Program in coordination with the Sports Management Program, which included a business core curriculum. There have been numerous successful graduates of the programs who were employed in their fields.


2003-July 2010 Associate Professor of Legal Studies - Taught in UC College of Applied Science (CAS) (now College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS)

• Taught law and law related courses, plus Introduction to Business courses for Sport Administration, Facilities and Hospitality Management, Construction Management, Information Technology Programs, Business Management Technology and for other University of Cincinnati students who needed such courses.

2003-2006 Associate Professor of Legal Studies -Taught in UC College of Applied Science and CECH

• Taught law and law related courses for CAS programs Pre-Business Administration,

Business Management Technology, Construction Management and other CAS and University of Cincinnati students.

1988-2003-Associate Professor of Legal Studies –Taught and developed law and law related courses in Legal Assisting Program.

1979-1987 - Legal Assisting Program Coordinator – (1979-1985 Assistant Professor of Legal Studies) - implemented the University of Cincinnati Legal Assisting Program as the sole full-time faculty member and program coordinator. Taught the bulk of the courses. Additionally, I was responsible for selecting and recommending hires for adjunct faculty. Other responsibilities included the following:

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• Developed the courses for the program

• Reviewed and selected texts

• Scheduled courses

• Advised students

• Reviewed student academic records and determined advanced standing, notified students of advanced standing credits

• Recruited students and adjunct faculty

• Developed relationships with law firms, government offices, and businesses to make them aware of the program, its curriculum, and the knowledge and skills students would have upon graduation

• Established an advisory committee of legal professionals for the program

• Developed and established practicum placement sites in law offices, government offices, and businesses

• Placed students in Practicum sites or made referrals for Practicum sites

• Visited Practicum sites and consulted with Practicum site supervisors for evaluation of student quality and type of work for grading purposes and continued development of placement sites

• Developed job placements, and placed or made referrals for job placements

• Notified current students and graduates of job openings

• Developed and implemented a post-baccalaureate certificate program for students who already had a bachelors degree or who were matriculated in a bachelors degree program to provide an opportunity for a new career, to change careers, and/or to add an additional career credential

• Developed and implemented a Preparatory Status Program – to provide a pathway of transition into the program for students who did not meet the admission requirements for the program

• Arranged on-campus job interviews

• Coordinated with law firm and owner of commercial building to establish satellite office on Calhoun Street to facilitate using students from the program to help with a major lawsuit

• Taught courses in program (only full-time professor until 1986)

• Coordinated with the U.C. Library and U.C. College of Law Library for research materials and facilities

• Developed and ordered law reference materials for Legal Assisting Program

• Developed and maintained liaisons within legal, governmental, and business community

• Established ties with educational institutions by among other things serving as speaker on legal subject matter, career days, and in law related classes (included Princeton High School, Sycamore High School, Aiken High School, and Campbell County High School)

• Developed first University College, program specific student association- Legal Assisting Program Student Association

• Developed first University College program specific student association newsletter

• Was a member of and workshop presenter for and the American Association of Paralegal Educators

• Developed and maintained a relationship with the Cincinnati Paralegal Association.

• Developed the first University College awards and recognition ceremony for a Program in University College

• Maintained contact with Program alumni.

• Developed and had implemented a pathway to transfer of credit to the college of Arts & Sciences in order for students to continue their education and earn a bachelor’s degree.

• Began process to seek ABA approval of Program

• Developed letters and brochures that were used for recruitment and advertising

College Service/ Department Service

• CAS Curriculum Committee – Chair, 2007-2010, member 2005-2010

• CAS College Restructuring Committee

• CAS - Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure (RPT) Committee, member

• Business and Commerce Department representative on CAS Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure (RPT) Committee

• CAS College Strategic Planning Committee, UC/21

• CAS Semester Conversion Committee

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• CAS Accreditation Committee

• CAS Committee to review UC/21 proposals

• CAS Academic Affairs Committee

• CAS Ad Hoc Space Committee

• CAS Ad Hoc Computer Committee

• CAS Ad Hoc Ethics Taskforce

• CAS Search Committee for Business and Commerce Department Head, Chair

• Program Assessment Committee, University College, Chair, and member

• Curriculum Committee, University College

• Student Relations Committee, University College, Chair, member

• RPT Committee, University College

• Dean’s Council, member, University College

• Long-Range Planning Committee, member, University College

• Program Coordinators Council, University College

• Grievance Committee, University College

• Student Relations Committee, University College

• Career Fair Planning Committee, University College

• University College Open House Planning Committee

• Business Technologies Department Open House Committee

• Career Fair Committee and participant, University College

• Writing-Across-the Curriculum Project, University College

• Search Committee for Instructor in Law Enforcement, University College

• Search Committee for Department Head, Humanities and Social Sciences, University College

• Search Committee for Instructor in Business Management

• Search Committee, Director for Small Business Center

• Search Committee for Instructor/Assistant Professor of Legal Studies

• Search Committee for Director of University’s Affirmative Action Officer

• Served on College and Business Technologies Department Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee, Academic Council, College and Department Curriculum Committees, Program Coordinators Council, Twentieth Anniversary Committee. I have served on a number of committee more than once.

Service – Department, College, University

Pre-Business Administration Program was moved from the CAS Business and Commerce Department to the College of Arts and Sciences. Taking on the challenge to develop new bachelor degree programs for the department, and after a considerable amount of research and work, I was instrumental in developing the Facilities and Hospitality Management Program (a Bachelor degree program with a co-op component) along with Department Head, Constance Cooper and the other department members.

I also developed the Legal Studies Program which received CAS faculty approval. The program was geared to those persons (non-attorneys) who needed some legal knowledge and skills to perform their job. Careers that would utilize such people include many government positions where employees need to understand laws, regulations, and court decisions to perform their jobs such as Social Security Administration, Veterans Affairs, Attorney General offices, Ohio Legislative Services and other similar government agencies, such as consumer affairs, financial institutions, insurance companies, and those in various areas real estate, court systems and non-attorney staff who work in the courts’ offices. The department also developed the Sport Administration Program (Sport Management).

The Ohio Board of Regents approved both the Sport Administration and the Facilities and Hospitality Management Programs. The two programs were launched at almost the same time. Both programs have good enrollments and supportive industry advisory boards.

Additional Service:

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• CAS Semester Conversion Committee

• Provost Committee on Diversity

• Significant work in Development of and obtaining OBR approval for Facilities and Hospital Management Program

• CAS Faculty Committee on Restructuring (the latest restructuring)

• CAS Strategic Planning Committee, UC/21 Plan

• Mentor for UC STARS Program (2007), Student Achievement in Research and Scholarship Program. The University of Cincinnati STARS Program funded by the Ohio Board of Regents provides opportunities for undergraduate students to work on research projects under the guidance of a faculty member.

• Findlay Market Project

• Participated in the UC Women in Leadership Development Program (WILD). Participated in workshops and planning sessions for upcoming events for new participants.

• College Structures Initiatives, college committees and representative in joint meetings (first restructuring)

• Career Fair and College Program Informational Fair – Fairfield High School

• Program Informational Fair – Presenter, Tech Prep

• Program Assessment Committee, University College, Chair, and member

• Helping Hands and First Day Directions - For the past few years I served as a volunteer for “Helping Hands”, the university project that assists students and their families during move-in time. I have also served as a volunteer on the first day of classes to provide directions to students in finding their classes.

• Small Business Center Planning Committee, chair and member

• Search Committee for Director for Small Business Center, representative from University College

• Search Committee for Director of University’s Affirmative Action Officer

• Development of and obtained approval for Legal Assisting/Paralegal Technology Associate Degree Program, which later led to the addition of the Paralegal Bachelor Degree Program.

• Program Coordinator, Legal Assisting Program 1979-1987

• Developed and obtained OBR approval for post-baccalaureate Legal Assisting/Paralegal Technology Certificate.

• Speaker for Speakers Bureau- University of Cincinnati, Center for Law Related Education [began involvement in 1977] spoke numerous times at greater Cincinnati and northern Kentucky high schools;

• Speaker for career planning classes, career planning sessions for UC dormitory groups;

• University of Cincinnati College of Law faculty;

• University wide career fairs;

• University wide Writing-Across-the Curriculum Committee.

• UC Committee to explore Program Assessment.

• Have been a speaker for a number of organizations, schools, civic groups, and churches.

Special Recognition and Awards

• Received Honorary Degree of Technical Letters from Cincinnati Technical College

• Who's Who Among African-Americans

• Member of group of federal judges and attorneys as guest of the Ministry of Justice to visit and study the legal system in the People's Republic of China and Hong Kong. Part of a People to People delegation

• Member of a three attorney defense team in a murder case, which was the subject of an article in the Criminal Defense, a publication of the National College for Criminal Defense. The significance of the case was the successful use of medical expert witness testimony to obtain an acquittal for a defendant accused of murder.

Professional Activity and Professional Development- Regularly attend legal and teaching techniques and pedagogy workshops and seminars to stay abreast of the law and teaching. Additionally, engage in own legal research, in areas that I teach. The work product of the research is used to update the courses ad provide more materials that are provided to students.

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Participated in the UC Women in Leadership Development Program (WILD). Participated in workshops and planning sessions for upcoming events for new participants.

Member American Bar Association

Former memberships in Cincinnati Bar Association, American Association of Paralegal Educators, Cincinnati Paralegal Association, and Black Lawyers Association of Cincinnati [past President and Secretary].

Professional Development Partial List of Conferences and Workshops Attended

2013 Employment Discrimination Update

Organized Bar & Bench Professionalism Efforts: Do They Matter?

Award Winning Trial Performance: Opening Arguments

Award Winning Trial Performance: Plotting the Direct Examination

Award Winning Trial Performance: Controlling Cross Examinations

Award Winning Trial Performance: Closing Arguments – Final Drama, and Plot

Award Winning Trial Performance: Closing Arguments- The Ethical Limits

Pulled Over, will It Be a DUI? Critical Advice Before & After Arrest

Cross-Examination: Thank You Vinny, Atticus & Tom

From Platitudes to Priorities:

75th Year Anniversary Review of Federal Rules of Civil Procedure

Enforcement of Securities Law by Government & SROs

2012 Implementation of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

2011 Lawyers as Public Servants

Principles & Politics of Aggregate Litigation

Skeleton in the Closet: Domestic Violence

Television, Sports, and the Law

The Future of Privacy & Free Speech

Something About US Without US? Global Trials

The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in America

Tainted Law

2010 Dangerous Reading: What Does the Constitution Really Say? (Constitution Day Program UC College of Law)

Globalization of Securities Regulation (UC College of Law)

Role of Corporate Counsel

Disability and Integration into Work Place

Three Faces of Justice (UC College of Law)

2009 Real Property Law Institute (Cincinnati Bar Association)

Professionalism, Ethics, and Substance Abuse, Cincinnati Bar Association

“Picking Cotton”, Workshop and Presentation Concerning Issues of Reliability of Eyewitness Identification of Defendants in Criminal Cases, University of Cincinnati College of Law and The Innocence Project

2008 Intellectual Property (GCCCU–Greater Cincinnati Consortium of Colleges & Universities Workshop)

Protecting Your Intellectual Property Rights presented by Spotlight on Women, (Thompson

Hine LLP )

2007 Twenty Years After Shearson/American Express v. McMahon: Assessing Investors’ Remedies

Art of Negotiation (Sponsored by WILD and presented by The Center for Resolution of Disputes, Inc.)

Ethics, Professionalism, and Substance Abuse, Cincinnati Bar Association

2006 Insurance/Tort Law Seminar

How to Manage Without Going to Jail (UC

2005 Residential Landlord Tenant Law, Ohio Bar Association

Commercial Landlord Tenant Law, Ohio Bar Association

Construction Law Seminar, Ohio Bar Association

Commercial Real Estate Law, Ohio Bar Association

Insurance Seminar, Ohio Academy of Trial Lawyers

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Medical Malpractice Seminar, Ohio Academy of Trial Lawyers

Litigation Seminar, Ohio Academy of Trial Lawyers

Trial Practice, Ohio Academy of Trial Lawyers

Legal Ethics, Ohio Academy of Trial Lawyers

Trial Practice, Ohio Academy of Trial Lawyers.

UC College of Law, Marx Lecture, Law and Morality

Estate Planning for Same Sex and Unmarried Couples, UC College of Law

2004 Annual Insurance Law Seminar, Ohio Academy of Trial Lawyers

Damages – How Did They Get that Verdict!

2003 Medical Negligence, Ohio State Bar Association

Products Liability, Ohio State Bar Association

Legal Malpractice

Law and Ethics: Affirmative Action, University of Cincinnati College of Law

Justice Through Communication, Ohio Bar Association

2002 Trial Practice

Update: Recent Court Decisions

Medical Malpractice


2001 Environmental Law

Health Care Law Seminar

Bankruptcy Law Seminar

1999 Demonstration Parenting Class

Domestic Relations Institute


Basic Wills & Estate Planning

Practical Law Institute: Civil Litigation, Criminal Law Practice, Municipal and Com-

Mon Pleas Court Procedures, Domestic Relations, Estates and Probate, Workers

Compensation, Business Law, and Ethics and Substance Abuse, CBA

1998 Practical Law Institute: Civil Litigation, Criminal Law Practice, Municipal and Com-

mon Pleas Court Procedures, Domestic Relations, Estates and Probate, Business Law, and Ethics and Substance Abuse, Cincinnati Bar Association (CBA)

1997 Practical Law Institute* (*Subjects covered are typically the same as above with a couple of additional topics)

1996 ’96 Tort Reform Seminars

1996 Lecture & Symposium on Race and Gender, University of Cincinnati College of Law

Practical Law Institute* (*See above for topics)

1995 Practical Law Institute: Civil and Criminal Litigation, Municipal and Common Pleas Court procedures, Business Law, Domestic Relations, Bankruptcy, Estate and Probate Practice, Ethics, CBA

1994 Practical Law Institute* (*See above for topics), CBA

1993 Changes in Calculation of Child Support, CBA

Practical Law Institute* (*See above for topics), CBA

1992 Legal Writing: Writing to Persuade

Practical Law Institute* (*See above for topics), CBA

1991 Practical Law Institute* (*See above for topics), CBA

1990 Selected Legal Topics, CBA

1989 Discharging Employees in the 1990’s

Professional Skills Series

The Future of the “Duty to Protect”

Ethics and Substance Abuse

The following is a partial list of workshops, seminars that I have attended which relate to pedagogy, effective teaching methods, learning styles, teaching resources and technology:

• The UC Common Reading: Justice: What’s The Right Thing to Do?

o Barriers to Dealing with Ethical Problem: Recognizing Reasons and Abstraction

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o Questions to consider when reading the book and exercising your moral sense and reasoning.

o Strategies for Discussing Controversial Topics: Group Work Ideas

• Integrating Clickers in Classroom

• Blackboard Update

• Developing, Gathering, and Using Student Feedback

• Teaching Large Classes

• Developing Your Student Learning Outcomes (Day-Long Seminar), UC Center for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning (UC CET & L)

• Problem-Based Learning (Faculty Development Committee)

• Basic Blackboard Workshop (UC CET & L)

• Intermediate Blackboard Workshop (UC CET & L)

• Semester Conversion Workshop (Provost Office)

• Semester Conversion Update Workshop (Provost Office)

• Using Blackboard Grade Center (UC CET & L)

• Introduction to Blackboard Resources (UC CET & L)

• Use of PowerPoint (UC Libraries)

• Writing-Across-the-Curriculum

• Critical-Thinking-Across-the Curriculum

• Developing Your Student Learning Outcomes (Day-Long Seminar), UC Center for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning (UC CET & L)

• Problem-Based Learning (Faculty Development Committee)

• Basic Blackboard Workshop (UC CET & L)

• Intermediate Blackboard Workshop (UC CET & L)

• Semester Conversion Workshop (Provost Office)

• Semester Conversion Update Workshop (Provost Office)

• Using Blackboard Grade Center (UC CET & L)

• Introduction to Blackboard Resources (UC CET & L)

• Use of PowerPoint (UC Libraries)

• Protecting Your Intellectual Property Rights (presented by Thompson Hines LLP)

• Intellectual Property (GCCCU –Greater Cincinnati Consortium of Colleges and Universities Workshop)

Community Service

Previously served on or been involved with:

• Arbitrator for the Better Business Bureau National Program of Mediation/Arbitration

• Community Chest Evaluation Task Force

• Board of Directors, Winton Hills Medical & Health Center [member, Vice-President, and Chair of Personnel Committee]

• Hiram College Alumni Executive Board, member

• Board of Trustees, Cincinnati Technical College, served as member, Chair, Vice-Chair, Chair -Ad hoc Committee for Effective Communications, Vice-Chair of Search Committee for President of the College

• Association of Community College Trustees - ACCT- [international group], member

• Board of Directors, Association of Community College Trustees, ACCT, member

• Minority Affairs Assembly, Association of Community College Trustees, ACCT, member and served as chair, regional and national

• Presenter for a number of workshops and panels for ACCT

• Board of Trustees, Cincinnati Legal Aid Society

• Jack & Jill, international organization to support African-American families and provide support to charitable organizations, Vice President, member, involved in a number of fundraising events to

assist such entities as Tender Mercies, Stepping Stones, SCPA, Bethany House, annually provided school supplies, book bags, and coats to a number of area schools, food baskets to

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needy and elderly, provided volunteer help to a number of organizations like the Free Store Food bank, and college scholarships.

• Have been a speaker for a number of organizations, schools, civic groups, and churches.

Prior Employment

Private Practice of Law - General Practice - civil and criminal in state and federal courts, and in state, local, and federal agencies

Hamilton County Public Defender - Defended persons accused of criminal offenses -

misdemeanor and felony. Used investigators and paralegals in preparation of cases.

Legal Aid Society of Cincinnati- general civil work in federal and state courts and various agencies, local, state, and federal. Managing Attorney in branch office supervised attorneys and paralegals, and maintained my own caseload. Cincinnati, Ohio


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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