Installation guide - IVolatility

Real-Time Volatility System – installation and configuration guide

Overview 2

Step 1: Installation of “VolatilityServer”. 3

Step 2. “DbSync” module installation 3

Appendix B 4

Db_sync.ini file parameters 4


IVolatility solution consists of he following installation components:

“Real-time” portion:

- VolatilityServerSetup.exe

- DbSyncSetup.exe

VolatilityServerSetup.exe will install data feed server “VolatilityServer”. DbSyncSetup.exe will install “Intraday Volatility Database” update module “DbSync” (for real-time DB updates).

Installation modules and there items are compliant with Windows 2000/2003 Server systems only. You should have administrative privileges to install “Real-time” packages.

Volatility Server is the service that receives data feed from master data feed. The DbSync service is used to update the real-time database.

Step 1: Installation of “VolatilityServer”.

Please follow the instructions described in

Step 2. “DbSync” module installation


Run “DbSyncSetup.exe” on “Intraday Volatility Database” machine and follow the instructions of the installation wizard. “DbSyncSetup.exe” installer will just place required files to the installation directory and install “db_sync” module as Windows service.


Open a directory where files installed in Windows Explorer and edit db_sync.ini file in notepad. Go to the [Main] section and set the following parameters up:


ServerName=“VolatilityServer” computer name (or full computer domain name)

Port=“VolatilityServer” port

ObjectName= CORBA object name (IVEnterpriseServer by default)

Username –user name for db_sync (provided by IVolatility)

Password – password for db_sync (provided by IVolatility)


ConnectionString=Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=RTIvol;Data Source=

To read more about ‘db_sync’ initialization parameters see Appendix B.

Running DBSync:

Go to Windows “Services” section, select Start->Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services, find DBSync name in services list and start the service. If you had restarted “Volatility Server” while the DBSync service was running you also need to restart the DBSync service as well.

Appendix B

Db_sync.ini file parameters

[Main] section

ServerName – “VolatilityServer” computer name or domain name

Port – “VolatilityServer” port

ObjectName – CORBA object name (IVEnterpriseServer by default)

Username - user name for db_sync

Password - password for db_sync

Compression – disable/enable compression of data stream

FlushInterval – interval in seconds to flush data into ‘Volatility Intraday Database’

MaxFileSize – Size of ‘bulk insert’ files

[DB section]

ConnectionString – connection string for ‘Volatility Intraday Database’

SPStocksSave – stored procedure for saving stock data

SPOptionsSave – stored procedure for saving option data

SPStockMarketSave – stored procedure for saving stock market structure

SPOptionMarketSave – stored procedure for saving option market structure

SPIRateMarketSave – stored procedure for saving interest rate market structure

TempDir – temporary directory for files to insert into ‘Volatility Intraday Database’

ConnectionTriesToDB – number of connection tries to ‘Volatility Intraday Database’

ExecuteSPTries – number of stored procedure execution tries

ExecuteSPTimeout – stored procedure execution timeout


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