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VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVERSITYIntegrating STEM into Extension Education: A Case StudybyCarter HumphriesSubmitted to the Faculty of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversityIn partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Masters of Science in Agricultural and Life SciencesCommittee:Dr. James C. Anderson II, AdvisorDr. Hannah SchererDr. Brian D. BadgleyAbstractExtension education has played a valuable role in our society’s development over the years, especially regarding the well-being of our youth. Youth development programs everywhere are increasing in economic importance as there are many job fields in need of qualified individuals. Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) are among the fastest growing work fields where jobs are in abundance but qualified individuals lack. With STEM related jobs on the rise and a lack of suitable individuals to adequately fulfill the need, the push for STEM related programming and education at an earlier age is becoming of higher importance across the country. However, with interests often not being explored until high school, extension education is working to address these educational needs of our society at an earlier age. This case study was designed to determine how extension could work to provide quality STEM related programs to students in early elementary school through late middle school, increase student interests in STEM education and careers before entering high school through reached, and evaluate strategies used in STEM education and based on the experiential learning theory. We used secondary data, which was data previously collected as a means of evaluation from the evaluated programs of this case study. The evaluation for the programs addressed questions relating to participant’s interests in STEM which will later be defined. The evaluated programs included: two different Cooking Creations Camps, the Producing, Achieving, Striving, Success (P.A.S.S.) program, Introduction to Robotics, and Chesterfield Summer Rocketry Design and Competition. The findings showed that 4H programming can spark youth interests and develop interests that were already preexisting. Even though not all of the 35 respondents wanted to pursue a career in a STEM related field, the methods used in programming made the program more fun, engaging, creative, and helped develop valuable skills that will help youth become more successful. These findings agreed with previous studies.Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" Chapter One: Introduction PAGEREF _Toc323205594 \h 1Background and Setting PAGEREF _Toc323205595 \h 1Statement of Problem PAGEREF _Toc323205596 \h 2Purpose and Objectives PAGEREF _Toc323205597 \h 3Limitations of the Case Study PAGEREF _Toc323205598 \h 3Assumptions PAGEREF _Toc323205599 \h 4Significance of the Problem5Chapter Two: Review of Literature7What is STEM Education?7What does STEM interests look like for youth?8Challenges in STEM Education10Role of Extension in STEM…………………………………………………………………...13Looking Forward15Theoretical Framework16Chapter Three: Methodology19Case Study Design19Target Population19Subject Selection20Lesson Plans20Instrumentation21Data Collection23Data Analysis24Chapter Four: Outcomes and Discussion26Outcomes and Discussion26Describing Youth Interests in STEM27Future Interests in STEM Education32Strategies in STEM Education37Tips fpr Facilitator…………………………………………………………………………….44Chapter Five: Recommendations and Conclusion……………………………………………….46Recommendations46 PAGEREF _Toc323205621 \h Conclusion48References49Appendices53Appendix A: Lesson Plans for Robotics Camp53Appendix B: P.A.S.S. Program Lesson Plans73Appendix C: Flyers82Appendix D: Grant Information83Appendix E: Sponsors for Rocketry Competition85Appendix F: Rocketry Competition Journal86Appendix G: Cooking Creations Camps Lesson Plans100Appendix H: Cooking Creations Camp Recipes123Appendix I: Cooking Creations Camp Activities133Appendix J: Data Collection Interview Questions140Chapter One: IntroductionBackground and SettingExtension has been a great resource for a variety of “consumers” by focusing on three main areas of importance: Agriculture and Natural Resources, Family and Consumer Sciences, and last, but not least- Youth Development. While all areas are important, youth development programs are increasing in economic importance as there are many job fields in need of qualified individuals. Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields are among the fastest growing work fields where jobs are in abundance but qualified individuals are lacking. According to Bybee (2013), STEM fields are in the highest demand as our world is built on science, math, engineering, and technology concepts. While many youth rely heavily on technology for educational or social and recreational purposes, few persons recognize the other concepts that make their lives function, nor grasp how a love of technology could develop into a future career. Extension is increasing its knowledge of STEM education through research and programming in order to address the issue and help fulfill this need (University of Wisconsin-Extension, 2015).The 4H Youth Development department in Chesterfield Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) is working to provide youth with opportunities to participate in STEM related programs. There are currently over 71,000 youth between ages 5-19 in the county with just over 850 of those youth enrolled in 4H programming. During 2014, Chesterfield began working with the county school system to provide a glimpse of STEM during a summer long program resulting from a grant received. However, even with 9 clubs this was the only sign of STEM found in Chesterfield VCE. The agents in Chesterfield were not satisfied with this statistic and wanted to build a STEM club and STEM programming in order to contribute to the nationwide trend of STEM education. Chesterfield VCE not only wants to build its STEM educational programming, but also wants to better serve all racial groups found in the county.In order to gain a better understanding of STEM education currently available through Chesterfield County 4H and describe youth’ interests in STEM, this case study was developed to research and evaluate programming to determine these objectives as noted on page 3. For this case study, we used the term “STEM interests” as an umbrella term to describe a variety of STEM interests in youth. Since our goal was to evaluate different types of interests related to STEM, we defined STEM interests to include interest in STEM careers, knowledge about STEM, and perceptions/attitudes about STEM. Statement of ProblemThe 2014 STEM Food & Ag Council report notes that the need for individuals in STEM and agriculture related fields has grown three times faster than other fields with no signs of slowing down. Though enrollment in college-level programs is up nearly 30% over the past eight years, there are still not enough graduates to keep up with the need for qualified professionals at the entry level and at further career stages. Furthermore, it appears that the projected growth in demand for these career fields will never be satisfied at the current rate. Unfortunately, the push for STEM education often does not occur until high school or later, which is too late to stimulate interest in STEM careers (Brower, Newberry, & Grimsley, 2007). In order to increase youth’ interest in STEM related subjects, the information must be introduced to them at an early age in a non-traditional setting. Currently, most youth only learn about science and math in the classroom that strictly corresponds with an SOL they are tested on. This method is not presented to them in a way that actively gets the students engaged or excited to learn instead they feel as if they are forced to learn, which often consequently leads youth to dismiss these subjects (Zakaria & Iksan, 2007). With that being said, more and more teachers and schools are working to better implement STEM educational techniques into their practices. (Stohlmann, Moore, and & Roehrig, 2012). With a push for higher scores, less time is focused on learning and more time is focused on memorization, which has led to a decrease in youth motivation among other quality traits needed to succeed in the “real-world”. If something is not done outside of the school system, youth all over will lose interests in education all together and will not have the skills needed to be successful both inside and outside of the classroom.Purpose and ObjectivesThe purpose of this case study was to determine the best practices to educate youth in Chesterfield County about STEM concepts beginning in early-elementary school (2nd grade) and going through rising 9th graders when STEM concepts are traditionally introduced. The objectives guiding this study were: Describe the STEM interest of the Chesterfield County youth ages 6-14 that participated in at least one of the five evaluated programs.Describe the?strategies used by educators in the evaluated programs to increase interests in STEM education for elementary age youth. The evaluated programs include two non-STEM programs: two different Cooking Creations Camps. In addition, there were three STEM related programs: Producing, Achieving, Striving, Success (P.A.S.S.), Introduction to Robotics, and Chesterfield Summer Rocketry Design and Competition. Limitations of the Case StudyA limitation of this case study is that the results are the responses of an intact group of students who participated in the program. Since the data were collected from an intact group, the results will not be generalizable to the larger population. Another limitation of concern is that we will be using secondary data collected from the program. This limits the ability for the case study to address any gaps in the data collected. For the non-STEM programs, STEM concepts were not intentionally used or focused on during programming as they were with the three STEM programs. While this limits the lesson plans, missed opportunities for STEM concepts, and potential outcomes of the participant survey results, we were able to compare the results of the different programs. It is also important to note that my role as the instructor of the programs may have affected the results of the survey as I was the one that surveyed the participants’ responses. AssumptionsWe assumed that all the students understood the questions being asked and that they were answered honestly. We also assumed that the students adequately understood what STEM is, even with a definition provided. Significance of the ProblemAs previously mentioned, there is a large need for individuals to fulfill STEM related job openings as STEM jobs have grown 3 times faster than other jobs over the past ten years. If more individuals do not continue their education in STEM related fields, the consequences can be quite significant. The National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (2011) noted that between 2008 and 2018, STEM jobs are projected to grow by 17 percent compared to less than 10 percent for other non-STEM jobs. More recent data has proven this to be accurate. Current data now shows that STEM jobs are still growing with a projection of over 9 million more jobs available between 2012 and 2022 (US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2014). These large numbers have greatly increased concern for those who need to fill these jobs, but have a limited amount of qualified individuals.The Virginia Employment Commission (2016) estimated anywhere from a 3-50% growth change for STEM related jobs between the years 2012 and 2022. These statistics clearly agree with the national projections. If this void is not filled, the consequence will be shown as the country as a whole may regress in technology and other related STEM subjects, leaving us far behind other countries. However, is it not because there is a lack of employers that offer STEM related career fields. Also according to the Virginia Employment Commission (2016), it is shown that among the top 50 employers in the county, many offer STEM related careers. Some of these employers include Chesterfield County Public School System, Capital One Bank, Dominion Power, IBM Corporation, and many more (Virginia Employment Commission, 2016). Plus, in 2015, Chesterfield had the second highest percentage of an increase in jobs within the first quarter in Virginia (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2015). These numbers are promising and of slight concern as Chesterfield County moves into the future.Chesterfield County VCE believes being involved in 4H or other STEM related programs can increase the chance of youth interests in STEM subjects in hope that they will continue to pursue their interest in the future which will alleviate many of the concerns about the future of our county and country. Therefore, youth programming in extension needs to step up by reaching out to more youth and offering quality STEM programming so these issues can begin to be resolved as well as meet the needs of our youth. Just over 1% of the youth of Chesterfield County were served through 4H programming while over a total of over 1,500 youth came in contact with 4H programs throughout the year of 2015. This means there are still over 69,000 youth that Chesterfield County has the opportunity to reach given the resources. While it’s impossible to reach every single youth in the county, Chesterfield County believes there is much room for improvement to make a larger impact. With the opportunity to reach out to many individuals across the county (both statewide and nationwide), this case study was conducted so that extension services in Chesterfield County can receive feedback from youth who have or will participate in STEM and non-STEM programming on how 4H can better meet their needs through STEM education. Chapter Two: Review of LiteratureWhat is STEM Education?STEM is an educational concept that stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. It is focuses on an interdisciplinary and applied approach to education rather than conventional methods by allowing students to apply their knowledge to real-world situations. It is important to understand that many of the approaches or educational techniques used in elementary STEM education are taught as a process rather than as individual subjects. Even though science and math are taught in school, these subjects are not taught in the same manner as STEM educational programs (Astroth & Haynes, 2002). Since STEM related jobs are among the fastest growing in the United States, it is critical to get students interested in these subjects so that they may pursue STEM based careers and further the United States’ progress into an advancing world (Hom, 2014; STEM Food and Ag Council, 2014). Currently, there is very little interest in STEM at a young age which has consequently resulted in a large shortage of workers for these jobs. Even though this number is beginning change, there is still much work to be done with younger youth (Faber, Unfried, & et al., 2013). While all interest is not lost, according to STEM Food and Ag Council (2014), there was over a 45% growth in enrollment between 2005 and 2012 for Agriculture Mechanization and Engineering with over a 4% projected growth in jobs between 2014 and 2019. Interests are often explored at a young age so that they can be acted upon during the high school and college years. Once in middle and high school, students are able to take the concepts learned in elementary school and apply them to their current everyday lives. This includes connections to everyday situations and hopefully connections to future careers (Hom, 2014). Though the focus for STEM has been on secondary education, students love and appreciation for subjects begin to surface during the primary education years and even before they enter into elementary school. Therefore, their interests in STEM subjects at a young age should not be discounted. STEM education provides students with the opportunity to explore new interests in a non-traditional setting in hopes of increasing interests and knowledge about the subjects (Herschbach, 2011). Thankfully, extension education often works with elementary school aged youth which allows extension to address their interests in the younger years.What does STEM interests look like for youth? The phrase, “Am I ever going to use this in the real-world?” is a thing of the past when it comes to STEM education. Students are genuinely excited to participate and dive into learning the topic at hand. As STEM education continues to become of more importance, critical analyses of programs are important so that the programs can be improved to meet everybody’s needs (Faber, Unfried, & et al., 2013). However, STEM education is nothing without the youth involved which is why we must first understand what STEM interest looks like in youth. Understanding this will help increase interests among many youth, which will consequently get more youth involved in STEM related programs or activities. With so many students not showing an interest in STEM or those that do are not pursuing it as a career, something needs to change (Faber, Unfried, & et al., 2013).Elementary schoolers love to get their hands “dirty” both physically and metaphorically so when they get that chance they are more likely to enjoy the activity and better understand the concept as well. STEM education provides this opportunity for the students (Faber, Unfried, & et al., 2013; Gerstein, 2015). Youth also like to be around their friends or others when they are learning. The majority of youth prefer to guide their learning rather than be lectured by a teacher. STEM education gives students these opportunities that they sometimes miss out on during traditional education. Even though STEM focuses on science, technology, engineering, and math, if a teacher uses the techniques mentioned above, the youth is more likely to have interest in the subject (Faber, Unfried, & et al., 2013). So how should one distinguish interest in STEM and interest in the teaching technique? While this question is a little difficult to answer, it is helpful for educations to find out what their student’s general interests are, as STEM can be combined with these interests to satisfy the students’ and increase their increase in STEM. Not every student will enjoy all the activities related to STEM education or be comfortable in the traditional STEM setting as described above, but the activities can be tailored to address various students’ needs (Gerstein, 2015). This will help to ensure that you are increasing youth’ interests in STEM education. Thankfully, one of the best characteristics of STEM education is the ability to relate it to real-world situations. This alone can make or break youth’ interests. Having youth connect and reflect on the activity at hand will truly allow youth to invest in their own STEM education.Now the question at hand to be answered- what does STEM interest look like in youth? For this case study, a variety of “interests” were explored so the term “interests” is used as an umbrella term to include interest in STEM careers, knowledge, and perceptions/attitudes about STEM. For interests STEM knowledge and perceptions/attitudes we evaluated curiosity in the subject being taught or the activity completed, excitement about the subject/activity, description of feelings about the subject/activity (fun, enjoyable, interesting, etc), attitude or behavior during the activity, engagement/participation in the activity, and other discussions were all used to determine whether or not the youth were interested in STEM education (Gerstein, 2015). We also evaluated their perception on the importance of STEM both from an educational standpoint and from a world application standpoint. For interests in STEM careers we evaluated future interests in related career fields along with overall interests in STEM programming. Challenges in STEM EducationIncorporating positive youth development concepts into any program allows youth to develop key life skills while increasing interests in STEM. However, this can be difficult to accomplish. The point debated is, why should a youth participate when they are already being exposed to two STEM concepts in school? This is perhaps one of the biggest misconceptions. As previously mentioned science and math are currently taught in a formal school setting. However, these subjects are not taught in the same manner as STEM educational programs. Understanding the differences in educational techniques can help traditional educators and STEM instructors better implement true STEM educational concepts into formal and non-formal education (Astroth & Haynes, 2002). Extension has now been tasked with informing teachers, students, and most importantly the parents about the importance of 4H programming in their youth’ lives. Encouraging parents to get their youth involved in 4H programming will allow for more youth to be involved in a positive development situation while still having the opportunity to explore their interests and improve upon many life skills (Astroth & Haynes, 2002). Without student participation, there are no programs to be held. As a result, youth are not encouraged to do anything other than sit around and wait for opportunities to happen rather than making them happen. This challenge is also seen in schools. Parents are not actively participating in their child’s education which has led to a decrease in student interests (Astroth & Haynes, 2002; Thomasian, 2011). During our programs, we encourage parents to get involved both during the program and after the program’s completion by helping their child incorporate knowledge learned from programs to everyday practices at home such as math concepts or cooking in the kitchen. Another issue related to STEM programming includes the lack of concern among school administration officials about education relevant to real-world situations (Gerstein, 2015). While this is beginning to change due to a variety of STEM initiatives, including endorsement from President Barack Obama, there is still currently a push toward academic achievement that focuses on subject separation, testing, and an emphasis on the “basics” (Gerstein, 2015). Educators on the other hand, are pushing for an integrated teaching approach where testing is not as important. This lack of concern from administration has made it difficult to not only see how integrated STEM programming is important, but even more difficult to actually incorporate STEM programming concepts into the classroom (Chiu, Price, & Ovrahim, 2015). Educators are given little to no freedom in their classrooms which has further led students to become disinterested in school as a whole (Gerstein, 2015; Herschbach, 2011). If educators had the freedom to teach based on the educational needs of the students, then students would be more engaged and better equipped to handle real-world situations. With that being said, the new idea of incorporating STEM education both inside and outside of the classrooms has administrators taking another look. There are several alternative schools that have included various STEM educational concepts into their classrooms; as a result their students are testing higher and receiving a wealth of education beyond the core subjects (Chiu, Price, & Ovrahim, 2015). This has led the public school systems to check out their success and see if this model is something that can be incorporated into the public school systems. Not only are high schools continuing to be involved, but elementary schools and middle schools are joining the movement as well. Administrators and teachers are working more collaboratively to achieve the high scores for testing while also incorporating new STEM educational methods to help improve student performance. This is being seen on both national and state levels (Chiu, Price, & Ovrahim, 2015).However, even when STEM education is being implemented in schools, many teachers do not feel as if they are adequately prepared to teach STEM concepts. Most elementary school teachers are generalists in that they are able to cover a wide variety of content area. With administration pushing toward higher scores on testing, especially in reading and writing, STEM topics that are covered in school only have the spotlight of about 15 minutes during the school day (Chiu, Price, & Ovrahim, 2015). Though many teachers and administrators are anxious about bringing STEM education to the classroom, there are plenty of trainings, workshops, and resources to help make all involved more comfortable so that the students can gain something from their experiences (Chiu, Price, & Ovrahim, 2015; Gerstein, 2015). Perception of something plays a large role in whether we believe something or what it looks like. Unfortunately, the perception of STEM and what it represents has not been relayed clearly, consequently causing delays in the advancement of STEM education (Bybee, 2013; Chiu, Price, & Ovrahim, 2015). Many individuals simply view STEM as math and science but disregard engineering and technology as some believe math and science encompasses the concepts of engineering and technology; few truly understand what STEM encompasses (Bybee, 2013). This has resulted in one of the most highly limiting factors in STEM education. It has limited STEM education to “retain the traditional subject matter distinctions in school and to imagine that integrated learning is actually happening” (Herschbach, 2011). Furthermore, this misconception has led to STEM as a slogan rather than an educational definition. These misconceptions have led to separate issue that has limited STEM education; only men work in STEM related career fields. The idea that girls can only play with dolls and make-up has limited their ability to explore other passions such as science or technology. With STEM education rising in popularity, many girls are stepping up by expressing their interests in these subjects (The Girl Scouts Research Institute, 2012). One of the most well-known organizations for girls, The Girl Scouts, is taking a stand for girls in STEM and sharing their success stories with others. In a recent study they did, they found over 74% of girls were interested in STEM related subjects and are interested in the process of learning through problem-solving. With nearly half of the workforce comprised of women, it is time that the gender differences are put aside so that all involved can have the positive learning experience they desire in the field in which their passion is found (The Girl Scouts Research Institute, 2012). Despite all of the challenges STEM and extension have faced, the push has not stopped to increase these types of programming both in and out of schools.Role of Extension in STEMExtension is a service of non-formal education and learning activities provided to people throughout the country by providing research-based information through a variety of educational methods. One component of extension is 4H; this is the youth component where youth are involved in various clubs and activities. 4H strives to provide educational programming that promotes positive change and healthy lifestyles. According to Astroth and Haynes (2002), it has been demonstrated that participants of 4H are less likely to be involved in at-risk activities such as smoking or stealing and are more likely to be involved in the community. It was also shown that participants are more likely to develop self-confidence, social competence, and practical skills that often translate into real-world experiences (Astroth & Haynes, 2002). Even though this study was just in one state, Astroth and Haynes (2002) are not the only ones that have come to this conclusion. A national study from Tufts University by Lerner, Lerner, & Colleagues (2013) verified that the conclusion from Astroth and Haynes (2002) was in fact applicable on a national level. This study showed that individuals involved in 4H programming were more involved with school activities or clubs, participated in less at-risk behaviors, and had increased awareness of their responsibilities as a citizen (Lerner, Lerner, & Colleagues, 2013). Furthermore, Lerner, Lerner, & Colleagues (2013) agreed that the time spent out-of-school constitutes the largest block of time in a youth’s life; therefore, it is critical that extension and STEM play a large role in providing a positive alternative outside-of-school time so that youth are not going home to play video games all afternoon. By getting youth involved in 4H programming, we can decrease the number of youth involved in at-risk behaviors while increasing their knowledge on important topics. Furthermore, 4Hers are more likely to contribute to their community by taking on leadership roles in their school and community such as volunteer projects and leadership activities. In a world where leadership skills are increasingly important, it is key to instill these concepts into youth’ lives so that they may make a difference (21st Century Learning; Astroth & Haynes, 2002; Lerner, Lerner, & Colleagues, 2013).In order to have these positive effects, 4H clubs are designed to include eight concepts that contribute to positive youth development and consequently leadership skills (Astroth & Haynes, 2002). Along with the 4H mission which states, “The mission of 4-H is to assist youth, and adults working with those youth, to gain additional knowledge, life skills, and attitudes that will further their development as self-directing, contributing, and productive members of society.”, Virginia Cooperative Extension (2016) emphasizes these concepts while focusing on leadership and preparing for the future. These eight concepts include: Positive relationships with caring adultsOpportunities for self-determinationAn accepting and inclusive environmentOpportunities to contribute through community serviceA safe environment for learning and growingOpportunities to develop skills and masteryEngagement in learningOpportunities to be an active participant in life--now and in the futureThis project has aimed to include many of these concepts in the lesson plans so that these youth may continue to develop positively. This approach requires that young people have access to a long-term relationship with a caring adult, meaningful leadership experiences, and the opportunity to build skills. These factors result in competent, caring, connected, confident, young people of character who contribute to society.Looking ForwardWhere do we go from here? Since time spent out-of-school constitutes the largest block of time in a youth’s life, educators must provide students with the opportunity to explore their positive interests so that they can avoid at-risk behaviors. 4H programming provides youth with the opportunity to utilize their time spent out-of-school wisely by exploring STEM and other associated subjects through a non-traditional manner that is not often demonstrated in a school setting. Furthermore, many of the challenges discussed above can be addressed through 4H and STEM educational programming. With this being said, educators must work to increase STEM and extension-based programming both in the school system and during out-of-school time (Astroth & Haynes, 2002). Fortunately, the matter in which STEM material is presented follows along with 4H methods as well (Hom, 0014). As STEM and 4H programming continues to moves forward, educators are working hard to make positive changes so that STEM will no longer be perceived as a slogan but rather an educational design (Chiu, Price, & Ovrahim, 2015). In doing so, students will be exposed to new opportunities and possibilities that will hopefully lead students to making a positive contribution to the future of our country. As a result, not only will students be better equipped to handle real-world situations, but those not involved in STEM or extension will understand the importance of its education. Having a basic understanding, knowledge, and skills learned through STEM education can greatly help both students and educators make a positive impact in today’s society by educating others (Chiu, Price, & Ovrahim, 2015).Theoretical FrameworkThe theoretical framework that guided the development of this case study was experiential learning. Experiential learning as defined by The University of Colorado Denver Experiential Learning Center (2015) is “a process through which students develop knowledge, skills, and values from direct experiences outside a traditional academic setting.” Furthermore, this framework focuses on four main elements: reflection, critical analysis and synthesis; opportunities for students to take initiative, make decisions, and be accountable for the results; opportunities for students to engage intellectually, creatively, emotionally, socially, or physically; and a designed learning experience that includes the possibility to learn from natural consequences, mistakes, and successes (The University of Colorado Denver, 2015). This framework and process steps were used to guide the case study by allowing us to better understand how to develop best practices for STEM programming in extension education. Furthermore, the experiential learning theory was used as a guide for each lesson plan and other activities that are associated with this project. Each lesson plan and activity includes the steps of the theory including: reflection, critical analysis and synthesis, decision making, creativity, engaging activities, out-of-the-box thinking, motivation to learn the material, and student-led experiences. The lesson plans and activities were designed in a non-traditional manner including the Kolb experiential learning cycle so that they will increase youth motivation and excitement of the material being presented to them. Finally, the lesson plans and activities will directly relate to real-world experiences of their past and future so the youth can make missed connections. After the lesson plan or activity has been completed, the youth will have the time needed to reflect individually as well as with other youth which often leads to deeper critical thinking.One of the biggest focuses for experiential learning and STEM education is problem-solving and critical thinking rather than memorization. Traditional learning methods are often referred to as “meaningless” because little knowledge is retained or applied in context. Students often compete against each other to reach a correct answer. Experiential learning differs in that students work together and learn from each other’s experiences. Furthermore, it is a less structured approach that is designed to engage students through real-world problem-solving where students direct their success instead of the teacher (Kolb & Kolb, 2008; Northern Illinois University, 2015).Experiential learning also aims to increase student motivation. If students have a personal stake in what they are learning, then they are more likely to invest themselves fully. However, it is important to make sure the phases of experiencing, reflecting, and applying are present. These phases are what make experiential learning meaningful rather than meaningless. 4H often focuses on hands-on and learn-by-doing approaches. While these models can be effective, the experiential learning theory takes these models to the next step (Kolb & Kolb, 2008; Northern Illinois University, 2015).However, there is a process that needs to occur in order to go above and beyond the standard teaching models which often looks like the teacher standing in front of a classroom, lecturing with notes, with the students completing an activity based on the notes- with some differentiation depending on the topic and age group. The process for experiential learning looks quite different. The first step in the process is experiencing/exploring. This is when students actually perform or complete a hands-on and mind-on experience with little to no guidance from the teacher. The second step is sharing/reflecting which is when students share their results or observations with other students. Processing/analyzing is the third step which students further discuss, analyze, and reflect upon the experience so that they can relate their knowledge gained to current and future experiences. The fourth step is generalizing; this is where students connect their experience with real world experiences or examples that they can easily identify with. The final step is application. This asks the students, “now what”? Students use this final step to apply what they learned to other situations (Northern Illinois University, 2015).These process steps provide students with the hands-on experience they desire along with collaborative and reflective learning experiences so that they are fully engaged and have fully acquired new skills and knowledge. The take away point from it all is that the student learns from the experience rather than focusing on the quantity of the experience provided; quality experiences are more important. Chapter Three: MethodologyCase Study DesignThis project was a case study, which is used to answer an underlying question or questions of a single unit. Qualitative research methods are aimed to answer questions such as ‘why’, ‘what’, or ‘how’ (Ary, Jacobs, & Sorensen, 2010). These questions led us to search for the relationship between the emerging themes. Emergent themes are the basic building blocks of qualitative data that appear during the data analysis process that can lead be generalized or lead to a more specific insight (Patton, 2002). The case study looked at the 4H organization in Chesterfield County, VA. Secondary data was analyzed to arrive at a better understanding of youth interest in STEM education in the county. This information was used to better evaluate youth interest in STEM related programming in hopes that this knowledge will also be able to guide similar programming in the surrounding areas. The case study provided Chesterfield with an understanding of how the design of the program affects the learning environment and interests’ of individuals. Furthermore, any foreshadowed problems were addressed as a result of the study, which have been implemented into subsequent planning (Ary, Jacobs, & Sorensen, 2010). Target PopulationThe target population for this case study was youth who ranged in age from 6-14 years. Other factors such as race, family income, neighborhood classification/area, and gender were not used to determine our target population. A similar amount of participants per age group participated in the evaluation which helped the results from being skewed in regards to age differences.Subject SelectionThe participants for the case study were youth that signed up as part of STEM and non-STEM programs from the Chesterfield County Area. There were two non-STEM programs including two different Cooking Creations Camps. These programs were included to identify STEM interests in youth that were not directly part of STEM programs. There were three STEM related programs including Producing, Achieving, Striving, Success (P.A.S.S.), Introduction to Robotics, and Chesterfield Summer Rocketry Design and Competition. The race, gender, age, or any other identifying factors did not determine if they were asked to complete the questionnaire. Participants of all programs voluntarily took the questionnaire when they participated in one of the evaluated programs. We also kept track of those that signed up for a program but did not participate and those that did participate but never took the questionnaire for whatever reason; we noted their race, gender, and age. In total, there were 53 participants across each of the programs and ranged in age from 6-14 years old. These youth were selected as intact groups from existing programs. They were initially contacted through various methods including flyers, a maker expo, extension email, and other media sources. Lesson PlansIn order to ensure that the case study was implemented to the best of our ability I worked with another individual, Scott Woodard, who majored in architectural engineering from Virginia Tech, worked with 4H youth for over 10 years, and is completing his Master’s in STEM education. I have also taken several classes in youth development, including a STEM class and have also worked in 4H for the past three years. With the help of multiple STEM resources and advice provided from Assistant Professor Dr. Hannah Scherer in the Agricultural, Leadership, and Community Education department, we were able to create lesson plans for the STEM programs that included a variety of STEM strategies to help increase participant interests in STEM education while following the experiential learning model. Refer to appendices A and B for copies of the lesson plans.The Robotics program was part of a larger STEM institute. This program was created in order to introduce youth to STEM education and provide an atmosphere of positive youth development. The program began with an introduction to STEM and robotics then led into various robotics challenges and activities including catapults and ROVs. The P.A.S.S. was a preexisting program that promotes positive youth development. This program also focused on history, English, science, and math, but I only taught the STEM section. For this program we focused on connecting STEM activities and information to other subjects they focused on during the program.Non-STEM program lesson plans were created in conjunction with the 4H Youth Program Development coordinator in Chesterfield County, Jennifer Cobb. These programs were included to acknowledge if there were any interests’ differences between STEM and non-STEM program participants to help determine if STEM programs are effective in increasing STEM interests’ in youth. The two cooking camps were very similar, but had a few different activities and recipes since some of the participants participated in both camps. These lesson plans were not designed to directly include STEM educational concepts, but included some unintentional STEM related concepts. Refer to appendix G for copies of the lesson plans. Instrumentation For data collection instrumentation, the program instructors developed a questionnaire as an evaluation tool for the programs. The questionnaire included questions regarding their opinion about STEM education and the STEM program and was conducted at the end of the program. Participants were given the option to take the questionnaire verbally via iPad or through traditional written format.STEM Questionnaire- STEM programNote: The following answer was provided as a standard definition of STEM to the youth as a reminder. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. It allows you as a student to use a more hands-on approach when it comes to learning.Have you ever heard of STEM before participating in this program? If so, where have you heard of STEM before?Do you like STEM? And why?Do you see yourself having a future in STEM? Why or why not?Do you know what you want to be when you grow up? If so, what?What was your favorite thing about the program?What was your least favorite thing about the program?Would you take a similar program to this again?Is there anything you would do differently if you were to take the class over? Why or why not?Why do you think STEM is important? Explain your answer.STEM Questionnaire- Non-STEM program Note: The following answer was provided as a standard definition of STEM if the youth answered “No” to the first question. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. It allows you as a student to use a more hands-on approach when it comes to learning.center0Have you ever heard of STEM before?400000Have you ever heard of STEM before?4267200265430No0No3714750265430981075160655Yes00Yes1343025265430379095097791Explain to youth what STEM is. Continue with questions 4-7 listed below.00Explain to youth what STEM is. Continue with questions 4-7 listed below.228600107315Continue with questions 2-7 listed below.00Continue with questions 2-7 listed below.2. Where have you heard of STEM before?3. Do you like STEM and why or why not?4. Do you see yourself having a future in STEM? Why or why not?5. Do you know what you want to be when you grow up? If so, what?6. Would you be interested in taking a STEM-related program? 7. Why do you think STEM is important? Explain your answer.Data Collection All of the participants took part in the questionnaire verbally via iPad with no written responses even though they had the option to do so. If they chose to complete the questionnaire via the iPad, their responses were recorded digitally rather than typed or written out. The iPads recorded the participants’ responses to the data collectors’ questions verbatim as they were asked; the format for the questions was the same across the board. Participants were encouraged to speak freely, rather than limited to multiple choice answers. The results were not transcribed for the results of this study. The questionnaire, which is an evaluation of the evaluated programs, was used at the end of each program. Even though only two people collected the information, there was no selection bias since every participant who was present for data collection participated in the survey via the iPad. According to Cheng & Phillips (2014), one must consider all the variables that may potential affect the use of secondary data as well as how it determines analytic methods for previously collected data. There are strengths and weaknesses to using secondary data; therefore, it is important that one must consider these items and determine how it affects the results as well as if any other data needs to be collected. These considerations were taken into account for this project. Unfortunately, using secondary data meant that we were not able to address gaps in the data or other areas of data interests. We had to use the data available to address our objectives to the best of our ability. Furthermore, we acknowledged that the results from using secondary data cannot be generalized to a greater population without further research that is better able to address the limitations of this case study (Cheng & Phillips, 2014). Data Analysis We used secondary data previously collected from the programs in order to define and gauge what STEM interest looks like for youth in Chesterfield County. The data were also analyzed at to determine how the strategies used by educators actively engaged and increased youth’ interests. The data analysis for this case study was completed as described. The first step was to identify emergent themes from the data by listening to each student’s response to the questionnaire and making notes regarding the questions that were asked. Since I already had a sense of the themes due to surveying the students at the end of each program, I had an idea of what the data would look like. Once I listened to the responses, I found emergent themes that were able to address the case study objectives. The participants’ answers regarding their interest in STEM were divided into three themes: hands-on activities, problem-solving and critical thinking, and meaningful connections and reflecting; these same themes were used to determine strategies used by educators in the evaluated programs to increase interests in STEM education for elementary to middle school age youth. When asked about their future interests in STEM education, two themes emerged: participant future interest in STEM education and the importance/contribution of STEM education. After listening to the responses a second time, I develop a coding scheme to determine which theme the responses belonged under. In order to ensure adequate representation of the data and answering of the objectives, I repeatedly listened to the responses and double-checked for accuracy/precision when coding to avoid misrepresentation. I converged the data into the themes by pattern and similarities. In regards to participant responses, the quotes are verbatim including prompting a more detailed answered by the instructor. With younger participants, we didn’t want to omit any details so that the elements of a conversation and the context of the responses would not be ignored (Lacey & Luff, 2009). Chapter FourOutcomes, Discussion, and RecommendationsOutcomes and DiscussionOut of the 53 students who participated in the five evaluated programs, 35 responses were received to our questionnaire as part of the evaluation. There were 25 participants who participated in the Chesterfield 4H STEM programs, 3 participants who participated in the Chesterfield 4H non-STEM program but had experienced STEM programs in a school setting, and 7 participants who were neither in a Chesterfield 4H STEM program or another STEM program outside of Chesterfield 4H but participated in one of the Cooking Creations Camp. Before beginning their selected program, 18 of the 35 participants noted that they had heard of STEM before while 17 noted that had not. Fourteen of the students who had heard of STEM said that they had heard of it through their school. Table 4-1 shows the breakdown of the participants by the grade level that they will be entering into for the 2015-2016 school year. All results presented are a represented of participant responses. There were no negative responses recording regarding the questions asked. The quote chosen were able to adequately answer and provide representation of the total results from the population.Table 4-1. Participants’ Grade LevelGrade LevelNumber of ParticipantsSecond Grade7Third Grade5Fourth Grade6Fifth Grade4Sixth Grade4Seventh Grade3Eighth Grade0Ninth Grade6Describing Youth Interests’ in STEMThe first objective was to describe the STEM interest of the Chesterfield County youth ages 6-14 (grades 2nd-9th) that participated in at least one of the five evaluated programs. We had an overwhelming, positive response from the 35 participants. Overall, the participants from STEM and non-STEM programs had positive attitudes and interests toward STEM. All participants felt that STEM has and will continue to play an important role in their everyday life even if they care not interested in pursuing a STEM related career. The themes described below emerged during data analyses which were then aligned with the experiential learning theory. The interview questionnaire was designed to address student perception of STEM programming including how they felt about the STEM education as a whole. For the first objective, we described youth interests’ as curiosity in the subject being taught or the activity completed, excitement about the subject/activity, description of feelings about the subject/activity (fun, enjoyable, interesting, etc), attitude or behavior during the activity, and engagement/participation in the activity. Theme 1: Hands-on Activities. Hands-on activities are defined as activities that provide practical experience often involving the use of hands so it comes as no surprise that hands-on activities was an emerging theme. After all, actively engaging youth in hands-on activities with limited guidance from the instructor is a key component in the experiential learning theory (Northern Illinois University, 2015). Students felt that participating in hands-on activities allowed them to explore their creativity in way that they have not been able to do in a classroom setting. Furthermore, the creativity displayed during their hands-on activity or challenge made the activity more interesting because they were able to express themselves in a variety of ways (see Table 4-2). Being able to get their hands dirty, both physically and metaphorically, not only made the activities engaging but also more fun. Between the STEM and non-STEM programmers, it was evident that hands-on activities were not only fun to participate in, but also allowed the participants to apply their knowledge learned to an activity or challenge which allowed them to further challenge themselves and their ability. Even the non-STEM programs noted that they enjoyed more than just cooking food, but appreciated that they were able to apply different concepts and knowledge learned to the creation process of making the food. Table 4-2. Hands-on Activity ResponsesNameProgramGradeResponseKhiriRobotics Camp6“I liked that we were able to be creative and build cool things.”RileyCooking Creations Camp2“My favorite part was learning to use all the different appliances in the kitchen such as the oven, blender, and you know…everything else. My mom is always afraid I’m going to hurt myself so I don’t get to do much so hopefully now that I’ve gotten to work with them this week she’ll let me help at home.”MikeP.A.S.S.9“We got to use our hands to physically build and create something new which is something we don’t always get to do. We were given materials and we had to create something out of them.”AniyahRocketry Competition3“Building the rocket and the parachute was tough, but I liked that I was challenged and got to go through multiple designs before determining the best one for me. I also was able to add my own creativity which is something that we aren’t always encouraged to do.”NameProgramGradeResponseKhiriRobotics Camp6“I liked that we were able to be creative and build cool things.”Theme 2: Problem Solving and Critical Thinking. Problem Solving and the use of critical thinking skills were noted as the top favorite parts of the program for the participants’. The challenges provided during the programs required participants to think outside of the box. As seen in Table 4-3, the participants truly felt like they were being challenged to go above and beyond typical classroom thinking. Furthermore, participants also noted that in the problem-solving and critical thinking process, they were able to make connections including how things work together by building upon each other’s experiences outside of the classroom and teamwork in the classroom. Participants amongst the five evaluated programs agreed that while the challenges encouraged them to think outside the box, the challenges were also presented in a manner that they were able to relate to their daily lives.Table 4-3. Problem Solving and Critical Thinking ResponsesNameProgramGradeResponseJonathanRobotics Camp3“I enjoyed the challenges because we had to think outside of the box, but it didn’t feel like we were thinking; it was fun!”NoahRocketry Competition2“I liked that we were able to test out the rockets because it allowed me to see how it worked and what changes I needed to make. I had a lot of trouble building certain aspects so I had to do lots of research and experimenting to make sure it would deploy correctly. We even got to see each other’s rockets and test out different methods which really helped us all to build better rockets.”BrandonP.A.S.S.9“STEM allowed us to use team work and think outside of the box since we only were given certain materials.”Theme 3: Meaningful Connections and Reflecting. This theme is perhaps the most important piece of STEM education as it ties everything together; the participants from the evaluated programs agreed. Traditional learning methods are often referred to as “meaningless” because little knowledge is retained or applied in context. Increasing student motivation is also shown to increase interests in the subject; this is important to the personal development and growth of the participant. Having them take a personal stake in what they are doing and then reflecting upon their experience makes the connection to what they are learning meaningful rather than meaningless (Kolb & Kolb, 2008; Northern Illinois University, 2015). The participants felt that they were able to learn from their experiences and progress for future endeavors; one student even created a journal separate from the one required in the program in order to keep track of his learning experience (see Table 4-4). However, a journal is not the only way participants were able to reflect upon their experiences. Participants from STEM and non-STEM programs reflected both during the program and at the end of each day through activities, class discussion, and silent reflections.Table 4-4. Reflection ResponsesNameProgramGradeResponseMilesRocketry Competition7“I had my own separate journal from the rocketry competition booklet which really allowed me to see what I needed to work on. Reflecting back I was able to evaluate myself and see what I would do differently next time. I also liked that reflecting helped me make connections between what we were working on that I may not have noticed.”JeffP.A.S.S.9“I liked reflecting back on the experience because I thought of things that I would like to changes such as looking at things from another perspective.”AmiriRocketry Competition5“The journal was very helpful. It taught me how to get through the steps and processes and what they mean so I wasn’t just going through the process, but I was actually understanding and making connections during the process.” Future Interests in STEM EducationOur objective was not only to determine STEM interests in youth, but to also better understand how this type of programming could possibly impact their future decisions to continue in STEM programming. All 35 respondents said that they would be interested in participating in a STEM program in the future, even if science and math weren’t their favorite subjects in school. Furthermore, not all of them were interested in pursuing STEM as a future career but they still felt that STEM was important and should be available to more students their age. We also evaluated their perception on the importance of STEM both from an educational standpoint and from a world application standpoint. For interests in STEM careers we evaluated future interests in related career fields along with overall interests in STEM programming.Theme 1: Future interests in STEM. Thirty-five participants noted that they could see themselves have a future involving STEM education. All of the current STEM programming participants said that they would be interested in participating in the same STEM program they were currently in, participate in a different STEM program, or be a part of a STEM club. All of the non-STEM program participants agreed that they would be interested in participating in a STEM program or STEM club. Twenty-three of the respondents noted that they could see themselves have a future career involving STEM. Seven participants said even though they enjoyed the STEM program, they were not interested in pursuing a STEM related career field and five participants were unsure whether they would be interested. When asked what they wanted to be when they grow up, 11 participants said they would want to pursue careers in one of the STEM subjects. For the remaining 24 participants, 7 were undecided about their future while 18 others said that they were interested other fields. Participants from all five programs were spread across the various career fields. Some participants from the non-STEM programs indicated they wanted to be involved in STEM careers while some participants in STEM programs indicated that a STEM career was not in their future. Refer to Table 4-5 for the entire breakdown and Table 4-6 for participant responses.Table 4-5. Participants’ Career InterestCareer FieldNumber of participants interestedScience field2Math field1Engineering field7Technology field1Medical field2Personal services field (Cooking, hair, cosmetology)5Construction field1Agriculture field0Education field1English field0History field1Public service field (fireman, safety officer, policeman, etc)2Sports field4Other (Specify) 1 (Business Management)Table 4-6. Future Interests in STEM ResponsesNameProgramGradeResponseReniyahRobotics CampGrade 4Reniyah: “I want to be a race car driver when I grow up.” Instructor: “Do you think being a race car driver involves understanding STEM?”Reniyah: “Yes, I think STEM helps understand how everything works together.”RyanRocketry CompetitionGrade 6“STEM gives me a real future. It helps me prepare to become an engineer.”NatalieCooking Creations CampsGrade 2Natalie: “I’m interested in space.”Instructor: “What about space?”Natalie: “I like learning about the stars and planets. I also like fashion, but I think I would like to teach about space.”Instructor: “Do you think this relates to STEM?”Natalie: “Yes, because science and math are a large part of space. And technology too!”CenyaP.A.S.S.Grade 9Cenya: “I want to go into business management and own my own business.”Instructor: “Do you think that involves STEM in anyway?”Cenya: “No…wait…wait a minutes…yes! Actually it does!”Instructor: “How so?”Cenya: “I want to manage a variety of businesses. This will require mathematics for financial reasons, engineers to help build and maintain the businesses, technology to keep up with promoting the business and other management systems.” Theme 2: Importance/Contribution of STEM Education. For this theme we evaluated the importance of STEM to the students as well as how they perceived the importance or contribution of STEM to our society. Not only was every participant interested in STEM programming because they felt that is was a valuable part of their education, but they also believed that STEM education in general and STEM related field are a very important part of our society. Many of them agreed with one another that STEM not only guides you in how to build things, but also allows you to see how things work. The participants liked that they learned new information that wasn’t being taught in school and that they were able to apply to their personal life experiences. Many students, as noted in Table 4-7, agreed that STEM programming teaches team work, creativity, how to use limited resources, critical thinking skills, reflective thinking skills, and other technical and life skills helpful for future careers. The biggest take-away for the students was not that they learned about STEM; rather, they learned how to apply their knowledge and other developing life skills to everyday situations, even if the situation didn’t directly affect them. To them, STEM was not just another concept they learned about, but knowledge and a way of thinking that they could implement into something beyond the classroom walls.Table 4-7. Importance of STEM ResponsesNameProgramGradeResponseNaysiahRobotics Camp7“My favorite part of robotics was building all of the different projects, not just because they were fun but because we were able to use a variety of skills that will be helpful for the future.”WalterRocketry Competition6“Think about it this way…we couldn’t build bridges or buildings or cars or pretty much anything else without STEM. All of these things require engineers to help build and design. The other parts of STEM work together to help complete the design process.”JeffP.A.S.S.9“STEM is a good idea….it has helped me a lot. It has helped prepare me for high school and getting started after high school.”ElmerP.A.S.S.9“I liked that STEM taught us how the different subjects work together. For example, we got to investigate for our animal project by going outside and exploring the science and then for engineering we created our animals and everything and math and technology were tied in too.”AmiriRocketry Competition5“STEM opens you up to new things; you learn new things that we aren’t taught in school.”BrandonCooking Creations Camp6“I have only heard of STEM in my school, but it sounds like something I would really like. I love learning about new technologies and how they help make my life easier and fun. Taking this cooking camp showed me that technology is everywhere; it’s not just limited to the obvious things like TV, phones, and computers. I’m definitely interested in exploring more about technology and how STEM helps create the different types of technologies.”Strategies in STEM Education Our second objective was to describe the?strategies used by educators in the evaluated programs to increase interests in STEM education for elementary age youth through late middle school. The individual lesson plans were designed with STEM education in mind, even for the non-STEM programs. We aimed to use this knowledge in combination with experiential learning theory to produce lesson plans that would appeal to participant interests while still focusing on what STEM education is. The first strategy was a basic overall framework that was the same across the programs. A standard structure of a lesson plan that includes the estimated time, evaluation of the students, enabling objectives/study questions, materials, introduction, program activities and instruction, closure for the students, and then a final reflection for the teacher. The next strategy focused on the enabling objectives and evaluation of the students. Once we knew what we wanted students to achieve and understand at the end of each lesson, we were able to design program activities based on potential participant outcomes. The activities were designed to provide challenging problems that used team work, critical thinking skills, decision making, and a student-led approach to complete the activities. We included student motivation activities and other personal stakes such as holding competitions so the students would be invested in what they were learning and doing. The Science by Design model was developed with the help of Scott Woodard also helped me create the STEM lesson plans. This was used to guide the participants through these processes along with the Kolb experiential learning cycle (Kolb & Kolb, 2008). All of the activities were hands-on, allowing students to practice what they learned. Finally, the students were asked to reflect about their experiences both personally and as a team. Participants took each activity seriously, including the reflections which allowed them to truly learn and benefit from their experiences. Refer to appendices A, B, and G to see how the experiential learning theory was applied to the various lesson plans.The following is a breakdown of how our themes were implemented through our strategies and perceived by the participants. It was clear that these three components were successful strategies that were well-received.Theme 1: Hands-on Activities. Hands-on activities are one of the most common and critical components to successful STEM programming. Participants enjoy taking the knowledge they have learned and applying it to an activity. Since we wanted to increase participant interests, we wanted our participants to have fun in hopes that they would associate hands-on activities with STEM and that was exactly what happened. Many of the participants noted that the activities, projects, and challenges allowed them to explore and be creative while having fun- something that often isn’t achieved in a traditional classroom. After an introduction activity into the class, we immediately began incorporating hands-on activities throughout the lessons including the balloon challenge, practicing cutting with an X-Acto knife, and using kitchen appliances during challenges and other lesson activities. For the bulk of the lesson plans, we also used several hands-on activities as the focus. Examples include: marshmallow catapults and underwater ROV boats, several shorter, quick thinking challenges such as the shark cage in the P.A.S.S. program, and food challenges in the Cooking Creations Camps. Using a variety of hands-on activities allowed participants to be engaged, expand their knowledge on the subject, make connections, and just be kids; the combination of these things led to successful lesson plans and successful implementation. Participant responses shown in Table 4-8 describe why hands-on activities are one effective strategy used in STEM education.Table 4-8. Hands-on ActivitiesNameProgramGradeResponseSydneyCooking Creations Camp4“I loved that we got experiment with new foods and kitchen appliances that many of us had never even heard of or used before.”KiaraCooking Creations Camps3“I love technology. The cooking camp allowed us to experiment with technology in a different way that I haven’t been able experiment with in school.”NatalieP.A.S.S.9“The various challenges that were incorporated throughout the program on top of the main challenge were so much fun. I loved that we didn’t spend the entire time on one project, but that we were able to do several short activities which often tied in with a lesson to our main challenge.”Theme 2: Problem Solving and Critical Thinking. Perhaps the most important parts of a successful STEM program are the use of problem-solving and critical thinking skills. We effectively implemented this strategy by including problem-solving and critical thinking in all of the activities and projects. Students liked that they were encouraged to think outside of the box rather than to think inside the box like many classroom lectures. Using this strategy helped to keep participants engaged because they were challenged to work with others and by themselves to solve a common problem (see Table 4-9). Some examples as seen in the lesson plans (refer to appendices A, B, and G) include the balloon challenge, shark cage, ingredient challenges, and the ROV challenge with marbles. Participants enjoyed interacting with one another and learning about one another’s experiences that could then be applied to the proposed challenge at hand. Even though some participants struggled with this part, they still agreed that they liked working with other participants and using skills that will greatly help them in school and in the future. Table 4-9. Problem Solving and Critical Thinking ResponsesNameProgramGradeResponseNicholasCooking Creations Camp4“I really like math and science. We got to use these things while working with our groups during the final challenge. We had to measure and remember how the different foods tasted together.”MyaRobotics Camp3“I got to work with a lot of my friends which made the class more fun since I didn’t really want to be in the class in the first place. We kinda butted heads though because we had so many ideas and didn’t take the time to listen to one another. But you and Mr. Scott did different challenges that involved team work and problem-solving which helped us when it came to the catapult so that we could work together to come up with the best design.”MikeP.A.S.S.9“I’m an abstract thinker in school. My science teacher really pushed me to think outside what is considered normal. That really helped me during the different challenges we were given to solve. I’d like to think that I helped my team win by working from a non-traditional angle. These challenges were a little different than what I’ve done before though, so I still felt that we were able to really channel our inner critical thinking skills and use them to connect our personal experiences and ideas to solve them.”Theme 3: Meaningful Connections and Reflecting. While problem-solving and critical thinking help make lessons successful, everything is a waste of time without taking the time to make connections between the activities or personally reflect on the experience. It’s important to note that participants felt like they were able to gain and retain knowledge through their personal reflections. They wanted to take the time at the end of each day or session and evaluate how the day went because they wanted to make the next session successful. Using this strategy helped the students to truly immerse themselves into their program and take away more than just the interest of STEM, but a deeper connection between STEM concepts and their everyday lives (see Table 4-10). As previously mentioned, some of the younger students struggled with the depth of the material covered in the STEM programs. However, even those students persisted in their challenges as a result of talking about their experiences and working with other students. Table 4-10. Reflection ResponsesNameProgramGradeResponseBrittanyCooking Creations Camps5“At first I didn’t really realize that we were reflecting at the end of each day since we didn’t call it that, but once I realized what we were doing I tried to really focus and use what we had learned the previous day and apply it throughout the rest of the week. One night I went home and asked my mom if we could make the salsa and chips we made in class. I was so excited she said yes so I showed my mom everything we had to do. They were just as good when we made them at here! I can’t wait to make more recipes and try new things!”MeganCooking Creations Camp5“I’m not really good at math…like at all…but during this camp we had to measure and add different things together. Doing this math wasn’t as bad as what we have to do in school. I plan to think in terms of cooking in math from now on so that it will hopefully make more sense.”TylerRocketry Competition7“I’m not usually the person that likes to write or do work in general unless it involves sports, but the journal was actually kinda fun. Without it I wouldn’t have been able to get my parachute to work and I was the only one that got it to work! Even though I didn’t win, I felt proud of myself.”MihanRobotics Programs2“Everyone thinks we’re too young to understand what we’re going, but taking the time to think about what we did really helped me make sense of everything we learned in the program.” Tips for the FacilitatorHelping to create and implement all five of the programs was overwhelming and exciting to see all the potential. I was able to document my daily reflections at the end of each program as seen at the end of each lesson in appendices A, B, and G for more detail. Here are five tips that will help any facilitator of these programs be successful. Tip 1: Don’t complete these programs alone. It is important to have any extra set of hands when completing any one of these programs. There is a lot that could go wrong very quickly if not careful. Also having an extra set of eyes can ensure that the participants are practicing safe handling methods of the tools/equipment and can help keep students on track.Tip 2: “I do, we do, you do”. Complete this step process with the students each time when teaching something new or showing how to use a new tool. Show the participants how the item should be used, practice using the tool with them, and then let them used the tool on their own. If the item is misused by a participant, they are no longer allowed to use this item.Tip 3: Encourage, support, and be positive throughout the program. Participants will make mistakes, get frustrated, and not understand the material; however, let the students know it’s okay not to get it on the first try. Remind them that the Science by Design process is not linear; there could be many ways to solve a challenge, some designs will work better than others, other designs may need to be evaluated. It is also important for the youth to encourage, support, and help out one another during the programs. Tip 4: Constantly reflect. Reflection is an important key to making these programs successful because it can help with missed connections. It can be helpful to not only reflect at the end of each day, but at the end of each activity; there are often multiple take-away messages from each activity or challenge so having participants share their reflections can be beneficial to other students who may not have may a particular connection. It is also important to reflect because the facilitator may note that a particular concept needs to be revisited. While the participants should be the main guide of the discussion, the facilitator may need to help out when needed.Tip 5: Be flexible. This last tip is perhaps the most important tip of them all. You never know what could or will happen during a program so it’s best to be prepared. Being prepared means having extra activities in case there is time leftover, always be alert in case you have to change something around, and modify the program to suit the needs of your participants. Maturity levels, previous friends, and age differences can also affect the how smoothly the program runs along with the completion of the activities so it’s best to have alternative options.Chapter FiveRecommendations and ConclusionRecommendationsThe results from this case study agree with previous studies showing that youth enjoy non-traditional programming such as STEM education. Chesterfield County VCE strongly believes being involved in 4H or other STEM related programs can increase the chance of youth interests in STEM subjects in hopes that they will continue to pursue their interest in the future. As a result, more qualified individuals will be prepared to enter a field where they are much needed. The first recommendation is that youth programmers in extension need to step up by reaching out to more youth and offering quality programming so these issues can begin to be resolved as well as meet the needs of our youth. We believe that the existing STEM programs are successful in addressing youth interests’ in STEM; therefore, we recommend that finding new ways to market and reach out to youth is important while creating and implementing more STEM programs for those who are already involved. Furthermore, interests amongst youth was spread out amongst the participants of their interests in STEM so one must question do these programs truly help increase participant interests’ in the subjects being taught. In order to further examine this question, it is recommended that more research is done to better determine the effect of youth programming on increasing participants’ interests while also recruiting more youth to existing programs. As a volunteer with extension, my fellow colleagues from Chesterfield County Extension Office and I did not just want to introduce STEM programming into our programs in a traditional sense. Typically in Chesterfield, their extension programs involve some sort of lesson presentation on a topic that is followed by a related hands-on activity. While many youth still enjoy these programs, we now understand that going above and beyond traditional educational methods by providing challenging activities, critical thinking problems, and reflection opportunity can help increase youth excitement, engagement, and interests in programming. It is further recommended that STEM concepts should also be incorporated into non-STEM programs in order to introduce STEM related concepts early on in hopes that this will spark further interests. Chesterfield VCE believes that STEM programming and employing STEM educational methods is the start to accomplishing this task. Extension has the ability to reach out to hundreds, even thousands of people in their communities. Through the land-grant universities across the country, extension has teamed up with local and state governments to provide accurate, up-to-date information on current research. While many youth do not understand the positive benefits of participating in extension, specifically with 4H, it is critical that all parties involved utilize the resources from the land-grant universities and government agencies to keep them updated on the latest new and research-based information. With just over 1% of the youth of Chesterfield County being served through programming and a total of over 1,500 youth that the office came in contact with throughout the year of 2015, there is much room for improvement. It is recommended that more STEM programs are offered to youth of all ages along with the creation of a STEM club in Chesterfield.With the opportunity to reach out to many individuals across the county (both statewide and nationwide), this case study was conducted so that extension services in Chesterfield VCE could receive feedback from youth who participated in STEM and non-STEM programming on how 4H can better meet their needs through STEM education. It is recommended that Chesterfield VCE continue to effectively create and implement STEM programming and continue to be the catalyst for change. By developing and incorporating STEM education into extension education and youth development, Chesterfield 4H can assist with positive youth development. However, it is important to note that training for the facilitators of the programs needs to be available so that STEM strategies can be implemented correctly. Trainings should include background knowledge about STEM education along with workshops addressing how to effectively implement STEM educational strategies into the classroom and/or programming.ConclusionIn conclusion, there is still much work to be done in order to really help make a difference. However, 4H and STEM education can work together to help increase student interests in STEM. Chesterfield 4H is just beginning to help change the statistics regarding youth programming and STEM jobs within the county. As a result of this study, Chesterfield 4H is now able to understand how to address both the countywide and nationwide need for more qualified individuals in related fields through quality programming. Moving forward Chesterfield 4H, is striving to address the need for STEM education by implementing more STEM related programs and by creating a new STEM club in the county. Furthermore, many of the traditional methods used in 4H education tie in with STEM education which has allowed for an easy transition to providing quality STEM educational programming. Hands-on activities, critical thinking/problem-solving, and reflection are just a few of the commonalities and key components for successful STEM programming. Using these methods will allow programmers to effectively address student interests while also staying true to STEM education.ReferencesAry, D., Jacobs, L. C., & Sorensen, C. (2010). Introduction to Research in Education. (8th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.Astroth, K. & Haynes, G. (2002). More Than Cows & Cooking: Newest Research Shows the Impact of 4-H. Journal of Extension, 40(4), 1-11. , T., Newberry, P., & Grimsley, R. (2007, June). STEM Is Not Just A Four Individually Lettered Word. Paper presented at 2007 Annual Conference & Exposition, Honolulu, Hawaii. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2015, October). County Employment and Wages in Virginia – First Quarter 2015. Retrieved from Bybee, R.W. (2013). The Case for STEM Education: Challenges and Opportunities. Arlington, VA: NSTA Press.Cheng, H. G. & Phillips, M. R. (2014). Secondary analysis of existing data: opportunities and implementation. Shanghai Arch Psychiatry, 26(6), 371–375. doi: 10.11919/j.issn.1002-0829.214171Chiu, A., Price, C.A., & Ovrahim, E. (2015). Supporting Elementary and Middle School STEM Education at the Whole School Level: A review of the literature, presented NARST 2015 Annual Conference, Chicago, 2015. Faber, M., Unfried, A., Wiebe, E.N., Corn, J., & Walker Townsend, L. (2013). Student Attitudes toward STEM: The Development of Upper Elementary School and Middle/High School Student Survey. Retrieved from , J. (2015, August 13). STEM for Elementary School Students – How to Instill a Lifelong Love of Science. Retrieved from , D. R. (2011). The STEM Initiative: Constraints and Challenges. Journal of STEM Teacher Education, 48(1). Hom, E. J. (2014, February 11). What is STEM Education? LiveScience Contributor. Retrieved from Kolb, A. Y. & Kolb, D. A. (2008). Experiential Learning Theory: A Dynamic, Holistic Approach to Management Learning, Education and Development. Retrieved from , R. M., Lerner, J. V., & Colleagues (2013). The Positive Development of Youth: Comprehensive Findings from the 4-h Study of Positive Youth Development. , A. & Luff, D. (2009). Qualitative Data Analysis. The NIHR RDS for the East Midlands / Yorkshire & the Humber. Retrieved from , R.L., Worker, S. M., & Mahacek, A. (2011). Junk Drawer Robotics: Level 1 Give Robots a Hand. Lincoln, NE: National 4H Council.Northern Illinois University. (2015). Experiential Learning. Retrieved from , M.Q. (2002). Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods. (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.Shearer, D. A. and Vogt, G. L. (2011). ROCKETS. Educator’s Guide with Activities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Retrieved from and Ag Food Council. (2014). STEM/Annual Report 2014. Retrieved from , M., Moore, T. J., & Roehrig, G. H. (2012). Considerations for Teaching Integrated STEM Education. Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research, 2(1), 28–34. DOI: 10.5703/1288284314653The Girl Scouts Research Institute. (2012). Generation STEM: What Girls Say about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Retrieved from , J. (2011). Building a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education Agenda: Update of State actions. Black Point Policy Solutions, LLC. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices. The University of Colorado Denver. (2015). What is Experiential Learning? Retrieved from of Wisconsin-Extension. (2015). 4-H Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Programs. Retrieved from US Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2014). STEM 101: Intro to Tomorrows Jobs. Retrieved from Employment Commission. (2016). Virginia Community Profile Chesterfield County. Retrieved from Cooperative Extension. (2016). About 4H/Youth- Mission, Vision, Slogan, Motto, and Pledge. Retrieved from , E. & Iksan, Z. (2007). Promoting Cooperative Learning in Science and Mathematics Education: A Malaysian Perspective. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 3(1), 35-39.Appendix A: Lesson Plans for Robotics CampAcknowledgmentsThese lessons and the containing activities were adapted from the 4H Junk Drawer Robotics (2011) national curriculum. Mahacek, R.L., Worker, S. M., & Mahacek, A. (2011). Junk Drawer Robotics: Level 1 Give Robots a Hand. Lincoln, NE: National 4H Council.Program OverviewDescription: This program provides an introduction to what STEM is and how to apply STEM concepts through a variety of educational activities. This program specifically focuses on robotics through hands-on challenges and other group activities. Lesson Topics: Robotics, Science by Design, Catapults, ROVsTarget Age Group: 7-10 years old, 11-14 years oldLesson Time: 1 hour, 15 minutes Total Time: 15 hoursRobotics (Introduction)Week 1 – Monday/TuesdayEstimated Time: 1 hour, 15 minutesEvaluation: Overview of design process using instructor observation and student prompting during the open discussion on the design process.Enabling Objectives / Study Questions:SWBAT…Recite and follow the classroom expectations for the robotics program Have a basic understanding of each step in the engineering/technology design processDescribe how the design process is used to design and construct a physical prototypeDefine “technology” and “engineering” and describe how each impact our daily livesDefine and give examples of the 4-H Essential Element “Generosity” while working in the Robotics classMaterials, Supplies, Equipment, References, and Other Resources:Note cardsPencilsDesign Process PosterClassroom Expectations Poster4-H Life Skills Wheel PosterIntroduction (Motivation): 30 minutesIce-breaker Game (30 minutes): Have students write down 2 truths about themselves and 1 lie. Students have to introduce themselves by saying their name, age, grade then readings their truths and lie. Other students must guess which one is the lie. After guessing, the student reveals the correct answer and explains each option. Once everyone has gone, students form groups of 3 with someone they do not know, but has similar interests as learned from the ice-breaker. They will be in these groups during the next lesson.Programming Activities and Instructions: 30 minutesIntroductionsIntroduce educators and let students ask any (appropriate) questions regarding the instructors to get to know them a little betterIntroduction to Junk Drawer Robotics and the activities that the students will choose to participate inGive students a choice of 4-5 different activities and let the class vote on the three top activities they would like to tryIntroduce the expectations for behavior and engagement in the classHave the class discuss and add any expectation/rule they feel are necessary for the entire class to learn as a communityWrite these expectations on the board and keep them there for the duration of the program and visible to all studentsGo over the design process Use example of designing a chair, having each student pretend they have their own design company. Introduce the problem (instructor’s bad back) and slowly go through each step in the design process, making sure to continuously prompt student discussion on what they think each step in the design process means and what actions would be taken by them if they were designing a chair for the instructor.Make sure to note that the design process is not linear in fashion and each step can be used at any time the designer feels it is necessary to implement.Closure: 15 minutesDiscuss with students the process for coming in the classroom each day. Discuss what students will be doing next session (science by design)Review design process and make sure the students understand that they can reference the design process poster at any timeReflection:Students were receptive to learning about other students they did not know. The first session on Monday and Tuesday were a little strange because students kept coming in at 15 minute increments for the first 45 minutes of class though the other classes were on time. However, this was disruptive to the other students.-1905022860???Evaluation & Presentation?Background Research ?Develop Personal & GroupIdeas?Identify & Define the Problem?Constructing a 2-D or 3-D Model00???Evaluation & Presentation?Background Research ?Develop Personal & GroupIdeas?Identify & Define the Problem?Constructing a 2-D or 3-D Model26193756233160?Select Suitable Design00?Select Suitable DesignRobotics – Introduction to Robotics and DesignEstimated Time: 1 hour, 15 minutesEvaluation: Have them reflect on how they applied the design process for their tower/straw balloon design challenge.Enabling Objectives / Study Questions:SWBAT…Apply and reflect on the design process while participating in the design challenges for the day.Work in a team to solve a problem using engineering/technology design.State what basic robotics is and give examples of things that use robotics to improve the daily lives of living things.Explain the importance of communication when working in a team to design one prototype.State how manipulating certain materials to change their function helps in design.Materials, Supplies, Equipment, References, and Other Resources:Note cardsScissorsStraws StringBalloonsTapePlaydohPaper clipsIntroduction (Motivation): 10-15 minutesIce-breaker Game: Have students get in their groups and find out three new facts about each member in their group. Once this is done, the instructor will discuss the design challenges for the day and show examples of similar designs that work (towers/structures used to hold heavy weights up, vehicles that are powered by air/balloons). Make sure to discuss the 4-H Essential Element of “Mastery” and relate it to the design process (in the background research stage, a successful practice is to see what designs have solved a similar problem).Programming Activities and Instructions: 50-60 minutesDesign Challenge #1: Move The StrawEach group will need: String, Scissors, 2 Balloons, Tape, 3 StrawsStudents will collect supplies given and go out into hallway. They are told they have to move one straw from one side of the wall to the other only using the supplies given. They are not told any other rules such as where to tie the string, how the straw has to move, or how to use the balloons; however, they are not allowed to push the mechanism designed to move the straw. Students are given 20 minutes to solve the problem and move the straw from one wall to the other. Reflect about the challenges they encountered and what they did to solve the challengeDiscuss how their group worked together to solve the challengeDesign Challenge #2: Build a TowerEach group will need: A set of note cards, Scissors, Straws, Paper clips Students will collect supplies needed and work at their designated table to complete the challenge. Students are told that they are stranded on an island and must build a structure at least 12 inches tall so that their food (aka: playdoh) will not be eaten by the animals on the island. The structure must hold the playdoh without collapsing. Instructor should continuously move around the classroom and observe how the groups are working together to solve this problem.Make sure to pay close attention to how students are manipulating their materials to build a tower and prompt groups to explore how each material can be changed/altered to solve the problem successfully.Closure/Summary: 15 minutesDiscuss with the students how they were able to manipulate the materials they were given to solve the problem at hand for each design challenge.Ask for volunteers to explain the difficulties their group had and how they were able to get past them to solve the problem.Reflection of the DaySome students had previously known each other, but were good at working with other students they did not know. This is important for future design projects. Knowing that the students were able to work in groups the instructors put them in will make things a lot easier for future design challenges. The students really enjoyed these small design problems and were more engaged in them than I thought they would be. Explaining why these challenges are important when it comes to robotics helped immensely. Robotics- Marshmallow Launcher Introduction and Start Estimated Time: 3 hoursEvaluation:Have students briefly reflect on and discuss the initial strengths/weaknesses they observed their design team having when trying to bring up to 4 individual designs into making one team design. (Day 1)Have students briefly reflect on and discuss the importance of having a plan set when ready to start building their team design. (Day 2)Enabling Objectives / Study Questions:SWBAT…Draw a 2D sketch/plan of their individual marshmallow launcher design.Effectively communicate their individual designs to their design team members so the team understands what each design is and how it can work.Work as a team to pick a suitable design (either an individual students design or a combination of all members’ designs)Decide which part of their design the team should start building first (always start with the foundation)Discuss the 4-H Essential Element of the day (Independence – Day 1 and Belonging – Day 2)Materials, Supplies, Equipment, References, and Other Resources:Pencils and paperLaptop for background researchCrafting sticksHot glue guns and glueTape (masking, duct, painters, etc.)Binder clipsDowel rods of varying sizesIntroduction (Motivation): 15 minutesHave students get into their design teams (3-4 students) and show the class different examples of catapults/launchers that have been designed in the past. Encourage students to take notes (writing/drawing) on any idea or design they would like to use or research further for their team design).Programming Activities and Instructions: 120 minutesDesign Team Initial Sketches (30-45 minutes)Each group will need: One sheet of paper/pencil for each student in the design teamDiscuss the 4-H Essential Elements of “Independence” and “Belonging” as related to individual and team designs and the communication/teamwork that will be needed.Give each design team some paper and pencils. Have each student come up with their individual design they would like to build. Prompt each student to think back to the examples they were shown at the beginning of class to spark ideas.After 15-20 minutes, have the students get back into their design teams and have each student communicate their design to their team. Prompt students to take notes on each individual design they listen to. Once all designs are discussed, have the design teams take 15-20 minutes to discuss which design they feel would be the most suitable design to work on. Remind them that they can choose one student design or combine certain aspects of each to make a new one. If the design teams decide to combine the individual designs, they will need to make a new sketch of their new catapult/launcher. Once teams have decided on a design, they will need to get the instructor’s permission to begin the next steps. This step is used to make sure that each team design can be built in a suitable amount of time and is a realistic design.Thinking Like an Designer – Sorting Materials (15 minutes)Each group will need: Crafting sticks, Paper clips, Dowel rods, Binder clips, Any other material at your disposal – make sure to have a wide variety of materials (color, shape, function, etc.)Have design teams use the materials given to begin sorting them in different piles (i.e. function, color, shape, or any other characteristic you can think of).Have design teams come up with their own sorting characteristics and have them sort the materials accordingly.Hot Glue Gun Usage and Tips (15 minutes)The instructor will need: Two hot glue guns with hot glue, Crafting sticksThe instructor will demonstrate how to use the hot glue guns safely and effectively. Make sure to go over what parts are extremely hot and discuss possible reasons why someone could get burned by using them in an unsafe way. Also make sure that someone can get burned or hurt even if the student using the hot glue gun is extremely careful (messing around near someone using the hot glue, distracting the user, etc.)Design Team Marshmallow Catapult/Launcher Design – 75 minutesMaterials needed for the design teams: Junk Drawer Robotics supplies, Crafting sticks, Dowel rods, Tape of various types, Glue of various types, Hot glue guns, any other building supplies such as plastic plates/cups Once a design team has had their design approved by the instructor, they will begin working on their prototype.The instructor will continuously walk around the classroom and observe each group for effective communication and teamwork.Make sure that if a design team has a question or wants to pass an idea off to the instructor for advice, have them raise their hand or have one individual from the team walk up to the instructor and ask for help.In order to make sure design teams do not use more materials than they need, each team will need to ask permission and give reasoning behind the amount of supplies they are asking for (i.e. they might ask for 20 crafting sticks for their launcher base but might only need to use 10)The instructor needs to be on his/her toes during the entire design process. This is a very active, hands-on activity for the students and a lot will be happening at various levels throughout the process. Closure/Summary: 15 minutesHave each design team briefly discuss what they have been working on to the classAsk if they have any questionsExplain what they’ll be doing for the next weekReflection of the DayThis was a very interesting first major design challenge experience for everyone involved. Although the students worked together very well in their design teams, the age difference between students (7-13 year olds) in the same design teams provided a few unplanned complications. It was extremely important for me to continuously be on my toes more than normal to make sure all teams were “getting along”. The difference in maturity levels within teams was very apparent at the beginning of the challenge when students were discussing their individual ideas. They found it difficult to compromise on one design due to students wanting to do “their” design. This provided a great opportunity to discuss how design teams in the real world work together to figure out all problems, not just design problems. I made sure to tell all students that this is part of the design process when working with other designers. I ended up pulling the oldest students from each group away for a brief side discussion on how they could be the leaders of the group and what leadership actually means. They all took that challenge to heart and ended up doing a great job diffusing difficult situations within the teams for the remainder of the day. Overall, I was very pleased with the progress each team showed throughout the week. It was difficult to keep a few groups together due to lack of attendance from some students/centers. A few groups had to be regrouped to keep the momentum for those students who regularly attended.Robotics- Marshmallow Launcher Design ContinuationEstimated Time: 3 hoursEvaluation:Have students briefly reflect on and discuss the strengths/weaknesses they observed their design team having when trying to figure out how to construct and test a firing apparatus.Have students briefly reflect on and discuss the strengths/weaknesses they observed their design team having when trying to figure out how to take two separate prototype elements and combine them into one overall design.Enabling Objectives / Study Questions:SWBAT…Actively use the design process to continue working on their marshmallow launcher.State the importance of the “testing” step in the design process and how it helped them alter and/or continue their team design.Explain how a catapult/slingshot apparatus fires a projectile using scientific terms such as force, torsion, momentum, etc.Discuss how different materials have varying strengths and weaknesses when used in construction (what materials are good for building the support structure, what materials are good for building the launcher arm, etc.)Discuss the 4-H Essential Element of the day “Generosity”Materials, Supplies, Equipment, References, and Other Resources:Pencils and paperLaptop for background researchCrafting sticksHot glue guns and glueTape (masking, duct, painters, etc.)Binder clipsDowel rods of varying sizesVarious other building materials at your disposalIntroduction (Motivation): 15 minutesHave students get into their design teams (3-4 students) and go over with the entire class the next steps in their design process. Have an example of a launcher that is not completely finished but is at the stage where it needs to be tested. Launch a projectile and actively discuss your own thought process about the test and what you observed. This is a very important step for the students to understand. Modeling this behavior to the class will give them some tips on how to effectively test their own design and what they will need to observe during the test in order to see what works and what doesn’t.Programming Activities and Instructions: 150 minutesMarshmallow Launcher Design Continuation – 60-75 minutesMaterials needed for the design teams: Junk Drawer Robotics supplies, Crafting sticks, Dowel rods, Tape of various types, Glue of various types, Hot glue guns, any other building supplies such as plastic plates/cupsDiscuss the 4-H Essential Elements of “Generosity” as related to encouraging your team members and providing positive/constructive feedback to other teams. This is an important step if your goal is to create a true community of learners.Show examples of catapult launches in action. Show more examples than just catapults but also include slingshots and other various launchers. Have students take notes on what they observe after each example and have a discussion on what they saw. Prompt a discussion on what happened and how the projectiles were launched (go over force, torsion, momentum, etc.)Have design teams continue their designs with a focus on the launching apparatus they want to implement.During this step, the design teams need to continuously test the launching apparatus to optimize performance (projectile distance).When teams are ready to test, have them go out into the hallway (have a testing area already set up) to test their launching apparatus with a focus on getting the most distance out of the launcher. During this phase, the instructor needs to be very observant to each team test and be ready to give advice on what they saw and potential solutions. Do not just give answers or solutions but prompt each team to figure it out by asking questions.Attaching the Foundation to the Launcher – 60-75 minutesMaterials needed for the design teams: Junk Drawer Robotics supplies, Crafting sticks, Dowel rods, Tape of various types, Glue of various types, Hot glue guns, any other building supplies such as plastic plates/cupsShow students examples of construction methods that may be useful for them when combining their foundations and launcher arm/apparatus. Have students take notes on anything they see that they like.Design teams will use construction methods and suitable materials to connect their foundation and launcher apparatus to make one complete prototype.During this process, the teams will need to continuously test their construction methods to see if the structure will be solid when launching multiple times. Closure/Summary: 15 minutesHave each design team briefly discuss what they have been working on to the classAsk if they have any questionsExplain what’ll they’ll be doing for the next weekReflection of the Day:This was by far my favorite part of the first major design challenge. The testing phase in the design process is in my mind the most important to teach to students. When it comes to problem solving in general, testing theories/ideas is a very important process. In regards to the design process, more is learned from the testing stage than any other time for students. Although they greatly enjoyed testing their launching arm prototypes, I believe they equally enjoyed the careful observation of how their design functioned during the tests. I was expecting the groups to just test 2-3 times and go back to building since they just love to make things. I was pleasantly surprised to have teams ask for more time to test. I noticed that most groups would test a few times then get together to discuss what they saw and what they should test next, i.e. pulling back the slingshot only half way or changing the trajectory of their projectile by increasing/decreasing the launch angle. I also noticed that once the teams got back into the main classroom to continue building/altering their design, they were much more engaged and focused than before. In future design programs, I think that this stage of the process should be emphasized more than in the past. I noticed a complete change in a lot of students in regards to their engagement and connection to their design. Some students who were not participating with their team nearly as much (being shy, lower self-esteem, not wanting to be there), were much more active within their group afterwards. Robotics- Marshmallow Launcher Design Completion/CompetitionEstimated Time: 3 hoursEvaluation:Have students briefly reflect on and discuss the strengths/weaknesses they observed their design team having when trying to figure out what final changes were needed to get their prototype ready for the competition. (Day 1)Design teams will participate in a class marshmallow launcher competition to see which team’s launcher can shoot a projectile the farthest. Student teams will be responsible for measuring the distance for each shot (3 total shots) and record each shot on a competition team log. (Day 2)Have an entire class closing discussion on the design challenge. Prompt the students to discuss their own experience participating in the design process by inquiring about the science behind launching a projectile (slingshot, catapult), what difficulties/strengths their design team showed throughout the design, give examples of how they individually experienced/shown the four 4-H Essential Elements during the challenge, and what life skills they learned were more important than they previously thought. (Day 2)Enabling Objectives / Study Questions:SWBAT…Actively use the design process to continue working on their marshmallow launcher.State the importance of the “testing” step in the design process and how it helped them finish their design.Explain how a catapult/slingshot apparatus fires a projectile using scientific terms such as force, torsion, momentum, etc.Discuss how different materials have varying strengths and weaknesses when used in construction (what materials are good for building the support structure, what materials are good for building the launcher arm, what materials are good for providing structural reinforcement, etc.)Discuss all four 4-H Essential Elements and how they experienced each during this first design challenge.Measure accurately the distance a projectile shot from point of launch to where it lands.Record launching results and add total distance of launches to find overall distance.Reflect on their experience and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses working in a design team. They will use this information to improve their experience for the next design challenge.Materials, Supplies, Equipment, References, and Other Resources:Pencils and paperLaptop for background researchCrafting sticksHot glue guns and glueTape (masking, duct, painters, etc.)Binder clipsDowel rods of varying sizesVarious other building materials at your disposalIntroduction (Motivation): 15 minutesHave students get into their design teams (3-4 students) and go over with the entire class the next steps in their design process. Have two examples of launchers ready to show the class (one that is already proven to be structurally sound and one that is already proven to breakdown after a few launches). Continually test your launchers without using a projectile with a focus on observing how the entire structure performs after continuous use. Openly discuss your thought process while performing this test. This is a very important step for the students to understand. Modeling this behavior to the class will give them some tips on how to effectively test their own design and what they will need to observe during the test in order to see what works and what doesn’t.Programming Activities and Instructions: 150 minutesMarshmallow Launcher Design Completion – 60-75 minutesMaterials needed for the design teams: Junk Drawer Robotics supplies, Crafting sticks, Dowel rods, Tape of various types, Glue of various types, Hot glue guns, any other building supplies such as plastic plates/cupsRemind the class that this will be the last day to work on their launchers. They need to use their time very wisely. Explain that this part of the design competition can make or break the overall performance of their launcher compared to other designs in the competition. Have design teams continue their designs with a focus on making any final changes to their design/making it structurally sound.During this step, the design teams need to continuously test the launching apparatus to optimize performance (projectile distance and how many launches it can stand before showing structural problems).When teams are ready to test, have them go out into the hallway (have a testing area already set up) to test their launcher with a focus on getting the most distance out of the launcher and checking for structural integrity. During this phase, the instructor needs to be very observant to each team test and be ready to give advice on what they saw and potential solutions. Do not just give answers or solutions but prompt each team to figure it out by asking questions.Remind students when there is 30 minutes left in class. This needs to be done with an emphasis on finishing their design up and storing it for the competition. Have students label their launchers and group them by class for the competition later in the week.Launcher Competition Day – 60-75 minutesMaterials needed for the instructor: 25 foot measuring tape, masking tape, permanent marker, recording logs, marshmallows/other safe projectileMaterials needed for the design teams: Junk Drawer Robotics supplies, Crafting sticks, Dowel rods, Tape of various types, Glue of various types, Hot glue guns, any other building supplies such as plastic plates/cups, pencilsHave design teams spend 5 minutes getting ready for the competition. Emphasize team preparation and strategy for this discussion.Have each team pick a number from 1-50. The team with the closest number to the one the instructor was thinking gets to choose if they shoot first or last. Go down the list to the next closest number and ask them the same thing. Continue this process until all teams are in order. This should only take around 2 minutes.Bring students to the already prepared competition area (large foyer outside of cafeteria) and have them sit with their design teams.Explain rules for the competition, discussing the order in which the teams will launch, the rules for measuring and recording their results, and what to do after they are done.Each team will get 3 shots with their launcher. After each shot, the team will record the distance and record it on their team recording log. The instructor will observe this process to maintain accurate results and will also record the final results.After all teams are done, bring them back into the classroom to go over competition results.Closure/Summary: 20 minutesHave an entire class closing discussion on the design challenge. Prompt the students to discuss their own experience participating in the design process by inquiring about the science behind launching a projectile (slingshot, catapult), what difficulties/strengths their design team showed throughout the design, give examples of how they individually experienced/shown the four 4-H Essential Elements during the challenge, and what life skills they learned were more important than they previously thought.Explain what’ll they’ll be doing for the next weekReflection of the Day:This was just a fun but stressful week. The design teams worked extremely hard finishing up their launchers and the stress of this started to show a little. I noticed that some teams were getting a little bit tense about what should be done to maximize the performance of their design. I see this as a good thing because it allowed each team to experience something that happens all of the time in design. They were all able to eventually compromise and work as a team to finish. They showed a lot of pride in their work and all groups seemed to be ready for the competition by the end of Monday/Tuesday. The competition was just a fun way to end this design challenge. I was happy to see that the students listened and followed through with the idea that the entire class is a community of learners. Each group received a lot of praise and encouragement from the other groups. Moving forward, the competition part of this activity should show more emphasis on mathematics. It is a natural vehicle to teach about precise measurement and averaging. After a little more though, I am sure there could be additional opportunities to integrate math into the competition.Robotics- Underwater ROV IntroductionEstimated Time: 75-90 minutesEvaluation:Have students discuss how they used their knowledge on surface area, weight distribution, and buoyancy to make the strongest aluminum foil boat possible.Have students discuss how they used their experience using materials to construct a prototype to manipulate the aluminum foil.Have students discuss how understanding surface area, weight distribution, and buoyancy can help them build a successful underwater ROV that displays neutral buoyancy.Enabling Objectives / Study Questions:SWBAT…Actively use the design process to construct a strong aluminum foil boatApply their knowledge on surface area, weight distribution, and buoyancy to construct a strong aluminum foil boat that can hold a lot of weight without sinking.Manipulate a delicate material such as aluminum foil to construct a solid object.Reflect on their design experience and share strengths/weaknesses with the class.Materials, Supplies, Equipment, References, and Other Resources:8 rolls of aluminum foil2 Large tub filled with water100 flat glass decorative marbles (any other small but weighty object will work)PaperPencilsComputers for researchIntroduction (Motivation): 15 minutesDiscuss with the class the next design challenge. Go over what ROVs are (Remotely Operated Vehicles) and how they have impacted our world. Give examples like drones, underwater submersibles, the Mars Rover, bomb diffusing robots, etc. End this conversation with underwater ROVs and discuss possible applications for them. Programming Activities and Instructions:Aluminum Foil Boat Weight Challenge– 60 minutesMaterials needed for the instructor: Large tubs full with water (2), Bags of glass decorative marbles (2)Materials needed for the design teams: Aluminum foil (1 roll), 1 sheet of paper/pencil for each studentHave students get into design teams of 3-4. Discuss the concepts of surface area, weight distribution, and buoyancy with the class. Use examples of each in a way where most students can relate, i.e. the surface area of a body when they do a belly flop compared to a pencil dive and how the body enters the water for each. Weight distribution can be discussed through the example of being in a canoe compared to a raft. Give each design team the needed supplies and ask them to first sketch out their designs for the aluminum foil boat. Explain that they will be designing a boat that not only floats but can hold as many glass marbles as possible before sinking.The instructor needs to be on his/her toes during the entire design process. This is a very active, hands-on activity for the students and a lot will be happening at various levels throughout the process. Allow teams to test their design at any time by placing it in the tub and then placing marbles in it until it sinks. During this step, have the teams carefully observe their boat and how it acts while the weight increases. Observe how the teams place the marbles in the boat and look for ways to discuss weight distribution and surface area with them. Record the highest number of marbles held on the board to give each team a number to reach for.Have students clean their design areas once done.Discuss the idea of neutral buoyancy and how the three previously mentioned concepts can influence it.Closure/Summary: 15 minutesHave the students volunteer to discuss how they changed their boat design to increase surface area and buoyancy.Have students discuss, if at all, how they changed their strategy of placing the marbles in the boat. Focus on weight distribution and how that can change the buoyancy of an object.Explain what they’ll be doing for the next week.Reflection of the Day:This was a decent way to introduce the scientific concepts needed to be understood in order to make a successful underwater ROV. They found it more difficult than they first thought it would be and were really surprised to see how easy it was to sink their boat once weight was added. They seemed to understand the concepts of surface area, weight distribution, and buoyancy pretty well afterwards and looked to be ready to start on their simple ROV design challenge. Robotics-Beginning the Underwater ROV Design ChallengeEstimated Time: 75 minutesEvaluation:Have students discuss how they used their knowledge on surface area, weight distribution, and buoyancy contributed to the decisions they made in regards to their ROV design.Have students discuss the different sizes and functions of underwater ROVs.Have students discuss how understanding surface area, weight distribution, and buoyancy can help them build a successful underwater ROV that displays neutral buoyancy.Students will explain the function of each component of their ROV design (motor, propeller, floating mechanisms, weights, etc.)Enabling Objectives / Study Questions:SWBAT…Actively use the design process to begin building the overall structure of their ROV.Apply their knowledge on surface area, weight distribution, and buoyancy to construct a strong ROV that can hold all necessary components.Explain how the battery provides power for the motor to turn the propeller to make the ROV move.Reflect on their design experience and share strengths/weaknesses with the class.Materials, Supplies, Equipment, References, and Other Resources:Small electric motorSmall propellersOne 6-volt batteryInsulated electrical wire1 large tub with waterPaperPencilsCrafting sticksPaper clipsDowel rodsGlue gunsHot glueRubber bandsPing pong ballsStringAny other various building suppliesIntroduction (Motivation): 15 minutesGo over neutral buoyancy and what they learned during the boat design challenge the day before. Have an ROV ready to show the class. Place the ROV in the tub of water and have the class observe how it sinks to the bottom. Make sure that this ROV is not finished and will not show neutral buoyancy (no floatation devices of any kind). Have the class carefully observe if the ROV tips to one side due to uneven weight distribution, how fast it sinks, etc. Go over possible ideas to fix this problem.Programming Activities and Instructions:Underwater ROV Frame Construction – 45 minutesMaterials needed for the instructor: Large tub full with waterMaterials needed for the design teams: Junk Drawer Robotics supplies, Crafting sticks, Dowel rods, Tape of various types, Glue of various types, Hot glue guns, any other building supplies Have students get into the same design teams they were in for the boat challenge. Give each design team the needed supplies and ask them to first sketch out their designs for the underwater ROV. The instructor needs to be on his/her toes during the entire design process. This is a very active, hands-on activity for the students and a lot will be happening at various levels throughout the process. Allow teams to test their design at any time by placing it in the tub and to see how their frame floats/sinks. Ask students carefully inspect their frames once they get back to their design areas to see how water effected their design, i.e. crafting sticks soak up a lot of water which may cause the hot glue to come undone).Have students clean their design areas once done.Discuss the idea of neutral buoyancy and how the three previously mentioned concepts can influence it. Closure/Summary: 15 minutesHave the students volunteer to discuss what they saw when observing their ROV frame in water. How did it sink? Why do they think it acted the way it did?Explain what they’ll be doing for the next week.Reflection of the Day:This was a better day than I thought it would be. Not only is the concept of neutral buoyancy a little complicated for young students to fully understand, designing an ROV that can show it was thought to be on the edge of their developmental abilities. The younger students for the most part showed great engagement and interest in figuring this problem out. They were much more active with their teams than the first design challenge. The older students took on a leadership role without knowing it, which shows that they did learn the importance of strong leadership within a group of people when trying to solve a problem. Robotics-Continuation of Underwater ROV Design ChallengeEstimated Time: 150-180 minutesEvaluation:Have students discuss how they used their knowledge on surface area, weight distribution, and buoyancy contributed to the decisions they made in regards to their ROV design.Have students discuss what changes they made to their ROV design after testing it and why those changes were made.Have students discuss how understanding surface area, weight distribution, and buoyancy can help them build a successful underwater ROV that displays neutral buoyancy.Students will explain the function of each component of their ROV design (motor, propeller, floating mechanisms, weights, etc.)Enabling Objectives / Study Questions:SWBAT…Actively use the design process to continue building the overall structure of their ROV.Apply their knowledge on surface area, weight distribution, and buoyancy to construct a strong ROV that can hold all necessary components.Explain how the battery provides power for the motor to turn the propeller to make the ROV move.Reflect on their design experience and share strengths/weaknesses with the class.Create a 2D drawing of a device they could attach to their ROV and describe its function.Materials, Supplies, Equipment, References, and Other Resources:Small electric motorSmall propellersOne 6-volt batteryInsulated electrical wire1 large tub with waterPaperPencilsCrafting sticksPaper clipsDowel rodsGlue gunsHot glueRubber bandsPing pong ballsStringAny other various building suppliesIntroduction (Motivation): 15 minutesGo over neutral buoyancy and what they learned during the boat design challenge the day before. Have an adapted ROV ready to show the class. Place the ROV in the tub of water and have the class observe how it sinks to the bottom like the previous one. The students will notice that this one shows neutral buoyancy and hovers around the middle depths of the tank. Make sure to discuss with the class the changes you made to provide neutral buoyancy by continuously testing the design (weight distribution, increasing/decreasing buoyancy). Have the class carefully observe if the ROV tips to one side due to uneven weight distribution. Go over possible ideas to fix this problem.Programming Activities and Instructions:Mounting the Motor, Propeller, and Floatation Devices – 60 minutesMaterials needed for the instructor: Large tub full with waterMaterials needed for the design teams: Junk Drawer Robotics supplies, Crafting sticks, Dowel rods, Tape of various types, Glue of various types, Hot glue guns, any other building supplies, small motor, propeller, Ping Pong ballsHave design teams continue to work on their ROV frame with an emphasis on preparing to mount the motor and floatation devices. Distribute one motor, one propeller, and two ping pong balls per team.The instructor needs to be on his/her toes during the entire design process. This is a very active, hands-on activity for the students and a lot will be happening at various levels throughout the process. Allow teams to test their design at any time by placing it in the tub and to see how their ROV with motor and propeller perform. Ask students to carefully inspect their ROV performance while submersed, focusing on how the motor functions in comparison to where it is placed in the design (did the motor change the weight distribution of the ROV, did it make the ROV sink faster, etc.). Have teams replace motor if needed and then test again. If they are happy where they put the motor, have teams attach floatation devices to their design.Have teams test their ROV with all main components added. Ask students to carefully observe how their ROV acts with the newly added floatation devices. It will most likely be floating due to the buoyancy of the ping pong balls. If the design is floating level with the surface, have teams begin thinking about what they will need to add to have the design start showing neutral buoyancy.Have students clean their design areas once done.Discuss the idea of neutral buoyancy and how the three previously mentioned concepts can influence it. Creating Neutral Buoyancy for the ROV Designs – 60 minutesMaterials needed for the instructor: Large tub full with waterMaterials needed for the design teams: Junk Drawer Robotics supplies, Crafting sticks, Dowel rods, Tape of various types, Glue of various types, Hot glue guns, any other building supplies, small motor, propeller, Ping Pong ballsHave design teams continue to work on their ROV frame with an emphasis on adding weight to their ROV to find its neutral buoyancy. The instructor needs to be on his/her toes during the entire design process. This is a very active, hands-on activity for the students and a lot will be happening at various levels throughout the process. Allow teams to test their design at any time by placing it in the tub and to see how their ROV floats/sinks/hovers in the tub. Ask students to carefully inspect their ROV performance while submersed, focusing on how fast it sinks/if it floats. Discuss with the teams that the heavier their ROV is, the faster it will sink when adding/subtracting weight. Have teams add/subtract weight if necessary. Have teams test their ROV with more/less weight added. Have each team continue the process of testing/changing their design until neutral buoyancy is found. Make sure to have each group carefully observe each test to discover if the weight distribution changed by the additions/subtractions.Teams will test until they are happy with the overall performance of the ROV.Have students clean their design areas once done.Discuss the idea of neutral buoyancy and how the three previously mentioned concepts can influence it.Closure/Summary: 15 minutesHave the students volunteer to discuss what they saw when observing their ROV frame in water. How did it sink? Why do they think it acted the way it did? What strategies did they start brainstorming to provide neutral buoyancy?Explain that the beginning of next week will be dedicated to going over the program and allowing time for the design teams to play a little with their launchers and ROVs.Reflection of the Day:Today was the last day for the program as next time the students will get to see creations from the other students’ and other classes. As we closed the class reviewing what was most recently covered and what we talked about throughout the previous weeks, it was clear that the students had gained a lot of knowledge about STEM. Furthermore, they also discussed how they were able to make connections with real-world situations regarding the projects and activities they completed. They are so excited to share their creations with the other classes!Appendix B: P.A.S.S. Program Lesson PlansProgram OverviewDescription: This program is designed to explore STEM concepts for middle school aged youth. This program includes basic knowledge regarding STEM concepts and how to implement these concepts into everyday situations through a variety of challenges and lesson plan activities. Lesson Topics: Science by Design, STEM, Genetically Engineered Animals, Sharks Target Age Group: 14-15 years oldLesson Time: 1 hour Total Time: 5 hoursP.A.S.S.- Introduction & Beginning Design- MondayEstimated Time: 1 hourEvaluation: Overview of design process using instructor observation and student prompting during the open discussion on the design process.Enabling Objectives / Study Questions:SWBAT…Recite and follow the classroom expectations for the P.AS.S. programHave a basic understanding of each step in the engineering/technology design processDescribe how the design process is used to design and construct a physical prototypeDefine “technology” and “engineering” and describe how each impact our daily livesDefine “genetically modified” and “genetically engineered” Materials, Supplies, Equipment, References, and Other Resources:Note cardsPencilsDesign Process PosterClassroom Expectations Poster4-H Life Skills Wheel PosterIntroduction (Motivation): 15 minutesIce-breaker Game (15 minutes): Have students write down 2 truths about themselves and 1 lie. Students have to introduce themselves by saying their name, age, grade then readings their truths and lie. Other students must guess which one is the lie. After guessing, the student reveals the correct answer and explains each option. Once everyone has gone, students form groups of 3 with someone they do not know, but has similar interests as learned from the ice-breaker. They will be in these groups during the next lesson.Programming Activities and Instructions: 30 minutesIntroductionsIntroduce educators and let students ask any (appropriate) questions regarding the instructors to get to know them a little betterIntroduction to the activities they will be completing during the week Introduce the expectations for behavior and engagement in the classHave the class discuss and add any expectation/rule they feel are necessary for the entire class to learn as a communityWrite these expectations on the board and keep them there for the duration of the program and visible to all studentsGo over the design process Use example of designing a chair, having each student pretend they have their own design company. Introduce the problem (instructor’s bad back) and slowly go through each step in the design process, making sure to continuously prompt student discussion on what they think each step in the design process means and what actions would be taken by them if they were designing a chair for the instructor.Make sure to note that the design process is not linear in fashion and each step can be used at any time the designer feels it is necessary to implement.Discuss what genetically engineered and genetically modified means as they will use these terms later in the week. Discuss how these terms relate to the previous discussionClosure: 15 minutesDiscuss with students the process for coming in the classroom each day. Discuss what students will be doing next session (science by design)Review design process and make sure the students understand that they can reference the design process poster at any timeReflection:Students were receptive to learning about other students they did not know. Some students were a little apprehensive at first, but started coming around toward the end of class. Everyone participated and was engaged.P.A.S.S. – Genetically Engineered Animals- TuesdayEstimated Time: 1 hourEvaluation: Have them reflect on how they applied the design process for their straw balloon design challenge and what their thought process is for creating their genetically engineered animal.Enabling Objectives / Study Questions:SWBAT…Apply and reflect on the design process while participating in the design challenges for the day.Apply research methods to learn and understand how genetically engineered organisms and genetics selection in animals has changed breeding.Draw a 2D sketch/plan of their individual animal design.Work in a team to solve a problem using engineering/technology design.Explain the importance of communication when working in a team to design one prototype.State how manipulating certain materials to change their function helps in design.Materials, Supplies, Equipment, References, and Other Resources:ScissorsStraws StringBalloonsTapeIntroduction (Motivation): 20 minutesIce-breaker Game: Each group will need: String, Scissors, 2 Balloons, Tape, 3 Straws. Students will collect supplies given and go out into hallway. They are told they have to move one straw from one side of the wall to the other only using the supplies given. They are not told any other rules such as where to tie the string, how the straw has to move, or how to use the balloons; however, they are not allowed to push the mechanism designed to move the straw. Students are given 20 minutes to solve the problem and move the straw from one wall to the other. Afterwards, students will reflect on the challenges they encountered and what they did to solve the challenge.Programming Activities and Instructions: 30 minutesGive each individual some paper and pencils. Have each student come up with their individual design they would like to create. Prompt each student to think back to the examples they were shown at the beginning of class to spark ideas.Give students 20 minutes to begin researching, asking questions, and begin designing and new species of animal that is genetically superior to its comparable species. They also had to determine why these changes were significant and how the changes will help solve a problem.During this time they can begin drawing a 2D sketch of their design.After 20 minutes, take 10 minutes for the students to ask other students for their ideas, talk about what their plan is, why they are choosing their design, etc. Write down feedback and reevaluate their plan.If time allows, once the individuals have decided on a design, they will need to get the instructor’s permission to begin the next steps. This step is used to make sure that each student’s design can be built in a suitable amount of time and is a realistic design that makes sense for the task at hand.Closure/Summary: 10 minutesDiscuss the students’ findings and research thoughts.Ask what they researched, why, etc and how they used the design process to solve their challenge.Discuss how listening to others ideas is important and why Reflection of the DaySome students had previously known each other, but were good at working with other students they did not know. This is important for future design projects. The students really enjoyed the motivation design challenge and some groups even came up with multiple solutions to the challenge. All of the students were engaged and contributing to their group members. P.A.S.S. – Genetically Engineered Animals Continued - WednesdayEstimated Time: 1 hourEvaluation:Have students briefly reflect on and discuss the initial strengths/weaknesses they observed about themselves during the design process so far. Ask if it would be easier or harder as a team and why? Discuss whether or not other student’s ideas were helpful.Have students briefly reflect on and discuss the importance of having a plan set when ready to start building their design. Watch how each individual handles the added challenge given to them.Enabling Objectives / Study Questions:SWBAT…Apply research methods to learn and understand how genetically engineered organisms and genetics selection in animals has changed breeding. Select suitable design for animal and begin constructing.Discuss why teamwork is important during the design process.Evaluate their designs and initial model.Actively use the design process to continue working on their animal.Materials, Supplies, Equipment, References, and Other Resources:Pencils and paperLaptops for background researchHot glue guns and glueTape (masking, duct, painters, etc.)Binder clipsConstruction paperScissorsGoogly eyes, pipe cleaners, crafting sticks, feathers, felt, other craft suppliesIntroduction (Motivation): 10 minutesStudents will be split into 6 even teams. One student from each team will be blind folded. Each team member will put ONE shoe into the middle of the room at random. The other team members will have to guide the blind-folded team member to pick up the shoes and return them to its rightful owner. Do this activity in three rounds. The first round only one person can help guide the blind-folded student to the shoes while the other team members help at desks. The third round everyone from the team can help guide the student while at their desk. The second round only 1 person from each team can talk and they must sit at their desk. Students will reflect how each round went and what made them difficult or easy.Programming Activities and Instructions: 40 minutesStudents will have 20 minutes to finish the initial design after listening to the ideas of other students. Once the individual is satisfied with their design, they will need to get the instructor’s permission to begin the next steps. This step is used to make sure that each team design can be built in a suitable amount of time and is a realistic design that makes sense for the task at hand. After 20 minutes is up, the students must move on to the next task.After students have received approval they can begin building their animal. With about 10 minutes left of class, the instructor will add in a challenge that the students must incorporate into their design. This design challenge will not be planned by the instructor and will be made up depending on what the individuals have already started planning.Closure/Summary: 10 minutesHave open discussion about the first part of the class, then lead into discussion on the added challengeWhat has been difficult so far, what’s been easy, how have things been going, why is the challenge hard, have time constraints restricted and hindered anyoneAsk if they have any questions and talk about the final product that will be completed and presented tomorrow.Reflection of the DayToday went well. Some students were “upset” that they weren’t able to fully design and take more time to research and begin designing their final product. We discussed that this is how designing in the real-world works. Most students were able to get a good start of building their animal. However, things got a little crazy when I threw an added challenge. Each student was at a different place in their building stage which caused some anxiety and fear among them. These students took this project very seriously so they were not happy when I changed things around, but were also excited to take on the extra challenge. Some students were thrilled by the challenge because they said it gave them the extra boost they needed to succeed in the task. There were a couple students who had missed the day before so they were the farthest behind and were struggling to keep up with their task.P.A.S.S.- Genetically Engineered Animals Completion- ThursdayEstimated Time: 1 hourEvaluation:Review completed product, taking note of how they included they added challengeReflection of what they would do differently next time and whyDiscussion of take away from the introduction activities and main activity Enabling Objectives / Study Questions:SWBAT…Actively use the design process to finish working on their animal.Discuss how each step was applicable to this task of creating an animal.Describe how the different parts of STEM education related to this activity.Discuss how different materials have varying strengths and weaknesses when used in construction Reflect on their experience and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. They will use this information to improve their experience for the next design challenge.Materials, Supplies, Equipment, References, and Other Resources:Pencils and paperHot glue guns and glueTape (masking, duct, painters, etc.)Binder clipsConstruction paperScissorsGoogly eyes, pipe cleaners, crafting sticks, feathers, felt, other craft suppliesIntroduction (Motivation): 5 minutesThe instructor will whisper a phrase into one student’s ear. They must listen carefully, I will not repeat it. That person will repeat the phrase to the next person and so on, until everyone has heard the phrase. You cannot repeat the phrase or ask “what?”. The last person will tell the whole class what they heard. Discuss why this activity was difficulty or easy? How can you use this knowledge to apply to what we’ve done this week and into your future endeavors?Programming Activities and Instructions: 40 minutesStudents will take the first 20 minutes to finish designing their animal, including adding the extra challengeGive students 5 minute warning. Their animal must be completed and their work station must be cleaned.Each individual will present their animal to the front of the room. They will take 1 minute each to explain how they used the design process and other methods to create their animal.Other students will listen respectful and comment on why they thought the other student’s animal was successful.Closure/Summary: 15 minutesHave an entire class closing discussion on the design challenge. Prompt the students to discuss their own experience participating in the design process by inquiring about the science behind what they created, what difficulties/strengths showed throughout the design, give examples of how they individually developed during the challenge, and what life skills they learned were more important than they previously thought.Reflection of the Day:This was a great closure to the activity. Each team worked extremely hard finishing up their final product and the stress continued to show until time was up. They all showed a lot of pride in their work and everyone had fun listening to each other’s designs and development throughout the week. The students were very receptive and able to describe how this design challenge related to STEM education and could relate to other activities.P.A.S.S.- Underwater Shark Tank & Final Wrap Up- FridayNotes/background: Earlier in the day, students when to the Science Museum of Virginia where they explored around and also watched a video on sharks. Outside of the video viewing area was a shark tank where the students could stand in and take pictures.Estimated Time: 1 hourEvaluation: Evaluate knowledge learned throughout the week and from the day’s earlier activity to create their final challenge.Testing of completed product by students (support weight and correct dimensions)Enabling Objectives / Study Questions:SWBAT…Describe how each individual component of STEM works together to solve a common problem.Describe how STEM methods can be applied to other disciplines. Materials, Supplies, Equipment, References, and Other Resources:Note cardsScissorsPencilsStrawsTapePlaydohIntroduction (Motivation): 15 minutesStudents will discuss what they learned at the science museum. What was they’re favorite part? What did they learn from the video? Did they notice any trends while at the museum?Programming Activities and Instructions: 35 minutesStudents were split into groups of 3-4 and given a set amount of note cards and straws. They were told they needed to design and create a shark cage that would protect an underwater diver from the sharks. They were given certain dimensions of how tall and wide the cage needed to be. It needed a cage door for the diver to get in and out of and it also needed to support the weight of two playdoh containers which represented the weight and pressure of the sharks and water that surrounds the cage.Closure: 10 minutesDiscussion of how this and the other activities this week that were completed are applicable to the real-world.Reflection:Today was one of my favorite days. The students were so excited and really enjoyed the challenge. A few groups got frustrated, but just about all of the groups were able to complete the task by the time ran out.Appendix C: Flyers4-H Water Rocketry Competition InformationWorkshops: 7/28, 8/5, 8/13, & 8/17Who: For any child age 6-13 interested in building a water rocketTime: 6-9 pm, please come anytime during these hours, but be aware that the library closes at 9pm so please come in time to do work before the library closesWhere: Chesterfield Central Library (Meeting Room)9501 Lori RdChesterfield, VA(804) 748-1774These workshops are NOT mandatory, but ARE strongly suggested.MaterialsWe will be providing: tape, Styrofoam board, poster boardThe students will also receive a reflection journal to keep track of their experience during the process.You will need to provide your own 2 liter bottle. Any shape is acceptable, but the mouth of the bottle needs to be standard (no wide mouthed bottles). You may also want to purchase a hot glue gun or other materials, such as tape, to help your child build their rocket.The competition: The actual competition will be held on August 22nd at Manchester Middle School. The time is TBD. You child will be required to keep a reflective journal which will be turned in at the competition along with their rocket.REGISTRATION: To register your child(ren) for this event, you must turn in ALL paperwork by August 14th! Please send or bring in the paperwork to the Chesterfield Cooperative Extension Office (address below). The sooner you get it in, the better! This way we can make sure we have all the information needed to register your child(ren) by the deadline.If you were not able to attend the information session, please contact Carter Humphries directly to set up another meet up time!Contact info: Carter HumphriesPhone: 434-609-3659 or 804-751-4401Email: ccd296@vt.eduChesterfield Cooperative ExtensionP.O. Box 146Chesterfield, VA 23832 Appendix D: Grant InformationTo whom this may concern,Our world is built on science, math, engineering, and technology. Students rely heavily on technology whether for educational or social and recreational purposes, but few recognize the other concepts that make them function, nor grasp how their love of technology could develop into a future career. However, 4-H can do something to help further STEM interests so demand can be met; 4-H can be the catalyst to the needed change. Our goal for this upcoming year is to build upon and further the success we have had in our STEM integration programs by hosting a STEM rocketry competition that allows youth to work both individually and in a group setting, as well as develop many 4-H characteristics. In the end, we hope to have a sustaining group of youth that would lead a STEM club in the county so that interests and advancements in STEM educational programming can be created.Currently, Chesterfield County 4-H does not offer many STEM related programs. However, with the importance of STEM increasing, Chesterfield County 4-H is striving to develop the STEM educational programs so that the needs of the youth in the Chesterfield communities and the community itself can be met. In order to increase youth interests, youth first need to be involved in the action. The STEM rocketry competition allows the youth to do just this. They will be able to explore various science and math concepts as well as technology and engineering which often are left out of STEM educational programming. The competition will challenge youth to “think outside of the box” which also translates into real-world situations. The challenge will not stop at the end of the competition. Youth will then have the opportunity to improve their rockets after initially launching them at the competition. They will analyze how their rocket performed against others and make the necessary adjustments to improve their rockets. At the Chesterfield County fair, the youth will bring their rockets to the fair to show the passersby what they have accomplished. This will help to not only educate the general public about 4-H and STEM education, but also get them interested and invested in the programs. Our first competition will be held this summer at the end of August after youth have had about a month to work on their rockets individually. Two to three help sessions will also be held during that time for youth to ask questions they may have and research any information they may need. We plan to allow 50 youth into the competition, but would like to grow this number throughout the following years. Once the competition is held, they will have another week to make any changes and submit for the county fair which is held the following week in August. Your support would allow us to provide participants with water during the event. Our Tax ID number is 546001805.Please feel free to contact us with any further information. My information is listed below. Thank you!Sincerely,Carter D. HumphriesVCE Chesterfield InternEmail: ccd296@vt.eduPhone: 434-609-3659Budget:Supplies$100Food$100Prizes$300T-shirts/Participation Gift $250Miscellaneous$100Total: $850Actual Spent:Purchase PlaceItems PurchasedMoney SpentWalmartInitial supplies: tapes, folders$29.81TargetSupplies for participants: foam board, posters, etc$68.854H Supply4H print plastic bags$23.95WalmartFood for competition$34.66WalmartPrizes for competition$216.88TargetPrizes for competition$45.11WalmartPrizes for competition$39.50Domino’s PizzaFood for competition$60.00KrogerIce for drinks$3.98Chesterfield CPSCustodial Fees/Manchester Middle School Cafeteria$84.00Universal T’s Inc$217.50Total: $824.24Appendix E: Sponsors for Rocketry Competition Name of CompanyContact PersonPhone NumberItems DonatedScience Museum of VirginiaN/A(804) 864-1400Four tickets to the museumMath Science Innovation CenterAndrew(804) 343-65251 Week Camp- worth $100Virginia Department of AviationBetty(804) 236-3624Bookmarks, erasers, pencils, etcEngineering for KidsAngela(804) 404-33552 Camps- worth $250 and $100MartinsN/A(804) 796-1120 $25 gift cardMad ScienceRob(804) 359-1500 Two gift bags with STEM related items and activitiesChocolates by KellyKelly804-814-5496Assortment of chocolateChesterfield County Public Library ThaddeusSpace for programming, other suppliesEurekaMaggie804-727-9817Two gift bags with STEM related items and activitiesAppendix F: Rocketry Competition JournalAcknowledgementThis journal was created by adapting resources from the following NASA book. Shearer, D. A. and Vogt, G. L. (2011). ROCKETS. Educator’s Guide with Activities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Retrieved from Appendix G: Cooking Creations Camps Lesson PlansProgram Overview*Note: The two Cooking Creations Camps are very similar. They only differ in the books read, recipes made, and certain activities/challenges played since we had participants from the first week also participate in the second week. The concepts learned, information taught, and equipment/tools used remained the same.Description: The two Cooking Creations Camps are design for youth of all ages to explore more about cooking in the kitchen while inadvertently learning and applying STEM concepts. These camps focus on learning about eating healthy, understanding the food groups, and learning how to make connections from what they already know.Lesson Topics: Food groups, Kitchen equipment items and tools, Creating recipes, Shopping for suppliesTarget Age Group: 7-10 years oldLesson Time: 3 hours Total Time: 15 hoursCooking Creations Camps Week 1Cooking Creations Camp Introduction- MondayEstimated Time: 3 hoursEvaluation: How well students identified and use various kitchen appliancesDiscussion of food groups and foods found in groupsEnabling Objectives / Study Questions:SWBAT…Recite and follow the classroom expectations for the Cooking Creations Camp programHave a basic understanding of how to use various kitchen appliancesIdentify various technologies in the kitchenIdentify the various types of foods and food groupsUse a conventional oven properlyProperly use a knife Measure various ingredientsMaterials, Supplies, Equipment, References, and Other Resources:Book: The World in a SupermarketMagazinesPaperMarkers/PencilsScissorsFood DiaryVarious Kitchen AppliancesRecipe ingredients for pizzaPre-made picture food cards with nutritional information on the backIntroduction (Motivation): 15 minutesIce-breaker Game (15 minutes): Have students pick a card from a deck of cards. If they chose a red card they had to tell the class their favorite food, if they chose a black card they had to tell the class their least favorite food. Everyone had to tell the class their name, where they went to school, and what grade they would be going into.Programming Activities and Instructions: 1 hour, 15 minutesRulesBrief overview of the rules/expectations for the class. 1. Participate and follow directions, 2. Have instructor guidance when working with kitchen appliances, 3. Take one bite of everything that is madeRead BookRead “The World in a Supermarket”. Talk about the different types of foods found in grocery stores. Identify where various types of food are grown.Introduction to Food GroupsBegin discussion of the various types of foods and food groups including what belongs in which category. Youth take different magazines and cut out foods from each of the food groups. Youth will use the MyPlate template and glue the foods they like into the various food groups on the place. After discussion and activity, have participants fill out their food diary. Explain that they will fill this in each day. They will fill in what food groups they had for each meal of the day.Game: Split youth in three groups. Randomly give each group an assortment of the pre-made picture food cards which contain nutritional information on the back. There should be 6 paper bags set at the front of the room each labeled with a different food group. The sixth bag is the combination food in which foods that contain more one food group are placed. Have youth pick up a food from their pile one at a time and run and put it in the correct food group bag. First team to put all their foods in the correct bags win. Review some of the foods that were placed in each bag, especially the various foods that combined to make a combination food.Cooking- Pizza: 1 hourHave all youth go to the bathroom and wash handsFood prep: Staying in the three teams from the game, youth will look at their recipes and gather all the ingredients and equipment they will need to make their pizza. Afterwards, they will wash any foods that need to be washed. Once everything is washed they will follow the recipe with the guidance of the instructor to make sure they are measuring properly and using the kitchen appliances as directed.While food is cooking, youth will clean up and work on their chef aprons. Taste Testing: 15 minutesEach group will talk about what type of pizza they made and what they did to prepare and cook the pizzas.Each youth is required to take at least one bite- if they don’t like it, they don’t have to eat the rest Closure: 15 minutesDiscuss with youth the process for coming in the classroom each day. Review expectations for the classReview food groupsReview the process of using measuring cups, knifes, and the ovenReflection:All of the youth loved the various types of pizza. And nobody cut or burned themselves!! They all have a good time and are already talking about how excited they are for tomorrow.Cooking Creations Camp- TuesdayEstimated Time: 3 hoursEvaluation: How well students identified and use various kitchen appliancesDiscussion of food groups and foods found in groupsDiscussion of the importance of grain in the US and in the dietEnabling Objectives / Study Questions:SWBAT…Have a basic understanding of how to use various kitchen appliancesDescribe the importance of grains in the US and in the dietDescribe how altitude affects cooking timeUse a toaster ovenUse a blender and food processorMeasure various ingredientsMaterials, Supplies, Equipment, References, and Other Resources:Book: Too Many TamalesPaperMarkers/PencilsScissorsFood DiaryVarious Kitchen AppliancesRecipe ingredients for salsa, guacamole, chips, & black bean dipIntroduction (Motivation): 15 minutesIce-breaker Game (15 minutes): Give each student a card with 3 different random ingredients on it. The challenge is to have each student come up with an appetizer that involves those three ingredients. They can add as many ingredients as they want. After time is up they will share their ideas. The idea with the most likes wins!Programming Activities and Instructions: 1 hour, 15 minutesFood DiaryWork on food diary togetherRead BookRead “Too Many Tamales”. Discuss the lesson taught in the book along with what tamales are and the culture behind tamales. Ask students about traditions they have in their home.What is a grain?Discuss various grains grown in the US along with the importance of them in the US and in our diets. Youth will work with a partner to create an advertisement about their chosen grain and then present to the class. They had to fill out the “Spread the word” worksheet about their grain and then create either a poster or some other form of advertisement.Cooking- Salsa, Guacamole, Chips, & Black Bean Dip: 1 hourHave all youth go to the bathroom and wash handsFood prep: Youth will be split into three different groups, different than Monday. Youth will look at their recipes and gather all the ingredients and equipment they will need to make salsa, guacamole, chips, or black bean dip. Afterwards, they will wash any foods that need to be washed. Once everything is washed they will follow the recipe with the guidance of the instructor to make sure they are measuring properly and using the kitchen appliances as directed. They will be using some new (and sharper) kitchen appliances.While food is cooking, youth will clean up and work on their chef aprons. Also, discuss how altitude can affect cooking times because of the air.Taste Testing: 15 minutesEach group will talk about what they made. While they are eating, discuss how the different flavors and ingredients work together including differences in acidity and spice.Each youth is required to take at least one bite- if they don’t like it, they don’t have to eat the rest Closure: 15 minutesReview knowledge learned about grainsReview the process of using measuring cups, knifes, food processor, blender, etcReflection:The students loved the challenge at the beginning of the class. They were creative and came up with appetizers that actually sounded good to eat. They also enjoyed reading the book, and even though they didn’t find learning about grains too interesting, they really enjoyed creating the advertisement. They youth were creative and supported everyone when it was their turn to present. Our food processor wasn’t very large for the amount of food we were making so that made things a little difficult, but it was a teachable moment for the youth on how to solve the problem at hand.Cooking Creations Camp- WednesdayEstimated Time: 3 hoursEvaluation: How well students identified and use various kitchen appliancesDiscussion of food groups and foods found in groupsDiscussion of the importance of vegetables and fruits in the dietEnabling Objectives / Study Questions:SWBAT…Have a basic understanding of how to use various kitchen appliancesIdentify various technologies in the kitchenIdentify foods found in the vegetable and fruit food groupsDescribe the differences between vegetables and fruitsDescribe how vegetables and fruits differ in nutritional contentUse a toaster oven properlyProperly use a knife Measure various ingredientsMaterials, Supplies, Equipment, References, and Other Resources:Book: Latkes, Latkes Good to EatPaperMarkers/PencilsScissorsFood DiaryVarious Kitchen AppliancesRecipe ingredients for Kale Chips, Fruit Kabobs and Fruit Dip Introduction (Motivation): 15 minutesIce-breaker Game (15 minutes): Students were given ten minutes to think of a main entrée that only contained a maximum of 5 ingredients (not including salt and pepper). Afterwards, they shared their ideas with the class. The entrée with the most likes wins.Programming Activities and Instructions: 1 hour, 15 minutesFood DiaryWork on food diary togetherRead BookRead “Latkes, Latkes Good to Eat”. Discuss the various types of vegetables, including the “vegetables” that are actually fruits. Have students share their favorite and least favorite vegetable. What are Vegetables?Continue discussion of vegetables and the importance of vegetables in the diet including the various nutritional qualities of certain vegetables. Work with students to explain the various parts of a plant from which different vegetables are grown. Students will identify the various parts of a plant on a previously made poster board.Game: Split students into two teams. Have them pick up pictures and put the pictures in the correct plant part bucketTopBottomStemLeavesFlower What’s Fruit?Begin discussion on fruit. Have youth identify differences between fruit and vegetables. Describe the differences between various nutritional content and acidity of fruit.Fruit Wheel ActivityHave previously drawn wheel divided into 6 different slices. Color each slice a different color: red, green, orange, yellow, blue and purple. Take previously cut out fruits and glue into appropriate color. Explain that each different color fruit does something different for our bodies. Fruit Riddles: Read riddles to youth while completing activityCooking- Kale Chips, Fruit Kabobs and Fruit Dip: 1 hourHave all youth go to the bathroom and wash handsFood prep: Students will work as a class to create kale chips. While they are cooking the chips, youth will gather all the ingredients and equipment they will need to make their fruit kabobs and fruit dip. Afterwards, they will wash any foods that need to be washed. Once everything is washed they will follow the recipe with the guidance of the instructor to make sure they are measuring properly and using the kitchen appliances as directed.While food is cooking, youth will clean up and work on their chef apronsTaste Testing: 15 minutesThe groups will share what was included in the recipes and how the different ingredients work together to get the desired tasteEach youth is required to take at least one bite- if they don’t like it, they don’t have to eat the rest Closure: 15 minutesReview vegetables vs fruitsDiscuss how team work impacts the outcome both in a game, while cooking, and in lifeReview the process of using food processor and other kitchen appliances.Reflection:The students liked the challenge for today; they had a little bit of difficulty figuring out something in a short amount of time, but overall came up with some really good ideas. They really liked the book; some of them had even read it before. When talking about the lesson behind the book, they shared examples of how the story related to certain things they had experienced. When placing the different vegetables on the plant as to what part of the plant they come from, most of the youth already knew most of the answers. There were a few that were a little tricky, but the ones that weren’t as familiar like the visual to help explain. They also really liked the fruit wheel game. They challenged each other to see who could get the most items in each color. They were really creative and came up with fruits I didn’t even think about! Today was the easiest of the cooking days which made everything go nice and smooth. All the students talked about how much they love fresh fruit so the kabobs. A few of the youth had eaten kale before so they knew they liked it. Some of the other students were a bit more hesitant. Some of them liked the kale, others did not.Cooking Creations Camp- ThursdayEstimated Time: 3 hoursEvaluation: How well students identified and use various kitchen appliancesDiscussion of food groups and foods found in groupsDiscuss various types of dairy products and dairy alternativesEnabling Objectives / Study Questions:SWBAT…Identify various technologies in the kitchenIdentify the various types of foods and food groupsIdentify a variety of dairy products and dairy alternativesUse a conventional oven properlyUse a food processorProperly use a knife Measure various ingredientsMaterials, Supplies, Equipment, References, and Other Resources:Book: A Fairy in the DairyPaperMarkers/PencilsScissorsFood DiaryVarious Kitchen AppliancesRecipe ingredients for parfaits, tzatziki sauce, and pita chipsIntroduction (Motivation): 15 minutesIce-breaker Game (15 minutes): Students were given a previously made list of items which included the prices of the items. They were given $10 to buy all the ingredients in order to create a soup and salad. When the students presented their dish creation, we worked as a group to add up the total cost of their food.Programming Activities and Instructions: 1 hour, 15 minutesFood DiaryWork on food diary togetherRead BookRead “A Fairy in the Dairy” Let’s talk Dairy!Begin discussion on dairy by talking about the various products discussed in the book. Prompt students by asking…Were there any unusual products you hadn’t heard of? If so, which ones? What is your favorite dairy product? What do you know about dairy products? Then have a brief discussion on alternative dairy products and why such products have been created (lactose intolerance)Activity: Milk Comparison WorksheetCooking- parfaits, tzatziki sauce, and pita chips: 1 hourHave all youth go to the bathroom and wash handsStudents will work in groups of two to prepare the various food recipes. Youth will look at their recipes and gather all the ingredients and equipment they will need to make their parfaits, tzatziki sauce, and pita chips. Afterwards, they will wash any foods that need to be washed. Once everything is washed they will follow the recipe with the guidance of the instructor to make sure they are measuring properly and using the kitchen appliances as directed.While food is cooking, youth will clean up and work on their chef apronsTaste Testing: 15 minutesEach group will talk about how the vegetables, fruits, and dairy were put together to create the parfaits and tzatziki sauce.Each youth is required to take at least one bite- if they don’t like it, they don’t have to eat the rest Closure: 15 minutesReview foods found in the dairy groupReview alternative dairy productsReview the process of using measuring cups, knifes, and food processor, etcReflection:The youth found the food challenge a lot harder than they thought it would be. A few went over the budget, but not by must. The youth with the most likes and without going over budget wins. The tzatziki sauce and parfaits were a big hit. We struggled with the sauce using the food processor, and some of the skins were left on the cucumbers, but they were all surprised how fresh the sauce tasted.Cooking Creations Camp- FridayEstimated Time: 3 hoursEvaluation: How well students identified and use various kitchen appliancesDiscussion of food groups and foods found in groupsDiscuss the importance of protein in the dietDiscuss various sources of proteinEnabling Objectives / Study Questions:SWBAT…Identify various technologies in the kitchenIdentify the various types of foods and food groupsIdentify a variety of protein sources both in plant and animal natureDescribe the importance of protein in the diet Materials, Supplies, Equipment, References, and Other Resources:Book: How My Parents Learned to EatPaperMarkers/PencilsScissorsFood DiaryVarious Kitchen AppliancesRecipe ingredients for chickpea saute, stir fry- chickenIntroduction (Motivation): 15 minutesIce-breaker Game (15 minutes): Youth were given ten minutes to create a dessert dish that contained at least one item from the protein, dairy, and fruit food group. The one with the most likes and meets the requirements wins.Programming Activities and Instructions: 1 hour, 15 minutesFood DiaryWork on food diary togetherRead BookRead “How My Parents Learned to Eat”. Talk about culture differences.ProteinBegin discussion on proteins including animal protein vs plant proteinActivity (45 minutes): Have students create one dish that contains animal protein only and one dish that contains plant protein only (they can include other food groups- just can’t mix the two types of protein). Once they have their ideas, work in groups to choose one idea or combine ideas to physically create one dish of each using the ingredients provided.Cooking- chickpea saute, stir fry- chicken: 1 hourHave all youth go to the bathroom and wash handsWith you will be split into two groups. They will look at their recipes and gather all the ingredients and equipment they will need to make their chickpea saute, stir fry- chicken. Afterwards, they will wash any foods that need to be washed. Once everything is washed they will follow the recipe with the guidance of the instructor to make sure they are measuring properly and using the kitchen appliances as directed.While food is cooking, youth will clean up and work on their chef apronsTaste Testing: 15 minutesEach group will talk about what chickpeas are and how they prepared the chickpeas with the vegetables. The other group with discussed how they prepared the chicken using a variety of flavors.Each youth is required to take at least one bite- if they don’t like it, they don’t have to eat the rest Students will only have chopsticks to eat with (at first)Closure: 15 minutesReview food groupsReview differences between animal and plant proteinReview the process of using measuring cups, skillet, food processor, wok, etcReflection:The youth really enjoyed this lesson. They were so sad it was their last day. The loved the book; they already knew what chopsticks were but they liked the culture of the story. The youth also really liked the challenges for the day and that they were able to apply the skills and knowledge they learned from the week into the activity. They were very competitive against each other which added extra excitement. Once they got to try the food they made, they were impressed with themselves. When making the other dishes, they were so excited that they got to use new appliances they didn’t know even existed! Though they were all a little nervous to try the chickpeas specifically, they really enjoyed both dishes. They struggled with the chopsticks, but got creative.Cooking Creations Camp Week 2Cooking Creations Camp Introduction- MondayEstimated Time: 3 hoursEvaluation: How well students identified and use various kitchen appliancesDiscussion of food groups and foods found in groupsEnabling Objectives / Study Questions:SWBAT…Recite and follow the classroom expectations for the Cooking Creations Camp programHave a basic understanding of how to use various kitchen appliancesIdentify various technologies in the kitchenIdentify the various types of foods and food groupsUse a conventional oven properlyProperly use a knife Measure various ingredientsMaterials, Supplies, Equipment, References, and Other Resources:Book: Gregory the Terrible EaterMagazinesPaperMarkers/PencilsScissorsFood DiaryVarious Kitchen AppliancesRecipe ingredients for Deli Pinwheel and spicy tuna wrap.Pre-made picture food cards with nutritional information on the backIntroduction (Motivation): 15 minutesIce-breaker Game (15 minutes): Have students pick a card from a deck of cards. If they chose a red card they had to tell the class their favorite food, if they chose a black card they had to tell the class their least favorite food. Everyone had to tell the class their name, where they went to school, and what grade they would be going into.Programming Activities and Instructions: 1 hour, 15 minutesRulesBrief overview of the rules/expectations for the class. 1. Participate and follow directions, 2. Have instructor guidance when working with kitchen appliances, 3. Take one bite of everything that is madeRead BookRead “Gregory the Terrible Eater”. Talk about how a variety of foods can be combined to make a healthier, nutrient packed food.Introduction to Food GroupsBegin discussion of the various types of foods and food groups including what belongs in which category. Youth take different magazines and cut out foods from each of the food groups. Youth will use the MyPlate template and glue the foods they like into the various food groups on the place. After discussion and activity, have participants fill out their food diary. Explain that they will fill this in each day. They will fill in what food groups they had for each meal of the day.Game: Split youth in three groups. Randomly give each group an assortment of the pre-made picture food cards which contain nutritional information on the back. There should be 6 paper bags set at the front of the room each labeled with a different food group. The sixth bag is the combination food in which foods that contain more one food group are placed. Have youth pick up a food from their pile one at a time and run and put it in the correct food group bag. First team to put all their foods in the correct bags win. Review some of the foods that were placed in each bag, especially the various foods that combined to make a combination food.Cooking- Sandwiches: 1 hourHave all youth go to the bathroom and wash handsFood prep: Divide kids into two groups- one will do the Tuna wrap and the other will do the Pinwheel. Youth will look at their recipes and gather all the ingredients and equipment they will need to make their sandwiches. Afterwards, they will wash any foods that need to be washed. Once everything is washed they will follow the recipe with the guidance of the instructor to make sure they are measuring properly and using the kitchen appliances as directed.While food is cooking, youth will clean up and work on their chef aprons. Taste Testing: 15 minutesEach group will talk about what type of sandwich they made and what food group the ingredients fall under. Each youth is required to take at least one bite- if they don’t like it, they don’t have to eat the rest Closure: 15 minutesDiscuss with youth the process for coming in the classroom each day. Review expectations for the classReview food groupsReview the process of using measuring cups, knifes, and the ovenReflection:The students loved the book and the initial challenge. The sandwiches, however, were a little bit of a hit or miss. Some of the youth loved the sandwiches while others weren’t as big of fans. Everyone did enjoy using knifes and learning their way around the kitchen.Cooking Creations Camp- TuesdayEstimated Time: 3 hoursEvaluation: How well students identified and use various kitchen appliancesDiscussion of food groups and foods found in groupsDiscussion of the importance of grain in the US and in the dietEnabling Objectives / Study Questions:SWBAT…Have a basic understanding of how to use various kitchen appliancesDescribe the importance of grains in the US and in the dietDescribe how altitude affects cooking timeUse a toaster ovenUse a blender and food processorMeasure various ingredientsMaterials, Supplies, Equipment, References, and Other Resources:Book: Too Many TamalesPaperMarkers/PencilsScissorsFood DiaryVarious Kitchen AppliancesRecipe ingredients for salsa, guacamole, chips, & quesadillaIntroduction (Motivation): 15 minutesIce-breaker Game (15 minutes): Give each student a card with 3 different random ingredients on it. The challenge is to have each student come up with an appetizer that involves those three ingredients. They can add as many ingredients as they want. After time is up they will share their ideas. The idea with the most likes wins!Programming Activities and Instructions: 1 hour, 15 minutesFood DiaryWork on food diary togetherRead BookRead “Too Many Tamales”. Discuss the lesson taught in the book along with what tamales are and the culture behind tamales. Ask students about traditions they have in their home.What is a grain?Discuss various grains grown in the US along with the importance of them in the US and in our diets. Youth will work with a partner to create an advertisement about their chosen grain and then present to the class. They had to fill out the “Spread the word” worksheet about their grain and then create either a poster or some other form of advertisement.Cooking- Salsa, Guacamole, Chips, & Black Bean Dip: 1 hourHave all youth go to the bathroom and wash handsFood prep: Youth will be split into three different groups, different than Monday. Youth will look at their recipes and gather all the ingredients and equipment they will need to make salsa, guacamole, chips, or quesadillas. Afterwards, they will wash any foods that need to be washed. Once everything is washed they will follow the recipe with the guidance of the instructor to make sure they are measuring properly and using the kitchen appliances as directed. They will be using some new (and sharper) kitchen appliances.While food is cooking, youth will clean up and work on their chef aprons. Also, discuss how altitude can affect cooking times because of the air.Taste Testing: 15 minutesEach group will talk about what they made. While they are eating, discuss how the different flavors and ingredients work together including differences in acidity and spice.Each youth is required to take at least one bite- if they don’t like it, they don’t have to eat the rest Closure: 15 minutesReview knowledge learned about grainsReview the process of using measuring cups, knifes, food processor, blender, etcReflection:As with the week before, the youth enjoyed the challenge at the beginning of the class. They were creative and came up with appetizers that we all wanted to eat. They also enjoyed reading the book, and even though they didn’t find learning about grains too interesting, they really enjoyed creating the advertisement. They youth were creative and supported everyone when it was their turn to present. We had the same issues with our small food processor because we had to sue the same one. Though it made things a little difficult we made it into a teachable moment for the youth on how to solve the problem at hand.Cooking Creations Camp- WednesdayEstimated Time: 3 hoursEvaluation: How well students identified and use various kitchen appliancesDiscussion of food groups and foods found in groupsDiscussion of the importance of vegetables and fruits in the dietEnabling Objectives / Study Questions:SWBAT…Have a basic understanding of how to use various kitchen appliancesIdentify various technologies in the kitchenIdentify foods found in the vegetable and fruit food groupsDescribe the differences between vegetables and fruitsDescribe how vegetables and fruits differ in nutritional contentUse a toaster oven properlyProperly use a knife Measure various ingredientsMaterials, Supplies, Equipment, References, and Other Resources:Book: The Latke who couldn’t stop screaming: A Christmas StoryPaperMarkers/PencilsScissorsFood DiaryVarious Kitchen AppliancesRecipe ingredients for Fruit pizza and spinach salad Introduction (Motivation): 15 minutesIce-breaker Game (15 minutes): Students were given ten minutes to think of a main entrée that only contained a maximum of 5 ingredients (not including salt and pepper). Afterwards, they shared their ideas with the class. The entrée with the most likes wins.Programming Activities and Instructions: 1 hour, 15 minutesFood DiaryWork on food diary togetherRead BookRead “The Latke who couldn’t stop screaming: A Christmas Story”. Discuss the various types of vegetables, including the “vegetables” that are actually fruits. Have students share their favorite and least favorite vegetable. What are Vegetables?Continue discussion of vegetables and the importance of vegetables in the diet including the various nutritional qualities of certain vegetables. Work with students to explain the various parts of a plant from which different vegetables are grown. Students will identify the various parts of a plant on a previously made poster board.Game: Split students into two teams. Have them pick up pictures and put the pictures in the correct plant part bucketTopBottomStemLeavesFlower What’s Fruit?Begin discussion on fruit. Have youth identify differences between fruit and vegetables. Describe the differences between various nutritional content and acidity of fruit.Fruit Wheel ActivityHave previously drawn wheel divided into 6 different slices. Color each slice a different color: red, green, orange, yellow, blue and purple. Take previously cut out fruits and glue into appropriate color. Explain that each different color fruit does something different for our bodies. Discuss how they can add color to their favorite foods.Fruit Riddles: Read riddles to youth while completing activityCooking- Kale Chips, Fruit Kabobs and Fruit Dip: 1 hourHave all youth go to the bathroom and wash handsFood prep: Students will split into two teams. One team will work on the fruit pizzas while the other team works on the spinach salad. Youth will gather all the ingredients and equipment they will need to make their fruit pizza and spinach salad. Afterwards, they will wash any foods that need to be washed. Once everything is washed they will follow the recipe with the guidance of the instructor to make sure they are measuring properly and using the kitchen appliances as directed.While food is cooking, youth will clean up and work on their chef apronsTaste Testing: 15 minutesThe groups will share what was included in the recipes and how the different ingredients work together to get the desired tasteEach youth is required to take at least one bite- if they don’t like it, they don’t have to eat the rest Closure: 15 minutesReview vegetables vs fruitsDiscuss how team work impacts the outcome both in a game, while cooking, and in lifeReview the process of using food processor and other kitchen appliances.Reflection:The students says this was their favorite challenge so far because they thought about foods they normally like and have “on-hand” in the house. They still had a little bit of difficulty figuring out something in a short amount of time, but overall came up with some really good ideas. When placing the different vegetables on the plant as to what part of the plant they come from, most of the youth already knew most of the answers. There were a few that were a little tricky, but the ones that weren’t as familiar like the visual to help explain. They also really liked the fruit wheel game. Like the last class, they also challenged each other to see who could get the most items in each color. Today was the easiest of the cooking days (again) which made everything go nice and smooth. All the students talked about how much they love fresh fruit so the fruit pizza was a big hit. The students also liked the spinach salad because they said it wasn’t your typical spinach salad that they are used to eating.Cooking Creations Camp- ThursdayEstimated Time: 3 hoursEvaluation: How well students identified and use various kitchen appliancesDiscussion of food groups and foods found in groupsDiscuss various types of dairy products and dairy alternativesEnabling Objectives / Study Questions:SWBAT…Identify various technologies in the kitchenIdentify the various types of foods and food groupsIdentify a variety of dairy products and dairy alternativesUse a conventional oven properlyUse a food processorProperly use a knife Measure various ingredientsMaterials, Supplies, Equipment, References, and Other Resources:Book: If You Give a Mouse a Cookie & A Fairy in the DairyPaperMarkers/PencilsScissorsFood DiaryVarious Kitchen AppliancesRecipe ingredients for Mini Cheesecakes, Ice Cream in a bag and SorbetIntroduction (Motivation): 15 minutesIce-breaker Game (15 minutes): Students were given a previously made list of items which included the prices of the items. They were given $10 to buy all the ingredients in order to create a soup and salad. When the students presented their dish creation, we worked as a group to add up the total cost of their food.Programming Activities and Instructions: 1 hour, 15 minutesFood DiaryWork on food diary togetherRead BookRead “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” & “A Fairy in the Dairy”Let’s talk Dairy!Begin discussion on dairy by talking about the various products discussed in the book. Prompt students by asking…Were there any unusual products you hadn’t heard of? If so, which ones? What is your favorite dairy product? What do you know about dairy products? Then have a brief discussion on alternative dairy products and why such products have been created (lactose intolerance)Also discuss the lesson behind “If you give a mouse a cookie”Activity: Milk Comparison WorksheetCooking- parfaits, tzatziki sauce, and pita chips: 1 hourHave all youth go to the bathroom and wash handsStudents will work in two groups to prepare the various food recipes. Youth will look at their recipes and gather all the ingredients and equipment they will need to make their Mini Cheesecakes, Ice Cream in a bag and Sorbet. Afterwards, they will wash any foods that need to be washed. Once everything is washed they will follow the recipe with the guidance of the instructor to make sure they are measuring properly and using the kitchen appliances as directed.While food is cooking, youth will clean up and work on their chef apronsTaste Testing: 15 minutesEach group will talk about how the fruits and dairy were put together to create the Mini Cheesecakes, Ice Cream in a bag and Sorbet.Each youth is required to take at least one bite- if they don’t like it, they don’t have to eat the rest Closure: 15 minutesReview foods found in the dairy groupReview alternative dairy productsReview the process of using measuring cups, knifes, and food processor, etcReflection:After today’s challenge, they said this was now their favorite challenge because they have allowances that they want to spend at the store but can’t go over. A few went over the budget, but not by much. Everything was delicious, especially the ice-cream. This group initially messed up with the ice-cream directions, but was able to fix their mistake. Cooking Creations Camp- FridayEstimated Time: 3 hoursEvaluation: How well students identified and use various kitchen appliancesDiscussion of food groups and foods found in groupsDiscuss the importance of protein in the dietDiscuss various sources of proteinEnabling Objectives / Study Questions:SWBAT…Identify various technologies in the kitchenIdentify the various types of foods and food groupsIdentify a variety of protein sources both in plant and animal natureDescribe the importance of protein in the diet Materials, Supplies, Equipment, References, and Other Resources:Book: How My Parents Learned to Eat & Green Eggs and HamPaperMarkers/PencilsScissorsFood DiaryVarious Kitchen AppliancesRecipe ingredients for chickpea saute, stir fry- chickenIntroduction (Motivation): N/AIce-breaker Game (N/A): No intro challenge today- need time for challengeProgramming Activities and Instructions: 1 hourFood DiaryWork on food diary togetherRead BookRead “How My Parents Learned to Eat” & “Green Eggs and Ham”. Talk about culture differences and unique foods.ProteinBegin discussion on proteins including animal protein vs plant proteinActivity (30 minutes): Have students create one dish that contains animal protein only and one dish that contains plant protein only (they can include other food groups- just can’t mix the two types of protein). Once they have their ideas, work in groups to choose one idea or combine ideas to physically create one dish of each using the ingredients provided.Cooking- Food Challenge: 1 hour, 30 minutesHave all youth go to the bathroom and wash handsStudents will be split into two teams. Each team will have 30 minutes to create and appetizer, main course, and dessert using the leftover food items from the first week of cooking camp and the second week of cooking camp. After each round, an outside taste taster came in to evaluate the food. The team with the most round wins, wins the challenge. For the main entrée round, the dish had to include a protein. They also had to make sure they prepared enough for everyone to eat. Taste Testing: 15 minutesEach group will talk about what they prepared after each round, including the various ingredientsEach youth is required to take at least one bite- if they don’t like it, they don’t have to eat the rest Closure: 15 minutesReview food groupsReview differences between animal and plant proteinReview the process of using measuring cups, skillet, food processor, etcReflection:The youth really enjoyed this lesson. They were so sad it was their last day because they wanted to keep cooking. The loved the books and the story behind them. The youth also really liked the challenges for the day and that they were able to apply the skills and knowledge they learned from the week into the activity. They were very competitive against each other which added extra excitement. Once they got to try the food they made, they were impressed with themselves. They were supportive of each other and happy they got to eat food.Appendix H: Cooking Creations Camp RecipesAppendix I: Cooking Creations Camp ActivitiesName:Day of the Week:Food GroupBreakfastLunchDinnerSnacksDairyGrainsVegetablesFruitProteinMyPlate TemplateMain Agriculture CropsBarley: Cereal Grain, primary energy source for ruminants due to the high amount of protein and fiber. The energy content of barley is slightly lower than the energy value of corn and wheat. The crude protein content of barley is higher than in corn and similar to wheat and oats.It’s a cool season plant and has been adapted throughout temperate growing regions by development of specific cultivars that matched local growing conditions.Like corn, it lacks sufficient carotene. Cattle tend to bloat more on barley-based feedlot diets compared to other cereal grains. Wheat: Fourth leading U.S. field crop and our leading export crop. Two distinct growing seasons. Winter wheat (accounts for about 70 to 80 percent of U.S. production) and spring wheatWheat pasture is a valuable source of high-quality foragePrimarily a source of energy in the form of carbohydrates. The rapid rate of starch digestion, as well as the gluten component of the protein, makes wheat more difficult to feed than other grains. Wheat should be processed to improve its digestibility.Byproducts of wheat include: Bran, germ, flour.Oats: Lower in energyMore bulky than other common feed grains. Ideal grain for starting cattle on feed because of its high hull and fiber content. A concentrate feed. Death can occur from acidosis and enterotoxemia due to over-consumption of oat grain by young animals. Oat straw is more nutritious and palatable than wheat straw.Corn: Lower in protein and slightly higher in energy compared to othersContains approximately 70% starch on a dry-matter basis. High fructose corn syrup is the biggest use of corn in human food. Non-food items include: Toothpaste, Batteries, Cosmetics, Medicines, Paper Products, Paints & Dyes, Inks, Glues, Detergents, Cleaners, Fireworks, Lubricants, Rubber Tires, Plastics, Body Lotions, and Shoe PolishEthanol can be used as a fuel in motorized engines. Much safer for the environment than petroleum-based gasoline. Good for the environment. Since ethanol can be made from corn or other starchy/sugary sources, the supply will never run out. US largest corn producer of the world80% used in livestock, poultry, and fish productionSoybean: Relatively high in protein. Have a protein quality rating that is equal to eggs or cow's milk. Most soybeans are processed for their oil and protein for animal feed. The processors bake the high-protein fiber that is left after the oil is removed and sell it for animal feed. A small percentage is used for human products such as soy milk, soy flour, soy protein, tofu and others. The oil may be refined for cooking and other edible uses, or sold for biodiesel production or industrial uses. Poultry and swine industries are the main consumers of soybean meal. Because of fat intake concerns, do not feed whole soybeans free-choice. Grinding raw soybeans increases their digestibility. Second largest in production in USAlfalfa: Alfalfa is the primary hay crop grown in this country.It’s a legume able to produce high yields without nitrogen fertilization. High levels of digestible protein make it an extremely valuable feed. It is very important for beef and dairy cattle. Alfalfa has an initial rate of ruminal digestion that is five to ten times greater than that of most grasses. The rapid microbial colonization and digestion of alfalfa reduces particle size, enabling the animal to consume greater quantities of forage, also responsible for bloat. Primary hay crop grown in US. “SPREAD THE WORD” PLANNING SHEETOur grain is: .Your target audience: Everybody, people of all ages! You need to make sure your audience understands why the grain is valuable to our everyday lives and what some of the uses are.Uses and importance of the grain in our daily lives:1. .2. .3. . 4. .5. .6. .7. .The fun part!Please describe what your poster will be like in the space provided below. . . . . .Fruit WheelMilk Comparison ChartWhich Milk is Best???Fill in the charts below. Once you finish, decide which milk is better for you! Whole MilkCaloriesCalories from fatSugarsProteinCalcium 2% MilkCaloriesCalories from fatSugarsProteinCalcium 1% MilkCaloriesCalories from fatSugarsProteinCalcium Fat Free Milk CaloriesCalories from fatSugarsProteinCalcium Soy Milk CaloriesCalories from fatSugarsProteinCalcium Coconut Milk CaloriesCalories from fatSugarsProteinCalcium Which milk is best?______________________________Appendix J: Data Collection Interview Questions STEM Questionnaire- STEM programHave you ever heard of STEM before participating in this program? If so, where have you heard of STEM before?Do you like STEM? And why?Do you see yourself having a future in STEM? Why or why not?Do you know what you want to be when you grow up? If so, what?What was your favorite thing about the program?What was your least favorite thing about the program?Would you take a similar program to this again?Is there anything you would do differently if you were to take the class over? Why or why not?Why do you think STEM is important? Explain your answer.STEM Questionnaire- Non-STEM program Note: The following answer was provided as a standard definition of STEM if the youth answered “No” to the first question. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. It allows you as a student to use a more hands-on approach when it comes to learning.center0Have you ever heard of STEM before?400000Have you ever heard of STEM before?4267200265430No0No3714750265430981075160655Yes00Yes1343025265430379095097791Explain to youth what STEM is. Continue with questions 4-7 listed below.00Explain to youth what STEM is. Continue with questions 4-7 listed below.228600107315Continue with questions 2-7 listed below.00Continue with questions 2-7 listed below.2. Where have you heard of STEM before?3. Do you like STEM and why or why not?4. Do you see yourself having a future in STEM? Why or why not?5. Do you know what you want to be when you grow up? If so, what?6. Would you be interested in taking a STEM-related program? 7. Why do you think STEM is important? Explain your answer. ................

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